javascripttodefeatTOS 3.8 KB

  1. All of these are WTFPL, I think. Given the goal here is to use specific code as APIs ...not really sure what to do about these tbh, copyright-wise. They are used to *not* agree to copyright-restricted code.
  2. This is a list of a bunch of javascript & instructions to bypass restrictions on websites to use their service.
  3. Usually you execute by going into the console on your web browser, and just pasting the following in and hitting
  4. 'enter'
  5. The goal here is that you shouldn't have to agree to a legal contract to enjoy the world wide web,
  6. and its resources: these javascript snippets do NOT constitute consent, but they might constitute something like
  7. trespass.
  8. Freshii:
  9. var _request = new XMLHttpRequest();
  10. var url = '';
  11.'HEAD', window.location, true);
  12. _request.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
  13. _request.onreadystatechange = function() {
  14. if (_request.readyState === 4) {
  15. var continue_url = _request.getResponseHeader('Continue-Url');
  16. window.location.href = url.replace('CONTINUE_URL_PLACEHOLDER', continue_url);
  17. };
  18. };
  19. _request.send(null);
  20. Super8:
  21. 1)
  22. showerror= function showerror(){
  23. var tmpStr;
  24. var ind_eq;
  25. var urlStr = "";
  26. if(document.terms.accept.checked == false){
  27. document.terms.accept.checked=1;
  28. }
  29. tmpStr = document.terms.redirecturl.value;
  30. if(tmpStr=="") {
  31. tmpStr = parent.document.URL.toString();
  32. ind_eq = tmpStr.indexOf("=");
  33. if(ind_eq > 0) {
  34. document.terms.redirecturl.value=tmpStr.substring(ind_eq+1);
  35. }
  36. }
  37. document.terms.action="/cgi-bin/login";
  38. document.terms.submit();
  39. }
  40. 2) put password in
  41. 3) click enter.
  42. tim hortons:
  43. revealLanding()
  44. or
  45. go to
  46. or
  47. function validate(state) {
  48. return true;
  49. }
  50. $(".switcher").click(function () {
  51. console.log("Tac is Checked");
  52. $("p").remove("#my-error-message-container");
  53. $(".content1").fadeOut();
  54. $(".content3").delay(450).fadeIn();
  55. return true;
  56. });
  57. tbpl library:
  58. $('input.requires-tou').enable(); document.getElementById('connect').click();
  59. thunder bay public wifi:
  60. no javascript per se: just go to
  61. ""
  62. (the zMsg6dl may be generated on the page)
  63. greyhound:
  64. 1) anonConnect=function(){return true};
  65. 2) then hit connect
  66. 3) anonConnect=function(){return true};
  67. 4) enter in fake email address (
  68. 5) then hit connect
  69. AT&T (at least greyhound)
  70. document.getElementById('account_submit').click();
  71. McDonalds:
  72. document.mcdconnect.submit();
  73. A&W
  74. ((optional)
  75. 1) javascript:
  76. toggle_visibility('agreementBtn');
  77. )
  78. 2) goto
  81. maybe nNNN is needed?
  82. Regina RQHR
  83. submitAction();
  84. Safeway:
  85. document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Button1").click()
  86. SaskTel myWifi:
  87. freethewifipls / 8letters
  88. boston pizza, fort francis:
  89. showerror= function showerror(){
  90. var tmpStr;
  91. var ind_eq;
  92. var urlStr = "";
  93. if(document.terms.accept.checked == false){
  94. document.terms.accept.checked=true;
  95. }
  96. tmpStr = document.terms.redirecturl.value;
  97. if(tmpStr=="") {
  98. tmpStr = parent.document.URL.toString();
  99. ind_eq = tmpStr.indexOf("=");
  100. if(ind_eq > 0) {
  101. document.terms.redirecturl.value=tmpStr.substring(ind_eq+1);
  102. }
  103. }
  104. document.terms.action="/cgi-bin/login";
  105. document.terms.submit();
  106. }