@@ -1,3 +1,345 @@
-# Under construction
+# avdl - Hello, World!
-This page has not been created yet.
+This page will show a "Hello, World!" program made in `avdl`.
+It will explain all the basic details to show all skills
+needed to make a very basic game.
+Back to main page: <a class="menu" href="@ROOT@/avdl.html">avdl</a>
+## Aim
+The "Hello, World!" program will display a triangle, of pale violet colour,
+that keeps rotating. The aim is to show a very simple program using `avdl`.
+It will explain some basic concepts like how to:
+* create a new world
+* update the world's state
+* create new meshes, load them and give them a colour
+## Create a world
+Create a file named `hello-world.dd`, and open it with a text editor.
+The first thing needed, is create a new world that will host our
+triangle. To do that, we need to create a new `class`, that is a
+subclass of `dd_world` (`avdl`'s world class).
+The syntax to create a class is as follows:
+ (class -classname- -subclass- -declarations-)
+* -classname- : The name of the class. Can be anything.
+* -subclass- : The subclass of the class we are creating.
+* -declarations- : All the data that the new class has (variables, functions, etc)
+Using that information, let's create a world called "HelloWorld":
+ (class HelloWorld dd_world
+ (group
+ (def dd_meshColour triangle)
+ (def float rotation)
+ (function void create (group))
+ (function void update (group))
+ (function void draw (group))
+ (function void clean (group))
+ )
+ )
+Let's break this in parts and explain what it does.
+ (class HelloWorld dd_world
+ (group
+This creates a new world called `HelloWorld`, which is a subclass of `dd_world`.
+The `group` command is used to pass multiple expressions when one is expected.
+In this case, multiple variables and function declarations are passed, so we
+group them together.
+ (def dd_meshColour triangle)
+ (def float rotation)
+The command `def` is used to declare a variable. In this case it is used
+to declare that these variables belong in the `HelloWorld` world. It's signature
+is this:
+ (def -vartype- -varname-)
+* -vartype- : The variable type. Could be a primitive like `int`, `float`, or another class.
+* -varname- : The variable name. Can be anything.
+The `dd_meshColour` is an internal class that creates a mesh with a shape and vertex colours.
+So the lines above create a mesh with the name `triangle`, and a floating number that tracks
+constant rotation, with the name `rotation`.
+ (function void create (group))
+ (function void update (group))
+ (function void draw (group))
+ (function void clean (group))
+These are functions that `avdl` calls when specific criteria is met.
+The command `function` has the following signature:
+ (function -type- -name- -arguments-)
+* -type- : The function type. Can be a primitive like `int`, `float` or `void`.
+* -name- : The function name. Can be anything.
+* -arguments- : The arguments of that function. Not useful for this tutorial.
+So the above lines declare a few functions that return nothing (`void`) and have no arguments
+(empty `group` command).
+## Implement the world's initialisation
+In this part, the world needs to have a defined behaviour.
+What does the `triangle` mesh look like? What colour is it?
+What kind of rotation does it do and how fast?
+To do this, the world's functions need to be implemented,
+starting with the `create` one. This function will run
+once when the world is marked to be created, and looks like this:
+ (class_function HelloWorld void create (group)
+ (group
+ (dd_clearColour 0.13 0.13 0.13 1)
+ (= this.rotation 0)
+ (this.triangle.set_primitive DD_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE)
+ (this.triangle.set_colour 0.8 0.6 1)
+ )
+ )
+The command `class_function` is used to implement a function belonging to a class.
+It's signature is this:
+ (class_function -classname- -type- -name- -arguments- -statements-)
+* -classname- : The name of the class the function belongs to.
+* -type- : The return type of the function. Can be any primitive (`int`, `float`, `void`, etc).
+* -name- : The name of the function.
+* -arguments- : The arguments of that function. Not useful for this tutorial.
+* -statements- : The statements that are executed, when the function is run.
+With this information, let's look at the first two lines:
+ (class_function HelloWorld void create (group)
+ (group
+These implement the function `create` belonging to class `HelloWorld`,
+which returns `void` and has no arguments. The second `group` command is for
+declaring the statements inside of it.
+ (dd_clearColour 0.13 0.13 0.13 1)
+The command `dd_clearColour` sets the colour that the window is using to clear
+itself. If nothing is drawn, the whole screen will have that colour. It
+takes 4 float numbers as arguments, that define the values red, green, blue and
+ (= this.rotation 0)
+This sets the initial rotation to `0`.
+ (this.triangle.set_primitive DD_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE)
+ (this.triangle.set_colour 0.8 0.6 1)
+These two lines define what the `triangle` mesh looks like.
+The command `set_primitive` gives it a shape that is pre-defined
+by `avdl`. Possible values at the moment are `DD_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE`,
+The command `set_colour` gives a colour to the mesh's shape.
+It takes three float numbers as input, that represent red,
+green and blue values.
+> Important: The mesh's shape has to have been defined **before** it
+is given a colour.
+## Implement the world's update functionality
+It gets easier from here, now the world `update` function needs
+to be implemented. This is run once per frame, and takes care
+of updating the world's state. It looks like this:
+ (class_function HelloWorld void update (group)
+ (group
+ (= this.rotation (+ this.rotation 1))
+ (if (>= this.rotation 360)
+ (= this.rotation (- this.rotation 360))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+Let's break it down again:
+ (class_function HelloWorld void update (group)
+ (group
+Like before, this defines the implementation of function `update`, belonging
+to class `HelloWorld`, which returns `void` and has no arguments.
+ (= this.rotation (+ this.rotation 1))
+This part, increases the `rotation` value by `1` every frame.
+This like can be interpreted as `this.rotation = this.rotation + 1`.
+ (if (>= this.rotation 360)
+ (= this.rotation (- this.rotation 360))
+ )
+This part is only there to wrap around the value of `rotation`,
+so when it goes above `360`, it will go back to `0` and continue
+increasing infinitely. Given our rotation will be a full circle,
+this change won't be visible on the screen.
+## Implement the world's draw functionality
+Next is the world's `draw` function. What does the world look
+like? Where is the "camera" looking from? The code looks like
+ (class_function HelloWorld void draw (group)
+ (group
+ (dd_translatef 0 0 -5)
+ (dd_rotatef this.rotation 0 0 1)
+ (this.triangle.draw)
+ )
+ )
+Let's break it down:
+ (class_function HelloWorld void draw (group)
+ (group
+As before, this implements the function `draw` of class `HelloWorld`,
+which returns `void` and has no arguments.
+ (dd_translatef 0 0 -5)
+The default "camera" is in the center of the world, looking
+at the `-Z` axis. So to position something directly in front
+of the camera, we need to move what we want to draw in the same
+direction, in this case, `5` points in the `-Z` axis.
+ (dd_rotatef this.rotation 0 0 1)
+This is where the rotation comes in. This line will rotate
+any object that we draw after it `this.rotation` degrees around the `Z`
+ (this.triangle.draw)
+The last line, simply draws the `triangle` mesh in the
+current position (influenced by the translation and rotation
+above). This will draw the triangle in the middle of the screen.
+## Implement the world's clean functionality
+This part is temporary, and is meant to be removed
+in a future version of `avdl`. Until then, the `clean` function has
+to be implemented as an empty function like this:
+ (class_function HelloWorld void clean (group) (group))
+The `avdl` compiler then knows how to add the right functionality
+to free all resources that this world was using.
+## Set the project's settings
+Before this project is complete, we need to define the `dd_gameInit` function.
+This is a function that runs when the game is first started, before a world is
+shown on the screen. In fact, this defines which world should be shown on the
+screen by default:
+ (function void dd_gameInit (group)
+ (group
+ (dd_setGameTitle "Hello World - avdl")
+ (dd_world_set_default HelloWorld)
+ )
+ )
+Let's break it up:
+ (function void dd_gameInit (group)
+ (group
+This defines the function `dd_gameInit` that returns `void` and
+takes no arguments.
+ (dd_setGameTitle "Hello World - avdl")
+The command `dd_setGameTitle` will determine the text that appears
+on top of a window. On some operating systems, this is always visible,
+but on others it might not. So it's good to keep in mind that not
+all users will see this.
+ (dd_world_set_default HelloWorld)
+This will define the default world, the one that will appear on the screen
+as soon as everything is loaded as expected. We simply pass it the name
+of the class created above `HelloWorld`, and `avdl` will take care of the rest.
+## Final finish
+That's it. The last part left is to compile the above file into an executable.
+This can be done with the following command:
+ avdl hello-world.dd
+Once this is done, it will create an executable called `game` in the same directory.
+By running that, a window should pop-up with a rotating triangle with a pale violet colour.
+You can find this file in the `avdl` repository, under `samples/hello-world/hello-world.dd` here:
+<a class="button" href="https://notabug.org/tomtsagk/rue">NotABug</a>
+## What's next?
+The `avdl` language is still under active development.
+As it evolved, more tutorials will be added here.
+Until then, move back to the main page:
+<a class="menu" href="@ROOT@/avdl.html">avdl</a>