lofam3.yaml 69 KB

  1. Album: Land of Fans and Music 3
  2. Directory: lofam3
  3. Cover Art: Quietserval
  4. Banner Art: Lunise
  5. Banner Dimensions: 1100x203
  6. Date: December 15, 2013
  7. Date Added: March 16, 2020
  8. Color: '#88a4ff'
  9. Groups:
  10. - Unofficial MSPA Fans
  11. - Fandom
  12. URLs:
  13. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/album/land-of-fans-and-music-3
  14. - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2E1aOkERtLVH6mVZNPZ8Cou4_K_6n7QS
  15. Commentary: |
  16. <i>Veritas Unae:</i>
  17. In 2011, some musicians got together. They had an idea, to grab together some of the many pieces of fan music floating around the MSPA forums and the internet, and compile it into an album for the fandom to download. I can remember excitedly heading to my second semester classes at university listening to the tunes that these fantastic artists had provided, and the track art to go with each song. I'm so glad to have worked with most if not all of these musicians along the course of the past 3 years.
  18. I got my own chacne to participate in these endeavours in 2012, with the fan musicians coming together to work on Sburb OST and LoFaM 2. And now we're here, in 2013, releasing LoFaM 3 for you all. I hope you love each and every track on this album, much like I remember loving LoFaM in 2011. Many thanks have to be extended to everyone who brings these projects together, most of all Lune, who has handled everything art for the project! I couldn't have done it without her. Thanks to Brad for making the booklet, AndrewNeo for hosting all this fan music for us, Xzaz for being incredible at picking tracks and references, as well as the brave sacrifices he has made for the album, and to Solatrus, Konec0 and Mark for helping along the way.
  19. Thanks for listening!
  20. - Veritas Unae
  21. <i>Lunise:</i>
  22. So this sure is a thing! I did art for LOFAM2 and retconned in a nice banner for the rehosted LOFAM1, so naturally I sold my soul to the LOFAM once more to draw things and wrangle some artists for the third album! I consider this project a tribute to the creative side of the Homestuck fandom. You guys rock! I hope yoiu enjoy this album and take a look at all the cool art for it.
  23. - your friendly neighborhood Lune
  24. <hr>
  25. <i>Special Thanks:</i>
  26. <b>-CONCEPTION/ORGANIZATION-</b><br>Lune (Artist Wrangler)<br>Veritas Unae (Musician Wrangler)
  27. <b>-ADDITIONAL ORGANIZATION-</b><br>Brad "Avinoch" Griffin &lt;- thanking myself<br>Catboss (Catboss)<br>Mark Ciocca<br>Jeremy "Solatrus" Iamurri<br>Lambda "Xzaz" Blesdoe<br>...and everybody who nominated songs!
  28. <b>-MASTERING-</b><br>Veritas Unae
  29. <b>-<small>YET ANOTHER</small> COMMENTARY BOOKLET-</b><br>Brad "Avinoch" Griffin &lt;- twice
  30. <b>-WEBSITE CODE-</b><br>Veritas Unae
  31. <b>-WEBSITE HOSTING-</b><br>AndrewNeo and skaia.net
  32. <b>-INSPIRATION-</b><br>Andrew Hussie &amp; What Pumpkin Studios<br>The Homestuck Music Team<br>The Homestuck Fan Musicians
  33. ---
  34. Group: Disk 1
  35. ---
  36. Track: ˚ Disk 1 ˚
  37. Artist: Veritas Unae
  38. Track Art: none
  39. Duration: 0:24
  40. References: Violet and Gold
  41. Directory: disk1-lofam3
  42. URLs:
  43. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/disk-1-2
  44. - https://youtu.be/o3cpnDkAhFY
  45. ---
  46. Track: The Delicate Art of Temporal Manipulation
  47. Artist: Eston Schweickart
  48. Track Art: dodostad
  49. Duration: '4:18'
  50. Art Tags:
  51. - Calliope
  52. - Lord English
  53. URLs:
  54. - >-
  55. https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/the-delicate-art-of-temporal-manipulation
  56. - https://youtu.be/52uozC1h_YU
  57. Commentary: |
  58. <i>dodostad:</i>
  59. I want so very badly to draw cherubs, Lord English chasing down poor Calliope.
  60. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  61. Hi there. I am the guy doing the commentary booklet again. This is one of the few tracks where either the musician or artist didn't leave commentary. Though there aren't enough free pages for an epic tale like last time, I figure I can find something to put to fill in the blanks.
  62. Some cool time-reversal effects in this track. Very reminiscent of the Felt album. Cool art, too. Always like Ella's stuff.
  63. <i>Quasar Nebula:</i>
  64. (per [[track:jungle-3|LoFaM 4 standard]], ive highlighted commentary from people besides the original musicians or cover artists in bold!)
  65. ---
  66. Track: Bite the Apple
  67. Artist: Matt Lee
  68. Track Art: inimitable-nectar
  69. Duration: '4:21'
  70. URLs:
  71. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/bite-the-apple
  72. - https://youtu.be/ifulxtLc1_o
  73. Art Tags:
  74. - John
  75. Commentary: |
  76. <i>Matt Lee:</i>
  77. Hey there! Bite the Apple is a song about John going from being a goofy kid playing the piano to a goofy kid being launched into SBURB! For me, this was an incredibly refreshing song to write, and I still find it refreshing to listen to! You might even call it... A Breath of fresh Heir. I'm so sorry, I'll never make puns again. Thanks for listening!
  78. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  79. In this piece, John is biting the apple. Clever!
  80. ---
  81. Track: Planet Cracker
  82. Artist: Colin Stanfill
  83. Track Art: awakesleeping
  84. Duration: '1:40'
  85. Art Tags:
  86. - Jane
  87. - Roxy
  88. - Dirk
  89. - Jake
  90. URLs:
  91. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/planet-cracker
  92. - https://youtu.be/2RXMevfxCPg
  93. References: Sunsetter
  94. Commentary: |
  95. <i>Colin Stanfill:</i>
  96. I wrote this song as an art exchange for redux on the forums who wanted more sunsetter remixes.
  97. <i>awakesleeping:</i>
  98. When I first saw the track's name on its own I thought of Caliborn's planet quest, but I thought this song was too upbeat for that, so I went with a Derse and Prospit's moons exploding and the Alphas reaching godtier. I really enjoyed drawing Jake and Jane's face. Drawing Derse and Prospit was quite the challenge but I hope I managed something recognizable! I tried to include some pixely elements and most of the godtier update (unfortunately I couldn't find a place for Jake's crotch but hey we all know why he's so shocked).
  99. ---
  100. Track: I'm Not a Hero
  101. Artist: Robyo
  102. Track Art: infinitymechanism
  103. Duration: '5:32'
  104. Art Tags:
  105. - Dave
  106. URLs:
  107. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/im-not-a-hero
  108. - https://youtu.be/2PBxH568OIE
  109. References:
  110. - track:upward-movement-dave-owns
  111. Commentary: |
  112. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  113. Ok so no art OR musician commentary for this page.
  114. This track is a jamming remix of Upwad Movement... Pretty rocking! Also there might be a banjo in it at 2:45. Might be something else, but it certainly sounds like a banjo to me.
  115. The track art is Dave Strider from Homestuck. He is the one referenced in the song title. He's not a hero.
  116. John is the hero. (See [[track:youre-the-hero-its-you|track 19]].)
  117. ---
  118. Track: confinis
  119. Artist: horizon
  120. Track Art: paveffer
  121. Duration: '3:19'
  122. Art Tags:
  123. - The Disciple
  124. - The Signless
  125. URLs:
  126. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/confinis
  127. - https://youtu.be/-3k6uySX2X4
  128. Lyrics: >
  129. Though rain shall fall and blood shall spill<br>I swear on the stars shining up
  130. above<br>Through war and strife, and winter's chill<br>I'll stay by your side,
  131. my love
  132. Commentary: |
  133. <i>horizon:</i>
  134. As a theme for the Disciple/Signless(Sufferer) pairing, I wanted the song to be haunting, cold, and forebodying, but still beautiful and rich.
  135. The word <i>confinis</i> is latin for "beside" or "adjacent to" -- in astrology, it is another word for semisextile, which is an aspect of 30°. Such angles only occur when two planets are in two signs next to each other; in this case I'm referring to Cancer and Leo. The song (and image, for that matter) both follow this concept of 'togetherness', no matter what may face them -- and you'll see that The Disciple keeps her promise, as she is found in our night sky beside the prophet Cancerian.
  136. <i>Brad Griffin:</i>
  137. Don't see much art or songs for the Ancestors. Both are pretty.
  138. ---
  139. Track: Emissary of Dance
  140. Artist: Catboss
  141. Track Art: Phil Gibson
  142. Duration: '9:12'
  143. Art Tags:
  144. - John
  145. URLs:
  146. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/emissary-of-dance
  147. - https://youtu.be/G4qa1mTNYrc
  148. References:
  149. - Emissary of Wind
  150. - Rabbunctious!
  151. - Anbroids V2.0
  152. - Indigo Heir
  153. - track:lancer
  154. - track:outer-reaches
  155. - Rust Servant
  156. - Gold Pilot
  157. - Teal Seer
  158. - Eternity Served Cold
  159. - The Land of Wind and Shade
  160. - Dirgeish
  161. - Despot
  162. - Scourge Sisters
  163. - Vigilante
  164. - A Fashionable Escape
  165. - track:layers-upon-layers
  166. - Iron Infidel
  167. - track:cumuloseerus
  168. - Embittered Shore
  169. - Final Stand
  170. - track:dissension-original
  171. - wwretched wwaltz
  172. - The Paradox Paradigm
  173. - Fuchsia Ruler
  174. - The Ballad of Maplehoof
  175. - Starkind
  176. - Minihoof's Adventure
  177. - Cobalt Corsair
  178. - track:on-golden-dreams
  179. - Jackpot
  180. - Checkmate
  181. - Dogfight
  182. - Cyan Beast
  183. - White King
  184. Commentary: |
  185. <i>Catboss:</i>
  186. This is more of a MGDVN 2.5 than a 3, really. After DSD I was all, okay I'm tapped out of official Homestuck songs, what now?
  187. Fanmusic. Fanmusic is what.
  188. This song is essentially a lov letter to the huge, burgeoning, and pretty much excellent fanmusic community. There is so much creativity and talent there it is pretty ridiculous?? Also, I would probably never have gotten any of my stuff online if it wasn't for the community's support so basically you guys are awesome.
  189. now the hard part
  190. Quotes songs by... *deep breath*
  191. eston"silence"schweickartbradgriffin(avinoch)malcolmbrown paultuttlestarclarkpowellcahrles"crazy-8"neudorfwillascenzo firstturnfoldkeral.joneserik"jit"scheele kristian"dacen"andersonnicksmalleymichaelguybowman... *puff* *wheeze*
  192. <small>...brenna"randomencounter"curranyan"nucleose"rodriguezmarcynabors(shadolith) sammneilandmax"imbrog"wrightgecdavidkorobert"kali"blaker paige"hrmnzr"<small>stanleysinisterpsycheian"myusernamesmud"white toby"radiatio<small>n"foxveritasunaeda<small>vid"dirtiest"dycus teamdogfightdavidellis(alunatic'sda</small>ydream)demographerist</small></small></small>
  193. ---
  194. Track: Dance of Viridian and Violet
  195. Artist: Willow Ascenzo
  196. Track Art: rosesarecrimson
  197. Duration: '3:13'
  198. References:
  199. - Dance of Thorns
  200. - track:endless-climb
  201. Art Tags:
  202. - Rose
  203. - Kanaya
  204. URLs:
  205. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/dance-of-viridian-and-violet
  206. - https://youtu.be/eHLP_behr8M
  207. Commentary: |
  208. <i>Willow Ascenzo:</i>
  209. Dance of Viridian and Violet is an oldtrack of mine--about two years old! I was surprised anyone remembered it enough to nominate it for Land of Fans and Music 3, but I suppose I should never underestimate people's willingness to dig years back through a fanartist's works. Anyway, like I said, it is very old and absolutely no mastering was used on it whatsoever (I'm scared to actually look at its waveform) since back then I didn't know what mastering was. The song ended up sounding quite beautiful, and I sitll think so today, despite my relative lack of skill.
  210. Of course, this track being so old, I'd long since deleted the original FL Studio project file during spring cleaning, so I didn't have access to any of the MIDI data (the same thing happened with [[Sign of the Scorpion]]). I couldn't even properly remaster the song since I no longer had a lossless source. That's why I made a brand-new arrangement of the piece for LOFAM 3 that captures the piece's ouriginal beauty and romantic feel while only adding to its richness and elegance. Both Dance of Thorns and Endless Climb are hinted at in the composition, and while there aren't any quotes from Alternia/Bound, the stately elegance of the piece is meant to recall Kanaya.
  211. <i>rosesarecrimson:</i>
  212. This was a piece where I had the concept from day one. I knew that the piece ought to be ballet-inspired, given the prompt. Grimdark Rose and Kanpire were aesthetic choices - I wanted their duet to be balanced, with neither one taking the background role, and the duality suited the theme nicely.
  213. ---
  214. Track: Warweary Villein
  215. Artist: Dakota Medina
  216. Track Art: piskomil
  217. Duration: '1:09'
  218. References: Mayor Maynot
  219. Art Tags:
  220. - WV
  221. URLs:
  222. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/warweary-villein
  223. - https://youtu.be/gt6NZuHiomw
  224. Lyrics: |
  225. You're a little superhero<br>You're the mayor<br>You're the one
  226. You've got the courage<br>To stick to it<br>Maybe not the brains<br>Maybe not the Brawn
  227. Wave your flag high<br>Let the mercy show<br>Let the merciless one know<br>The crown has got to go
  228. *repeat "Mayor"*
  229. Commentary: |
  230. <i>Dakota Medina:</i>
  231. Warweary Villein is a song about my personal favorite character. Inspired by Toby Fox's 'Mayor Maynot' it is about how such a little dude can be such an inspiration for a massive call to arms. My favorite part about the piece is the harmonies. The song was also revamped for the LoFaM3 album and completely remade from the ground up. Hope you enjoy!
  232. <i>piskomil:</i>
  233. He's on a walk with his citizen-cans. They're having a lot of fun if you couldn't tell.
  234. ---
  235. Track: Thermporia
  236. Artist: Yan Rodriguez
  237. Track Art: insecureIllustrator
  238. Duration: '2:50'
  239. References:
  240. - track:atomyk-ebonpyre
  241. Art Tags:
  242. - Dave
  243. URLs:
  244. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/thermporia
  245. - https://youtu.be/fw6QZk-KT3c
  246. Commentary: |
  247. <i>Yan Rodriguez:</i>
  248. This song came out of strange feelings.
  249. I thought that a lot of remixes of this song were treading the same ground, and while they were cool I liked this song enough to try my own shot at it using what seems to be becoming my signature style. Well people enjoyed it, but I still think it could have had more... pizazz.
  250. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  251. sooooooo goooooood
  252. <i><b>Veritas Unae:</b></i>
  253. no, but really, SOO GOOOOD
  254. ---
  255. Track: 720413
  256. Artist: Lark Mordancy
  257. Track Art: sayachan-art
  258. Duration: '3:18'
  259. References:
  260. - track:sburban-jungle
  261. - 69423
  262. Art Tags:
  263. - John
  264. - Rose
  265. - Dave
  266. - Jade
  267. - Jane
  268. - Roxy
  269. - Dirk
  270. - Jake
  271. URLs:
  272. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/720413
  273. - https://youtu.be/DhVjLTpVKe8
  274. Commentary: |
  275. <i>Lark Mordancy:</i>
  276. Sburban Jungle has been stuck in my head since the moment I first heard it in Homestuck, and the rest of Michael Guy Bowman's work is equally memorable. For this piece, I chose to mix Sburban Jungle with 69423 from his album Comfortable Bugs. As for the title, well, I'm thinking of a number between 450 and 850...
  277. <i>sayanchan-art:</i>
  278. This music gave me a ton of inspiration for the track art but I ahd to draw a lot of different things and concepts before I actually came down to what I really wanted. For starters, Sburban Jungle has always been the music that kick started the game for the kids. For a beautiful track like this I felt the need to be a bit more abstract, so as the kids rise up, they bleed this colourful and glitchy glitter and the image itself follows the sequence of the Zodiac Signs (Trolls amde the kids), Green Spirograph (Beta Kids session) and the game reset which amde the Sburb logo red (Alpha kids session).
  279. ---
  280. Track: March of the Aluminum Soldiers
  281. Artist: Ian White
  282. Contributors: Veritas Unae (some percussion)
  283. Track Art: rosesarecrimson
  284. Duration: '3:52'
  285. Art Tags:
  286. - AR
  287. URLs:
  288. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/march-of-the-aluminum-soldiers
  289. - https://youtu.be/Ss3LYhN-SjI
  290. Commentary: |
  291. <i>Ian White:</i>
  292. it is a march
  293. inspired by kirby games
  294. and I guess Sousa
  295. that guy is like the king of marches
  296. <i>Veritas Unae:</i>
  297. i didn't even do anything except duplicate a snare sound that's it
  298. also sousa is the best
  299. <i>rosesarecrimson:</i>
  300. I knew from the minute I read it that I wanted it to look something like a Russian propaganda poster. The toughest thing about this was the over composition. Turns out it's reallllllly hard to get a rectangular composition to translate to a square.
  301. ---
  302. Track: An Uncertain Venture
  303. Artist: David Ellis
  304. Track Art: awakesleeping
  305. Duration: '3:00'
  306. Art Tags:
  307. - Jake
  308. - Dirk
  309. - Sawtooth
  310. - Squarewave
  311. URLs:
  312. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/an-uncertain-venture
  313. - https://youtu.be/oWyVIEsRvas
  314. Commentary: |
  315. <i>David Ellis:</i>
  316. This is intended as a walkabout track.
  317. No guitars this time.
  318. <i>awakesleeping:</i>
  319. This piece has a bit of back story that I made up and I suppose I might've been more than a little self-indulgent here with my otp, but it's what the song made me think of. So the idea is that Dirk and Jake are adventuring together on lomax with Sawtooth and Squarewave (who are providing the hip hop backdrop). I imagine Dirk would be very controlling during tomb raids and such, taking the leader role, or at least being manipulative in some way. I think this would really make Jake feel uncomfortable and.... (wait for it) uncertain about his feelings towards Dirk. I think the song's vibe really matches this as well with the cool electronic instrumentation (Dirk) and the walk around looping anxiousness of it (Jack and his adventuring).
  320. ---
  321. Track: Hymn of the Horrorterrors
  322. Artist: Tamara Fritz
  323. Track Art: ladylovelycocks
  324. Duration: '1:58'
  325. Art Tags:
  326. - Rose
  327. - Horrorterrors
  328. URLs:
  329. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/hymn-of-the-horrorterrors
  330. - https://youtu.be/KUd1l0NnSrU
  331. Lyrics: |
  335. Commentary: |
  336. <i>Tamara Fritz:</i>
  337. This is a piece entirely done in a constructed language entirely created by me. Deatils can be found on <a href="https://melodystuckrosearchive.tumblr.com/post/40875330244/hymn-of-the-horrorterrors-futma-kul-shemtor-be">the original post</a> on tumblr found on the 'melodystuckrose' blog.
  338. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  339. Pretty would be an understatement.
  340. I partiuclarly like the lacy border.
  341. ---
  342. Track: Sgrubian Wilderness
  343. Artist: Veritas Unae
  344. Track Art: Brad Griffin
  345. Duration: '2:31'
  346. References:
  347. - track:sburban-jungle
  348. Art Tags:
  349. - Karkat
  350. URLs:
  351. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/sgrubian-wilderness
  352. - https://youtu.be/hVVbfM8aSgU
  353. Commentary: |
  354. <i>Veritas Unae:</i>
  355. I did htis piece a while back, quite some time ago now. It was a hypothetical theme fro Sgrub in the same vein as Sburban Jungle was. I considered reworking the piece, but everywhere I turned the piece wasn't really getting better, so here it is in all its original Sibelius 6 glory! Imagine this playing as all of the trolls enter the medium for the very first time. Go imagination, go!
  356. <i>Brad Griffin:</i>
  357. Karkat furiously playing the marinba ostinato.
  358. ---
  359. Track: Medium
  360. Artist: Arzenic
  361. Track Art: Scarodactyl
  362. Duration: '3:07'
  363. Art Tags:
  364. - Consorts
  365. - Denizens
  366. - Horrorterrors
  367. URLs:
  368. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/medium
  369. - https://youtu.be/ZSnq_Tfalsc
  370. Lyrics: |
  371. Alternating.<br>Oscillating.<br>Head is shaking.<br>Knees are aching.
  372. Thoughts are spiraling.<br>Caught compiling.<br>Median interest.<br>Nothing to tie us.
  373. Medium<br>Medium<br>Medium<br>Medium
  374. Commentary: |
  375. <i>Arzenic:</i>
  376. This song was my first serious attempt at incorporating vocals into music. At the time this song was created, I had no recording equipment other than a mic on my webcam (and I actually used that same thing to re-record the vocals). Since the audio quality was incomprehensibly bad, I ended up messing around with equalization and limiting a lot, and because of that, I had to change the song to compensate. It went from a more acoustic song, to a song that used a lot of percussion, to even chiptune at one point. It finally settled on this pad-synth kinda' style, and I'd say I'm pretty pleased with that.
  377. Excluding the actual production, hte subject and title of the song, "Medium", really stood out to me while I was making it. The Medium holds all of the planets, all of the life, and all of the excitemnt of S___b. Actually, it holds everything that there is about the game. So, I wanted to make the song sound vast, but I also wanted it to be a bit more personal. Maybe "vastness of the mind" could be a good description. All in all, I'm satisfied wit hthe osng, and I hope whoever hears it will be as well.
  378. <i>Scarodactyl:</i>
  379. I really enjoyed working on this one. Trying to get the entirety of The Medium into the canvas in a coherent way was an interesting challenge.
  380. ---
  381. Track: Fracta Sub Luna
  382. Artist: Thomas Ferkol
  383. Track Art: dodostad
  384. Duration: '3:15'
  385. Art Tags:
  386. - Snowman
  387. URLs:
  388. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/fracta-sub-luna
  389. - https://youtu.be/hkLz5tuPvJk
  390. Commentary: |
  391. <i>dodostad:</i>
  392. I imagined this song would fit Snowman perfectly, so I tried to squish dramatic moonlight and her into the same square and this is the end result.
  393. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  395. ---
  396. Track: Fool [Explicit]
  397. Directory: fool
  398. Artist: PhemieC
  399. Track Art: PhemieC
  400. Duration: '5:19'
  401. Art Tags:
  402. - Gamzee
  403. - 'cw: blood (abstract)'
  404. URLs:
  405. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/fool-explicit
  406. - https://youtu.be/23Ekyew6ljc
  407. Lyrics: |
  408. Boy, you get my guts tied up in such a twisted noisy ruckus
  409. Heaven sent that you are, wouldn’t lift a claw or cut me off ‘cause
  410. Rambling as I ever am I shamble to your chair and stables
  411. Watch you all enraptured as you shuffle cards and stutter fables
  412. Break my habit, you’re my habit, I’d trade my limbs for one of you
  413. Two legs for two lips, now I’d say that’s a fair trade, wouldn’t you?
  414. Drop my habit, you’re my habit, I’d trade my habit to get you back and I’m
  415. Like a fool without a calling, like a heartsick fool
  416. Boy, you like to play the martyr, but if I pray a little harder
  417. If I close the window and come back here when I’m not so sober
  418. If I said it plainly not in riddle-rhymes, all cagey,
  419. Would you answer with a smile made of brackets or look at me strangely?
  420. Break my habit, you’re my habit, I’d trade my limbs for one of you
  421. Two legs for two lips, now I’d say that’s a fair trade, wouldn’t you?
  422. Drop my habit, you were my habit, I’d trade my habit to get you back and
  423. It’s you and I again just writing, shiftless, click clack clicking, grinning
  424. Like a fool without a calling, like a heartsick fool
  425. Boy, you’re on the floor and on my fingers, dripping from my kisses
  426. Eyes so vacant, would you hate it, if I said you look delicious?
  427. The laughter dies and rots inside me, brother, it is you all over
  428. Stay beside me here and guide me, unrequited would-be lover
  429. Took my miracle, you’re my miracle, I’d trade my brains for one of you
  430. Two gods for two voices, I’d say that’s a fair trade, wouldn’t you?
  431. Need a miracle, you’re my miracle, I’d trade a miracle to get you back and I’m
  432. Left without a friend, soaked to the bone and backwards bent
  433. I’m seeing shades, screaming repent your sickness leave it here for lent
  434. Now witness, here, a fool without a calling! I’m a heartsick fool.
  435. Still the fool without a calling, still a fucking fool.
  436. Commentary: |
  437. <i>PhemieC:</i>
  438. A sad, one-sided GamTav song from Gamzee's POV.
  439. ---
  440. Track: You're the Hero (It's You)
  441. Artist: David Dycus
  442. Track Art: ladylovelycocks
  443. Duration: '2:48'
  444. Art Tags:
  445. - John
  446. URLs:
  447. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/youre-the-hero-its-you
  448. - https://youtu.be/4joVcHKDX3w
  449. Commentary: |
  450. <i>David Dycus:</i>
  451. Written for, but not entered in, the Homestuck music contest. It would have been submitted for John. It was loosely intended to be a major-key counterpart to my song [[Checkmate]] from Colours &amp; Mayhem: Universe B.
  452. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  453. This art is about John because it was established earlier that Dave is not a hero (see [[track:im-not-a-hero|track 5]]).
  454. ---
  455. Track: Oh Hi There, Lil Cal
  456. Artist: Catboss
  457. Track Art: dodostad
  458. Duration: '3:08'
  459. Art Tags:
  460. - Lil Cal
  461. URLs:
  462. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/oh-hi-there-lil-cal
  463. - https://youtu.be/BidbwQ8gRQk
  464. Commentary: |
  465. <i>Catboss:</i>
  466. This is a remake of an old track I made back when lil' cal was still a creepy little puppet, which actually, is all the time.
  468. <i>dodostad:</i>
  469. I originally drew this on a post it note, and it kept reappearing in weird places and scaring me. It was a sign I had to paint this, I think.
  470. ---
  471. Track: Courtroom Shuffle
  472. Artist: Nitrosparxx
  473. Track Art: Elanor Pam
  474. References: Terezi's Theme
  475. Duration: '3:00'
  476. Art Tags:
  477. - Terezi
  478. - Karkat
  479. - Tavros
  480. - Nepeta
  481. - Vriska
  482. - Gamzee
  483. - Eridan
  484. URLs:
  485. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/courtroom-shuffle
  486. - https://youtu.be/Ue2n6q90Yko
  487. Commentary: |
  488. <i>Nitrosparxx:</i>
  489. Well, I certainly didn't expect this song to take off like it did! What was originally just another remix suddenly became one of my most well known and recognized songs! It all started when I saw an interesting post speculating what instruments the trolls might've played. There was harp for Aradia, there was guitar for Tavros, and for Terezi it had clarinet. As soon as I saw that, I knew I had to do a jazzed up remix of her theme. So for about two days, I transcribed the melody, worked out some chords, and did up a bassline and drumbeat. It was kind of weird working on this song, since I was using the unconventional 8/4 time rather than 4/4 time. The reason for this was to make the eight-note swing sound like sixteenth-note swing. Although I'm not as much into Homestuck any more and I feel as though I've written better songs since then, I am still pleased that a lot of people liked this song!
  490. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  491. This track was actually slated to be on LOFAM 2 originally, but got pushed back for some reason or other. This art's been around since then. Very dramatic.
  492. ---
  493. Track: Waveform
  494. Artist: ndividedbyzero
  495. Track Art: Yorick Cobb
  496. Duration: '3:07'
  497. References:
  498. - Trepidation
  499. - track:upward-movement-dave-owns
  500. - Negative Aperture
  501. - Miasmajesty
  502. Art Tags:
  503. - Squarewave
  504. - Sawtooth
  505. URLs:
  506. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/waveform
  507. - https://youtu.be/ygw3O4dmRYI
  508. Commentary: |
  509. <i>ndividedbyzero:</i>
  510. In June 2012, Homestuck Volume 9 was released, and I was real excited. Given that it had been months since the whole team had made a new collaborative effort, I took no time in repaying the album several times a day for weeks after its release. As you might expect, this kinda gets into your subconscious. And one night, I had a dream. I was in my room, listening to Trepidation. Then... actually, I'm pretty sure that was the whole dream. When I woke up, I begain thinking about what the dream could have meant. My conclusion was that I should probably listen to Trepidation some more. And I did. And it ended up becoming my favorite Homestuck song.
  511. About seven months later, I reminded myself about the fact that the LOFAM 3 project was probably about to start soon. Resolving to make a quality song before the selection process began, I decided to make a Trepidation rearrange, given that I practically knew all its notes by heart by then. So I opened up FL studio, and began working nonstop for the next day and a half to finish it. It ended up quoting not only Trepidation, but also Negative Aperture, Miasmajesty and Upwards Movement, and I'm pretty proud of the end results!
  512. <i>Yorick Cobb:</i>
  513. This picture started out digitally as an attempt to imitate N's original placeholder, but I had to restart it when the pen on my tablet wore down. Because I am more comfortable with physical media, the piece was free to go in more interesting directions. I feel digital art is better suited to applications like music art, so I added distinctly digital colors.
  514. ---
  515. Track: Maidswap
  516. Artist: Ashley Jones
  517. Track Art: Scarodactyl
  518. Duration: '5:06'
  519. References:
  520. - Havoc
  521. - Fuchsia Ruler
  522. - 0
  523. - Ugly Betty
  524. - --Emperical
  525. - Rust Servant
  526. - The Lost Child
  527. - English
  528. Art Tags:
  529. - The Handmaid
  530. - The Condesce
  531. URLs:
  532. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/maidswap
  533. - https://youtu.be/DzUKjwDTtrs
  534. Commentary: |
  535. <i>Ashley Jones:</i>
  536. I find that a lot of my Homestuck tracks tend to be medleys: One of my first ideas for a track was the Gamzee vs. Dave rap battle with all their motifs as a backdrop (that never really picked off because UGH, LACK OF VOCAL TALENT ON MY PART). This one follows a similar vein; Her Imperious Condescension vs. Lord English's Handmaid. I wanted the track to show how tired of life the Handmaid had become, so a lot of her motifs get cut short quite abrasively by HIC's "attacks", as it were. She puts up a little bit of a struggle sometimes, but eventually she just accepts her fate and lets herself be replaced. So ends the tragic life of the Alernian Ancestors.
  537. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  538. All of Scarodactyl's art was actually slightly smaller than the resolution I used for this booklet. Hopefully upscaling it didn't ruin the pixels too much.
  539. ---
  540. Track: Sleepy Eyes of Derse
  541. Artist: Colin Stanfill
  542. Track Art: multiversalInk
  543. Duration: '2:27'
  544. Art Tags:
  545. - Roxy
  546. URLs:
  547. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/sleepy-eyes-of-derse
  548. - https://youtu.be/JQ9uU7w6gxA
  549. Commentary: |
  550. <i>Colin Stanfill:</i>
  551. This song was written for the colours &amp; mayhem contest, but was never entered.
  552. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  553. There's no sleepy eyes,<br>Just a snoozing Roxy butt.<br>(I'm not complaining)
  554. ---
  555. Track: Sign of the Scorpion
  556. Artist: Willow Ascenzo
  557. Track Art: Ducky Senpai
  558. Duration: '3:05'
  559. References: Spider's Claw
  560. Art Tags:
  561. - Vriska
  562. URLs:
  563. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/sign-of-the-scorpion
  564. - https://youtu.be/8dT6s4MJf9Y
  565. Commentary: |
  566. <i>Willow Ascenzo:</i>
  567. Sign of the Scorpion is an old track of mine, about maybe 14 or 15 months old, and while I'm legitimately proud of a lot of compositional elements, the mastering and production horrified me looking back on it. Like [[Dance of Viridian and Violet]], I'd long since deleted the project file, since it was just a one-off Homestuck song that I figured I was unlikely to ever need again, so I made a nwe arrangement of the piece from scratch, taking elements I liked frmo the original and putting them in a new context. It doesn't quote any Homestuck themes (I don't believe the original did at all), except for a brief mention of Spider's Claw right at the end. The new arrangement has a bit more of a hard-rock feel and toned-down orchestral elements, making it a bit more reflective of Vriska as a character.
  568. <i>Ducky Senpai:</i>
  569. I did a track art for one of Ascenzo's songs back in LOFAM2 as well and also the art for [[Rust Apocalypse]]. So, when I saw two songs by them on the available songs for track art, I couldn't really help myself. Their songs are great. I know you like it, I can tell. Hope the track art seems suitable, and that you'll enjoy that as well. I have nothing else to say on the matter. That's it.
  570. ---
  571. Track: Aqueous Armagourddon
  572. Artist: Brad Griffin
  573. Contributors: Malcolm Brown (with regards to)
  574. Track Art: dodostad
  575. Duration: '2:00'
  576. References: Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitler's Water Apocalypse
  577. Art Tags:
  578. - Roxy
  579. URLs:
  580. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/aqueous-armagourddon
  581. - https://youtu.be/Zx4tuVvWJ64
  582. Commentary: |
  583. <i>Brad Griffin:</i>
  584. Like everybody else, I was astounded by Malcolm Brown's <i>Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitler's Water Apocalypse</i> from Volume 9. For this song, I wanted to do a different take on it. Apocalypses aren't all fun and games, after all. Major props to Ella for the wonderful track art.
  585. <small>a pumpkin is a type of gourd that is the pun</small>
  586. <i>dodostad:</i>
  587. I loved the sound of this song but had a hard time figuring out what to draw for it, but whenever in doubt draw a sad Roxy inside a pumpkin.
  588. ---
  589. Track: Fortune Healer
  590. Artist: Joe Ouellet
  591. Track Art: Elanor Pam
  592. Duration: '3:05'
  593. Art Tags:
  594. - Aranea
  595. URLs:
  596. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/fortune-healer
  597. - https://youtu.be/xN72OzBjXK4
  598. Commentary: |
  599. <i>Joe Ouellet:</i>
  600. This is a song for Aranea Serket. I originally set out to make this piece for a Hero of Light, mainly for Rose at the conception of the piece, but as I got further into making it, it became clear it was not a "Rose" song. Although I think this song goes off on too many tangents (not sticking to a particular melody or motif throughout the song) I find it suiting for Aranea due to her tendency to jabber away at any chance she gets, often changing the subject multiple times. Or maybe I just made that up now to make it seem like I did it on purpose...The world may never know. I have also been thinking about making a sort of "sequel" set of songs to this one for Vriska and Rose. They would be called "Fortune Stealer" and "Fortune Teller" respectively.
  601. <i>Elanor Pam:</i>
  602. Aranea.
  603. ---
  604. Track: Bathearst's Theme
  605. Artist: Eston Schweickart
  606. Track Art: Scarodactyl
  607. Duration: '1:24'
  608. URLs:
  609. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/bathearsts-theme
  610. - https://youtu.be/1Mrj-Ga6-3E
  611. Commentary: |
  612. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  614. The first and only Problem Sleuth song on a LoFaM album to date. Hopefully not the last!
  615. ---
  616. Track: The Metamorphosis of Rose Lalonde
  617. Artist: Thomas Ferkol
  618. Track Art: Racheme
  619. Duration: '9:56'
  620. Art Tags:
  621. - Rose
  622. URLs:
  623. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/the-metamorphosis-of-rose-lalonde
  624. - https://youtu.be/KG_2qYN5woQ
  625. Commentary: |
  626. <i>Thomas Ferkol:</i>
  627. A three movement piece based on Rose Lalonde's character developments from normal to grimdark to god tier. It's about 10 minutes all together. Also, the last of the Seer pieces. The first two movements were from early 2011, but the last movement was added after Cascade.
  628. <i>Racheme:</i>
  629. This beautiful track and its title is very direct that this is about Rose and how far she has come since Act 1 so I just drew what it told me, I hope it is okay ;;
  630. ---
  631. Track: Theme of the Slam Jam
  632. Artist: Catboss
  633. Track Art: plaidcushion
  634. Duration: '3:34'
  635. Art Tags:
  636. - Roxy
  637. - Dirk
  638. References:
  639. - Unite Synchronization
  640. - Space Jam
  641. - GameBro (Original 1990 Mix)
  642. - GameGrl (Original 1993 Mix)
  643. URLs:
  644. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/theme-of-the-slam-jam
  645. - https://youtu.be/ESHQd9oIr3Q
  646. Commentary: |
  647. <i>Catboss:</i>
  649. (...c'mon and slam and welcome to the jam)
  650. <i>plaidcushion:</i>
  651. This is simultaneously the best and stupidest thing I have ever created. Thank goodness for the 90's.
  652. ---
  654. Artist: Robert J! Lake
  655. Track Art: Daysi
  656. Duration: '4:04'
  657. Art Tags:
  658. - John
  659. URLs:
  660. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/john-do-the-windy-thing
  661. - https://youtu.be/BkS6EQjFJJM
  662. Lyrics: >
  663. John, do the windy thing,<br>John, do the windy thing,<br>John, do the windy thing,<br>Do
  664. the windy thing...
  665. Commentary: |
  666. <i>Robert J! Lake:</i>
  667. i was drunk
  668. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  669. <span style="font-size: 2em; font-family: cursive">John, do the windy thing,<br>John, do the windy thing,<br>John, do the windy thing,<br>Do the windy thing...</span>
  670. <div style="text-align: right"><i>end of disk 1</i></div>
  671. ---
  672. Group: Disk 2
  673. ---
  674. Track: ˚ Disk 2 ˚
  675. Directory: disk2-lofam3
  676. Artist: Veritas Unae
  677. Track Art: Elanor Pam
  678. Duration: 0:11
  679. References: Eden
  680. Art Tags:
  681. - John
  682. - Rose
  683. - Dave
  684. - Jade
  685. - Jane
  686. - Roxy
  687. - Dirk
  688. - Jake
  689. URLs:
  690. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/disk-2-2
  691. - https://youtu.be/_sfcbpk3S9I
  692. Commentary: |
  693. <i>Brad Griffin:</i>
  694. <i>Halfway there!</i>
  695. I'ma get real for a sec.
  696. The Homestuck fanmusic albums are very dear to me. I've met many friends and colleagues through the creation of the LoFaM albums and the Sburb OST project. I am honoured by each opportunity to work alongside such great talent, and to somehow be included amongst them.
  697. Everybody involved is a great inspiration to me. Thanks.
  698. -Avinoch
  699. ---
  700. Track: Garden of Eden (Part 1)
  701. Artist: Veritas Unae, David Ellis
  702. Track Art: azuzatori
  703. Duration: '8:15'
  704. References:
  705. - Eden
  706. - psych0ruins
  707. - track:doctor
  708. - Savior of the Dreaming Dead
  709. - track:sburban-jungle
  710. - track:growing-up
  711. - Flare
  712. - track:showtime-piano-refrain
  713. - Heir Conditioning
  714. - Dawn of Man
  715. - Cascade (Beta)
  716. - Liquid Negrocity
  717. - track:ruins
  718. - Black Rose / Green Sun
  719. Art Tags:
  720. - John
  721. - Jane
  722. - John's dad
  723. URLs:
  724. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/garden-of-eden-part-1
  725. - https://youtu.be/om3RdlsEvJ4
  726. Commentary: |
  727. <i>Veritas Unae:</i>
  728. Wow. This piece was a huge undertaking that started back when I first played Eden sometime... last year I think? I really connected with James's piece, so much so that I made sure to let him know (and continue to let him know) how easy and intuitive it felt to play. I experimented with it, transitioning into psych0ruins, and then into Doctor. Being heavily inspired by Konec0's dance medleys, I thought to extend the piece, and extend it I did. Up until the Walk Stab Walk / Earthsea Borealis section was all ad lib'd on my piano, as I picked pieces I thought I could move between, and beyond there I wrote original scores straight into Sibelius which I could barely dream of playing. This piece developed into what you hear today, including the seret ending! I hope it moves you, as all of Homestuck's music has moved me. Enjoy listening to this 31 song medley! Some day I'll learn to play it.
  729. A 'quick' fact, I had planned to continue the Killed By 8r8k Spider section through over the top of the Unite Synchronization ostinato, but when I played back the section after the high G, stacatto F into the ostinato, I felt a powerful urge to just get straight back into the final version of Eden, which was written on whim straight into that 4/4 pattern and more fluidly in B minor. It feels like a new life has been breathed into Eden because of it, and I'm so happy to be the man to have done it!
  730. <i>azuzatori:</i>
  731. scoot did piano<br>i drew piano
  732. ---
  733. Track: Garden of Eden (Part 2)
  734. Artist: Veritas Unae, David Ellis
  735. Track Art: azuzatori
  736. Duration: '10:39'
  737. References:
  738. - Garden of Eden (Part 1)
  739. - Crystalanthemums
  740. - October
  741. - Walk-Stab-Walk (R&E)
  742. - Earthsea Borealis
  743. - Carbon Nadsat / Cuestick Genius
  744. - Hate You
  745. - Three in the Morning
  746. - Rex Duodecim Angelus
  747. - Moonsetter
  748. - English
  749. - Gold Pilot
  750. - Nightmare
  751. - Killed by BR8K Spider!!!!!!!!
  752. - Unite Synchronization
  753. - Homestuck Anthem
  754. - Theme
  755. - Mother (Piano)
  756. URLs:
  757. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/garden-of-eden-part-2
  758. - https://youtu.be/S9qynPjh44o
  759. ---
  760. Track: Electric Fireflies
  761. Artist: Thomas Ibarra
  762. Track Art: Elanor Pam
  763. Duration: '3:39'
  764. References:
  765. - Firefly Cloud
  766. - track:doctor
  767. - track:showtime-original-mix
  768. Art Tags:
  769. - Calliope
  770. - John
  771. - Rose
  772. - Dave
  773. - Jade
  774. - Jane
  775. - Roxy
  776. - Dirk
  777. - Jake
  778. URLs:
  779. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/electric-fireflies
  780. - https://youtu.be/pR_doGsiHL0
  781. Commentary: |
  782. <i>Thomas Ibarra:</i>
  783. Many of my recompositions tend to be experiments with lemotiffs, and Electric Fireflies is no exception. While largely focused around the light flicks of piano melody within Firefly Cloud and the song itself by Erik "Jit" Scheele, I found my experiment to take a coures of its own. I tried to follow Jit's carefully integrated elements of Doctor to discover that his method employed a much more flowing and intertwined realization of instrumental melody; this was something I felt tha I did not achieve. I felt refreshing to observe what can only be described as mastery of melody, theme and atmosphere. It was a pleasure to make this piece.
  784. <i>Elanor Pam:</i>
  785. Sketched and colored in Paint Tool Sai and color adjusted in Photoshop.
  786. MY WORKSPACE TABLET IS INCREDIBLY SHITTY I AM SO SORRY CALLIE DESERVED BETTER THAN THIS also I actually forgot about Dirk's sword and only noticed it when I was about to post haha whoops
  787. ---
  788. Track: The Blast
  789. Artist: Dakota Medina
  790. Track Art: RaChoTamer
  791. Duration: '1:34'
  792. Art Tags:
  793. - Aradia
  794. - Sollux
  795. URLs:
  796. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/the-blast
  797. - https://youtu.be/lF-FrdtRYl4
  798. Lyrics: |
  799. You should just move on<br>I am still right here<br>Please carry on strong<br>I am still right here
  800. I’ll lay all my hopes down<br>On the grass beneath my feet<br>The blast and the last sound<br>Accidental defeat
  801. Will you give me your word<br>you’ll be okay<br>I’m blasting away<br>But I am still right here
  802. Commentary: |
  803. <i>Dakota Medina:</i>
  804. The Blast is a song written from Aradia's perspective regarding the 'sollux killing her hyped up on Mind Honey' incident. It is about her about to blow up about telling everyone that it is 0kay. The song was written mostly as a 'Can I write a simple and effective only 4 chords' and I think it was successful. The song was revamped for the LoFaM3 album and completely remade from the ground up. Hope you enjoy!
  805. <i>RaChoTamer:</i>
  806. Oh man. "The Blast". I really love this song. Seriously, Snortrax is a very lovely musician. Go listen to his other stuff after you listen to this album!
  807. Honestly, this track art took me... far too long to finish. Mainly because I decided to redraw Aradia completely once I had finished thlines HAHA OOPS.
  808. But I think it was worth it in the end! I learnt a lot doing this, especially when it comes to style and faces and painting, so hopefully it was worth it!
  809. I also learnt that I can't draw psionic blasts for my life.
  810. ---
  811. Track: Dominion
  812. Artist: Thomas Ferkol
  813. Track Art: inimitable-nectar
  814. Duration: '2:32'
  815. Art Tags:
  816. - Dirk
  817. - Dave's bro
  818. URLs:
  819. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/dominion
  820. - https://youtu.be/TKHT08gIilQ
  821. Commentary: |
  822. <i>Thomas Ferkol:</i>
  823. Me jumping the gun on making a land theme for Dirk. Had put it forward for Vol. 9 as just a track about him but didn't make the cut. Held onto it for a while hoping I could find some way to make it better, but it's aging on me.
  824. <i>inimitable-nectar:</i>
  825. I listened to the song on loop while I was drawing. I think it ended up being about 36 plays long.
  826. ---
  827. Track: Run-Stab-Run
  828. Artist: Yan Rodriguez
  829. Track Art: Amethyst Barron
  830. Duration: '2:11'
  831. References: Walk-Stab-Walk (R&E)
  832. Art Tags:
  833. - Jack Noir
  834. - Underlings
  835. - 'cw: blood'
  836. URLs:
  837. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/run-stab-run
  838. - https://youtu.be/hGWajP5G6yU
  839. Commentary: |
  840. <i>Yan Rodriguez:</i>
  841. This was back when I cared about getting the first remix of at least one recently released song out for Homestuck. The result is this! I tried elaborating a bit on the material Jit gave so far, since at the time there wasn't much to go off of, and I think it fares relatively well. It's hard to feel good about old music sometimes though.
  842. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  843. Slick strut!
  844. ---
  845. Track: Tombs & Krypton
  846. Directory: tombs-and-krypton
  847. Artist: Rob Little
  848. Track Art: fueledbyanimation
  849. Duration: '2:46'
  850. References:
  851. - track:ruins
  852. Art Tags:
  853. - Dirk
  854. URLs:
  855. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/tombs-krypton
  856. - https://youtu.be/ZtRIbRMe5Jc
  857. Commentary: |
  858. <i>Rob Little:</i>
  859. I made this shortly after LOTAK was first revealed, and I wanted to capture the pressure and paradoxical claustrophobia of that huge space blanketed by a heavy, inert atmosphere. I started with the drums, which were just an attempt to create a kit from scratch that I didn't entirely hate, plus a ton of reverb. Next came the atmospheric elements - the distorted tremolo synth, the piano, the echoing synth bleeps which to me are a signal intended to guide the player, decayed over the aeons the planet has waited for Dirk's arrival, and the nearly-metronomic hat-click to reinfore the senes that, now that he's here, his limited time is rapidly ticking away. Finally I tried a few string melodies for the middle section, but simply nothing says 'towering ancient remains of a lost civilization' as effectively as Erik Scheele's Ruins, so I stole it and added a sort of contrapuntal harmony underneath. And now I give it to you.
  860. <i>fueledbyanimation:</i>
  861. I was beyond excited to get to be part of another fan album, especially to be drawing for a song connected to Dirk's planet, since he's one of my absolute favorite characters. Every kid/troll's planet reflects them and also challenges them at the same time. LOTAK is one of the more dangerous planets, with its constant raging lightning storms and the most powerful denizen at its center, fitting for Dirk who is a determined, skilled fighter. The planet is also a contrast, a planet full of tall buildings for someone who grew up in an ocean surrounded by nothing. I really wanted to show LOTAK as an extension, or part of, DIrk himself. The song itself gives a sense of floating, or as the musi artist said themselves, a very spacey feeling, so I tried to capture this as well, with the overview shot of the planet that Dirk appears to be floating over. I hope that others who look at my piece will feel I managed to pictuer the song well in my drawing for it.
  862. ---
  863. Track: Contention
  864. Artist: Marcy Nabors
  865. Track Art: melodiousDiscord
  866. Duration: '5:52'
  867. Art Tags:
  868. - Dirk
  869. - Sawtooth
  870. URLs:
  871. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/contention
  872. - https://youtu.be/M9EAfYlHxzA
  873. Commentary: |
  874. <i>Marcy Nabors:</i>
  875. I wrote Contention as a strife theme for Dirk Strider. It's synthesized entirely with FM patches ripped from a ROM of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and converted to FM8 format, in keeping with the Sega Genesis inspired style of Dirk-related songs like [[track:anbroids-v2|Anbroids]]. The rhythms in this song were largely inspired by the drums in the song "Tung, The Icelandic Lesbian" by Kitsune^2. I've always been a big fan of heavy 6/8 two-against-three rhythms played with Sonic-style drums, so the choice of time signature for this track was a no-brainer.
  876. <i>melodiousDiscord:</i>
  877. Here we see Dirk, the Prince of Heart, preparing to clash with the Imperial Drones sent by HIC to dispose of him. His loyal and steadfast retainer, Sawtooth, seeks to thin the enemy ranks while Dirk meets the opposing force head on. A fierce and devastating battle ensues, yet the Prince prevails. For now...
  878. ---
  879. Track: Slick Snow
  880. Artist: Eston Schweickart
  881. Track Art: Elanor Pam
  882. Duration: '1:16'
  883. References: Three in the Morning
  884. Art Tags:
  885. - Snowman
  886. - Jack Noir
  887. URLs:
  888. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/slick-snow
  889. - https://youtu.be/lChTGSEh4Iw
  890. Commentary: |
  891. <i>Elanor Pam:</i>
  892. Snowman and Spades Slick.
  893. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  894. Ooh, complex rhythm. Jazzy.
  895. ---
  896. Track: Sord.....
  897. Artist: Team Dogfight
  898. Track Art: Veritas Unae
  899. Duration: '1:25'
  900. References: Flare
  901. Art Tags:
  902. - SBaHJ
  903. URLs:
  904. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/sord
  905. - https://youtu.be/gZuY-y9LF6A
  906. Commentary: |
  907. <i>Team Dogfight:</i>
  909. <i>S O L B O</i>
  910. BWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEeeeeeeeeeflareee<big>eeeee eeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEE EEeEEEEEeeeeEEEEEeee</big>
  911. <i>Veritas Unae:</i>
  912. "i don't usually make art<br>........................but when i do, it's for a sbahj track."
  913. ---
  914. Track: The Demon and the Alien
  915. Artist: Veritas Unae, David Ellis
  916. Track Art: laroone
  917. Duration: '3:49'
  918. References:
  919. - Liquid Negrocity
  920. - track:MeGaLoVania
  921. - psych0ruins
  922. - track:sburban-jungle
  923. - Penumbra Phantasm
  924. - Final Stand
  925. Art Tags:
  926. - Aradia
  927. - Jack Noir
  928. - 'cw: blood'
  929. URLs:
  930. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/the-demon-and-the-alien
  931. - https://youtu.be/S2-FuyiekQQ
  932. Commentary: |
  933. <i>Veritas Unae:</i>
  934. <code style="color: #a10000">CAA: f0r a demon wh0 is indestructible<br>CAA: 0mnip0tent<br>CAA: and enraged</code>
  935. Although MeGaLoVania is an awesome track for [S] Wake, I felt that it didn't really tell the story of how Aradia arose, and eventually faced Jack and vanished through his frame into the realm of the Green Sun. And with my love of psych0ruins and Liquid Negrocity / Black leading me to sessions on the piano playing around with the song, a steady chain of events started forming as I played around with the medley. Imagine the events of Aradia's half of [S] Wake playing, plus those pages that come a little while after where Aradia stops Jack in time (note the 'ticking' of the high notes late in the piece!) Of course, I had to pay homage to the original track used for the flash. What you hear is played live, too! (albeit through a MIDI keyboard) Many thanks to Lunatic again for providing assistance - it's insane the air this guy's got.
  936. <i>Lauren:</i>
  937. Since Aradia came back to life she's been entertaining nuts, and I had this image of her sitting with a calm smile on her face while Jack is trapped and PISSED. I thought it would be fun since Aradia takes everything so in stride, and when she first becomes God Tier she freezes Jack mere seconds before he kills her, with a big smile on her face and no worries. I wanted to go with something like this, Jack being trapped in 'time' and Aradia sitting by sweetly.
  938. ---
  939. Track: Party of Three
  940. Artist: Cullen Lawson, Joe Ouellet
  941. Track Art: plaidcushion
  942. Duration: '3:22'
  943. References:
  944. - Three's a Crowd
  945. - Carbon Nadsat / Cuestick Genius
  946. - Liquid Negrocity
  947. Art Tags:
  948. - DD
  949. URLs:
  950. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/party-of-three
  951. - https://youtu.be/FuR-7wg4l-s
  952. Commentary: |
  953. <i>Cullen Lawson:</i>
  954. Hello there! I'm very excited to be a part of LOFAM 3! This is the first time I've been a part of a LOFAM album, and this tune is the first one I've ever done as a collaborative project with someone. I had a blast working with Joe. He's been a very supportive friend and music-making mentor and I couldn't imagine working with a better collab partner. I was tossing the idea around for a while to do something for the Draconian Dignitary / Diamonds Droog, so I was very happy when Joe went along with the idea. It turned out a lot different than I expected, but in a very good way! I'm pleased as punch to have been a part of it.
  955. <i>Joe Ouellet:</i>
  956. This was a collab between me and Cullen! I had a ton of fun working on this with him. It was his idea initially to mash up a few songs featuring DD. I didn't really expect it to turn into a dubstep piece as I had no experience making the genre at all!
  957. <i>plaidcushion:</i>
  958. I wanted to go with a simple but striking design that worked on two levels: the large diamond with the grey layers, which looks good as a thumbnail on a small ipod screen or similar, and the silhouetted shadowy type DDs that are more apparent when you view the art at full size. I'm really happy with how well it worked out!
  959. ---
  960. Track: Invertebrate
  961. Artist: Astro Kid
  962. Track Art: dodostad
  963. Duration: '3:15'
  964. References: Tentacles
  965. Art Tags:
  966. - Squiddles
  967. URLs:
  968. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/invertebrate
  969. - https://youtu.be/7v-ELzTgSHo
  970. Commentary: |
  971. <i>dodostad:</i>
  972. A friend of mine made a plush squiddle so I decided to let it have a moment to shine! Also this song is the cutest thing what the heckie.
  973. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  975. ---
  976. Track: timaeusAmplified
  977. Artist: Shandy
  978. Track Art: Shandy
  979. Duration: '3:16'
  980. Art Tags:
  981. - Dirk
  982. URLs:
  983. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/timaeusamplified
  984. - https://youtu.be/nIPk7669z88
  985. Commentary: |
  986. <i>Shandy:</i>
  987. Originally this track was intended for Parcel Mistress, but after learning more about Dirk's character I thought it fit him better. Thank you to LOFAM and all the talented musicians and artists who made this album possible!
  988. ---
  989. Track: Scabbard
  990. Artist: Yan Rodriguez
  991. Track Art: batteravesucriere
  992. Duration: '2:06'
  993. References: Unsheath'd
  994. Art Tags:
  995. - The Condesce
  996. URLs:
  997. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/scabbard
  998. - https://youtu.be/tvpvjxoJr-Y
  999. Commentary: |
  1000. <i>Yan Rodriguez:</i>
  1001. I used to do a series of songs/arrangements lining up with stories. I didn't ever really line this one up with anything, but the basic idea was "Unsheathed in a haunted house." I played a lot of Luigi's Mansion for this one.
  1002. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  1003. Pretty sure this is one of them Pisces trolls. Not sure why it is called Scabbard.
  1004. ---
  1005. Track: Sketches in Black
  1006. Artist: Kevin Grant
  1007. Track Art: queenoftheantz
  1008. Duration: '2:13'
  1009. Art Tags:
  1010. - Jack Noir
  1011. References:
  1012. - It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)
  1013. - Paint It, Black
  1014. - Liquid Negrocity
  1015. - Horschestra
  1016. URLs:
  1017. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/sketches-in-black
  1018. - https://youtu.be/V83XZ-cyxuM
  1019. Commentary: |
  1020. <i>Kevin Grant:</i>
  1021. Originally supposed to be a practice project so I could learn how to sample, I added in a few piano riffs from Black and it took on a life of its own. The most obvious sample is from "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing", but other samples in there inclue the trumpet from an old 1940s big band song, and the drums from "Paint It Black" by the Rolling Stones. For a song that wasn't even originally a song, I think it came out pretty well. Enjoy!
  1022. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  1023. <small><small>If another one of these commentaries ends with "Enjoy" I am going to punch everyone.</small></small>
  1024. Great perspective work on the art.
  1025. ---
  1026. Track: Together (At Last)
  1027. Artist: Joe Ouellet
  1028. Track Art: Vaydra
  1029. Duration: '3:14'
  1030. Art Tags:
  1031. - John
  1032. - Rose
  1033. - Dave
  1034. - Jade
  1035. URLs:
  1036. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/together-at-last
  1037. - https://youtu.be/jOa8YAWe-bY
  1038. Commentary: |
  1039. <i>Joe Ouellet:</i>
  1040. Together (At Last) is a theme for the Beta kids' reunion, obviously made before they reunited in canon. The beginning is supposed to be happy; the beta kids finally unite for the first time after a session gone awry and a 3 year journey through the dark abyss and a mysterious alternate dimension. They hug, cry, fist bump, push each other down a set of friendship stairs, etc. Then Rose drops a bombshell: an unbeatable demon is going around destroying dream bubbles, and in the process, the universe. Things look grave, and Jade and John are startled. But they decide to press on and not give up. Together, with the remaining trolls and the alpha kids, they can defeat, or escape, Lord English once and for all.
  1041. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  1042. Due to miscommunication, we actually ended up with a couple pieces for this track. Both were pretty rad, so we didn't want either to go to waste. The other ended up being the [[track:disk2-lofam3|Disk 2]] track art.
  1043. ---
  1044. Track: INFIDELS!
  1045. Artist: David Ellis
  1046. Track Art: Kate Holden
  1047. Duration: '4:14'
  1048. References: Iron Infidel, Spider's Claw
  1049. Art Tags:
  1050. - The Signless
  1051. - The Psiioniic
  1052. - The Disciple
  1053. - The Dolorosa
  1054. URLs:
  1055. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/infidels
  1056. - https://youtu.be/VWPc1T6BZIA
  1057. Commentary: |
  1058. <i>David Ellis:</i>
  1059. I wanted to ruin Samm's song. Mission accomplished.
  1060. <i>Kate Holden:</i>
  1061. Let's be 100% clear here, I freaking love prog rock, so I was pretty pumped listening to this tune over and over while drawing this one. Every piece of track art I've done for this album has been a little different. This one was the easiest to do and only took an hour because this kind of inked comic book art is my bread and butter. I felt that something bold and comic bookish would fit well since it has that epic kind of scope prog rock gets across. Remember how in the eighties the X-men seemed to spend most of their time in space participating in Space Opera stuff? I wanted to do something like that.
  1062. ---
  1063. Track: Forest Fire
  1064. Artist: Brad Griffin
  1065. Contributors: Solatrus (with regards to), Clark Powell (with regards to)
  1066. Track Art: sayachan-art
  1067. Duration: '2:42'
  1068. References: Heart of the Forest, Flare
  1069. Art Tags:
  1070. - Rose
  1071. - Green Sun
  1072. URLs:
  1073. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/forest-fire
  1074. - https://youtu.be/yTDaozw_9Vo
  1075. Commentary: |
  1076. <i>Brad Griffin:</i>
  1077. This track was initially just an arramngement of <i>Heart of the Forest</i> by Solatrus, from the Spiritwake soundtrack. Then I was all "hey I bet Flare would sound pretty good with this" so I added it in and it didn't sound terrible. A fadeout is a totally lazy way to end a song. Apologies to Jeremy Iamurri and Clark Powell.
  1078. Thanks also to sayachan for the exceptional track art.
  1079. <i>sayachan-art:</i>
  1080. This song takes me back to when Rose was trying to escape her impending doom and get into the game and then when hearing Flare I find myself thinking about the tumor, its countdown, her death and ascension and it makes me realize how much she has grown. So, what I tried to imply with this cover is how that fire she was trying to evade eventually became the flames of the green sun where she accepted her fate and arose anew.
  1081. ---
  1082. Track: RetroBution (ohgodwhy Remix)
  1083. Artist: Astro Kid
  1084. Track Art: Kate Holden
  1085. Duration: '4:02'
  1086. References: Retrobution
  1087. Art Tags:
  1088. - Dirk
  1089. - Aranea
  1090. - Jake
  1091. URLs:
  1092. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/retrobution-ohgodwhy-remix
  1093. - https://youtu.be/gVTIRFO-4n0
  1094. Commentary: |
  1095. <i>Astro Kid:</i>
  1096. 900pm<br>butts per minute
  1097. <i>Kate Holden:</i>
  1098. I had been wanting to make a full set of functional, repearing titles anyway for use in maybe making a simple platforme,r so I decided to make use of them and create a sort of "If mspa was a game in the 16 bit era" thing. The spirtes were also an excellent opportunity to test out the sprite base I've been working on making from scratch.
  1099. ---
  1100. Track: Insomniac
  1101. Artist: Princey The Kid
  1102. Track Art: Caliboner
  1103. Duration: '4:25'
  1104. Art Tags:
  1105. - Caliborn
  1106. - Calliope
  1107. - 'cw: blood'
  1108. - 'cw: eye horror'
  1109. URLs:
  1110. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/insomniac
  1111. - https://youtu.be/CfgQ7QS1JHA
  1112. Commentary: |
  1113. <i>Princey The Kid:</i>
  1114. It's a battle for dominance between Caliborn and Calliope.
  1115. <i>Caliboner:</i>
  1116. All I really have to say is that I have never worked as diligently on any art piece, as I have on this. I spent, what, two months psychoanalyzing a painting of a skull, covered in blood. I had several friends critique it through the process, and eventually ended up with this.
  1117. I knew it has a hance to be used as cover art in the next LOFAM, which made me sort of sheepish toward the end because I realized that the fan albums are a big deal, which lead me to submitting it a bit later than I had hoped, because I became nervous.
  1118. As for the actual song, after listening to it 164 times on my counter, I have realized that I still love the song as much as I did the first time I listened to it.
  1119. ---
  1120. Track: Hope Remains
  1121. Artist: Fuzz
  1122. Track Art: Elanor Pam
  1123. Duration: '4:13'
  1124. Art Tags:
  1125. - Jake
  1126. URLs:
  1127. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/hope-remains
  1128. - https://youtu.be/fJUZqA5_jYw
  1129. Commentary: |
  1130. <i>Elanor Pam:</i>
  1131. Veritas wanted to use my Together at Last [[track:disk2-lofam3|pic]] for this track (since [[track:together-at-last|that one]] already has track art) but I thought it was too contemplative for this song. Hope Remains has something of an "ongoing chase scene" feel for me. So I offered to come up with something more active. Then my comp's power source went and burned... good thing I have a tablet at work! And that work on this day was slow to a ridiculous degree. I had but a few interruptions while drawing this one. Whew, crisis averted!
  1132. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  1133. Andre does good musics. This is no exception.
  1134. ---
  1135. Track: Maid in Spades
  1136. Artist: Max Wright
  1137. Track Art: dodostad
  1138. Duration: '2:01'
  1139. References: Rust Servant
  1140. Art Tags:
  1141. - The Handmaid
  1142. URLs:
  1143. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/maid-in-spades
  1144. - https://youtu.be/AxhjCMJTGl8
  1145. Commentary: |
  1146. <i>Max Wright:</i>
  1147. Taking the motif from Willow Ascenzo's Rust Servant and completely changing the genre was one of the more fun piece ideas I've had.
  1148. Maid in Spades is a piece written for the Handmaid, reimagining the character in a swinging bundle of positive vibes. Now, I could try and justify the choice of genre here by referring to her past, how she is a tragic character with a pure heart, how she was nurtured into evil... but the truth is: this piece doesn't fit the Handmaid in the slightest.
  1149. But really, it was never meant to.
  1150. <i>dodostad:</i>
  1151. The song is very uplifting, but you can't really draw Handmaid without making her glare really hard, can you?
  1152. ---
  1153. Track: Gears and Chandeliers
  1154. Artist: Joe Ouellet
  1155. Track Art: ceruleantrafficlights
  1156. Duration: '3:42'
  1157. References: Candles and Clockwork
  1158. URLs:
  1159. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/gears-and-chandeliers
  1160. - https://youtu.be/JIJIE-wQOq0
  1161. Commentary: |
  1162. <i>Joe Ouellet:</i>
  1163. A remix of one of my favorite Homestuck songs, Candles and Clockwork. It's more of a reimagining of the piece really. There isn't much to say about it in particular other than it was my best mastering work at the time of its completion, I think. It may have also been the first time I stayed away from using endless breakbeat loops in a Homestuck remix.
  1164. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  1165. Ooh, crystalline. Very shiny!
  1166. ---
  1167. Track: Cold Steel
  1168. Artist: Nick Smalley, Solatrus
  1169. Track Art: devonianecho
  1170. Duration: '4:25'
  1171. References: track:frost-vol6
  1172. Art Tags:
  1173. - Jade
  1174. - Frogs
  1175. - Denizens
  1176. URLs:
  1177. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/cold-steel
  1178. - https://youtu.be/ySBgn7fy-VU
  1179. Commentary: |
  1180. <i>Block Monster (Nick Smalley & Solatrus):</i>
  1181. We started this song back in January 2012, during one of our regular hanging-out-<i>probably</i>-drinking collaborative sessions. We got talking about the fact that Frost had been remixed a couple times (once by us, and [[track:meltwater|the other]] by orngje223). One of us (probably Nick) wondered what Frost would sound like as a really cliched remix, to which Jeremy sarcastically pointed out that the only people who ever remix Frost is himself and his friends. This idea was, obviously, a total joke; nevertheless, we kept at it. The song ended up getting to a point where we realized the joke had been lost, and something awesome took its place. To put it simply, what started out as us dicking around ended up becoming one of the coolest songs we've done together.
  1182. <i>devonianecho:</i>
  1183. Doing art for a dance remix of Frost wouldn't have proved tricky if not for a perplexing (but very cool) track title. And so, here we have Jade and some frogs integrated as part of a... metaphoric-circuitboard-type-thing by Echidna. I think if you imagine the song set to a trippy frog-gathering montage on LOFAF with this imagery, you'll get a better idea of what I was aiming for. At any rate, I'm really happy with how it turned out, and I hope I've done the track the justice it absolutely deserves.
  1184. ---
  1185. Track: 'Pirates of Alternia: Dead Troll''s Chest'
  1186. Artist: Willow Ascenzo
  1187. Track Art: Ducky Senpai
  1188. Duration: '4:13'
  1189. References: Cobalt Corsair, Violet Mariner
  1190. Art Tags:
  1191. - Mindfang
  1192. URLs:
  1193. - >-
  1194. https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/pirates-of-alternia-dead-trolls-chest
  1195. - https://youtu.be/z2TOLOWdlGU
  1196. Commentary: |
  1197. <i>Willow Ascenzo:</i>
  1198. 0:00-0:14: An unassuming troll merchant ship sails the ocean, its precious cargo of shitty romantic comedy movies tucked safely within its lower decks, unaware of the danger that approaches.
  1199. 0:14-0:24: A pirate ship suddenly appears from out of the fog, closing in fast! Its captain: the dastardly pirate Marquise Spinneret Mindfang!
  1200. 0:24-1:05: Mindfang's pirate crew boards the vessel, and a battle ensues! This part introduces the main theme of the piece, which is adapted from the first thirty esconds or so of Imbrog's Cobalt Corsair. As the fight continues, another ship closes in...
  1201. 1:05-1:19: It's Dualscar! He and Mindfang cross swords once again. This section lifts the main melody from my own Violet Mariner.
  1202. 1:19-2:04: It's time to get all Hans Zimmer up in this bitch. Mindfang and Dualscar duel amid the cacophony. There's a whole bunch of Errol Flynn swordplay and shit. Masts get climbed and sails get torn and stuff like that. Fun for the whole family!
  1203. 2:04-2:58: The chaos awakens a beast from the depths of the sea, which begins to ravenously devour the hapless cargo vessel. The battle continues even as the foul kraken crams the ship down its toothy gullet. Mindfang and Dualscar swordfight their way onto the deck of Mindfang's ship as the beast, satisfied, sinks back beneath the waves. There's a little bit more from Cobalt Corsair in here.
  1204. 2:58-3:53: Thrust, parry, dodge, that kind of stuff. What remains of Mindfang's crew knows it's best to stay out of their way. Meanwhile, a round of decisive cannon fire takes its toll on Dualscar's ship.
  1205. 3:53-4:00: Dualscar and Mindfang's blades both end up precariously close to each other's throats.
  1206. 4:00-4:13: One jump cut later, Dualscar is left adrift in a lifeboat as Mindfang's ship, a little worse for the wear, vanishes into the void.
  1207. <i>Ducky Senpai:</i>
  1208. Oh look, it appears I've done yet another track art for Ascenzo. I'm kind of like Will's artist stalker.
  1209. ---
  1210. Track: Sunsoaked Heavenscape
  1211. Artist: Ashley Jones
  1212. Track Art: multiversalInk
  1213. Duration: '4:08'
  1214. Art Tags:
  1215. - PM
  1216. URLs:
  1217. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/sunsoaked-heavenscape
  1218. - https://youtu.be/jQHjxDkfjKg
  1219. Commentary: |
  1220. <i>Ashley Jones:</i>
  1221. When the Homestuck Music Contest first opened well over a year ago, I'd really only just started exploring my love of creating music. This track (which is based around the Exiles years in the future) and one other are actually only the third and fourth tracks i ever composed! I've improved alot since then but I always had a little bit of love for this one. When LOFAM3 was announced I made a snap decision to spruce up my little deser themed tune and bring tumblr's attention back to it. I'm honoured that such an old track of mine is still considered worthy of LOFAM, to be honest!
  1222. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  1223. That heavenscape is certainly sunsoaked. Neat!
  1224. ---
  1225. Track: Explore [Keygen Mix]
  1226. Artist: ndividedbyzero
  1227. Track Art: Lunise
  1228. Duration: '2:37'
  1229. References:
  1230. - track:explore
  1231. Art Tags:
  1232. - WV
  1233. - PM
  1234. - AR
  1235. - Serenity
  1236. URLs:
  1237. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/explore-keygen-mix
  1238. - https://youtu.be/LIbHdn-j898
  1239. Commentary: |
  1240. <i>ndividedbyzero:</i>
  1241. What even is keygen music? I have no idea, but if it exists, I hope this sounds like it.
  1242. This song is pretty important to me. Prior to completing it in March 2012, I had really only been making small loops in FL Studio that only had one or two instruments, save for two submissions I'd sent to the Homestuck fanmusic contest, which, while pretty good in terms of structure even by my standards today, didn't exactly have much to them in production value. But when I took it upon myself to rearrange Explore, that suddenly changed. I was extremely self-deprecative about it at first, but as I began to listen to it more, I realized that it didn't sound all that bad- in fact, it even sounded.. tolerable, compared to everything else I'd made. And that was essentially when I resolved to work on making my music sound even better.
  1243. In fact, people liked it enough that it was nominated for LOFAM 3, no more than a year later. Having improved a lot by that time, I decided to touch it up a little, and this version is the result. I didn't really change all that much, besides adding and tweaking a few instruments, but I hope it sounds better nonetheless.
  1244. <i>Lunise:</i>
  1245. My interest in doing Homestuck fanart has waned over the past few months, but I will always have a soft spot for the exiles no matter what. So it is only natural that I do goofy exile art for an Explore arrangement! Even though I was seriously burned out on art in general when I did this, I think it turned out okay. Goofy, happy exiles always turn out okay!
  1246. ---
  1247. Track: Ohgodboss
  1248. Artist: Kevin Grant
  1249. Track Art: Kate Holden
  1250. Duration: '3:20'
  1251. References:
  1252. - track:ohgodwhat
  1253. Art Tags:
  1254. - Dave
  1255. - Jade
  1256. - Jack Noir
  1257. URLs:
  1258. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/ohgodboss
  1259. - https://youtu.be/3YW7xoPYruo
  1260. Commentary: |
  1261. <i>Kevin Grant:</i>
  1262. So, this was one of my first chiptunes. People seem to like it. However, when I listen to it now, two years later, I realize how little I knew about Famitracker, and music composition in genearl. I like to think I've learned a great deal since Ohgodboss. Still, I guess it's catchy enough as it is. Enjoy!
  1263. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  1264. <small><small>oh for the love of god!</small></small>
  1265. <i>Kate Holden:</i>
  1266. I actually did two pieces of potential art for this, both featuring Dave and Jade fighting Bec Noir, since it seemed appropriate for an intense boss tune featuring a theme associated with Jade. There was a duller version of this as well as a more comic bookish one. A panel of friends agreed that this one read better, but it was a little flat, so I started brightening it and tweaking it, but still wanted to convey '8-bit', so I started playing around with a square brush throwing in this Darwina-esque square noise, which I thought looked pretty cool. It has been remarked that Jade firing an assault rifle in the air in front of a volcano is metal as shit. That's probably my favourite commentary on this image.
  1267. ---
  1268. Track: Dogfight (Dirtiest's Dubstep Remix)
  1269. Artist: David Dycus
  1270. Track Art: Lunise
  1271. Duration: '3:59'
  1272. References:
  1273. - Dogfight
  1274. - Bec Noir
  1275. - GameGrl (Original 1993 Mix)
  1276. - I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew
  1277. - Carefree Action
  1278. Art Tags:
  1279. - PM
  1280. - Jack Noir
  1281. URLs:
  1282. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/dogfight-dirtiests-dubstep-remix
  1283. - https://youtu.be/4umrMK8f89M
  1284. Commentary: |
  1285. <i>David Dycus:</i>
  1286. My first attempt at a dubstep song, from my ill-conceived dubstep phase. It took a ton of time, an entire new drum pack, and ultimately, a new laptop to finish. It's not my favorite song I've ever made--it doesn't sound like a real dubstep song, in my opinion--but I learned a lot in the process of making it.
  1287. <i>Lunise:</i>
  1289. ---
  1290. Track: Starblaze
  1291. Artist: Astro Kid
  1292. Track Art: plaidcushion
  1293. Duration: '5:38'
  1294. References: Stargaze
  1295. Art Tags:
  1296. - Jane
  1297. - Roxy
  1298. - Dirk
  1299. - Jake
  1300. URLs:
  1301. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/starblaze
  1302. - https://youtu.be/xOSapZrPB6Q
  1303. Commentary: |
  1304. <i>plaidcushion:</i>
  1305. Starblaze is a really cool track, and I'm really pleased I got to make the art for it! I tried to stick with the same format as the art for the song it came from, but a bit more lively- It made me think of the Alpha kids hanging out together at night, lit only by the glow of their lanterns from the tower in LoCaH.
  1306. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  1307. Welp, so ends the third volume of Land of Fans and Music. This album would not be possible without your suggestions and constant support.
  1308. Thanks for listening!