123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169 |
- #!/bin/sh -xe
- # this file is part of Devsus.
- #
- # Copyright 2017, 2018 Dima Krasner
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- # MA 02110-1301, USA.
- KVER=4.9
- here=`pwd`
- outmnt=$(mktemp -d -p $here)
- inmnt=$(mktemp -d -p $here)
- cleanup() {
- set +e
- umount -l $inmnt > /dev/null 2>&1
- rmdir $inmnt > /dev/null 2>&1
- umount -l $outmnt > /dev/null 2>&1
- rmdir $outmnt > /dev/null 2>&1
- }
- install_devuan() {
- debootstrap --arch=armhf --foreign --variant=minbase --include=eudev,kmod,net-tools,inetutils-ping,traceroute,iproute2,isc-dhcp-client,wpasupplicant,iw,alsa-utils,cgpt,elvis-tiny,less,psmisc,netcat-traditional,ca-certificates,bzip2,xz-utils,unscd,dbus,dbus-x11,bluez,pulseaudio,pulseaudio-module-bluetooth,elogind,libpam-elogind,ntp,xserver-xorg-core,xserver-xorg-input-libinput,xserver-xorg-video-fbdev,libgl1-mesa-dri,xserver-xorg-input-synaptics,xinit,x11-xserver-utils,ratpoison,xbindkeys,xvkbd,rxvt-unicode,htop,firefox-esr,mupdf,locales,man-db,dmz-cursor-theme,apt-transport-https ascii $1 http://packages.devuan.org/merged
- install -D -m 644 devsus/sources.list $1/opt/devsus/sources.list
- for i in 80disable-recommends 99-brightness.rules 98-mac.rules fstab .xbindkeysrc htoprc .Xresources .ratpoisonrc 99-hinting.conf index.theme devsus-settings.js devsus.cfg
- do
- install -m 644 devsus/$i $1/opt/devsus/$i
- done
- install -m 644 dl/hosts $1/opt/devsus/hosts
- install -m 744 devsus/.xinitrc $1/opt/devsus/.xinitrc
- install -m 755 devsus/init $1/opt/devsus/init
- # put kernel modules in /lib/modules and AR9271 firmware in /lib/firmware
- $kmake -C linux-$KVER INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$1 modules_install
- rm -f $1/lib/modules/$KVER.0-gnu/{build,source}
- install -D -m 644 open-ath9k-htc-firmware/target_firmware/htc_9271.fw $1/lib/firmware/htc_9271.fw
- return 0
- }
- create_image() {
- # it's a sparse file - that's how we fit a 16GB image inside a 2GB one
- dd if=/dev/zero of=$1 bs=$2 count=$3 conv=sparse
- parted --script $1 mklabel gpt
- cgpt create $1
- cgpt add -i 1 -t kernel -b 8192 -s 65536 -l Kernel -S 1 -T 5 -P 10 $1
- start=$((8192 + 65536))
- end=`cgpt show $1 | grep 'Sec GPT table' | awk '{print $1}'`
- size=$(($end - $start))
- cgpt add -i 2 -t data -b $start -s $size -l Root $1
- # $size is in 512 byte blocks while ext4 uses a block size of 1024 bytes
- mkfs.ext4 -F -b 1024 -m 0 -O ^has_journal -E offset=$(($start * 512)) $1 $(($size / 2))
- }
- if [ "$CI" = true ]
- then
- minor=`wget -q -O- http://linux-libre.fsfla.org/pub/linux-libre/releases/LATEST-$KVER.N/ | grep -F patch-$KVER-gnu | head -n 1 | cut -f 9 -d . | cut -f 1 -d -`
- [ ! -f dl/linux-libre-$KVER-gnu.tar.xz ] && wget -O dl/linux-libre-$KVER-gnu.tar.xz http://linux-libre.fsfla.org/pub/linux-libre/releases/LATEST-4.9.0/linux-libre-$KVER-gnu.tar.xz
- [ ! -f dl/patch-$KVER-gnu-$KVER.$minor-gnu ] && wget -O- https://www.linux-libre.fsfla.org/pub/linux-libre/releases/LATEST-$KVER.N/patch-$KVER-gnu-$KVER.$minor-gnu.xz | xz -d > dl/patch-$KVER-gnu-$KVER.$minor-gnu
- [ ! -f dl/ath9k_htc_do_not_use_bulk_on_ep3_and_ep4.patch ] && wget -O dl/ath9k_htc_do_not_use_bulk_on_ep3_and_ep4.patch https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/patch/?id=2b721118b7821107757eb1d37af4b60e877b27e7
- [ ! -f dl/hosts ] && wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews/hosts | grep ^0\.0\.0\.0 | awk '{print $1" "$2}' | grep -F -v "" > dl/hosts
- [ ! -d open-ath9k-htc-firmware ] && git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/qca/open-ath9k-htc-firmware.git
- # build Linux-libre
- [ ! -d linux-$KVER ] && tar -xJf dl/linux-libre-$KVER-gnu.tar.xz
- cd linux-$KVER
- patch -p 1 < ../dl/patch-$KVER-gnu-$KVER.$minor-gnu
- make clean
- make mrproper
- # work around instability of ath9k_htc, see https://github.com/SolidHal/PrawnOS/issues/38
- patch -R -p 1 < ../dl/ath9k_htc_do_not_use_bulk_on_ep3_and_ep4.patch
- # reset the minor version number, so out-of-tree drivers continue to work after
- # a kernel upgrade
- sed s/'SUBLEVEL = .*'/'SUBLEVEL = 0'/ -i Makefile
- cp -f ../config .config
- kmake="make -j `grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l` CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi- ARCH=arm"
- $kmake olddefconfig
- $kmake modules_prepare
- $kmake SUBDIRS=drivers/usb/dwc2 modules
- $kmake SUBDIRS=drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k modules
- $kmake SUBDIRS=drivers/bluetooth modules
- $kmake dtbs
- $kmake zImage modules
- [ ! -h kernel.its ] && ln -s ../kernel.its .
- mkimage -D "-I dts -O dtb -p 2048" -f kernel.its vmlinux.uimg
- dd if=/dev/zero of=bootloader.bin bs=512 count=1
- vbutil_kernel --pack vmlinux.kpart \
- --version 1 \
- --vmlinuz vmlinux.uimg \
- --arch arm \
- --keyblock /usr/share/vboot/devkeys/kernel.keyblock \
- --signprivate /usr/share/vboot/devkeys/kernel_data_key.vbprivk \
- --config ../cmdline \
- --bootloader bootloader.bin
- cd ..
- # build AR9271 firmware
- cd open-ath9k-htc-firmware
- if [ -d ../dl/xtensa-toolchain ]
- then
- mkdir toolchain
- mv ../dl/xtensa-toolchain toolchain/inst
- else
- make toolchain
- fi
- make -C target_firmware
- mv toolchain/inst ../dl/xtensa-toolchain
- cd ..
- install_devuan $here/devsus-rootfs
- install -D -m 644 linux-$KVER/vmlinux.kpart devsus-rootfs/boot/vmlinux.kpart
- tar -c devsus-rootfs | gzip -1 > devsus-rootfs.tar.gz
- # create 2GB and 16GB images with the Chrome OS partition layout
- create_image devuan-ascii-c201-libre-2GB.img 50M 40
- create_image devuan-ascii-c201-libre-16GB.img 512 30785536
- GZIP=-1 tar -cSzf devsus-templates.tar.gz devuan-ascii-c201-libre-2GB.img devuan-ascii-c201-libre-16GB.img
- else
- branch=`git symbolic-ref --short HEAD`
- commit=`git log --format=%h -1`
- [ ! -f dl/devsus-rootfs.tar.gz ] && wget -O dl/devsus-rootfs.tar.gz https://github.com/dimkr/devsus/releases/download/$branch-$commit/devsus-rootfs.tar.gz
- [ ! -f dl/devsus-templates.tar.gz ] && wget -O dl/devsus-templates.tar.gz https://github.com/dimkr/devsus/releases/download/$branch-$commit/devsus-templates.tar.gz
- tar -xzf dl/devsus-templates.tar.gz
- trap cleanup INT TERM EXIT
- # mount the / partition of both images
- off=$(((8192 + 65536) * 512))
- mount -o loop,noatime,offset=$off devuan-ascii-c201-libre-2GB.img $outmnt
- mount -o loop,noatime,offset=$off devuan-ascii-c201-libre-16GB.img $inmnt
- # unpack Devuan
- tar -C $outmnt -xf dl/devsus-rootfs.tar.gz --strip-components=1
- cp -a $outmnt/* $inmnt/
- # put the kernel in the kernel partition
- dd if=$outmnt/boot/vmlinux.kpart of=devuan-ascii-c201-libre-2GB.img conv=notrunc seek=8192
- dd if=$outmnt/boot/vmlinux.kpart of=devuan-ascii-c201-libre-16GB.img conv=notrunc seek=8192
- umount -l $inmnt
- rmdir $inmnt
- # put the 16GB image inside the 2GB one
- cp -f --sparse=always devuan-ascii-c201-libre-16GB.img $outmnt/
- fi