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  159. <h2>Kores random thoughts</h2>
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  162. <h3>
  163. <a href="/blog/phpillow_0_2_released.html" title="Released PHPillow 0.2-alpha">
  164. Released PHPillow 0.2-alpha
  165. </a>
  166. </h3>
  167. <h4>
  168. by Kore Nordmann
  169. at Sun, 17 Aug 2008 18:37:29 +0200
  170. </h4>
  171. <p>
  172. CouchDB 0.8.1-alpha has just been released, and so I am doing a second
  173. release of PHPillow. The test suite runs just fine against this version of
  174. CouchDb. Thanks to the CouchDB team for its awesome work on this new and
  175. refreshing kind of database.
  176. </p>
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  178. <li lang="en">
  179. <h3>
  180. <a href="/blog/phpillow_0_1_released.html" title="Released PHPillow 0.1-alpha">
  181. Released PHPillow 0.1-alpha
  182. </a>
  183. </h3>
  184. <h4>
  185. by Kore Nordmann
  186. at Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:43:15 +0200
  187. </h4>
  188. <p>
  189. CouchDB 0.8-alpha has just been released, and so I am doing a first release
  190. of PHPillow. The test suite runs just fine against this version of CouchDb.
  191. Thanks to the CouchDB team for its awesome work on this new and refreshing
  192. kind of database.
  193. </p>
  194. </li>
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  196. <h3>
  197. <a href="/blog/detect_url_in_texts.html" title="Detecting URLs with PCRE">
  198. Detecting URLs with PCRE
  199. </a>
  200. </h3>
  201. <h4>
  202. by Kore Nordmann
  203. at Sat, 28 Jun 2008 21:17:17 +0200
  204. </h4>
  205. <p>
  206. Form time to time I experience the issue that I should detect URLs in some
  207. text, while neither the URLs are standard conform (regarding the used
  208. characters), nor the URLs are strictly separated from other stuff by
  209. whitespaces or something. Now Derick asked me to provide him with a regular
  210. expression for that, and I finally wrote some, which should work in most
  211. cases...
  212. </p>
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  215. <h3>
  216. <a href="/blog/ezc_graph_1_3_features.html" title="New features in eZ Components Graph 1.3">
  217. New features in eZ Components Graph 1.3
  218. </a>
  219. </h3>
  220. <h4>
  221. by Kore Nordmann
  222. at Mon, 16 Jun 2008 11:42:06 +0200
  223. </h4>
  224. <p>
  225. There are some interesting new features in the driver part of the graph
  226. component of the eZ components - one thing I even thought is &quot;impossible&quot;
  227. until some external submission...
  228. </p>
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  231. <h3>
  232. <a href="/blog/published_php_charset_encoding_FAQ.html" title="Published PHP charset/encoding FAQ">
  233. Published PHP charset/encoding FAQ
  234. </a>
  235. </h3>
  236. <h4>
  237. by Kore Nordmann
  238. at Sat, 31 May 2008 19:27:40 +0200
  239. </h4>
  240. <p>
  241. After lots of questions recently on IRC about charsets and encodings, I
  242. decided to write up a FAQ about this. The FAQ can now be found in the
  243. article section of my website. If you know a better location for this, got
  244. additional questions and / or answers feel free to send me a mail about it.
  245. </p>
  246. </li>
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  248. <h3>
  249. <a href="/blog/php_charset_encoding_FAQ.html" title="PHP charset/encoding FAQ">
  250. PHP charset/encoding FAQ
  251. </a>
  252. </h3>
  253. <h4>
  254. by Kore Nordmann
  255. at Thu, 19 Jun 2008 16:58:27 +0200
  256. </h4>
  257. <p>
  258. This is list of frequently asked questions about charsets and encodings
  259. within the PHP ecosystem. It also answers some general charset and encoding
  260. questions, as it answers HTTP related questions. If you know about other
  261. related common questions feel free to send it to one of the authors.
  262. </p>
  263. </li>
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  265. <h3>
  266. <a href="/blog/froscon_reminder_08.html" title="FrOSCon 2008 reminder">
  267. FrOSCon 2008 reminder
  268. </a>
  269. </h3>
  270. <h4>
  271. by Kore Nordmann
  272. at Thu, 29 May 2008 14:04:11 +0200
  273. </h4>
  274. <p>
  275. One of the most interesting OpenSource related events in central europe will
  276. happen again in August this year: The FrOSCon. We hope to see you there, as
  277. the PHP Usergroup Dortmund again organizes, together with the PHP Usergroup
  278. Koeln/Bonn, a PHP track. The call for papers will end in a very few days at
  279. 02.06, so ensure you sent us your papers until then.
  280. </p>
  281. </li>
  282. <li lang="en">
  283. <h3>
  284. <a href="/blog/phpillow_php_couchdb_wrapper.html" title="PHPillow - a PHP CouchDB wrapper">
  285. PHPillow - a PHP CouchDB wrapper
  286. </a>
  287. </h3>
  288. <h4>
  289. by Kore Nordmann
  290. at Fri, 23 May 2008 14:36:44 +0200
  291. </h4>
  292. <p>
  293. I now talked several times in my blog about CouchDb and gave a talk on the
  294. PHP Unconference on this together with Nils. I started to use it quite some
  295. time ago and now decided to extract the wrapper I am using, which proved to
  296. work quite well.
  297. </p>
  298. </li>
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  300. <h3>
  301. <a href="/blog/traits_and_active_record.html" title="Traits &amp; Active Record">
  302. Traits &amp; Active Record
  303. </a>
  304. </h3>
  305. <h4>
  306. by Kore Nordmann
  307. at Wed, 21 May 2008 12:10:56 +0200
  308. </h4>
  309. <p>
  310. Sebastian Deutsch blogs about the use of Traits for implementing Active
  311. Record in PHP. With traits, possibly implemented sometime in the future of
  312. PHP (5.4?), you at least do not destroy your object semantics anymore - even
  313. several problems persist with AR, as discussed earlier.
  314. </p>
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  318. <a href="/blog/elephpant_photos_wcv.html" title="ElePHPant &amp; Photos">
  319. ElePHPant &amp; Photos
  320. </a>
  321. </h3>
  322. <h4>
  323. by Kore Nordmann
  324. at Tue, 08 Jan 2008 20:32:46 +0100
  325. </h4>
  326. <p>
  327. As a christmas present from Toby I finally received my personal elephpant
  328. plush toy. YAY! And thanks to Damien, who made this wonderful plush toy
  329. possible. The picuture has of course been taken with another of my christmas
  330. present, a DSLR...
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  370. <ul>
  371. <li>By <a href="" onclick="returnMailLink( this, 'kore-nordmann', 'de', 'website' );">Kore Nordmann</a></li>
  372. <li>At Sun, 17 Aug 2008 18:37:56 +0200</li>
  373. <li>License: <a href="" title="Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0">CC by-sa</a></li>
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  429. By
  430. <strong><a href="" onclick="returnMailLink( this, 'kore-nordmann', 'de', 'website' );">Kore Nordmann</a></strong>
  431. at <strong>Sun, 17 Aug 2008 18:37:56 +0200</strong>
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