9.4 KB

  1. .TH WINE 1 "July 2013" "@PACKAGE_STRING@" "Windows On Unix"
  2. .SH NAME
  3. wine \- run Windows programs on Unix
  5. .B wine
  6. .IR "program " [ arguments ]
  7. .br
  8. .B wine --help
  9. .br
  10. .B wine --version
  11. .PP
  12. For instructions on passing arguments to Windows programs, please see the
  13. .B
  15. section of the man page.
  17. .B wine
  18. loads and runs the given program, which can be a DOS, Windows
  19. 3.x, Win32 or Win64 executable (on 64-bit systems).
  20. .PP
  21. For debugging wine, use
  22. .B winedbg
  23. instead.
  24. .PP
  25. For running CUI executables (Windows console programs), use
  26. .B wineconsole
  27. instead of
  28. .BR wine .
  29. This will display the output in a separate window. Not using
  30. .B wineconsole
  31. for CUI programs will only provide very limited console support, and your
  32. program might not function properly.
  33. .PP
  34. When invoked with
  35. .B --help
  36. or
  37. .B --version
  38. as the only argument,
  39. .B wine
  40. will simply print a small help message or its version respectively and exit.
  42. The program name may be specified in DOS format
  43. .RI ( C:\(rs\(rsWINDOWS\(rs\(rsSOL.EXE )
  44. or in Unix format
  45. .RI ( /msdos/windows/sol.exe ).
  46. You may pass arguments to the program being executed by adding them to the
  47. end of the command line invoking
  48. .B wine
  49. (such as: \fIwine notepad C:\(rs\(rsTEMP\(rs\(rsREADME.TXT\fR).
  50. Note that you need to '\(rs' escape special characters (and spaces) when invoking Wine via
  51. a shell, e.g.
  52. .PP
  53. wine C:\(rs\(rsProgram\(rs Files\(rs\(rsMyPrg\(rs\(rstest.exe
  54. .PP
  55. It can also be one of the Windows executables shipped with Wine, in
  56. which case specifying the full path is not mandatory, e.g. \fIwine
  57. explorer\fR or \fIwine notepad\fR.
  58. .PP
  60. .B wine
  61. makes the environment variables of the shell from which it
  62. is started accessible to the Windows/DOS processes started. So use the
  63. appropriate syntax for your shell to enter environment variables you need.
  64. .TP
  66. If set, the contents of this variable is taken as the name of the directory where
  67. Wine stores its data (the default is
  68. .IR $HOME/.wine ).
  69. This directory is also used to identify the socket which is used to
  70. communicate with the
  71. .BR wineserver .
  72. All
  73. .B wine
  74. processes using the same
  75. .B wineserver
  76. (i.e.: same user) share certain things like registry, shared memory,
  77. and config file.
  78. By setting
  80. to different values for different
  81. .B wine
  82. processes, it is possible to run a number of truly independent
  83. .B wine
  84. processes.
  85. .TP
  87. Specifies the path and name of the
  88. .B wineserver
  89. binary. If not set, Wine will try to load
  90. .IR @bindir@/wineserver ,
  91. and if this doesn't exist it will then look for a file named
  92. "wineserver" in the path and in a few other likely locations.
  93. .TP
  95. Specifies the path and name of the
  96. .B wine
  97. binary to use to launch new Windows processes. If not set, Wine will
  98. try to load
  99. .IR @bindir@/wine ,
  100. and if this doesn't exist it will then look for a file named "wine" in
  101. the path and in a few other likely locations.
  102. .TP
  104. Turns debugging messages on or off. The syntax of the variable is
  105. of the form
  106. .RI [ class ][\fB+\fR|\fB-\fR] channel [,[ class2 ][\fB+\fR|\fB-\fR] channel2 ]
  107. .RS +7
  108. .PP
  109. .I class
  110. is optional and can be one of the following:
  111. .BR err ,
  112. .BR warn ,
  113. .BR fixme ,
  114. or
  115. .BR trace .
  116. If
  117. .I class
  118. is not specified, all debugging messages for the specified
  119. channel are turned on. Each channel will print messages about a particular
  120. component of Wine.
  121. The following character can be either \fB+\fR or \fB-\fR to switch the specified
  122. channel on or off respectively. If there is no
  123. .I class
  124. part before it, a leading \fB+\fR\fR can be omitted. Note that spaces are not
  125. allowed anywhere in the string.
  126. .PP
  127. Examples:
  128. .TP
  129. WINEDEBUG=warn+all
  130. will turn on all warning messages (recommended for debugging).
  131. .br
  132. .TP
  133. WINEDEBUG=warn+dll,+heap
  134. will turn on DLL warning messages and all heap messages.
  135. .br
  136. .TP
  137. WINEDEBUG=fixme-all,warn+cursor,+relay
  138. will turn off all FIXME messages, turn on cursor warning messages, and turn
  139. on all relay messages (API calls).
  140. .br
  141. .TP
  142. WINEDEBUG=relay
  143. will turn on all relay messages. For more control on including or excluding
  144. functions and dlls from the relay trace, look into the
  145. .B HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Wine\\\\Debug
  146. registry key.
  147. .PP
  148. For more information on debugging messages, see the
  149. .I Running Wine
  150. chapter of the Wine User Guide.
  151. .RE
  152. .TP
  154. Specifies the path(s) in which to search for builtin dlls and Winelib
  155. applications. This is a list of directories separated by ":". In
  156. addition to any directory specified in
  158. Wine will also look in
  159. .IR @dlldir@ .
  160. .TP
  162. Defines the override type and load order of dlls used in the loading
  163. process for any dll. There are currently two types of libraries that can be loaded
  164. into a process address space: native windows dlls
  165. .RI ( native ") and Wine internal dlls (" builtin ).
  166. The type may be abbreviated with the first letter of the type
  167. .RI ( n " or " b ).
  168. The library may also be disabled (''). Each sequence of orders must be separated by commas.
  169. .RS
  170. .PP
  171. Each dll may have its own specific load order. The load order
  172. determines which version of the dll is attempted to be loaded into the
  173. address space. If the first fails, then the next is tried and so
  174. on. Multiple libraries with the same load order can be separated with
  175. commas. It is also possible to use specify different loadorders for
  176. different libraries by separating the entries by ";".
  177. .PP
  178. The load order for a 16-bit dll is always defined by the load order of
  179. the 32-bit dll that contains it (which can be identified by looking at
  180. the symbolic link of the 16-bit file). For instance if
  181. \fIole32.dll\fR is configured as builtin, \fIstorage.dll\fR will be loaded as
  182. builtin too, since the 32-bit \fIole32.dll\fR contains the 16-bit
  183. \fIstorage.dll\fR.
  184. .PP
  185. Examples:
  186. .TP
  187. WINEDLLOVERRIDES="comdlg32,shell32=n,b"
  188. .br
  189. Try to load comdlg32 and shell32 as native windows dll first and try
  190. the builtin version if the native load fails.
  191. .TP
  192. WINEDLLOVERRIDES="comdlg32,shell32=n;c:\(rs\(rsfoo\(rs\(rsbar\(rs\(rsbaz=b"
  193. .br
  194. Try to load the libraries comdlg32 and shell32 as native windows dlls. Furthermore, if
  195. an application request to load \fIc:\(rsfoo\(rsbar\(rsbaz.dll\fR load the builtin library \fIbaz\fR.
  196. .TP
  197. WINEDLLOVERRIDES="comdlg32=b,n;shell32=b;comctl32=n;oleaut32="
  198. .br
  199. Try to load comdlg32 as builtin first and try the native version if
  200. the builtin load fails; load shell32 always as builtin and comctl32
  201. always as native; oleaut32 will be disabled.
  202. .RE
  203. .TP
  204. .B WINEPATH
  205. Specifies additional path(s) to be prepended to the default Windows
  206. .B PATH
  207. environment variable. This is a list of Windows-style directories
  208. separated by ";".
  209. .RS
  210. .PP
  211. For a permanent alternative, edit (create if needed) the
  212. .B PATH
  213. value under the
  214. .B HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Environment
  215. registry key.
  216. .RE
  217. .TP
  218. .B WINEARCH
  219. Specifies the Windows architecture to support. It can be set either to
  220. .B win32
  221. (support only 32-bit applications), or to
  222. .B win64
  223. (support both 64-bit applications and 32-bit ones in WoW64 mode).
  224. .br
  225. The architecture supported by a given Wine prefix is set at prefix
  226. creation time and cannot be changed afterwards. When running with an
  227. existing prefix, Wine will refuse to start if
  228. .B WINEARCH
  229. doesn't match the prefix architecture.
  230. .TP
  231. .B DISPLAY
  232. Specifies the X11 display to use.
  233. .TP
  234. OSS sound driver configuration variables:
  235. .TP
  236. .B AUDIODEV
  237. Set the device for audio input / output. Default
  238. .IR /dev/dsp .
  239. .TP
  240. .B MIXERDEV
  241. Set the device for mixer controls. Default
  242. .IR /dev/mixer .
  243. .TP
  244. .B MIDIDEV
  245. Set the MIDI (sequencer) device. Default
  246. .IR /dev/sequencer .
  247. .SH FILES
  248. .TP
  249. .I @bindir@/wine
  250. The Wine program loader.
  251. .TP
  252. .I @bindir@/wineconsole
  253. The Wine program loader for CUI (console) applications.
  254. .TP
  255. .I @bindir@/wineserver
  256. The Wine server
  257. .TP
  258. .I @bindir@/winedbg
  259. The Wine debugger
  260. .TP
  261. .I @dlldir@
  262. Directory containing Wine shared libraries
  263. .TP
  264. .I $WINEPREFIX/dosdevices
  265. Directory containing the DOS device mappings. Each file in that
  266. directory is a symlink to the Unix device file implementing a given
  267. device. For instance, if COM1 is mapped to \fI/dev/ttyS0\fR you'd have a
  268. symlink of the form \fI$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices/com1\fR -> \fI/dev/ttyS0\fR.
  269. .br
  270. DOS drives are also specified with symlinks; for instance if drive D:
  271. corresponds to the CDROM mounted at \fI/mnt/cdrom\fR, you'd have a symlink
  272. \fI$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices/d:\fR -> \fI/mnt/cdrom\fR. The Unix device corresponding
  273. to a DOS drive can be specified the same way, except with '::' instead
  274. of ':'. So for the previous example, if the CDROM device is mounted
  275. from \fI/dev/hdc\fR, the corresponding symlink would be
  276. \fI$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices/d::\fR -> \fI/dev/hdc\fR.
  277. .SH AUTHORS
  278. Wine is available thanks to the work of many developers. For a listing
  279. of the authors, please see the file
  280. .I AUTHORS
  281. in the top-level directory of the source distribution.
  283. Wine can be distributed under the terms of the LGPL license. A copy of the
  284. license is in the file
  286. in the top-level directory of the source distribution.
  287. .SH BUGS
  288. .PP
  289. A status report on many applications is available from the
  290. .UR
  291. .B Wine Application Database
  292. .UE .
  293. Please add entries to this list for applications you currently run, if
  294. necessary.
  295. .PP
  296. Bugs can be reported on the
  297. .UR
  298. .B Wine bug tracker
  299. .UE .
  301. The most recent public version of
  302. .B wine
  303. is available through WineHQ, the
  304. .UR
  305. .B Wine development headquarters
  306. .UE .
  307. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  308. .BR wineserver (1),
  309. .BR winedbg (1),
  310. .br
  311. .UR
  312. .B Wine documentation and support
  313. .UE .