In this example project a vehicle suspension is created in Godot.
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Accessories | 3 éve | |
Suspension Example | 3 éve | |
.gitignore | 3 éve | |
LICENSE | 3 éve | | | 3 éve |
In this example project a vehicle suspension is created in Godot with a rigid body, four ray casts and four forces. All 3D-models are included as Wings3D files. The physics behind the simulation is documented in a PDF-file.
Language in this project: GDScript
To try out this project you first have to download the Godot Engine. In Godot click the import button. Locate the folder "Suspension Example". Then double click "project.godot". The project will be loaded. Once done you just have to click the play-button located at the top right corner.
Error reports, sugestions etc. are very welcome.
This project was tested with Godot 3.2.3
The font used in this project courtesy of Google
Licensed under CC0.