.travis.yml 695 B

  1. language: python
  2. python: '3.5'
  3. # command to install dependencies
  4. env:
  5. global:
  6. - LD_PRELOAD=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libSegFault.so
  8. matrix:
  9. - TOXENV=py26
  10. - TOXENV=py27
  11. - TOXENV=py33
  12. - TOXENV=py34
  13. - TOXENV=py35
  14. before_install:
  15. - python --version
  16. - uname -a
  17. - lsb_release -a
  18. install:
  19. - pip install tox
  20. - virtualenv --version
  21. - easy_install --version
  22. - pip --version
  23. - tox --version
  24. # command to run tests
  25. script:
  26. - tox -v
  27. after_failure:
  28. - more .tox/log/* | cat
  29. - more .tox/*/log/* | cat
  30. before_cache:
  31. - rm -rf $HOME/.cache/pip/log
  32. cache:
  33. directories:
  34. - $HOME/.cache/pip
  35. branches:
  36. only:
  37. - master
  38. - develop