Makevars 1.5 KB

  1. # Configuration
  2. # Source ISO image file
  3. SOURCE = debian-12.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso
  4. # Target ISO image file
  5. TARGET = debian-12.0.0-amd64-netinst-hl.iso
  6. # Image label (must be ≤ 32 chars)
  7. LABEL = Debian-12.0.0-amd64-headless
  8. # Machine architecture (only `amd64` or `i368` will work)
  9. ARCH = amd64
  10. #ARCH = i386
  11. # Where to find the usb drive
  12. # CAUTION: if set incorrectly you may ruin your system!
  13. USBDEV = /dev/null
  14. #USBDEV = /dev/sda
  15. ############################################################
  16. # You can probably leave alone everything below this line
  17. ############################################################
  18. # Console configuration
  19. #
  20. # Format: DEV[,PARMS]
  21. #
  22. # DEV: typically ttyS0, ttyS1 or ttyUSB0
  23. #
  24. # SERIALPARMS format (according to LINUX kenrel documentation):
  25. # depend on the driver. For the serial port this
  26. # defines the baudrate/parity/bits/flow control of
  27. # the port, in the format BBBBPNF, where BBBB is the
  28. # speed, P is parity (n/o/e), N is number of bits,
  29. # and F is flow control ('r' for RTS). Default is
  30. # 9600n8. The maximum baudrate is 115200.
  31. # For serial console:
  32. CONSOLE = ttyS0,115200n8
  33. # For local console (normal non-headless installation):
  34. #CONSOLE = tty0
  35. # Folder for image unpacking
  36. TMP = tmp
  37. ISOLINUX_CFG_TEMPLATE = templates/isolinux.cfg.template
  38. GRUB_CFG_TEMPLATE = templates/grub.cfg.template
  39. # set architecture-dependent variables
  40. ifeq "${ARCH}" "amd64"
  41. ARCHFOLDER = amd
  42. QEMU = qemu-system-x86_64
  43. else ifeq "${ARCH}" "i386"
  44. ARCHFOLDER = 386
  45. QEMU = qemu-system-i386
  46. endif
  47. # vim: set syntax=make :