mist.zh.i18n.json 11 KB

  1. {
  2. "mist": {
  3. "applicationMenu": {
  4. "app": {
  5. "label": "__app__",
  6. "about": "关于__app__",
  7. "checkForUpdates": "检测更新...",
  8. "checkForNodeUpdates": "Check for Ethereum node updates...",
  9. "services": "服务",
  10. "hide": "隐藏 __app__",
  11. "hideOthers": "隐藏 其它",
  12. "showAll": "显示 全部",
  13. "quit": "退出__app__"
  14. },
  15. "edit": {
  16. "label": "编辑",
  17. "undo": "撤销",
  18. "redo": "重做",
  19. "cut": "剪切",
  20. "copy": "复制",
  21. "paste": "粘帖",
  22. "selectAll": "全选"
  23. },
  24. "view": {
  25. "label": "视图",
  26. "fullscreen": "全屏切换",
  27. "default": "Default"
  28. },
  29. "file": {
  30. "label": "账户",
  31. "importPresale": "导入账户",
  32. "newAccount": "新建账户",
  33. "backup": "备份",
  34. "backupKeyStore": "账户",
  35. "backupMist": "应用程序数据",
  36. "swarmUpload": "上传到Swarm"
  37. },
  38. "develop": {
  39. "label": "开发",
  40. "devTools": "切换开发者工具",
  41. "devToolsMistUI": "Mist界面",
  42. "devToolsWalletUI": "钱包界面",
  43. "devToolsWebview": "__webview__",
  44. "runTests": "运行测试",
  45. "logFiles": "显示日志文件",
  46. "ethereumNode": "以太坊节点",
  47. "network": "网络",
  48. "mainNetwork": "主网络",
  49. "startMining": "⛏ 开启挖矿(仅限Testnet网络)",
  50. "stopMining": "⛏ 停止挖矿",
  51. "openRemix": "Open Remix IDE"
  52. },
  53. "window": {
  54. "label": "窗口",
  55. "minimize": "最小化",
  56. "close": "关闭",
  57. "toFront": "全部前置"
  58. },
  59. "help": {
  60. "label": "帮助",
  61. "reportBug": "Report an issue on Github"
  62. }
  63. },
  64. "errors": {
  65. "nodeConnect": "无法连接节点?查看日志获取更多信息:",
  66. "nodeStartup":
  67. "该节点可能无法被启动,你是否正在运行一个节点?它是否正在更新数据库?",
  68. "timeSync": {
  69. "title": "你的计算机时间同步不准确!",
  70. "description":
  71. "为了和以太坊网络保持同步,你的计算机时间和服务器时间需要保持同步。",
  72. "win32":
  73. "从系统选项中打开网络时间设置并勾选。详细信息参考:http://www.guidingtech.com/3119/windows-clock-sync/",
  74. "linux":
  75. "为开启时间同步服务器,请通过\"apt-get install ntp\"安装\"ntp\"。",
  76. "darwin":
  77. "为开启时间同步,打开时间选项并勾选\"Set the time and date automatically\"."
  78. },
  79. "nodeChecksumMismatch": {
  80. "title": "Checksum mismatch in downloaded node!",
  81. "description":
  82. "__algorithm__: __hash__\n\nPlease install the __type__ node version __version__ manually."
  83. },
  84. "legacyChain": {
  85. "title": "Legacy chain detected",
  86. "description":
  87. "Your node is currently on the unsupported Ethereum Classic chain. To use this chain use tools provided by the ethereum classic project at\nhttps://ethereumclassic.github.io.\n\nTo revert to the main ethereum chain follow the tutorial here:\nhttps://github.com/ethereum/mist/releases/0.8.2"
  88. }
  89. },
  90. "rightClick": {
  91. "reload": "重新载入",
  92. "openDevTools": "打开开发者工具",
  93. "inspectElements": "页面检测"
  94. },
  95. "nodeInfo": {
  96. "active": "active",
  97. "blockNumber": "最新的块数量",
  98. "blockReceivedShort": "收到新块",
  99. "blocksBehind": "blocks behind",
  100. "checkingWhichNetwork": "Checking network...",
  101. "connecting": "Connecting...",
  102. "local": "Local",
  103. "lookingForPeers": "Looking for peers...",
  104. "network": "Network",
  105. "node": "Node",
  106. "nodeSyncing": "剩余__blockDiff__块",
  107. "peers": "节点",
  108. "privateNetwork": "Private-net",
  109. "test": "test",
  110. "testnetExplain":
  111. "你正处于Testnet测试网络中,请勿发送真正的以太币到这些地址中",
  112. "timeSinceBlock": "自上一块已经过去的时间"
  113. },
  114. "sidebar": {
  115. "buttons": {
  116. "browser": "浏览"
  117. }
  118. },
  119. "browserBar": {
  120. "buttons": {
  121. "noAccounts": "未设置账户",
  122. "connect": "Connect"
  123. }
  124. },
  125. "startScreen": {
  126. "runningNodeFound": "发现正在运行的以太坊节点!",
  127. "nodeConnectionTimeout":
  128. "无法开启以太坊节点!<br><small>如果你已经<a href='https://www.ethereum.org/cli#geth' class='button' target='_blank'>安装Geth</a>,使用此命令运行: <br> <code>geth --ipcpath __path__</code></small><br> <small><a href='https://github.com/ethereum/mist/issues' class='button' target='_blank'> 或者上报此问题 </a></small>",
  129. "nodeBinaryNotFound":
  130. "找不到以太坊节点安装文件!<br><small> <a href='https://www.ethereum.org/cli#geth' class='button' target='_blank'> 请事先手动开启一个节点 </a> </small>",
  131. "nodeSyncing": "需要同步以太坊节点,请等待……",
  132. "nodeSyncInfo": "正在下载第__displayBlock__块,共__highestBlock__。",
  133. "nodeSyncConnecting": "正在查找节点……",
  134. "nodeStarting": "Ethereum node starting up...",
  135. "nodeStarted": "Ethereum node started",
  136. "nodeConnected": "Ethereum node connected",
  137. "nodeStopping": "Ethereum node stopping...",
  138. "nodeStopped": "Ethereum node stopped",
  139. "nodeError": "Ethereum node connection error :'(",
  140. "unableToBindPort":
  141. "Ethereum node cannot run. Is another instance already running?",
  142. "nodeSyncInfoStates":
  143. "Downloading block __displayBlock__ of __highestBlock__, <br> Downloading chain structure __displayState__ of __displayKnownStates__",
  144. "nodeSyncFoundPeers": "Connecting to __peers__ peers...",
  145. "launchApp": "Launch Application",
  146. "clientBinaries": {
  147. "scanning": "Checking for node update...",
  148. "downloading": "Downloading new node...",
  149. "loadConfig": "Loading client config...",
  150. "filtering": "Filtering client binaries...",
  151. "done": "Ethereum node up-to-date...",
  152. "error": "Error running downloaded binary."
  153. }
  154. },
  155. "popupWindows": {
  156. "requestAccount": {
  157. "title": "创建账户",
  158. "enterPassword": "输入密码",
  159. "repeatPassword": "重复密码",
  160. "creating": "正在生成账户……",
  161. "errors": {
  162. "passwordMismatch": "你输入的密码不匹配。",
  163. "passwordTooShort": "Make a longer password"
  164. }
  165. },
  166. "sendTransactionConfirmation": {
  167. "title": {
  168. "sendTransaction": "发送交易",
  169. "contractExecution": "执行合约",
  170. "createContract": "创建合约"
  171. },
  172. "contractExecutionInfo":
  173. "你即将执行该合约上的一个函数,这可能需要会转走你输入的数量。",
  174. "contractCreationInfo": "你即将用提供的数据创建一个合约。",
  175. "enterPassword": "输入密码以确认该交易",
  176. "unlocking": "正在确认……",
  177. "createContract": "创建合约",
  178. "estimatedFee": "预计消耗费用",
  179. "estimatedGasError": "数据无法被执行,因此这将消耗所有提供的Gas。",
  180. "gasPrice": "Gas价格",
  181. "perMillionGas": "以太币/每百万gas",
  182. "gasLimit": "提供最大费用",
  183. "data": "数据",
  184. "buttons": {
  185. "sendTransaction": "发送交易"
  186. },
  187. "errors": {
  188. "connectionTimeout": "无法连接该节点,后台节点是否可能崩溃了?",
  189. "wrongPassword": "密码错误",
  190. "multipleKeysMatchAddress":
  191. "Multiple keys match address. Please remove duplicates from keystore (menu -> File -> Backup -> Accounts)",
  192. "insufficientFundsForGas":
  193. "Insufficient funds in main account (etherbase) to pay for gas",
  194. "sameAccount": "Can't send to itself"
  195. },
  196. "transactionThrow":
  197. "The contract won't allow this transaction to be executed",
  198. "noEstimate": "We couldn't estimate the gas.",
  199. "parameters": "Parameters",
  200. "showRawBytecode": "show raw data",
  201. "showDecodedParameters": "show decoded parameters",
  202. "lookupData": "Try to decode data",
  203. "lookupDataExplainer": "Look this up on the internet",
  204. "overBlockGasLimit":
  205. "The gas required for this execution could exceed the block gas limit.",
  206. "notEnoughGas":
  207. "Gas might not be enough to successfully finish this transaction.<br>Click here to increase the gas amount."
  208. },
  209. "importAccount": {
  210. "doYouHaveAWalletFile": "你拥有一个钱包文件吗?",
  211. "walletFileDescription":
  212. "<p>如果你参与了2014年的以太坊预售,你应该有一个文件名为<code>ethereum_wallet_backup.json</code>的钱包文件。在你购买后已被下载并且也发送到你邮箱。</p>",
  213. "dropFilesHere": "预售文件拖入此处",
  214. "importing": "正在导入……",
  215. "buttons": {
  216. "showPassword": "显示密码"
  217. },
  218. "errors": {
  219. "unknownFile": "文件无法识别。",
  220. "wrongPassword": "密码错误。",
  221. "importFailed": "无法导入该文件,错误:__error__"
  222. }
  223. },
  224. "updateAvailable": {
  225. "newVersionAvailable": "New __name__ version available",
  226. "version": "Version",
  227. "downloadURL": "Download URL",
  228. "checksum": "Checksum",
  229. "downloadAndRestart": "Update and Restart",
  230. "download": "Download new version",
  231. "skipUpdate": "Skip Update",
  232. "checking": "Checking for updates to __name__...",
  233. "noUpdateFound":
  234. "No update found. You are running the latest version of __name__."
  235. },
  236. "connectAccount": {
  237. "chooseAccountTitle": "Choose account",
  238. "createAccount": "Create new account",
  239. "pinToSidebar": "Pin app to the sidebar",
  240. "connectAccountDescription":
  241. "You are sharing your identity with __dappName__. This allows the app to see any public information of your accounts, including balances connected to it."
  242. }
  243. }
  244. },
  245. "elements": {
  246. "checksumAlert":
  247. "该地址格式有效,但是由于没有安全机制保证你不会拼写错误,因此请反复确认你输入正确。如果可能的话,请验证一下安全图标是否匹配。",
  248. "identiconHelper":
  249. "这是一个安全图标,如果地址有任何改动,该图标将会完全不一样",
  250. "type": {
  251. "address": "Address",
  252. "bool": "Boolean",
  253. "int": "Integer",
  254. "uint": "Natural Number",
  255. "string": "String",
  256. "bytes": "Bytes"
  257. }
  258. }
  259. }