jsfmt.spec.js.snap 3.9 KB

  1. // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
  2. exports[`directive_decl.graphql 1`] = `
  3. directive @dir(
  4. # comment
  5. arg1: String
  6. # comment
  7. arg2: String
  8. arg3: String
  9. ) on QUERY
  10. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  11. directive @dir(
  12. # comment
  13. arg1: String
  14. # comment
  15. arg2: String
  16. arg3: String
  17. ) on QUERY
  18. `;
  19. exports[`directives.graphql 1`] = `
  20. query MyQuery @directive(
  21. arg: 5
  22. # comment
  23. arg2: 10
  24. ) {
  25. field @skip(
  26. if: true
  27. # comment
  28. cursor: 10
  29. ) @nope
  30. otherField
  31. ...fragmentSpread, @include(if: ["this isn't even a boolean", "wow, that's really odd",,,,,])
  32. }
  33. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  34. query MyQuery
  35. @directive(
  36. arg: 5
  37. # comment
  38. arg2: 10
  39. ) {
  40. field
  41. @skip(
  42. if: true
  43. # comment
  44. cursor: 10
  45. )
  46. @nope
  47. otherField
  48. ...fragmentSpread
  49. @include(if: ["this isn't even a boolean", "wow, that's really odd"])
  50. }
  51. `;
  52. exports[`enum.graphql 1`] = `
  53. enum State {
  54. # pending state
  56. # visible states
  59. # archive state
  61. }
  62. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  63. enum State {
  64. # pending state
  66. # visible states
  69. # archive state
  71. }
  72. `;
  73. exports[`fields.graphql 1`] = `
  74. query MyFirstQuery {
  75. # comment
  76. field {
  77. subfield
  78. # comment
  79. subfield
  80. }
  81. field
  82. #comment
  83. field
  84. }
  85. mutation MyFirstMutation {
  86. # comment
  87. name
  88. comment # comment
  89. kind
  90. }
  91. subscription MySubscription {
  92. name
  93. comment
  94. kind
  95. }
  96. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  97. query MyFirstQuery {
  98. # comment
  99. field {
  100. subfield
  101. # comment
  102. subfield
  103. }
  104. field
  105. #comment
  106. field
  107. }
  108. mutation MyFirstMutation {
  109. # comment
  110. name
  111. comment # comment
  112. kind
  113. }
  114. subscription MySubscription {
  115. name
  116. comment
  117. kind
  118. }
  119. `;
  120. exports[`input.graphql 1`] = `
  121. input Params {
  122. # Id
  123. id: ID
  124. # Name
  125. name: String
  126. }
  127. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  128. input Params {
  129. # Id
  130. id: ID
  131. # Name
  132. name: String
  133. }
  134. `;
  135. exports[`interface.graphql 1`] = `
  136. interface Actor {
  137. # Id
  138. id: ID
  139. # Actor fields
  140. name: String
  141. kind: String
  142. }
  143. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  144. interface Actor {
  145. # Id
  146. id: ID
  147. # Actor fields
  148. name: String
  149. kind: String
  150. }
  151. `;
  152. exports[`object_type_def.graphql 1`] = `
  153. type Artist implements Node, Entity {
  154. # The ID of an object
  155. id: ID!
  156. # The MBID of the entity.
  157. mbid: MBID!
  158. # A list of recordings linked to this entity.
  159. recordings(after: String, first: Int): RecordingConnection
  160. # A list of releases linked to this entity.
  161. releases(
  162. # Filter by one or more release group types.
  163. type: [ReleaseGroupType]
  164. # Filter by one or more release statuses.
  165. status: [ReleaseStatus]
  166. after: String
  167. first: Int
  168. ): ReleaseConnection
  169. }
  170. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  171. type Artist implements Node, Entity {
  172. # The ID of an object
  173. id: ID!
  174. # The MBID of the entity.
  175. mbid: MBID!
  176. # A list of recordings linked to this entity.
  177. recordings(after: String, first: Int): RecordingConnection
  178. # A list of releases linked to this entity.
  179. releases(
  180. # Filter by one or more release group types.
  181. type: [ReleaseGroupType]
  182. # Filter by one or more release statuses.
  183. status: [ReleaseStatus]
  184. after: String
  185. first: Int
  186. ): ReleaseConnection
  187. }
  188. `;
  189. exports[`schema.graphql 1`] = `
  190. # Schema
  191. schema {
  192. # Query and Mutation
  193. query: Root
  194. mutation: Mutation
  195. # Subscription
  196. subscription: Subscription
  197. }
  198. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  199. # Schema
  200. schema {
  201. # Query and Mutation
  202. query: Root
  203. mutation: Mutation
  204. # Subscription
  205. subscription: Subscription
  206. }
  207. `;