123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452 |
- /*
- * Copyright 2019 Fabian Maurer
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
- */
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "wine/heap.h"
- #include "wine/test.h"
- static void read_all_from_handle(HANDLE handle, BYTE **str, int *len)
- {
- char buffer[4096];
- DWORD bytes_read;
- DWORD length = 0;
- BYTE *ret = heap_alloc_zero(1);
- for (;;)
- {
- BOOL success = ReadFile(handle, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &bytes_read, NULL);
- if (!success || !bytes_read)
- break;
- ret = heap_realloc(ret, length + bytes_read);
- memcpy((char *)ret + length, buffer, bytes_read);
- length += bytes_read;
- }
- *str = ret;
- *len = length;
- }
- static void write_to_handle(HANDLE handle, const BYTE *str, int len)
- {
- DWORD dummy;
- WriteFile(handle, str, len, &dummy, NULL);
- }
- static void check_find_output(const BYTE *child_output, int child_output_len, const BYTE *out_expected, int out_expected_len, const char *file, int line)
- {
- BOOL strings_are_equal;
- char *child_output_copy;
- char *out_expected_copy;
- int i, pos;
- if (child_output_len != out_expected_len)
- strings_are_equal = FALSE;
- else
- {
- strings_are_equal = memcmp(child_output, out_expected, out_expected_len) == 0;
- }
- /* Format strings for debug printing */
- child_output_copy = heap_alloc_zero(child_output_len * 4 + 1);
- out_expected_copy = heap_alloc_zero(out_expected_len * 4 + 1);
- for (i = 0, pos = 0; i < child_output_len; i++)
- {
- if (child_output[i] && child_output[i] != '\r' && child_output[i] < 128)
- child_output_copy[pos++] = child_output[i];
- else
- {
- sprintf(&child_output_copy[pos], "\\x%02x", child_output[i]);
- pos += 4;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0, pos = 0; i < out_expected_len; i++)
- {
- if (out_expected[i] && out_expected[i] != '\r' && out_expected[i] < 128)
- out_expected_copy[pos++] = out_expected[i];
- else
- {
- sprintf(&out_expected_copy[pos], "\\x%02x", out_expected[i]);
- pos += 4;
- }
- }
- ok_(file, line)(strings_are_equal, "\n#################### Expected:\n"
- "%s\n"
- "#################### But got:\n"
- "%s\n"
- "####################\n",
- out_expected_copy, child_output_copy);
- heap_free(child_output_copy);
- heap_free(out_expected_copy);
- }
- static void mangle_text(const BYTE *input, int input_len, BYTE *output, int output_max, int *output_len) {
- WCHAR buffer[200];
- int count_wchar;
- /* Check for UTF-16 LE BOM */
- if (input[0] == 0xFF && input[1] == 0xFE)
- {
- int buffer_count = 0;
- int i;
- /* Copy utf16le into a WCHAR array, stripping the BOM */
- for (i = 2; i < input_len; i += 2)
- {
- buffer[buffer_count++] = input[i] + (input[i + 1] << 8);
- }
- *output_len = WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleCP(), 0, buffer, buffer_count, (char *)output, output_max, NULL, NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- count_wchar = MultiByteToWideChar(GetConsoleCP(), 0, (char *)input, input_len, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer));
- *output_len = WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleCP(), 0, buffer, count_wchar, (char *)output, output_max, NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
- static void run_find_stdin_(const WCHAR *commandline, const BYTE *input, int input_len, const BYTE *out_expected, int out_expected_len, int exitcode_expected, const char *file, int line)
- {
- HANDLE child_stdin_read;
- HANDLE child_stdout_write;
- HANDLE parent_stdin_write;
- HANDLE parent_stdout_read;
- STARTUPINFOW startup_info = {0};
- SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security_attributes;
- PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info = {0};
- BYTE *child_output = NULL;
- int child_output_len;
- WCHAR cmd[4096];
- DWORD exitcode;
- security_attributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
- security_attributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
- security_attributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
- CreatePipe(&parent_stdout_read, &child_stdout_write, &security_attributes, 0);
- CreatePipe(&child_stdin_read, &parent_stdin_write, &security_attributes, 0);
- SetHandleInformation(parent_stdout_read, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
- SetHandleInformation(parent_stdin_write, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
- startup_info.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW);
- startup_info.hStdInput = child_stdin_read;
- startup_info.hStdOutput = child_stdout_write;
- startup_info.hStdError = NULL;
- startup_info.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
- wsprintfW(cmd, L"find.exe %s", commandline);
- CreateProcessW(NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startup_info, &process_info);
- CloseHandle(child_stdin_read);
- CloseHandle(child_stdout_write);
- write_to_handle(parent_stdin_write, input, input_len);
- CloseHandle(parent_stdin_write);
- read_all_from_handle(parent_stdout_read, &child_output, &child_output_len);
- CloseHandle(parent_stdout_read);
- GetExitCodeProcess(process_info.hProcess, &exitcode);
- CloseHandle(process_info.hProcess);
- CloseHandle(process_info.hThread);
- check_find_output(child_output, child_output_len, out_expected, out_expected_len, file, line);
- ok_(file, line)(exitcode == exitcode_expected, "Expected exitcode %d, got %ld\n", exitcode_expected, exitcode);
- heap_free(child_output);
- }
- static void run_find_file_(const WCHAR *commandline, const BYTE *input, int input_len, const BYTE *out_expected, int out_expected_len, int exitcode_expected, const char *file, int line)
- {
- char path_temp_file[MAX_PATH];
- char path_temp_dir[MAX_PATH];
- HANDLE handle_file;
- WCHAR commandline_new[MAX_PATH];
- BYTE *out_expected_new;
- char header[MAX_PATH];
- int header_len;
- GetTempPathA(ARRAY_SIZE(path_temp_dir), path_temp_dir);
- GetTempFileNameA(path_temp_dir, "", 0, path_temp_file);
- handle_file = CreateFileA(path_temp_file, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
- write_to_handle(handle_file, input, input_len);
- CloseHandle(handle_file);
- wsprintfW(commandline_new, L"%s %hs", commandline, path_temp_file);
- CharUpperA(path_temp_file);
- wsprintfA(header, "\r\n---------- %s\r\n", path_temp_file);
- header_len = lstrlenA(header);
- out_expected_new = heap_alloc(header_len + out_expected_len);
- memcpy(out_expected_new, header, header_len);
- memcpy(out_expected_new + header_len, out_expected, out_expected_len);
- run_find_stdin_(commandline_new, (BYTE*)"", 0, out_expected_new, header_len + out_expected_len, exitcode_expected, file, line);
- heap_free(out_expected_new);
- DeleteFileA(path_temp_file);
- }
- #define run_find_stdin_str(commandline, input, out_expected, exitcode_expected) \
- run_find_str_(commandline, input, out_expected, exitcode_expected, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- #define run_find_file_str(commandline, input, out_expected, exitcode_expected) \
- run_find_str_(commandline, input, out_expected, exitcode_expected, 1, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- static void run_find_str_(const char *commandline, const char *input, const char *out_expected, int exitcode_expected, BOOL is_file, const char *file, int line)
- {
- WCHAR *commandlineW;
- int len_commandlineW;
- /* Turn commandline into WCHAR string */
- len_commandlineW = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, commandline, -1, 0, 0);
- commandlineW = heap_alloc(len_commandlineW * sizeof(WCHAR));
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, commandline, -1, commandlineW, len_commandlineW);
- if (is_file)
- run_find_file_(commandlineW, (BYTE *)input, lstrlenA(input), (BYTE *)out_expected, lstrlenA(out_expected), exitcode_expected, file, line);
- else
- run_find_stdin_(commandlineW, (BYTE *)input, lstrlenA(input), (BYTE *)out_expected, lstrlenA(out_expected), exitcode_expected, file, line);
- heap_free(commandlineW);
- }
- #define run_find_stdin_unicode(input, out_expected, exitcode_expected) \
- run_find_unicode_(input, sizeof(input), out_expected, sizeof(out_expected), exitcode_expected, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- #define run_find_file_unicode(input, out_expected, exitcode_expected) \
- run_find_unicode_(input, sizeof(input), out_expected, sizeof(out_expected), exitcode_expected, 1, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- static void run_find_unicode_(const BYTE *input, int input_len, const BYTE *out_expected, int out_expected_len, int exitcode_expected, BOOL is_file, const char *file, int line)
- {
- /* Need "test" as char and quoted wchar */
- static const WCHAR wstr_quoted_test[] = L"\"test\"";
- static const char str_test[] = "test";
- BYTE out_expected_mangled[200] = {0};
- int out_expected_mangled_len;
- mangle_text(out_expected, out_expected_len, out_expected_mangled, ARRAY_SIZE(out_expected_mangled), &out_expected_mangled_len);
- /* Mangling can destroy the test string, so check manually if it matches */
- if (!strstr((char*)out_expected_mangled, str_test))
- {
- out_expected_mangled_len = 0;
- exitcode_expected = 1;
- }
- if (is_file)
- run_find_file_(wstr_quoted_test, input, input_len, out_expected_mangled, out_expected_mangled_len, exitcode_expected, file, line);
- else
- run_find_stdin_(wstr_quoted_test, input, input_len, out_expected_mangled, out_expected_mangled_len, exitcode_expected, file, line);
- }
- static void run_find_file_multi(void)
- {
- char path_temp_file1[MAX_PATH];
- char path_temp_file2[MAX_PATH];
- char path_temp_file3[MAX_PATH];
- char path_temp_dir[MAX_PATH];
- HANDLE handle_file;
- WCHAR commandline_new[MAX_PATH];
- char out_expected[500];
- const char* input = "ab\nbd";
- GetTempPathA(ARRAY_SIZE(path_temp_dir), path_temp_dir);
- GetTempFileNameA(path_temp_dir, "", 0, path_temp_file1);
- GetTempFileNameA(path_temp_dir, "", 0, path_temp_file2);
- GetTempFileNameA(path_temp_dir, "", 0, path_temp_file3);
- handle_file = CreateFileA(path_temp_file1, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
- write_to_handle(handle_file, (BYTE*)input, strlen(input));
- CloseHandle(handle_file);
- handle_file = CreateFileA(path_temp_file2, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
- write_to_handle(handle_file, (BYTE*)input, strlen(input));
- CloseHandle(handle_file);
- wsprintfW(commandline_new, L"\"b\" C:\\doesnotexist1 %hs C:\\doesnotexist1 %hs C:\\doesnotexist1 %hs", path_temp_file1, path_temp_file2, path_temp_file3);
- /* Keep file open during the test */
- handle_file = CreateFileA(path_temp_file3, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
- CharUpperA(path_temp_file1);
- CharUpperA(path_temp_file2);
- CharUpperA(path_temp_file3);
- wsprintfA(out_expected,
- "File not found - C:\\DOESNOTEXIST1\r\n"
- "\r\n---------- %s\r\n"
- "ab\r\nbd\r\n"
- "File not found - C:\\DOESNOTEXIST1\r\n"
- "\r\n---------- %s\r\n"
- "ab\r\nbd\r\n"
- "File not found - C:\\DOESNOTEXIST1\r\n"
- "File not found - %s\r\n",
- path_temp_file1, path_temp_file2, path_temp_file3);
- run_find_stdin_(commandline_new, (BYTE*)"", 0, (BYTE*)out_expected, strlen(out_expected), 0, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- CloseHandle(handle_file);
- DeleteFileA(path_temp_file1);
- DeleteFileA(path_temp_file2);
- DeleteFileA(path_temp_file3);
- }
- static void test_errors(void)
- {
- run_find_stdin_str("", "", "FIND: Parameter format not correct\r\n", 2);
- todo_wine /* Quotes are not properly passed into wine yet */
- run_find_stdin_str("test", "", "FIND: Parameter format not correct\r\n", 2);
- todo_wine /* Quotes are not properly passed into wine yet */
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test", "", "FIND: Parameter format not correct\r\n", 2);
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test\" /XYZ", "", "FIND: Invalid switch\r\n", 2);
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test\" C:\\doesnotexist.dat", "", "File not found - C:\\DOESNOTEXIST.DAT\r\n", 1);
- }
- static void test_singleline_without_switches(void)
- {
- run_find_stdin_str("\"\"", "test", "", 1);
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test\"", "", "", 1);
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test\"", "test", "test\r\n", 0);
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test\"", "test2", "test2\r\n", 0);
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test\"", "test\r2", "test\r2\r\n", 0);
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test2\"", "test", "", 1);
- }
- static void test_multiline(void)
- {
- /* Newline in input shouldn't work */
- run_find_stdin_str("\"t1\r\nt1\"", "t1\r\nt1", "", 1);
- run_find_stdin_str("\"t1\nt1\"", "t1\nt1", "", 1);
- /* Newline should always be displayed as \r\n */
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test1\"", "test1\ntest2", "test1\r\n", 0);
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test1\"", "test1\r\ntest2", "test1\r\n", 0);
- /* Test with empty line */
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test1\"", "test1\n\ntest2", "test1\r\n", 0);
- /* Two strings to be found */
- run_find_stdin_str("\"test\"", "junk1\ntest1\ntest2\r\njunk", "test1\r\ntest2\r\n", 0);
- }
- static const BYTE str_empty[] = {};
- static const BYTE str_jap_shiftjis[] = { 0x8E,0x84,0x82,0xCD,'t','e','s','t','!','\r','\n' };
- static const BYTE str_jap_utf8_bom[] = { 0xEF,0xBB,0xBF,0xE7,0xA7,0x81,0xE3,0x81,0xAF,'j','a','p','t','e','s','t','!','\r','\n' };
- static const BYTE str_jap_utf8_nobom[] = { 0xE7,0xA7,0x81,0xE3,0x81,0xAF,'j','a','p','t','e','s','t','!','\r','\n' };
- static const BYTE str_jap_utf16le_bom[] = { 0xFF,0xFE,0xC1,0x79,0x6F,0x30,'t',0,'e',0,'s',0,'t',0,'!',0,'\r',0,'\n',0 };
- static const BYTE str_jap_utf16le_nobom[] = { 0xC1,0x79,0x6F,0x30,'t',0,'e',0,'s',0,'t',0,'!',0 };
- static const BYTE str_jap_utf16be_bom[] = { 0xFE,0xFF,0x79,0xC1,0x30,0x6F,0,'t',0,'e',0,'s',0,'t',0,'!' };
- static const BYTE str_jap_utf16be_nobom[] = { 0x79,0xC1,0x30,0x6F,0,'t',0,'e',0,'s',0,'t',0,'!' };
- static const BYTE str_rus_utf8_bom[] = { 0xEF,0xBB,0xBF,0xD0,0xBF,0xD1,0x80,0xD0,0xB8,0xD0,0xB2,0xD0,0xB5,0xD1,0x82,0x20,'t','e','s','t','!','\r','\n' };
- static const BYTE str_rus_utf8_nobom[] = { 0xD0,0xBF,0xD1,0x80,0xD0,0xB8,0xD0,0xB2,0xD0,0xB5,0xD1,0x82,0x20,'t','e','s','t','!','\r','\n' };
- static const BYTE str_en_utf8_bom[] = { 0xEF,0xBB,0xBF,'e','n','t','e','s','t','\r','\n' };
- static const BYTE str_en_utf8_nobom[] = { 'e','n','t','e','s','t','\r','\n' };
- static void test_unicode_support_stdin(void)
- {
- /* Test unicode support on STDIN
- * Those depend on the active codepage - e.g. 932 (japanese) behaves different from 1252 (latin)
- * All unicode tests must check for the string "test".
- */
- /* Test UTF-8 BOM */
- run_find_stdin_unicode(str_en_utf8_nobom, str_en_utf8_nobom, 0);
- run_find_stdin_unicode(str_en_utf8_bom, str_en_utf8_bom, 0);
- /* Test russian characters */
- run_find_stdin_unicode(str_rus_utf8_bom, str_rus_utf8_bom, 0);
- run_find_stdin_unicode(str_rus_utf8_nobom, str_rus_utf8_nobom, 0);
- /* Test japanese characters */
- run_find_stdin_unicode(str_jap_utf8_nobom, str_jap_utf8_nobom, 0);
- run_find_stdin_unicode(str_jap_utf8_bom, str_jap_utf8_bom, 0);
- run_find_stdin_unicode(str_jap_shiftjis, str_jap_shiftjis, 0);
- /* Test unsupported encodings */
- run_find_stdin_unicode(str_jap_utf16le_nobom, str_empty, 1);
- run_find_stdin_unicode(str_jap_utf16be_bom, str_empty, 1);
- run_find_stdin_unicode(str_jap_utf16be_nobom, str_empty, 1);
- /* Test utf16le */
- todo_wine
- run_find_stdin_unicode(str_jap_utf16le_bom, str_jap_utf16le_bom, 0);
- }
- static void test_file_search(void)
- {
- run_find_file_str("\"\"", "test", "", 1);
- run_find_file_str("\"test\"", "", "", 1);
- run_find_file_str("\"test\"", "test", "test\r\n", 0);
- run_find_file_str("\"test\"", "test2", "test2\r\n", 0);
- run_find_file_str("\"test\"", "test\r2", "test\r2\r\n", 0);
- run_find_file_str("\"test2\"", "test", "", 1);
- run_find_file_str("\"test\"", "test\nother\ntest2\ntest3", "test\r\ntest2\r\ntest3\r\n", 0);
- }
- static void test_unicode_support_file(void)
- {
- /* Test unicode support on files */
- /* Test UTF-8 BOM */
- run_find_file_unicode(str_en_utf8_nobom, str_en_utf8_nobom, 0);
- run_find_file_unicode(str_en_utf8_bom, str_en_utf8_bom, 0);
- /* Test russian characters */
- run_find_file_unicode(str_rus_utf8_bom, str_rus_utf8_bom, 0);
- run_find_file_unicode(str_rus_utf8_nobom, str_rus_utf8_nobom, 0);
- /* Test japanese characters */
- run_find_file_unicode(str_jap_utf8_nobom, str_jap_utf8_nobom, 0);
- run_find_file_unicode(str_jap_utf8_bom, str_jap_utf8_bom, 0);
- run_find_file_unicode(str_jap_shiftjis, str_jap_shiftjis, 0);
- /* Test unsupported encodings */
- run_find_file_unicode(str_jap_utf16le_nobom, str_empty, 1);
- run_find_file_unicode(str_jap_utf16be_bom, str_empty, 1);
- run_find_file_unicode(str_jap_utf16be_nobom, str_empty, 1);
- /* Test utf16le */
- todo_wine
- run_find_file_unicode(str_jap_utf16le_bom, str_jap_utf16le_bom, 0);
- }
- START_TEST(find)
- {
- if (PRIMARYLANGID(GetUserDefaultUILanguage()) != LANG_ENGLISH)
- {
- skip("Error tests only work with english locale.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- test_errors();
- run_find_file_multi();
- }
- test_singleline_without_switches();
- test_multiline();
- test_unicode_support_stdin();
- test_file_search();
- test_unicode_support_file();
- }