lofam2.txt 93 KB

  1. Album: Land of Fans and Music 2
  2. Directory: lofam2
  3. Cover Art: Lunise
  4. Banner Art: Lunise
  5. Banner Dimensions: 1100x203
  6. Date: December 25, 2012
  7. Date Added: March 16, 2020
  8. Color: #33a1c9
  9. Groups:
  10. - Unofficial MSPA Fans
  11. - Fandom
  12. URLs:
  13. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/album/land-of-fans-and-music-2
  14. - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnVpmehyaOFZuWBGTwXgaTHoEU0I81xei
  15. Commentary:
  16. <i>Liza Fletcher:</i>
  17. This album means a lot to me, for a lot of reasons. Not just because it represents literally months of planning, organization, rounds of messaging, upsets, drama, triumph and general hard work on the part of me and some very good friends of mine. Not just because we managed to get some of the top talent in the fandom to contribute not only music but track art. Not just because that talent includes music and art team members and the uniquely universally beloved superfan Dante Basco. Not just because that talent also includes many friends I love dearly, some of whom I got to know through this project.
  18. No, this album is special to me because the original [[album:lofam]] holds a very dear place in my heart. It was the first album of Homestuck-related music I ever owned. I played it over and over, and read the album commentary until I damn near had it memorized. It was LoFaM which spurred me to stop lurking on the MSPA forums and dive headlong into the collective insanity we call Homestuck fandom. And right when I did so coincided with the start of the second fanmusic thread, and a guy named Underwater Basketweaving posting something he called Fighting Spirit. I downloaded it, loved it, and have been hip deep in collecting fanmusic - not just that already collected for my convenience in an album - ever since.
  19. Fighting Spirit is in here, and its sequel, and many others I and my compatriots ran across in our scouring of not only the fanmusic thread but tindeck, soundcloud, tumblr and basically anywhere on the big wide internet where MSPA fans celebrate their love of this remarkable work of fiction through music.
  20. It's my hope that, having gathered it all here for your convenience, you too are spurred to start your own search for the best, including many pieces that for one reason or another we had to leave off. The Land of Fans and Music is not just this 2-disc set or its predecessor; they're only the tip of the vast landscape of amazing talent. Come in. Explore. Get lost in it, like I did. I haven't regretted it for a second.
  21. <hr>
  22. <i>Special Thanks:</i>
  23. <b>-CONCEPTION/ORGANIZATION-</b><br>Lambda Bledsoe<br>Liza Fletcher
  24. <b>-ORGANIZATION TEAM-</b><br>Slogbait<br>Veritas Unae<br>Rachel Rose Mitchell<br>Paige 'hrmnzr" Stanley<br>Astro Kid<br>clumsyroyalty (clumsyroyalty)<br>Shoona<br>Charles "Crazy-8" Neudorf<br>Catboss (Cat Boss)<br>Brad "Avinoch" Griffin<br>Mark "Dagoth Xil" Ciocca
  25. <b>-MASTERING-</b><br>Brad "Avinoch" Griffin<br>Veritas Unae
  26. <b>-COMMENTARY BOOKLET-</b><br>Brad "Avinoch" Griffin
  27. <b>-WEBSITE CODING-</b><br>Veritas Unae
  28. <b>-WEBSITE HOSTING-</b><br>AndrewNeo and skaia.net
  29. <b>-INSPIRATION-</b><br>Andrew Hussie &amp; What Pumpkin Studios<br>The Homestuck Music Team
  30. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. Group: Disk 1
  32. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. Track: •~DISK 1~•
  34. Artist: Veritas Unae
  35. Track Art: none
  36. Duration: 0:31
  37. References: The Paradox Paradigm
  38. Directory: disk1-lofam2
  39. URLs:
  40. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/o-disk-1-o
  41. - https://youtu.be/x_pSKzA1_Eg
  42. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. Track: Chronology
  44. Artist: Jamie Paige Stanley
  45. Track Art: Skylar
  46. Duration: 7:44
  47. References:
  48. - English
  49. - track:sburban-jungle
  50. - The Paradox Paradigm
  51. - --Emperical
  52. Art Tags:
  53. - Feferi
  54. - Doc Scratch
  55. - Lord English
  56. - Horrorterrors
  57. URLs:
  58. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/chronology
  59. - https://youtu.be/AP6PIJRi4_w
  60. Commentary:
  61. <i>Jamie Paige Stanley:</i>
  62. Hi there!! Welcome to the second LOFAM. Kind of sounds like some really gangster hiphop group or something. Anyways this is a song I made JUST FOR THE ALBUM!!! Wowee. There's a lot going on here. There's the intro which is like Lord English taking a proverbial shit on everything by existing or something like that, then it sort of BLEHs and goes into the main part of the song. Right off the bat you've got Sburban Jungle's marimba part played backwards on a piano, and then there's some stuff from a fan song that I don't remember the title of. THEN there's stuff from Condy's song off the unofficial ancestor album, and some stuff from some other things. There's basically a lot of things!! It's a very thing filled song.
  63. <i>Skylar:</i>
  64. paige told me the song was about doc scratch, the condesce and lord english, and since the track was titled chronology i tried to show some sort of a progression within the track art while expressing some of the background of each character.
  65. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. Track: Jackpot
  67. Artist: Charles Neudorf, Marcy Nabors
  68. Track Art: 8bitkitten
  69. Duration: 3:57
  70. References:
  71. - track:aggrieve
  72. Art Tags:
  73. - Roxy
  74. - Underlings
  75. - cw: alcohol
  76. URLs:
  77. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/jackpot
  78. - https://youtu.be/QQoiR0npnSs
  79. Commentary:
  80. <i>Charles Neudorf:</i>
  81. Jackpot was originally "written" by me for the Homestuck music contest. I say written in quotation marks because at the time all I had was a cool bassline and a title, I was in a complete musical slump on what to do with the piece, and so I turned to my friend Shadolith for help. Shadolith not only helped to come up with better ideas for the song, but actually finished most if it on her own. I'm really glad she did though, otherwise the song would have never been finished, and it wouldn't be playing in your ears right now!
  82. <i>8bitkitten:</i>
  83. Here's my track art for "Jackpot"! It's a Roxy strife theme, and since we have yet to witness such an event in Homestuck, let's make believe. ;3
  84. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. Track: Satellite Physician
  86. Artist: Joe Ouellet
  87. Track Art: grayscaleOddysey
  88. Duration: 3:27
  89. References:
  90. - track:doctor
  91. - Penumbra Phantasm
  92. URLs:
  93. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/satellite-physician
  94. - https://youtu.be/RCPevVDN7xE
  95. Commentary:
  96. <i>Joe Ouellet:</i>
  97. Before making this song, I had wanted to do a remix of Doctor for a while. There are so many remixes and different versions of this song that I knew there were infinite possibilities when it came to remixing the song. When it finally came time to start, I wanted to go for the <i>spacey</i>, electronic, <i>hardcore</i> sounding style that I attempted a little bit with [[Electrocumulus]]. This song actually turned out much better than I expected. When confronted for a name for this piece, I wanted to name it something like "Planet Healer." I decided to just swap out a few synonyms and voila, Satellite Physician was done!
  98. <i>grayscaleOdyssey:</i>
  99. This track and cover art was featured in the Homestuck/Zelda fan adventure, Legend of Homestuck, as John's theme.
  100. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. Track: A Study In Skaia
  102. Artist: David Ellis
  103. Track Art: dodostad
  104. Duration: 3:02
  105. References:
  106. - track:skies-of-skaia
  107. Art Tags:
  108. - John
  109. URLs:
  110. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/a-study-in-skaia
  111. - https://youtu.be/csgfrTQGOaw
  112. Commentary:
  113. <i>David Ellis:</i>
  114. I don't really have much to say about this. I'd been messing about on guitar and found that most of the first theme from Skies of Skaia was playable with harmonics in standard tuning, and only the top note wasn't possible. By returning to EADF#BE and putting a capo on at the 5th fret it was possible then to play the whole thing.
  115. The piece was originally just going to be loose reworking of Skies of Skaia using lots of acoustic guitars but then the second theme felt like it needed something more. I ended up adding drums and electric instruments for the second section to lift the piece and finished off with a little guitar improv into the quiet harmonics to finish.
  116. I liked the alliteration in the title and it was pretty much how I thought of the piece. There's not really a reason for the hint to Sherlock Holmes.
  117. <i>dodostad:</i>
  118. I can admit that I had no idea where this was going when I painted it. I don't think I've ever drawn clouds before either haha.
  119. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. Track: Cuddlefish
  121. Artist: Thomas Ferkol
  122. Track Art: Seth Massey
  123. Duration: 3:40
  124. Art Tags:
  125. - Feferi
  126. URLs:
  127. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/cuddlefish
  128. - https://youtu.be/KN0VCAGHVxY
  129. Commentary:
  130. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  131. No Commentary. Sorry fellow fans and booklet readers. No haiku this time either. Just an empty page, with nothing to entertain you except the track title, artist credits, and pretty arts to the right.
  132. SCREW THAT.
  133. I'm gonna fill these empty pages with a story, just for you. I haven't written anything since high school English class. You're in for a treat. It's gonna be<br>S<br>T<br>U<br>P<br>I<br>D
  134. <i>Quasar Nebula:</i>
  135. (per [[track:jungle-3|LoFaM 4 standard]], ive highlighted commentary from people besides the original musicians or cover artists in bold!)
  136. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  139. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. Track: Rectify
  141. Artist: Thomas Ibarra
  142. Track Art: Seth Massey
  143. Duration: 2:52
  144. References:
  145. - Liquid Negrocity
  146. - track:atomyk-ebonpyre
  147. - track:showtime-piano-refrain
  148. Art Tags:
  149. - Jack Noir
  150. URLs:
  151. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/rectify
  152. - https://youtu.be/GTtM6ZIyJ7Q
  153. Commentary:
  154. <i>Thomas Ibarra:</i>
  155. My second entry to the music contest, Rectify, was a follow-up to [[Irradiated]] in that it presented the same goal of making something different with the Black/Liquid Negrocity leitmotif. In this composition, based on Cascade, the menacing tone of Black would be turned into a battle theme for the good, as if Jack had performed a heelturn in light of impressive character development. It was a fun, fulfilling project that taught me many new things.
  156. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  157. Track: Rabbunctious!
  158. Artist: Brad Griffin
  159. Track Art: Dawn Davis
  160. Duration: 2:12
  161. Art Tags:
  162. - Rabbit
  163. URLs:
  164. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/rabbunctious
  165. - https://youtu.be/2_dL-0FzxTE
  166. Commentary:
  167. <i>Brad Griffin:</i>
  168. The rabbit has been an evolving background character throughout the entirety of Homestuck, and I felt the most recent iteration (mischevious-robo-Strider-bunny!!!!) warranted its own theme song.
  169. I started the track seeing just how far I could get using bouncy sound effects, record scratches and beeps. The goal was something high-energy but also a bit campy. I tried to give it a similar feel to one of the Beatdown tracks. I got a lot of great feedback from my music buds, and it evolved into the track you hear now.
  170. The hardest part was deciding between RamBUNNctious and RABBunctious.
  171. <i>Dawn Davis:</i>
  172. I love Lil Seb he's my baby.<br>I'm proud of this it was really fun to do =w=
  173. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. Track: Skaian Starstorm
  175. Artist: Astro Kid
  176. Track Art: Dawn Davis
  177. Duration: 4:17
  178. References: Skaian Skirmish, Skaian Shuffle
  179. Art Tags:
  180. - Jade
  181. URLs:
  182. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/skaian-starstorm
  183. - https://youtu.be/oTOwhix_Zqw
  184. Commentary:
  185. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  187. <i>continued from [[Cuddlefish]];</i>
  190. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. Track: Good Dog (Best Friend)
  192. Artist: Catboss
  193. Track Art: Lunise
  194. Duration: 4:26
  195. References: Courser, Carefree Action
  196. Art Tags:
  197. - Jade
  198. - Becquerel
  199. - cw: blood
  200. - cw: animal death
  201. URLs:
  202. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/good-dog-best-friend
  203. - https://youtu.be/pYYBRLIKRQ8
  204. Commentary:
  205. <i>Catboss:</i>
  206. ~ in loving memory of becquerel ~
  207. He was a good dog, and the best friend anyone could ever hope to have.
  208. <i>Lunise:</i>
  209. I was inspired by the pesterlog on <a href="https://homestuck.com/story/4858">page <s>6758</s> 4858</a>. Even though I had heard this track long before that update, when I listened to it again to get an idea for what kind of track art I'd like to draw for it, all I could think of was that pesterlog about alpha Jade.
  210. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. Track: Unforgiving Terrain
  212. Artist: Eston Schweickart
  213. Track Art: Cap
  214. Duration: 4:11
  215. References:
  216. - Endless Expanse
  217. - Carapacian Dominion
  218. - track:ruins
  219. - track:growing-up
  220. - Gilded Sands
  221. - Nightmare
  222. Art Tags:
  223. - AR
  224. - PM
  225. - Jack Noir
  226. URLs:
  227. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/unforgiving-terrain
  228. - https://youtu.be/I0THAb_V18A
  229. Commentary:
  230. <i>Eston Schweickart:</i>
  231. I wrote Unforgiving Terrain shortly after [[album:the-wanderers]] album came out. It was just an excuse to have fun with sound design and listen to Carapacian Dominion over and over. It's called Unforgiving Terrain because titles are hard. The project file is called <i>Frozen Ruins</i> but I guess I didn't use that name because I ended up not including [[track:frost-vol6]] like I had planned.
  232. <i>Cap:</i>
  233. After the original art file crashed like a piping hot baby on a meteor, I decided to create an Egyptian hieroglyphic-ish piece for this song because you know, DESERTS and WANDERERS and WOW JUST GOSH. But I also wanted to add in some of WV's little cahlk drawings too because it's cute! I mean, come on. Look at them, being happy and carefree and unaware. Yes, I know deep in my heart that this story will have a very happy end. No doubts about it. *insert evil laughter here*
  234. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  235. Track: CR1M1N4L, CR1M1N4L
  236. Artist: Rachel Rose Mitchell
  237. Track Art: Pandora
  238. Duration: 4:15
  239. Art Tags:
  240. - cw: hanging
  241. URLs:
  242. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/cr1m1n4l-cr1m1n4l
  243. - https://youtu.be/V3C1H4l9eIU
  244. Lyrics:
  245. Well, what have we here?<br>The accursed sits and shakes with fear.<br>You know how that makes me...<br>...makes me grin from ear to ear!
  246. Your lemony fear isn't all I can smell.<br>You're not hiding your deceit very well.<br>Tell us, you swindler, what drove you to such crimes.<br>And hurry it up, don't waste tyrannical time!
  247. Criminal, Criminal! To the window!<br>Criminal, Criminal! It's your fault, you know.<br>Criminal, Criminal! It's your time to go.<br>I'll secure the rope and you're out with a throw.
  248. Hey, criminal scum, let's make this a game.<br>If this coin lands heads, I'm clearing your name.<br>Justice is serious, justice is fun.<br>I would never rest until justice was done!
  249. What's that? The coin has landed, you plea?<br>What do you mean? There's no coin I can see.<br>Are you picking on me because I am blind?<br>That's pretty heinous! I can't help my eyes!
  250. Criminal, Criminal! To the window!<br>Criminal, Criminal! It's your fault, you know.<br>Criminal, Criminal! It's your time to go.<br>I'll secure the rope and you're out with a throw.
  251. Criminal, Criminal! To the window!<br>Criminal, Criminal! It's your fault, you know.<br>Criminal, Criminal! It's your time to go.<br>I'll secure the rope and you're out with a throw.
  252. A job well done. Justice is served.<br>After all, it's what he deserved.<br>It sure is delicious to win yet again.<br>Victory still counts even if it's pretend.<br><i>(repeat)</i>
  253. Criminal, Criminal! To the window!<br>Criminal, Criminal! It's your fault, you know.<br>Criminal, Criminal! It's your time to go.<br>I'll secure the rope and you're out with a throw.
  254. Criminal, Criminal! To the window!<br>Criminal, Criminal! It's your fault, you know.<br>Criminal, Criminal! It's your time to go.<br>I'll secure the rope and you're out with a throw.
  255. Commentary:
  256. <i>Rachel Rose Mitchell:</i>
  257. <code style="color: #008282">L3T TH1S B3 4 L3SSON TO 4LL OF TH3 PROSP3CT1V3 CR1M1N4LS OUT TH3R3</code>
  258. <code style="color: #008282">1 4M 4LW4YS W4TCH1NG</code>
  259. <code style="color: #008282">F1GUR4T1V3LY</code>
  260. <code style="color: #008282">&gt;:]</code>
  261. <code style="color: #008282">&gt;:]</code>
  262. <code style="color: #008282">&gt;:]</code>
  263. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  264. Track: Squiddles In Sunglasses
  265. Artist: Eston Schweickart
  266. Track Art: RaChoTamer
  267. Duration: 1:08
  268. References: Friendship is Paramount, Squiddle Samba
  269. Art Tags:
  270. - Squiddles
  271. URLs:
  272. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/squiddles-in-sunglasses
  273. - https://youtu.be/Cf9oKcZ2nPA
  274. Commentary:
  275. <i>Eston Schweickart:</i>
  276. Squiddles in Sunglasses was originally part of a 6-part Homestuck medley that as going to be around 12 minutes long when finished. Halfway through I realized that I didn't like anything I was writing, so I did what any good artist does when faced with self-doubt and gave up. A few months later I listened to the old project files again and liked this part enough to make it its own piece. I think inspiration for this style came from Average White Band's <i>Pick Up the Pieces</i> but I can't remember for sure.
  277. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. Track: JackBot
  279. Artist: Astro Kid
  280. Track Art: Brenden Cameron
  281. Duration: 4:23
  282. References: Jackpot
  283. Art Tags:
  284. - Sawtooth
  285. - Squarewave
  286. - cw: alcohol
  287. URLs:
  288. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/jackbot
  289. - https://youtu.be/9GFVQ6ZalCc
  290. Commentary:
  291. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  293. <i>continued from [[Skaian Starstorm]]...</i>
  297. <i>"Quite a view, eh?"</i>
  298. <i>"GNRGUUMGH"</i>
  300. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  301. Track: Crystalguitarthemums
  302. Artist: Erik Scheele
  303. Track Art: dodostad
  304. Duration: 2:20
  305. References: Crystalanthemums
  306. Art Tags:
  307. - Jade
  308. - Becquerel
  309. URLs:
  310. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/crystalguitarthemums
  311. - https://youtu.be/fkmxRiQZdb4
  312. Commentary:
  313. <i>Erik Scheele:</i>
  314. one day I found a guitar thing and messed around with crystalanthemums
  315. that's it
  316. <i>dodostad:</i>
  317. I thought about drawing Vriska and Aradia, but somehow this song reminded me of Jade. I don't remember seeing much art of her and Bec so I thought I'd fix that!
  318. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  319. Track: The Ballad of Maplehoof
  320. Artist: Ian White, Lauren Collis, Mike Anderson
  321. Track Art: Shoona
  322. Duration: 5:17
  323. References:
  324. - track:pony-chorale
  325. - track:upward-movement-dave-owns
  326. Art Tags:
  327. - John
  328. - Rose
  329. - Dave
  330. - Jade
  331. - John's dad
  332. - Maplehoof
  333. URLs:
  334. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/the-ballad-of-maplehoof
  335. - https://youtu.be/0NrHukinkmw
  336. Lyrics:
  337. Come gather round me, children<br>I'll sing you the tale<br>The Ballad of Maplehoof<br>Though she was but a foal<br>Her story touched us all<br>Sing the Ballad of Maplehoof
  338. Maplehoof, Maplehoof<br>Ride, Maplehoof, Ride
  339. Now circumstances brought her<br>From mother to daughter<br>A gift in cruel irony<br>Though an instrument of scorn<br>Our hero saddled on<br>And perhaps taught young Lalonde<br>To love a pony
  340. She followed the Mother<br>To a land unlike no other<br>A land of Light and Rain<br>She helped to gather grist<br>At great personal risk<br>And probably did it<br>A couple times again
  341. And soon, without fail<br>Found herself in the Veil<br>The conception of heroes<br>The beginning of our tale
  342. Now a pony without rider<br>Found solace in young Strider<br>The knight had taken his steed<br>She accompanied him to Earth<br>Mere minutes after birth<br>Riding atop celestial seed
  343. And they flew through the sky<br>A streak of pink and white<br>Young strider lay safely in tow<br>But our equestrian martyr<br>Her life for his was bartered<br>And her body slaughtered by Bro
  344. And I'm never one to fib<br>She made him one fine bib<br>And protected his breast from stain<br>Though without her skin<br>Chances seemed quite dim<br>That she'd ever go riding again
  345. Maplehoof, Maplehoof<br>Ride, Maplehoof, Ride
  346. And the fight, it marches on<br>But here we sing her song<br>The Ballad of Maplehoof
  347. Though she was but a mare<br>Her body was not spared
  348. Though she was but a horse<br>History changed its course
  349. Though she was but a foal<br>Her story touched us all
  350. Sing the Ballad of Maplehoof
  351. Sing the Ballad of Maplehoof
  352. Ride, you Maplehoof, Ride!
  353. <small>(hyah!)</small>
  354. Commentary:
  355. <i>Ian White:</i>
  356. I wrote these lyrics around the time that Maplehoof died in-story. I didn't put it to music though until after she had been revived as Minihoof. Kinda saps the poignancy right out of it. The lovely Lauren Collis sings vocals and the ever-punctual Mike Anderson provides the real life guitars. Sound effects provided by Mother Nature!
  357. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  358. Track: Rainbow Rebirth
  359. Artist: David Ellis
  360. Track Art: Maddie Haines
  361. Duration: 4:20
  362. References: Savior of the Waking World
  363. Art Tags:
  364. - Kanaya
  365. - cw: blood (abstract)
  366. URLs:
  367. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/rainbow-rebirth
  368. - https://youtu.be/ziiK_Q23WbA
  369. Commentary:
  370. <i>Davlid Ellis:</i>
  371. This piece was written for Kanaya and was essentially supposed to be a kind of score for the unseen scene where she wakes up as a rainbow drinker. The non-scene this is a score for follows the structure of [[flash:3087]] somewhat, with the middle horn stab section hinting towards one of the themes from Savior of the Waking World/Doctor but being off somehow (shifting time signatures too) to try to show the different nature of her return. The scene for the piece ends when she goes all vampirey on Feferi.
  372. Rejected alternate title: 'All the colours of the rainbow (are delicious)'
  373. <i>Maddie Haines:</i>
  374. I saw the name Rainbow Rebirth and immediately wanted to do something cool with Kanaya and her fairly new rainbow drinker status, since I was pretty dang sure that was what the title was referencing. Since it was her care for the matriorb that led up to her transformation, I thought it made the most sense to include it, as well as rainbow colors, obviously, into this picture.
  375. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  376. Track: Psychedelic Psychodelic
  377. Artist: Catboss
  378. Track Art: Amethyst Barron
  379. Duration: 4:54
  380. References:
  381. - track:atomyk-ebonpyre
  382. - English
  383. - Liquid Negrocity
  384. - The Ballad of Jack Noir
  385. - Walk-Stab-Walk (R&E)
  386. - Let's All Rock the Heist
  387. Art Tags:
  388. - Jack Noir
  389. - Lord English
  390. - cw: body horror
  391. URLs:
  392. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/psychedelic-psychodelic
  393. - https://youtu.be/Sq42ueaXI-4
  394. Commentary:
  395. <i>Catboss:</i>
  396. Well, here you are.
  397. Big guy's got a fancy gun, and all you've got is a bloody knife.
  398. But it's gonna be enough. It always has been.
  399. You've slaughtered all them torsos, now it's time to wreck the head.
  400. What are you waiting for?
  401. Draw, Spades.
  402. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  403. Track: Flare (With Vocals)
  404. Artist: horizon
  405. Track Art: PV
  406. Duration: 3:02
  407. References: Flare
  408. Art Tags:
  409. - John
  410. - Rose
  411. - Dave
  412. - Jade
  413. URLs:
  414. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/flare-with-vocals
  415. - https://youtu.be/btHd1zrjkqY
  416. Lyrics:
  417. Things fall apart so easily;<br>they break away at the seams
  418. And it seems<br>this is the life I was fated to lead<br>Dreams dead in the water<br>and you ought to let them pass
  419. I wanted something better than this;<br>than a postmortem kiss<br>and three years to miss you<br>but it seems that's all I'm gonna get;<br>it's best to forget
  420. Last night I dreamt of you -<br>you were beautiful, amidst a sky of blue
  421. It was only the two of us,<br>hearts beating synchronously
  422. Do you feel for me?
  423. I heard a song the other day;<br>it reminded me of the way<br>I love you<br>and how I never got to say that to you
  424. So many things I wanted to do;<br>so many dreams<br>left for dead in the water<br>drowned and gone;<br>just smile and let them go
  425. I wanted so much more<br>than a game we were born to lose<br>I wanted so much more<br>so much more for you
  426. Commentary:
  427. <i>horizon:</i>
  428. Flare has always struck a place in my heart, for many reasons. Plazmataz has always, always impressed me, but Flare just evoked something simply raw in the depths of my mind; I knew then that I had to use that feeling as a kind of empathy towards the Beta kids. Though it was used in a specific moment in canon, I chose to write lyrics from the point of view I could most appreciate -- the pain associated with love when life hands you something you don't know how to survive.
  429. <i>PV:</i>
  430. I have been listening to Horizon's renditions of Homestuck music with her lyrics for a while now, and Flare has always been my favorite one she did. I hoped I could make a picture that represents the feeling of closeness beween the four kids in getting through the game that I feel in the words she wrote.
  431. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  432. Track: Sports
  433. Artist: Jamie Paige Stanley
  434. Track Art: Spectrumfizz
  435. Duration: 1:34
  436. Art Tags:
  437. - SBaHJ
  438. URLs:
  439. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/sports
  440. - https://youtu.be/Hai8r6SGKV4
  441. Commentary:
  442. <i>Jamie Paige Stanley:</i>
  443. <img src="media/misc/commentary-here.png" width="623" height="631">
  444. <i>Spectrumfizz:</i>
  445. dude come check this out hummusr is like one of my favoprite musicans so i made a thnig for this MAD TRACK
  446. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  447. Track: Dirgeish
  448. Artist: Nick Smalley, Andrew Huo
  449. Track Art: Seth Massey
  450. Duration: 2:41
  451. Art Tags:
  452. - Vriska
  453. - Jack Noir
  454. URLs:
  455. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/dirgeish
  456. - https://youtu.be/t9KgQojuzQ4
  457. Commentary:
  458. <i>Nick Smalley:</i>
  459. Dirgeish was made in 2008, a year before Homestuck even started! Crazy, right? Who ever thought life existed before Homestuck, ha ha ha... I made the original in about an hour, and when I got on the Homestuck music team, I had the help of Adghar (Andrew Who!!!!) to complete it!
  460. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  461. Track: Electrocumulus
  462. Artist: Joe Ouellet
  463. Track Art: plaidcushion
  464. Duration: 3:10
  465. References: Pyrocumulus (Kickstart), Skaian Skuffle
  466. Art Tags:
  467. - John
  468. - WV
  469. URLs:
  470. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/electrocumulus
  471. - https://youtu.be/GN3RTQJ2y2o
  472. Commentary:
  473. <i>Joe Ouellet:</i>
  474. Electrocumulus is a remix of Pyrocumulus by RJ Lake and was my first ever attempt at remixing an official Homestuck track. Looking back, I have no idea why I chose to remix this song in particular; it must have just been stuck in my head that day. As one could gather from the title, this remix is supposed to be an upbeat, elecronic remix. As I was composing, it seemed to turn into a dance track of sorts. The genre still fit my idea, so I kept going. I think it was a rather successful first Homestuck remix.
  475. <i>plaidcushion:</i>
  476. The songs this was remixed from are associated with Skaia and the battlefield, but I thought that Electrocumulus was way too high energy and fun for something like that. I decided to go for the next best thing- John speeding through Skaia and plowing through clouds in his Dad's car! As it turns out, exploded clouds are also rpetty fun to cut out with a scalpel.
  477. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  478. Track: Three in the Morning (Kali's 2 in the AM PM Edit)
  479. Artist: Kalibration
  480. Track Art: Toon Lettuce
  481. Duration: 4:00
  482. References:
  483. - track:three-in-the-morning-rj
  484. Art Tags:
  485. - Snowman
  486. - The Felt
  487. URLs:
  488. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/three-in-the-morning-kalis-2-in-the-am-pm-edit
  489. - https://youtu.be/i1na9f3xHiA
  490. Commentary:
  491. <i>Kalibration:</i>
  492. Its a song, I made it, the computer<br>Great it's RJ music track enjoyed, that could bring<br>(⅃°ヘ°)⅃
  493. yeah i dont know how i feel about that track i guess its a song and i made it ans well, thats more than i can say for a lot of things
  494. <i><b>Lambda Bledsoe:</b></i>
  495. kali has such a way with words
  496. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  497. Track: Showtime (End Strife Remix)
  498. Artist: Plumegeist
  499. Track Art: devonianecho
  500. Duration: 4:57
  501. References:
  502. - track:showtime-original-mix
  503. - track:showtime-piano-refrain
  504. - track:sburban-jungle
  505. - track:i-dont-want-to-miss-a-thing
  506. Art Tags:
  507. - John
  508. URLs:
  509. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/showtime-end-strife-remix
  510. - https://youtu.be/Ru9a5pAXfw0
  511. Commentary:
  512. <i>Plumegeist:</i>
  513. I composed SHowtime End Strife remix roughly five months after the time I got into Homestuck. Around this time I was still really just a budding musician, and I wanted to make something heavy out of the Showtime theme by Malcolm Brown. The idea was imagining what kind of soundtrack would be backing the kids as they face Lord English in a climactic battle. I was proud of it at the time but in retrospect it never really aged that well. Despite this it remained one of my most popular works.
  514. Around the time I finished [[Rust Maid]] and [[Orange Hat]], I was approached for the inclusion of the remix in LOFAM2. While I was happy to have the opportunity to give people the download so many of them clamored for, I really, really had to fix so many of its glaring issuse, and as such I remastered it for the album.
  515. <i>devonianecho:</i>
  516. Showtime has always been one of the most memorable pieces of music in Homestuck, forever representing a (if not the) quintiessential "strife" theme. With this in mind, I think I had almost too much freedom in choosing the conflict I wanted to depict in this piece. Initially, I was going to make it John vs. Dad from Act 1... but that ended up being a little too underwhelming in comparison to the song it was for. So, in the end, I settled upon focusing the piece on a determined-looking John about to face down the underling horde at the beginning of Cascade. I'm pretty happy with the end result.
  517. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  518. Track: Soulb0t
  519. Artist: Charles Neudorf
  520. Track Art: Somnivus
  521. References: psych0ruins
  522. Duration: 3:42
  523. Art Tags:
  524. - Aradia
  525. URLs:
  526. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/soulb0t
  527. - https://youtu.be/3d0jm_sPD9A
  528. Commentary:
  529. <i>Charles Neudorf:</i>
  530. Soulb0t was conceived after I tried writing the familiar Psych0ruins apreggio to test out a new synth I downloaded. It sounded really cool to me, so I figured "why not just write an electronic remix of Psych0ruins all together." So I did just that. It took a while to get the melody just right, and if it wasn't for the various friends who helped me to decide what sounded good or bad, this song wouldn't have sounded nearly as good.
  531. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  532. Track: Fighting Spirit
  533. Artist: Kevin Grant
  534. Track Art: AS
  535. Duration: 4:04
  536. References:
  537. - track:doctor
  538. - track:showtime-original-mix
  539. - track:beatdown-strider-style
  540. - Pumpkin Cravings
  541. - track:chorale-for-jaspers
  542. - BL1ND JUST1C3 : 1NV3ST1G4T1ON !!
  543. - track:atomyk-ebonpyre
  544. - Horschestra
  545. - track:MeGaLoVania
  546. - Spider's Claw
  547. - Walk-Stab-Walk (R&E)
  548. - Liquid Negrocity
  549. Art Tags:
  550. - John
  551. - Rose
  552. - Dave
  553. - Jade
  554. URLs:
  555. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/fighting-spirit
  556. - https://youtu.be/2Scn4TRi7m0
  557. Commentary:
  558. <i>Kevin Grant:</i>
  559. My goal was to mash up as many Homestuck songs as I could. I ended up mixing 12 together. I really think the part at the end with Black, Showtime and Beatdown works well, and I discovered that Showtime is the Homestuck equivalent of Guile's Theme: It goes with everything.
  560. <i>AS:</i>
  561. Listening to Fighting Spirit the first time kind of got me nostalgic for the old Strife pages, with their chiptune music. You know, waaaay back in the beginning of the comic when the Beta kids were still on planet Earth and were being harassed by trolls. So nearly a year later, I figured that a strife page would make for an excellent cover. Admittedly action poses have always been a weakness of mine, so I probably drew each kid at least twice for this cover until I was satisfied. Still though, I'm happy with how the art came out. Hopefully I did this awesome track justice.
  562. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  563. Track: Irradiated
  564. Artist: Thomas Ibarra
  565. Track Art: Spectrumfizz
  566. Duration: 2:21
  567. References:
  568. - track:harlequin
  569. - Liquid Negrocity
  570. - track:sburban-jungle
  571. - Carefree Action
  572. Art Tags:
  573. - John
  574. - Jack Noir
  575. - cw: blood
  576. URLs:
  577. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/irradiated
  578. - https://youtu.be/M_lXyhRBOhk
  579. Commentary:
  580. <i>Thomas Ibarra:</i>
  581. Irradiated is really an identifying track for my work, I've been told before that this track is the first that came to mind when mentioning my callsign SparksD2145. Similarly to a good portion of my work Black/Liquid Negrocity's leitmotif plays a prominent feature in the composition, providing the base melody for the entire track. The idea for Irradiated spurred from [[flash:2927]], as a high-velocity and energetic track with none other than Jack Noir at the center; my goal was to take Black and give it a different feel. After a short hiatus, my track Irradiated featured in my first tribute animation <a href="https://youtu.be/hnG10rk91qg">on YouTube</a> for Homestuck.
  582. <i>Spectrumfizz:</i>
  583. Irradiated is among the first Homestuck fanmusic tracks I ever heard, so I was very pleased to be able to create art to accompany it on LOFAM2. I decided to draw inspiration from AutoDevote's first HS fanimation, which to this day remains one of my favourite Homestuck videos. I'm not particularly apt at composition or shading or several other things, but I'm pretty happy with what I accomplished here.
  584. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  585. Track: He Is Already Here
  586. Artist: Brenden Cameron
  587. Track Art: clumsyroyalty
  588. Duration: 4:11
  589. References:
  590. - Rhapsody in Green
  591. - English
  592. - track:sburban-jungle
  593. Art Tags:
  594. - AH
  595. - cw: blood
  596. URLs:
  597. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/he-is-already-here
  598. - https://youtu.be/XTyFPX0dn_U
  599. Commentary:
  600. <i>Brenden Cameron:</i>
  601. Ever since 'The Felt' came out, I've been in love with that piano ditty at the start of Variations and in the reversed Rhapsody in Green.
  602. So a while ago I started fiddling around in Garageband, seeing if I could make a decent remix out of it. The more I worked on it, the more I noticed the composition was bearing a strong resemblance to Rob Douganí's "Clubbed to Death", so I kind of ran with that influence, and this is the result.
  603. When the Homestuck fanmusic competition was announced, I made some updates to the song and tried submitting it for that (special thanks to Jit for offering some last minute advice).
  604. This song holds a lot of personal importance to me. Before this piece I had never ever brought a composition to a completed state, let alone posted it for the world to see. Obviously I still have much room for improvement, but the fact that my debut work has received such positive feedback has been a huge encouragement.
  605. Thank you all for listening!
  606. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  607. Track: Rise of the Denizens
  608. Artist: Domble
  609. Track Art: Lunise
  610. Duration: 3:01
  611. References:
  612. - Courser
  613. - Earthsea Borealis
  614. - track:upward-movement-dave-owns
  615. - track:ruins
  616. - Dawn of Man
  617. - the rose rap
  618. - Cascade
  619. Art Tags:
  620. - Jade
  621. - John
  622. - Davesprite
  623. - Denizens
  624. URLs:
  625. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/rise-of-the-denizens
  626. - https://youtu.be/C0WiWG6BVbw
  627. Commentary:
  628. <i>Domble:</i>
  629. The original version of the track sounded nothing like this. What I want is for people who heard the first one to think, "wow, this guy really got less bad in a year." It references all the songs it originally did, whether in the same basic way (Courser, Ruins) or differently (Dawn of Man, the rose rap).
  630. That one terrible LEGENDARY ENDLESS DVS SAX song I made almost went on the album instead of this and I felt like paying tribute to it, so that's where the little sax rif came from.
  631. <i>Lunise:</i>
  632. (<a href="https://hsfanmusic.skaia.net/post/39025832110/tiny-mayo-this-is-the-last-piece-of-track-art">Tumblr</a>)
  633. I had the feeling that I had to meet some pretty high expectations when I was called upon to draw this one, so I was pretty nervous about doing it. I spent a long time mulling over how I was going to go about drawing this track art after I completed the art for Stalemate. We don't know nearly as much about the denizens as we do about the kids or the trolls or even the carapacians, but I took what we do know about the beta kids' denizens and ran with it.
  634. There were actually a few goofs with the original composition of this drawing - Cetus’ tail was originally pointing to the left but I then decided that having it face the right would give the overall drawing more flow. Also in Hephaestus’ section of the art I had forgotten that Davesprite was injured when he went to him to get the Deringer repaired so for the longest time he had both wings at their full length. Not much to say about Typheus’ section; I had a good idea of what I was going to do with it fairly early on.
  635. Echidna’s section is primarily inspired by the track art for Volume 8’s Bargaining with the Beast, as far as her design goes. I was originally going to include Jack to the right of Jade in that section, but I didn’t find anywhere to put him and I found that the composition looked just fine without him anyway! Although in this memo Jade says that Jack was with him when she was talking with Echidna and I really wanted to draw him, I just couldn’t make him fit. Perhaps I’ll try and remedy that if I ever make a high-resolution version of this!
  636. I knew immediately that I wanted Echidna to be the main focus out of all the denizens because she’s really important in the story since she makes Jade promise to take all the planets, the consorts, the denizens, and everything to the alpha session even if it meant Jade had to die. Then there’s Typheus, who’s facing doomed John, and Hephaestus looking down on Davesprite and offering him <b>The Choice</b>, and Cetus swimming around in the seas of LOLAR, which is now devoid of fish.
  637. I tried to make the sections flow together the best I could - the top areas where Cetus and Typheus’ sections blend into Hephaestus’ section kind of fade without any borders, but I decided to make little borders based on each kid’s aspect to separate each section from Echidna’s section. The breath and light symbols are done in an abstract manner while the time and space symbols are just the straight-up time and space symbols; the space one just overlaps the time one.
  638. I think I’ve rambled enough about this piece of track art, so I’m going to let the rest speak for itself! I hope I’ve done a good enough job living up to the LOFAM2 team’s expectations, and if I’ve exceeded them, that’s great too!
  639. This has been another rambling commentary from Lune.
  641. As another side note, the layered .lip file for this had a total of 60 layers not counting the texture layer!
  642. BONUS: When I was starting work on this, instead of copying the texture layer, I accidentally copied Jack over from the layered version of the Stalemate track art. I couldn’t bear to delete him from the file, so he got to stay on the condition that his layer stayed invisible. Sometimes I’d make it visible when I was bored! Poor guy just keeps getting chased by things - first an angry PM and now an angry sea denizen!)
  643. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  644. <s>note: Lunise wrote seven paragraphs about the creative process behind this wonderful art piece. I can only fit the first one on the page.</s>
  645. Here is the full commentary to the rise of the denizens track art. c:
  646. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  647. Track: Sburban Genesis
  648. Artist: Lark Mordancy
  649. Track Art: plaidcushion
  650. Duration: 4:00
  651. References:
  652. - Dawn of Man
  653. - track:sburban-jungle
  654. - Exodus
  655. Art Tags:
  656. - Genesis Frog
  657. URLs:
  658. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/sburban-genesis
  659. - https://youtu.be/DPX6j-JM7Bw
  660. Commentary:
  661. <i>Lark Mordancy:</i>
  662. Though Sburban Jungle was the first song to hook me on Michael Guy Bowman's music, my heart lies with Mobious Trip and Hadron Kaleido. Dawn of Man is a favorite of mine from that album, and it also happens to be a partial remix of Sburban Jungle. In the Homestuck tradition, the natural thing to do then was mix them together, along with a cameo from Exodus, featured in SBURB. The instruments are based primarily on Dawn of Man, bringing in some of Sburban Jungle's mallet percussion and a few of my own additions. The result is Sburban Genesis, a song ultimately inspired by the mysterious origins of the game and its multi-universal legacy.
  663. <i>plaidcushion:</i>
  664. This really sounded like a night time kind of song to me, which I think went nicely with the baby frog Jade finds on her island as a kid. He's a pretty cute little guy, but his role carries a lot of weight, so I think he fits the song pretty well.
  665. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  666. Track: Who Mourns for Jack Noir?
  667. Artist: Nitrosparxx
  668. Track Art: Corrina
  669. Duration: 7:21
  670. References: Liquid Negrocity, The Beginning of Something Really Excellent
  671. Art Tags:
  672. - Jade
  673. - Jack Noir
  674. URLs:
  675. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/who-mourns-for-jack-noir
  676. - https://youtu.be/usR1fpqUXR0
  677. Commentary:
  678. <i>Nitrosparxx:</i>
  679. Quite possibly the saddest piece of music I've ever written. This was what I was originally going to use for the fan album, but I decided to drop it half way through making it on the grounds that it didn't sound like a Homestuck song. Jack Noir (and by extension, Bec Noir) always struck me as a tragic character. The way I see it, he's always violent because of the abuse he receives from the black queen. He's physically shut down all other emotions save for hatred because as far as he's concerned, there is no such thing. However things change for him when Bec becomes prototyped. He suddenly has a heart and has new feelings. Bec's influence taught him what it's like to feel for someone else, although Jack desperately tried so hard to ignore these feelings. When Jade died, Jack finally knew what it felt to lose someone so close to your heart. A tragic character indeed...
  680. <i>Corrina:</i>
  681. Given the fact that the song references Jade's theme, I thought that I'd go with something that has to do with the characters' relationship. in the picture, I had originally intended Jade to be a sort-of ghost image, as if she wasn't really there. I wanted to show that Jack was alone, but I later changed that aspect, despite how much I loved the idea. Making her more faded created imbalance in the work, and the details were also washed out.
  682. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  683. Track: The Seer and the Tribesmen
  684. Artist: Thomas Ferkol
  685. Track Art: Dawn Davis
  686. Duration: 3:01
  687. Art Tags:
  688. - Rose
  689. - Consorts
  690. URLs:
  691. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/the-seer-and-the-tribesmen
  692. - https://youtu.be/pjbFi9f_F7Y
  693. Commentary:
  694. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  695. No commentary here!
  696. <i>continued from [[JackBot]];</i>
  699. <center><i>Hello, My Name Is</i></center>
  700. <center><i><big>BNORKEL</big></i></center>
  701. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  702. Track: Four
  703. Artist: Trent West
  704. Track Art: Nekachen
  705. Duration: 4:11
  706. URLs:
  707. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/four
  708. - https://youtu.be/eB2Isac-eXs
  709. Commentary:
  710. <i>Nekachen:</i>
  711. When I listened to Four for the first time, I imagined the entire Incipisphere as if it were one of those cool panoramic views of the universe. The title more than likely relates to the planets the kids arrive upon in the Medium, so I decided to use that aspect to create the basis of my idea. I recreated most of the planets from scratch while using references, used *tons* of Photoshop effects to create shading and light sources, and utilized stock images to create what I believe represents the "Four" planets within the Incipisphere that the song centers around.
  712. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  713. Track: Prospitian Lullaby
  714. Artist: Jamie Paige Stanley
  715. Track Art: Shoona
  716. Duration: 4:45
  717. References:
  718. - Homestuck Anthem
  719. - track:sburban-jungle
  720. Art Tags:
  721. - Jane
  722. - Jake
  723. URLs:
  724. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/prospitian-lullaby
  725. - https://youtu.be/yLL4-WYFO7Q
  726. Commentary:
  727. <i>Jamie Paige Stanley:</i>
  728. Hello again!! Disk one is coming to a close. I hope you've enjoyed the fan land and of music so far!! This is a lullaby based mostly off of Homestuck Anthem by Clark "Plazmataz" Powell and Sburban Jungle by Michael Guy Bowman. It's really slow and sweet and has my favorite chord thingy ever which is the F to F minor thing going on there. It's all in all a song that you hopefully fall asleep listening to because that's what it's supposed to do!! And you might need a nap after listening to disk one. In fact, for the full Land of Fans and Musics Experience The Second™, take a nap in between the two disks. Yes. Anyways, I hope you enjoy our musical stylings and that you don't buy this album because that's illegal.
  729. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  730. [END OF DISK 1]
  731. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  732. Group: Disk 2
  733. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  734. Track: •~Disk 2~•
  735. Artist: Veritas Unae
  736. Track Art: melodiousDiscord
  737. Duration: 0:20
  738. References:
  739. - White King
  740. - track:sburban-jungle
  741. Directory: disk2-lofam2
  742. URLs:
  743. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/o-disk-2-o
  744. - https://youtu.be/vSVpByKsjwA
  745. Commentary:
  746. <i>Lambda Bledsoe:</i>
  747. Hi. I'm Lambda Bledsoe, or Xzaz. I started the project to put LoFaM2 together.
  748. I started reading Homestuck because of the music. It's fantastic.
  749. In some cases even moreso than the official music, the music that fans have made for it.
  750. This is to be expected, considering..... this album.
  751. I don't have some whimsical, vaguely inspiring words to put here, but thanks to everyone that helped make ths labum and everyone that's listened to it!
  752. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  753. Track: Brofessor Layton (Every Puzzle Has A Brolution)
  754. Artist: Ian White
  755. Track Art: doctoroftime
  756. Duration: 3:37
  757. References:
  758. - GameBro (Original 1990 Mix)
  759. - Layton's Theme
  760. Art Tags:
  761. - Dave
  762. - Dave's bro
  763. URLs:
  764. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/brofessor-layton-every-puzzle-has-a-brolution
  765. - https://youtu.be/gIeRocDm8Aw
  766. Commentary:
  767. <i>Ian White:</i>
  768. This is... this is I don't know. I think Neudorf told me to do this, so I did it. It works pretty good.
  769. <i>doctoroftime:</i>
  770. The song was a Gamebro remix and I had just figured out that Bro Strider probably writes Gamebro so it was obvious that a <i>Professor Layton x Homestuck</i> crossover needde to happen. I looked at the covers of the Layton games and basically just went for it.
  771. And because Professor Layton has tons of weird puzzle shit that no one ever questions and Homestuck is the exact same.
  772. Plus I wanted Bro in a nifty tophat and Dave in Lambda's snazzy sweater.
  773. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  774. Track: ElecTrollCopSwing
  775. Artist: Astro Kid
  776. Track Art: Rachel Weiss
  777. Duration: 4:17
  778. References: Revolution 909, Trollcops, Fuck tha Police
  779. Art Tags:
  780. - Dave
  781. - Karkat
  782. - Terezi
  783. - WV
  784. - cw: alcohol
  785. - cw: cops
  786. URLs:
  787. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/electrollcopswing
  788. - https://youtu.be/cMzUrZMMIG0
  789. Commentary:
  790. <i>Rachel Weiss:</i>
  791. I was thinking that it would be in a speakeasy during the jazz era, and Terezi is there undercover to knock heads and bring the sweet taste of justice to miscreats and wrong-doers. Or something like that, heh heh.
  792. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  793. Track: Dance-Stab-Dance
  794. Artist: Catboss
  795. Track Art: Dawn Davis
  796. Duration: 11:12
  797. References:
  798. - MeGaDanceVaNia
  799. - Walk-Stab-Walk (R&E)
  800. - Time on My Side
  801. - Even in Death
  802. - Gaia Queen
  803. - track:endless-climb
  804. - Olive Rogue
  805. - track:ruins
  806. - Lotus
  807. - BL1ND JUST1C3 : 1NV3ST1G4T1ON !!
  808. - track:chorale-for-jaspers
  809. - Another Jungle
  810. - Let's All Rock the Heist
  811. - Derse Dreamers
  812. - Carbon Nadsat / Cuestick Genius
  813. - Three in the Morning
  814. - Liquid Negrocity
  815. - track:under-the-hat
  816. - track:frost-vol6
  817. - Rex Duodecim Angelus
  818. - A Taste for Adventure
  819. - Infinity Mechanism
  820. - Ocean Stars Falling
  821. - Love You (Feferi's Theme)
  822. - track:ohgodwhat
  823. - Courser
  824. - Dance of Thorns
  825. - Unite Synchronization
  826. - track:upward-movement-dave-owns
  827. - Fly
  828. - track:vagabounce
  829. - Cascade (Beta)
  830. - Flare
  831. - Savior of the Dreaming Dead
  832. - Black Hole / Green Sun
  833. - At The Price of Oblivion
  834. Art Tags:
  835. - Jack Noir
  836. URLs:
  837. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/dance-stab-dance
  838. - https://youtu.be/13RA9z5S-MA
  839. Commentary:
  840. <i>Catboss:</i>
  841. I've wanted to make a sequel for MeGaDanceVaNia for a while, but only recently did I actually get around to it. Some songs are in here because they were in flashes; others are in here because they're my personal favorites, like Gaia Queen. And Infinity Mechanism is in there because Thomas once complained that no one remixed his songs, so THAT'S FOR YOU THOMAS.
  842. The full list of songs is <s>on the next page</s> below, so I'm just going to run over what I consider to be the hgihlights of this song:
  843. - Another Jungle + Let's All Rock The Heist
  845. - Frost/Rex Duodecim Angelus/A Taste for Adventure
  846. - Infinity Mechanism
  847. - Courser + Dance of Thorns
  848. - Unite Synchronization -&gt; Fly -&gt; Vagabounce
  849. - C a s c a d e suite esp. Saviour of the Dreaming Dead
  850. Which parts were YOUR favorites? ;3
  851. <hr>
  852. <strong>DANCE-STAB-DANCE<br>Full Breakdown</strong>
  853. - 0:00 - [[Walk-Stab-Walk (R&E)]]
  854. - 0:17 - [[Time on My Side]]
  855. - 0:34 - [[Even in Death]]
  856. - 0:46 - [[Gaia Queen]]
  857. - 0:57 - [[track:endless-climb|Endless Climb]]
  858. - 1:11 - [[Olive Rogue]]
  859. - 1:26 - [[Ruins (With Strings)]]
  860. - 1:38 - [[Lotus]]
  861. - 1:49 - [[BL1ND JUST1C3 : 1NV3ST1G4T1ON !!]]
  862. - 2:07 - [[track:chorale-for-jaspers|Chorale for Jaspers]]
  863. - 2:24 - [[Another Jungle]]
  864. - 2:30 - [[Let's All Rock the Heist]]
  865. - 2:47 - [[Derse Dreamers]]
  866. - 2:57 - [[Carbon Nadsat / Cuestick Genius]]
  867. - 3:10 - [[Three in the Morning]]
  868. - 3:22 - [[track:black|Black]]
  869. - 3:33 - [[Trollcops]]
  870. - 3:57 - [[track:frost-vol6]]
  871. - 4:08 - [[Rex Duodecim Angelus]]
  872. - 4:20 - [[A Taste for Adventure]]
  873. - 4:43 - [[Infinity Mechanism]]
  874. - 5:06 - [[Ocean Stars Falling]]
  875. - 5:11 - [[Love You (Feferi's Theme)]]
  876. - 5:41 - [[track:ohgodwhat|Ohgodwhat]]
  877. - 5:47 - [[Courser]] &amp; [[Dance of Thorns]]
  878. - 6:15 - [[Unite Synchronization]]
  879. - 6:27 - [[track:upward-movement-dave-owns|Upward Movement (Dave Owns)]]
  880. - 7:02 - [[Fly]]
  881. - 7:13 - [[track:vagabounce|Vagabounce]]
  882. - 7:36 - [[Walk-Stab-Walk (R&E)]] &amp; [[Time on My Side]]
  883. - 8:57 - [[Cascade (Beta)]]
  884. - 9:20 - [[Flare]]
  885. - 9:44 - [[Savior of the Dreaming Dead]]
  886. - 10:07 - [[Black Hole / Green Sun]]
  887. - 10:53 - [[At The Price of Oblivion]]
  888. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  889. Track: Trapped
  890. Artist: Yan Rodriguez
  891. Track Art: Gunsandwwands
  892. Duration: 1:25
  893. Art Tags:
  894. - Karkat
  895. URLs:
  896. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/trapped
  897. - https://youtu.be/BzUmLUgjkdk
  898. Commentary:
  899. <i>Yan Rodriguez:</i>
  900. Back when I had a far more depressing view on being trapped in the veil I wanted to make a short tune for it using a chord progression I played on piano all the time and really wanted to use. Reminds me a bit of how some of the chords go in Shadow of the Colossus, but a lot less epic.
  901. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  902. Track: Till The Last Breath
  903. Artist: Brenden Cameron
  904. Track Art: Racheme
  905. Duration: 3:09
  906. References:
  907. - track:showtime-original-mix
  908. - track:doctor
  909. - track:sburban-jungle
  910. Art Tags:
  911. - John
  912. URLs:
  913. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/till-the-last-breath
  914. - https://youtu.be/LKua4UM8qZU
  915. Commentary:
  916. <i>Brenden Cameron:</i>
  917. Originally titled 'A Heroic Death', this song was my second entry into the Homestuck Fanmusic contest, as well as the second song I've ever released in general.
  918. My intention at the outset of the contest was to write a theme for Tavros, my patron Troll and a character who I thought would otherwise be under-represented among the competition. However, every time I sat down to work on the song, I found myself experimenting with several of John's themes instead. Eventually I relented and combined those experiments into a song for John.
  919. Even though neither of my entries was selected for the contest album, I'm still immensely grateful for the experience. The process of preparing my songs for the competition taught me a lot about music production and showed me some of the areas I might improve on in future (specifically: I need to stop quoting existing songs so much and focus on creating original melodies).
  920. So again, thank you Andrew and everyone on the music team; both for that opportunity and for all your creative work which inspired me in the first place. Thanks Jit for offering some last minute advice (though I didn't get a chance to implement half of those suggestions...). And, of course, thank you Liza and Xzaz for organizing this second Homestuck Fan Music Album; your dedication and enthusiasm is truly an inspiration.
  921. <i>Racheme:</i>
  922. This shows little John asking his older self if they saved Dad from the game. I wanted to reflect some inner workings in John's mind, he still thinks about his only family rather than simply drawing him as powerful and never giving up like in most pictures.
  923. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  924. Track: The Note Desolation Plays
  925. Artist: Max Wright
  926. Track Art: Fortnight
  927. Duration: 1:38
  928. Art Tags:
  929. - John
  930. URLs:
  931. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/the-note-desolation-plays
  932. - https://youtu.be/-NOJYYn-V2Q
  933. Commentary:
  934. <i>Max Wright:</i>
  935. This is quite an old piece of mine, written mid-January 2010. As the title suggests, I wanted to write something that represented the first act of Homestuck, to capture the feeling of the story as we are introduced to its darker elements - the Wind Skims the Void flash ([[flash:82]]) is a good example to use. That page is almost like a title screen for the webcomic as a whole, not giving away a thing, but nudging ever so slightly towards things to come; likewise, the repeating piano ostinato in here pays tribute to the Chrono Trigger title music. Little did we know at the time, though, how destructive the conductor's baton can be.
  936. Here's hoping for a happy ending.
  937. <i>Fortnight:</i>
  938. First of all - I love this track, it sounds to me like the start of something new, with hope and high expectations thrown in. I drew this track art based off that mood and also the unnamed flash from Act 1, <a href="https://homestuck.com/story/82">page <s>1982</s> 82</a>.
  939. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  940. Track: I'm The Doctor
  941. Artist: Veritas Unae
  942. Track Art: Strideer
  943. Duration: 2:06
  944. References:
  945. - track:doctor
  946. - Doctor Who Theme
  947. Art Tags:
  948. - Doc Scratch
  949. - Rose
  950. - Horrorterrors
  951. URLs:
  952. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/im-the-doctor
  953. - https://youtu.be/XehoWGG3SFo
  954. Commentary:
  955. <i>Veritas Unae:</i>
  956. I recall this was primiarily composed for two reasons. One: Combining the Doctor Who theme with Doctor needed to happen. Two: The Doctor Who Sburb fan adventure was something I had just discovered and I wanted to compose something for it. There's not much to be said about this one. It's Doctor + Doctor Who Theme. Yeah.
  957. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  958. Track: Wind In My Heir
  959. Artist: Joe Ouellet
  960. Track Art: Racheme
  961. Duration: 3:27
  962. Art Tags:
  963. - John
  964. URLs:
  965. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/wind-in-my-heir
  966. - https://youtu.be/hwYXNdhsZIA
  967. Commentary:
  968. <i>Joe Oullet:</i>
  969. WIMH is one of my fisrt original Homestuck fan-pieces. Originally entered in the contest to select tracks for Colours and Mayhem, it was a song geared towards John and his powers as an Heir of Breath. I chose a very laid back feel to this piece, progressing fom a soft choir at the beginning, picking up an arpeggiated synth and kick on the way to a more intense section of the song. I wanted the song to flow just like the wind: starting softly, the breeze picks up gradually, when suddenly a gust of wind comes, only to leave just as fast as it came.
  970. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  971. Track: Fighting Spirit ~Second Form~
  972. Artist: Kevin Grant
  973. Track Art: sketchcomplex
  974. Duration: 4:22
  975. References:
  976. - track:upward-movement-dave-owns
  977. - track:endless-climb
  978. - track:showtime-original-mix
  979. - Eridan's Theme
  980. - track:doctor
  981. - Sunsetter
  982. - track:MeGaLoVania
  983. - Pumpkin Cravings
  984. - track:beatdown-strider-style
  985. - track:chorale-for-jaspers
  986. - track:harlequin
  987. - Liquid Negrocity
  988. - Crystalanthemums
  989. - Ocean Stars
  990. - Homestuck Anthem
  991. - How Do I Live
  992. Art Tags:
  993. - Dirk
  994. - Sawtooth
  995. - Squarewave
  996. URLs:
  997. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/fighting-spirit-second-form
  998. - https://youtu.be/gX4RAeGIDEM
  999. Commentary:
  1000. <i>Kevin Grant:</i>
  1001. With 16 songs included in the mashup, it's a far mroe complicated piece than the original. I tried to include many songs from Volume 8, like the Ocean Stars Falling bit near the end. I think it flows smoother than the original due to both song choice, and the one-year difference in skill level when creating the song. Both are made entirely in Famitracker.
  1002. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1003. Track: Corkscrew Sundown
  1004. Artist: Trent West
  1005. Track Art: straightfacedgriff
  1006. Duration: 4:14
  1007. Art Tags:
  1008. - Doc Scratch
  1009. - cw: body horror (abstract)
  1010. URLs:
  1011. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/corkscrew-sundown
  1012. - https://youtu.be/sJVzHZJBAhA
  1013. Commentary:
  1014. <i>straightfacedgriff:</i>
  1015. This is my favourite song on the album, and I ended up doing two track arts for it. This one is better, I think! I decided to use Doc Scratch because the song was about the Green Sun, and out of all the characters associated with it, I felt Doc Scratch best suited the song.
  1016. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1017. Track: Doghead
  1018. Artist: Willow Ascenzo, D. Crystal
  1019. Track Art: albel-is-mine
  1020. Duration: 3:19
  1021. References:
  1022. - track:chorale-for-jaspers
  1023. - track:sburban-jungle
  1024. - Carefree Action
  1025. Art Tags:
  1026. - Jade
  1027. URLs:
  1028. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/doghead
  1029. - https://youtu.be/wXJ4nXAu2CM
  1030. Commentary:
  1031. <i>Willow Ascenzo:</i>
  1032. I got the idea for "Doghead" shortly after "Cascade" and Jade's incredible ascension. I set out to create something epic, fast-paced, and exciting, but once I'd finished the first part, I found it was missing something. So I approached MSPA forumite and fellow Homestuck fan musician D. Crystal to see if he could add some guitar and drum tracks. He was happy to oblige, and the end result turned out much better than the work I could do by myself. I learned two lessons that one day: one, that two heads are better than one and collaboration is incredibly fun, and two, that electric guitars make everything better.
  1033. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1034. Track: Jane's Theme
  1035. Artist: David Dycus
  1036. Track Art: positivelymorbid
  1037. Duration: 2:14
  1038. Art Tags:
  1039. - Jane
  1040. - Rabbit
  1041. URLs:
  1042. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/janes-theme
  1043. - https://youtu.be/J-Ff0WoEiS8
  1044. Commentary:
  1045. <i>David Dycus:</i>
  1046. Jane's theme was my third and final entry into the HS music contest, conceived and completed less than a day before I made my submission. It obviously didn't make the cut, and Jane ended up receiving a much more badass theme in the form of [[Cyan Beast]]. At the time when I wrote the song (around January 29, 2012), we really didn't know much about Jane beyond the fact that she was a nice girl who enjoyed baking. I tried to give her a theme that was quaint and melodic, not too energetic like my other submissions; compared to most of the other characters, Jane is very down-to-earth, which I admired. Structurally, it loosely parallels [[Fuchsia Witch]], which was originally titled "Jake's Theme."
  1047. <i>positivelymorbid:</i>
  1048. When I first listened to it, I thought it was a really calm, tranquil song, so I thought maybe Jane relaxing. The more I listened to it, the more adventurous it sounded. Then it hit me, why not Jane having a picnic in LOCAH, picnics are relaxing and adventurous. Overall, I enjoyed the song, and I really enjoyed drawing this art for it.
  1049. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1050. Track: The Four Thrones
  1051. Artist: Samm Neiland
  1052. Track Art: Reid Slater
  1053. Duration: 5:15
  1054. References:
  1055. - track:sburban-jungle
  1056. - track:showtime-original-mix
  1057. - track:endless-climb
  1058. - track:doctor
  1059. - track:upward-movement-dave-owns
  1060. - Homestuck Anthem
  1061. - track:dissension-original
  1062. Art Tags:
  1063. - John
  1064. - Rose
  1065. - Dave
  1066. - Jade
  1067. URLs:
  1068. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/the-four-thrones
  1069. - https://youtu.be/gjRlg2sGgN0
  1070. Commentary:
  1071. <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
  1072. So this was done mostly as a self response to another fan track I did which was a minute or so long music box rendition of Showtime. While pretty, it hardly showcased my abilities as a musician or a producer. So in about the span of the week, I arranged, composed, and produced a traditional string quartet, heavily inspired by cellist and multitrack recording artist, Zoë Keating. All the recording was done with only my viola and my signature production style.
  1073. I remember it being a week of musical hell for me, but I'm quite proud of the end results. Perhaps one day, I'll be able to rerecord it with a proper quartet. One can dream at least.
  1074. <i>Reid Slater:</i>
  1075. I wanted to represent the beta kids reaching their godtier status while mixing in the royalty theme that Samm's song gave me. Samm said to me himself that he thought of the crowning scene in Narnia and the four thrones, and I thought it was suitable to represent them with crowns, holding the Skaia they influenced and looking content and almost relieved in each other's company. I wanted to create something happy and a little bitter-sweet, which was the feeling I got from Samm's track. And I wanted to show that sort of unity and friendship the kids have, even after all they've been through.
  1076. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1077. Track: Jade Aubade
  1078. Artist: Trent West
  1079. Track Art: nappotuna
  1080. Duration: 3:59
  1081. Art Tags:
  1082. - Jade
  1083. URLs:
  1084. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/jade-aubade
  1085. - https://youtu.be/NHjYM56U2os
  1086. Commentary:
  1087. <i>nappotuna:</i>
  1088. Listening to the song, I immediately wanted to do something involving Jade doing something cool. When I asked Trogg bout it, I learned that the song was actually based more so on the Green Sun. I didn't want to just trash my current progress with Jade so I changed things up a little. Added the Sun in the back, changed the light sources into more green-like tones, et cetera.
  1089. And what you see here is the finished product.
  1090. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1091. Track: Blood Knight
  1092. Artist: Rachel Rose Mitchell
  1093. Track Art: Elanor Pam
  1094. Duration: 4:29
  1095. Art Tags:
  1096. - Karkat
  1097. URLs:
  1098. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/blood-knight-2
  1099. - https://youtu.be/kmnBn-BKAzg
  1100. Commentary:
  1101. <i>Rachel Rose Mitchell:</i>
  1102. When I made Blood Knight, I was still pretty exhausted from putting Mechani% - now known as [[Indigo Archer]] - together. I'd never made anything as complex as Indigo Archer bfeore and on top of that I had massive anxieties about getting into the competition. I was stressed out! So Blood Knight nearly never happened.
  1103. About a week before the music contest ended, I was talking to my best friend and he said he thought I could make a kickass song for Karkat. I didn't really believe him at first. Karkat is one of my favourite characters and I didn't feel confident about capturing him at all. But my friend persisted and threw a few ideas at me. Eventually I found myself in Cubase making music again with my best friend to thank for it.
  1104. Immediately, I knew it needed electric guitars. That was problematic for me as I'd never, ever gotten synthesized guitars to sound halfway decent before. Heck, I'm still not entirely sure how I managed it, but I'm super happy with how it turned out. The feel of it matches what I was going for; not quite metal, not quite a ballad, kind of melancholy but also kind of in your face. Sort of. You might be able to tell that I had an easier time making it than describing it, heh. Pretty darn proud of this piece.
  1105. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1106. Track: In The Shadow of a Fractured Sun
  1107. Artist: Artisticpolo
  1108. Track Art: megalovriska
  1109. Duration: 4:44
  1110. Art Tags:
  1111. - Aradia
  1112. - Sollux
  1113. URLs:
  1114. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/in-the-shadow-of-a-fractured-sun
  1115. - https://youtu.be/Mu93RembYqM
  1116. Commentary:
  1117. <i>Artisticpolo:</i>
  1118. Initially a [[track:frost-vol6]] remix but it became something else. The square-wave arpeggio that you hear is probably the only thing that is now reminiscent of that remix. It was because of the harp that this grew into something different. I actually composed this while the composition was playing. I would listen to the notes I had composed, and I would just place new notes where I think they would work while listening. Somehow, everything just seemed to fit together - the violins, the synths, the percussion - everything just worked. The structure of this composition just flowed. I'm pretty sure this is one of my best pieces so far.
  1119. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1120. Track: Red Miles
  1121. Artist: David Dycus
  1122. Track Art: Amethyst Barron
  1123. Duration: 2:25
  1124. References:
  1125. - track:sburban-jungle
  1126. Directory: red-miles-lofam2
  1127. Art Tags:
  1128. - Jack Noir
  1129. - cw: blood
  1130. - cw: body horror
  1131. URLs:
  1132. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/red-miles
  1133. - https://youtu.be/uYkKgHTi-S0
  1134. Commentary:
  1135. <i>David Dycus:</i>
  1136. Red Miles was the first Homestuck song I ever completed, early in 2011. I had just installed a new copy of FL Studio after losing my old copy in a hard drive crash two years earlier. I imemediately threw together about five Homestuck songs in a desperate attempt to get on the music team. Shortly thereafter, I discovered about a thousand other fan musicians like myself (and also LOFAM I), and quietly accepted that I would never, ever be on an official Homestuck album.
  1137. A year and a half later, Red Miles definitely sounds like a first attempt. My only objective was to try to make the most over-the-top, attention-grabbing chiptune-metal song I could muster, so I threw in every trope I knew: the pipe organ, the wall of 8-bit synths, the Inferno electric guitar patch, and the Sburban Jungle motif (which I would use many, many more times). It may have been a bit much, but it was a necessary first step.
  1138. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1139. Track: Elegy for a Thief (Dreamscape Remix)
  1140. Artist: Willow Ascenzo
  1141. Track Art: Cap
  1142. Duration: 1:48
  1143. References: Spider's Claw
  1144. Art Tags:
  1145. - Vriska
  1146. URLs:
  1147. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/elegy-for-a-thief-dreamscape-remix
  1148. - https://youtu.be/dod8eS9-JMc
  1149. Commentary:
  1150. <i>Willow Ascenzo:</i>
  1151. I wrote <i>Elegy for a Thief</i> back in August 2011, inspired by the evocative image of ghost-Vriska standing in the snow outside John's house. After re-arranging it into a solo piano piece, I sat on it for a while. Eventually I began to work on another remix, but forgot about it. Then the song was nominated for Land of Fans and Music 2, and I rushed to polish up the song now that I had better tools and more skill. But I'd lost the original file, and the only remaining part of the scrapped remix was the right-hand piano notes (luckily, those were the most important part of the song)! The new remix is exotic and a bit hypnotic, syumbolizing John and Vriska's journey through the surreal and fantastic memory-realms of the afterlife.
  1152. <i>Cap:</i>
  1153. Originally, I planned to do a sentimental image of Vriska standing in the snow, but it turned out pretty lame. Then I figured hey, since I'm making somethin for a fantastic song for an amazing troll, why not make the piece almost as gr8t as her? So the snow idea melted and turned into this bizarre, dreambubble-ish creation!
  1154. Now imagine my surprise when I heard that Ascenzo later remixed the song and made it like 16,777,216 times cooler.
  1155. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1156. Track: We Won't Wander Alone
  1157. Artist: Land of Ships and Music
  1158. Track Art: tacostothenorth
  1159. Duration: 3:54
  1160. Art Tags:
  1161. - WV
  1162. - PM
  1163. - Serenity
  1164. URLs:
  1165. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/we-wont-wander-alone
  1166. - https://youtu.be/xFXXrQoAZs4
  1167. Lyrics:
  1168. PM: You have ensnared me with your democratic charm<br>And I know that together this land won't fall<br>I'd like to be the one hanging on this mayor's arm<br>We can rule these sands until the trees grow tall
  1169. WV: Your royal quest has brought you here to me<br>From the golden castle in the night<br>and I would venture to call it destiny<br>and we dance beneath the fireflies' light
  1170. Chorus: From Prospit to Derse<br>For better or worse<br>We won't wander alone<br>We'll find our new home<br>Here on this barren land<br>our love will fill these exiled sands<br>We won't wander alone
  1171. PM: And oh won't it be nice to share the stars with me<br>Oh I'll swear wherever we are is home<br>As long as I can get back to mail delivery<br>I'll never truly ever be alone
  1172. WV: You have become my one and only queen<br>and your radiance has fully consumed my eyes<br>And you know I would never dare give up this scene<br>Even here beneath the blood red sky
  1173. (Chorus)
  1174. PM: And if you ever get hurt<br>I'll do whatever works<br>to bring you home to me<br>We won't wander alone
  1175. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1176. Track: Embittered Shore
  1177. Artist: Max Wright
  1178. Track Art: clumsyroyalty
  1179. Duration: 3:22
  1180. Art Tags:
  1181. - Mobius Trip
  1182. - Hadron Kaleido
  1183. URLs:
  1184. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/embittered-shore
  1185. - https://youtu.be/6NIkdexVdT4
  1186. Commentary:
  1187. <i>Max Wright:</i>
  1188. I've always liked the idea behind Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido, and the mysterious character canvas that the album brought across. So, from there, I wanted to contribute my own ideas of how MTaHK were represented, and ended up with Embittered Shore. I wanted the piece to have that 'Bowman' quality to it, while still refraining from outright copying his ideas off in any particular way - the heavy use of guitars and fleeting synths was my way of capturing the emotion that Bowman injects into his music, to bring across his characterization. Ultimately, the piece ends the way it started - it is a brief window through which the troubled characters may be projected and represented.
  1189. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1190. Track: Ye Flarey Gentlemen
  1191. Artist: Clark Powell
  1192. Track Art: Dawn Davis
  1193. Duration: 2:46
  1194. References:
  1195. - Flare
  1196. - God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
  1197. Art Tags:
  1198. - Aradia
  1199. - Sollux
  1200. URLs:
  1201. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/ye-flarey-gentlemen
  1202. - https://youtu.be/AWWt9nhx6t0
  1203. Commentary:
  1204. <i>Clark Powell:</i>
  1205. This song was made at Christmas.
  1206. It's not Christmas anymore.
  1207. <i>Lambda Bledsoe:</i>
  1208. this entire album was a joke at clark's expense
  1209. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1210. Track: Finale Strife
  1211. Artist: Willow Ascenzo
  1212. Track Art: Ducky Senpai
  1213. Duration: 4:13
  1214. Art Tags:
  1215. - Jake
  1216. - Lord English
  1217. URLs:
  1218. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/finale-strife
  1219. - https://youtu.be/THrQgH-xopg
  1220. Commentary:
  1221. <i>Willow Ascenzo:</i>
  1222. I began "Finale Strife" as a long, slow-burning build-up song for the final battle with Lord English, in a similar vein to "Finale Toccata" from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. That, however, didn't pan out, and it ended up turning into a fast-paced, high-energy strife theme more in the vein of "The Curse of Sorrow" from Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (the only Castlevania game I've actually come close to beating), especially the organ, electric guitar, and snappy drum kit. The main melody has some resemblance to the Black King's theme from [[Rex Duodecim Angelus]] by Malcolm Brown, but not enough to qualify as a remix or arrangement.
  1223. <i>Ducky Senpai:</i>
  1224. I initially had no idea what I was going to do for this song. I skimmed through the tracks and noticed this one by Willow Ascenzo (who did some of my favorites on coloUrs and mayhem: Universe A like [[Teal Hunter]] and [[Violet Mariner]]), and I was instantly sold probably because of my love for pipe organs. Anyway, for a lack of better inspiration, I used the description left on soundcloud - "Final battle with Lord English." Tie that to Aranea's mentioning that Jake was destined to beat Lord English, and I had my inspiration. The lineart took much longer than it should have since my tablet had been freaking out and I haven't gotten the new one yet, but the coloring went quite smoothly.
  1225. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1226. Track: Gangsta
  1227. Artist: Dante Basco
  1228. Track Art: clumsyroyalty
  1229. Duration: 2:59
  1230. Art Tags:
  1231. - Rose
  1232. - Jade
  1233. - Rufioh
  1234. URLs:
  1235. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/gangsta
  1236. - https://youtu.be/YR3O-23PD3o
  1237. Lyrics:
  1238. ???
  1239. Commentary:
  1240. <i>Dante Basco:</i>
  1241. one of my first comments for rose was "she's gangsta"... then when i met jade, i said she was gangsta too... it kinda just stuck in with the homestucks and this is a song that i dedicate to those girls... i'm glad everyone dug it.
  1242. <i><b>Lambda Bledsoe:</b></i>
  1243. there <i>would</i> be lyrics here if i were capable of interpreting them.
  1244. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1245. Track: Joy And Dreams Eternal
  1246. Artist: Malcolm Brown
  1247. Track Art: Fitzwibble
  1248. References:
  1249. - track:ballad-of-awakening
  1250. Duration: 2:45
  1251. Art Tags:
  1252. - Jade
  1253. URLs:
  1254. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/joy-and-dreams-eternal
  1255. - https://youtu.be/KlKvnXvJ5a8
  1256. Commentary:
  1257. <i>Fitzwibble:</i>
  1258. When I first heard this song, I got this sense of... I guess you could call it grand scale? Glorious grandscaliness? No wait that is dumb. I wanted to do something that captured that feeling, and it made me think of the panel where we see Prospit rising over the towers of the moon, and I could just imagine Jade flying around and marvelling at this amazing view. I hope I did the song justice!
  1259. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1260. Track: Guns Blazing
  1261. Artist: Catboss
  1262. Track Art: angryoct
  1263. Duration: 3:21
  1264. Art Tags:
  1265. - Jake
  1266. URLs:
  1267. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/guns-blazing
  1268. - https://youtu.be/nzXoB2hXYCw
  1269. Commentary:
  1270. <i>Catboss:</i>
  1271. The first song I made for the Homestuck contest, and IMO the best! It's supposed to be a Showtime for the new generaiton, a strife theme for Jake English - although the melody ended up sounding more like Dissension than Showtime. The progression is spposed to be Showtime-esque as well, starting from the piano refrain, going into a chiptune-esque portion, and finally building to a BOSS FIGHT version, using punchy drums (the punchiest!) to simulate gunshots.
  1272. So close your eyes and imagine Jake doing that thing where he flies through the air shooting both guns at once. Yes. So sweet. Wouldn't it be great if there were an animated flash to go with it? That would be SUPER SWEET.
  1273. (Bonus fun fact: the last 30 seconds of the song was actually the first part to be conceptualized!)
  1274. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1275. Track: Showtime (Svix Mix)
  1276. Artist: Svix
  1277. Track Art: PV
  1278. Duration: 2:51
  1279. References:
  1280. - track:showtime-original-mix
  1281. Art Tags:
  1282. - John
  1283. - John's dad
  1284. URLs:
  1285. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/showtime-svix-mix
  1286. - https://youtu.be/dodzDnjmY9Q
  1287. Commentary:
  1288. <i>Svix:</i>
  1289. I created the first verison of my Showtime remix back in September 2009 shortly after I started getting into Homestuck, it seemed to go down well and a few months later I was invited to be part of the official music team.
  1290. Since then I feel that I have improved significantly and so I've given the old remix a quick reworking. Whilst I think that structurally the track is a little too similar to the original and if I were to make another remix I would do things quite differently, this piece was the one which began to outline my chiptune style which I've since developed with my other Homestuck tracks. My main influences with the chiptune are from the SID and Yamaha chips found in the C64 and Sega Mega Drive respectively, and as such many synth and percussive elements from each can be heard in my work.
  1291. <i>PV:</i>
  1292. To fit a remix of one of my favorite Homestuck themes, I wanted to make the Strife scene between Dad and John in my own style, while still holding somewhat true to the original. A remix of the art as well as the song.
  1293. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1294. Track: Ugly Story
  1295. Artist: PhemieC
  1296. Track Art: prismatic-void
  1297. Duration: 3:19
  1298. Art Tags:
  1299. - Eridan
  1300. - Sollux
  1301. - Feferi
  1302. - Vriska
  1303. URLs:
  1304. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/ugly-story
  1305. - https://youtu.be/Nbxu8jl_jVU
  1306. Lyrics:
  1307. I am a prince and I live in a ship and I aim my rifle and I shoot from the hip<br>and I have a friend I pity quite a bit<br>She said, "Grab your gun, let's have some fun, share with me your perigees<br>I have responsibilities, I cannot run!"
  1308. "I do not wish the death of any living thing,<br>I might be a killer but one day I shall be a queen<br>and put an end to slaughter, but until then I'm keen<br>on staking claim to land and sea and everyfin between."
  1309. I played a game with eleven fools who told me not to break the rules<br>but when have angels ever helped me yet?<br>And magic isn't real and anyway, it doesn't matter<br>cause no matter what I conjure, it could not help me deflect
  1310. the angry death of every hopeful thought<br>that I might a lover or a fighter that I'm not<br>In someone's spider web or net I could be caught<br>but I'm too bitter, better off alone, guess I forgot
  1311. So what? Do you want me to say sorry?<br>Should I apologize when you ignore me?<br>I didn't ask to be right or to be lonely<br>or to be hatched into an ugly story
  1312. I am a prince and I had a pair of princesses in two sharp squares<br>but then I guess I bored them both to death<br>And now I think my calling is to break apart and fall to pieces<br>Better yet, invent a brand new method of ascension
  1313. I'm impressed, you've managed to survive<br>but rest assured we'd all be better off dead than alive<br>cause when they get ahold of us, we'll all be batter fried<br>and I'm surprised that nobody's considered switching sides
  1314. So here I am, respectfully and royally destroying<br>any chance of getting back on your good gills<br>And I don't mean to be hurtful, but if yellow's the new purple<br>Well, then bleeding's the new breathing, don't you think I will!
  1315. I used to wish the death of every living thing<br>I might be your killer but you'd never be my queen<br>so put away your laughter, pack up your hopes and dreams<br>I'm done with black back-handing and red pandering, it seems
  1316. That I am just pathetic, I won't be overlooked!<br>I'm past the point of fishing to get back upon your hook!<br>I've made a manifesto, I've been bested by a crook! But never more!<br>I'm planning on reclaiming what he took...
  1317. So what? Do you want me to say sorry?<br>Should I apologize when you ignore me?<br>I didn't ask to be right or to be lonely<br>or to be hatched into an ugly story<br>to be hatched into an ugly story
  1318. Oh my, this pantomine is getting gory
  1319. I am a prince and I live in a ship<br>I am a prince and I live in a ship
  1320. Commentary:
  1321. <i>PhemieC:</i>
  1322. This song chronicles Eridan's thought process and a bit of his history leading up to his death, and examines why he made the decisions he did. I think there's a lot to his character people normally forget and I just wanted to expand on his motivations a bit.
  1323. <i>prismatic-void:</i>
  1324. The first time I heard the song I thought it described Eridan perfectly. It's about being left behind and distrusted by the only people he ever put faith in. He's angry and selfish and decides to forget about them in favor of his own goals. I wanted to show him essentially walking away from the ghosts of his past and doing his best to ignore how much they've hurt him.
  1325. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1326. Track: Dark Funk
  1327. Artist: Kevin Grant
  1328. Track Art: Shoona
  1329. Duration: 2:47
  1330. Art Tags:
  1331. - Midnight Crew
  1332. - cw: blood
  1333. URLs:
  1334. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/dark-funk
  1335. - https://youtu.be/7m3FoAy7An4
  1336. Commentary:
  1337. <i>Kevin Grant:</i>
  1338. This didn't start out as a Homestuck themed song, but once I realized that it mached up with the dark and moody feel of the Midnight Crew, I decided to complete it with that goal in mind. The song itself is pretty simple, all in all. I just really dig that bassline.
  1339. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1340. Track: A Stitch In Time
  1341. Artist: Joe Ouellet
  1342. Track Art: AS
  1343. Duration: 2:26
  1344. Art Tags:
  1345. - The Felt
  1346. URLs:
  1347. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/a-stitch-in-time
  1348. - https://youtu.be/_y_NODhJfDE
  1349. Commentary:
  1350. <i>Joe Ouellet:</i>
  1351. When given the chance to make an extra track for LOFAM 2, I jumped at the opportunity. It turns out I was assigned a Felt related track, specifically to Stitch. I wanted to stay true to the feel of the album [[album:the-felt]]. I used strings, light percussion, and most importantly, I messed around with the tempo. This was a little bit of a challenge for me, but I think it turned out alright. Fun fact; The glitchy effect was not on purpose, it was an export error I thought sounded cool so I kept it.
  1352. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1353. Track: Ave Dei Novi
  1354. Artist: Willow Ascenzo
  1355. Track Art: xkoraxayomex
  1356. Duration: 3:48
  1357. References:
  1358. - track:doctor
  1359. - track:dissension-original
  1360. - track:aggrieve
  1361. - track:atomyk-ebonpyre
  1362. Art Tags:
  1363. - Jade
  1364. URLs:
  1365. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/ave-dei-novi
  1366. - https://youtu.be/y3jkIF6yMkc
  1367. Commentary:
  1368. <i>Willow Ascenzo:</i>
  1369. When I started "Ave Dei Novi" (a song made just for Land of Fans and Music 2), I fully intended that it would be the biggest, strongest, most well-composed, best Homestuck fan composition I've worked on to date, a sort of capstone of Homestuck fan music. The first Land of Fans and Music had two of my early songs on it, and I felt it was appropriate that I do my best and show how far I'd come in a year for the second album. "Ave Dei Novi" takes its cue, partially, from the bombastic and incredible Gundam Unicorn soundtrack by Sawano Hiroyuki, especially in the orchestra and percussion grooves, which I worked very hard on. I think I'm most proud of the bongo groove breakdown in the middle and the "Atomyk Ebonpyre" section near the end. Those two parts ended up especially fantastic.
  1370. <i>xkoraxayomex:</i>
  1371. Overall I feel that the artwork suits the piece in terms of relativity and presentation. I think it looks refined and somewhat detailed, but there is room for improvement. When I read the title for the piece, Ascension, I automatically thought back to Jade's god tier, as it is simply gorgeous and I just love it. It was a milestone for her becoming an even more essential character in Homestuck.
  1372. <i><b>Lambda Bledsoe:</b></i>
  1373. this song was originally titled "ascension", but there was to be another song on lofam2 with a similar title ("god tier ascension") (except now there isn't) so wmm changed it to"ave dei novi" which translates to "hail the new gods"
  1374. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1375. Track: Nevermore (Can't Sleep, Crows Will Find Me)
  1376. Artist: Thomas Ferkol
  1377. Track Art: Amethyst Barron
  1378. Duration: 3:08
  1379. URLs:
  1380. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/nevermore-cant-sleep-crows-will-find-me
  1381. - https://youtu.be/SCNRj_vp9SM
  1382. Commentary:
  1383. <i><b>Brad Griffin:</b></i>
  1384. No commentary here!
  1385. <i>continued from [[The Seer and the Tribesmen]]:</i>
  1389. <i>THE END.</i>
  1390. The moral of the story is, people should write their own dang commentary or else this happens.
  1391. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1392. Track: Prophecy
  1393. Artist: David Dycus
  1394. Track Art: Daysi
  1395. Duration: 2:26
  1396. References: Penumbra Phantasm
  1397. Art Tags:
  1398. - Rose
  1399. - Horrorterrors
  1400. URLs:
  1401. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/prophecy
  1402. - https://youtu.be/uFGakc3gyDM
  1403. Commentary:
  1404. <i>David Dycus:</i>
  1405. Prophecy was made in February of 2011, a couple of months after I re-installed FL Studio. [[Umbral Ultimatum]] remains one of my favorite HS songs, and I wanted to do something in 3/4 time using the opening melody. The song's development is kind of a blur to me now, I was busy with work and was experiencing some anxiety problems, and threw the song together over a two or three-day period, but it obviously took a very dark turn somewhere along the way. Whatever happened, I'm still pretty pleased with how it turned out.
  1406. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1407. Track: The Dance of Oblivion
  1408. Artist: Domble
  1409. Track Art: piskomil
  1410. Duration: 3:10
  1411. Art Tags:
  1412. - Rose
  1413. References:
  1414. - At The Price of Oblivion
  1415. - Rex Duodecim Angelus
  1416. - Dance of Thorns
  1417. - track:sburban-jungle
  1418. - An Unbreakable Union
  1419. - track:mutiny
  1420. URLs:
  1421. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/the-dance-of-oblivion
  1422. - https://youtu.be/dw9fX9Z6jK4
  1423. Commentary:
  1424. <i>Domble:</i>
  1425. The original version of this track had huge problems. I kept the writing mostly the same, only adding little flourishes here and there and improving the overall sound of the piece dramatically. It just sounds nicer now, and that guitar solo part at the end helps add a real finish to the piece while referencing both titular trakcs in a different, significant way.
  1426. Oh and the title makes me think of The Dance of Eternity by Dream Theater which is a really cool song.
  1427. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1428. Track: Alphamatic Replacement
  1429. Artist: Xauric
  1430. Track Art: dodostad
  1431. Duration: 4:13
  1432. Art Tags:
  1433. - Jane
  1434. - Roxy
  1435. - Dirk
  1436. - Jake
  1437. URLs:
  1438. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/alphamatic-replacement
  1439. - https://youtu.be/IEI_jZ4jiOU
  1440. Commentary:
  1441. <i>Xauric:</i>
  1442. So... this piece was originally designed to just be... exactly that. Just another piece. It wasn't meant for Homestuck, it wasn't meant for Tumblr or anyone to see it. But a fantastic friend of mine told me about the Homestuck Music competition, so I figured why not. I sent this in after tweaking it a bit, and just for fun, threw it up on Tumblr. I then left for vacation, but still had internet access. I came back to see my song exploded on Tumblr, and was promptly getting upwards of 1,000-3,000 views a week. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. The song itself was kind of... my own personal blend? I love songs that combine organic and inorganic elements, and with Homestuck being the big thing on the block lately, I decided to try it out. As evidence by this album, it didn't make it, but it certainly was a big hit. However, what's funnier is that the version I put on Tumblr was the unmastered version, so when I put the mastered version up, it didn't get nearly as many hits as the unmastered version.
  1443. A lot of people have asked me whether or not I'm going to make a second Homestuck track. And as much as I love the motivation from fans to do so, I don't think I could handle trying to one-up a piece like this and failing. So, here's to you, Homestuck.
  1444. <i>dodostad:</i>
  1445. For me the song was about alpha kids, no question about it. It took me a long time to come up with a composition that I liked and that seemed to fit the song. LOOK OUT FOR THE MILES JANE
  1446. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1447. Track: Planetarium
  1448. Artist: Rachel Rose Mitchell
  1449. Track Art: Spectrumfizz
  1450. Duration: 3:13
  1451. URLs:
  1452. - https://unofficialmspafans.bandcamp.com/track/planetarium
  1453. - https://youtu.be/0J76sysYCOE
  1454. Commentary:
  1455. <i>Rachel Rose Mitchell:</i>
  1456. Planetarium was the first piece of Homestuck fan music I ever made. I'd only just caught up with the archives when I was set a composition assignment for university. Having never used Logic to compose before, I had fun playing with a bunch of the different inbuilt instruments. When I found the koto, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I tried to make it sound somewhat ethereal and otherworldly to represent the Incipisphere in all its beautiful weirdness. To try to do that, I threw a whole lot of reverb and delay at pretty much every track. I really did not know what I was doing, but it was fun.
  1457. The vocal lines were an afterthought. Actually, no, they were less than an afterthought. They weren't actually something I thought I should include at all, but the assignment had a requirement of at least four recorded audio tracks. I threw those lines together at home on Cubase (I don't actually have a Mac, let alone Logic!) the morning the piece was drew it, slapped them onto the piece with Logic that day and got the assignment in just in time. But in the end, I think they enhanced the feel of the piece, so I'm kind of glad I had to chuck them in there!
  1458. <i>Spectrumfizz:</i>
  1459. This is probably my favoured piece from my two more serious ones. I wanted to make a layout reminiscent of an actual planetarium, and I think I achieved that well (the "strings" hanging up the planets are simultaneously that and the kids' houses built up towards Skaia, which indicates that I kind of overthought this). I'm actually pretty fond of how the tiny Beat Mesa and Prospit's moon turned out.
  1460. Oh yeah, the song itself is also SUPER pretty (I'm surprised I managed to snag such a lovely song to make art for), but you'll know that already considering you're probably listening to it right now.