setup.cfg 828 B

  1. [metadata]
  2. name = gmi2html
  3. version = 2.0.3
  4. description = A library and CLI tool for converting text/gemini to text/html.
  5. long_description = file:
  6. long_description_content_type = text/markdown
  7. home-page =
  8. author = Björn Wärmedal
  9. author_email =
  10. license = MIT License
  11. classifiers =
  12. Development Status :: 4 - Beta
  13. Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop
  14. License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
  15. Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
  16. Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  17. Topic :: Internet
  18. Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries
  19. Topic :: Utilities
  20. Typing :: Typed
  21. [options]
  22. packages = gmi2html
  23. python_requires = >= 3.9
  24. setup_requires = setuptools >= 38.3.0
  25. [options.entry_points]
  26. console_scripts =
  27. gmi2html = gmi2html.__main__:main