Release name chosen after 300 by Frank Miller where the main protagonist Leonidas, King of Sparta, declines peace with the Persians, after being disrespected, by shouting at the Persian Messenger "This is Sparta!" and kicking him into a large well proceeded by the killing of the other Persian messengers.
Now plugins can be installed via the sysadmin UI. Therefore, now you should package your plugins either in tar or zip. The
package name must be the same as the plugin's internal name. For example, a plugin
named Chuck Norris (social@chuck.norris)
must be in a file named: ChuckNorris.tar
Inside there MUST be two directories, one named 'includes' with everything that should be unpacked
in local/plugins/{plugin_name}
and another named 'public' with everything that should be unpacked
in public/local/plugins/{plugin_name}