#1 babel-preset-es2016-node5 dependency

opened 5 years ago by themusicgod1 · 1 comments

-[ ] verify this version of mist doesn't depend on babel-preset- s2016-node5 dependency

-[ ] if it does, make this an optional dependency

-[ ] verify this version of mist doesn't depend on babel-preset- s2016-node5 dependency -[ ] if it does, make this an optional dependency
Jeff Cliff commented 5 years ago

there are 3 possibilities here. 1) runtime dependency, caught by test 2) runtime dependency, not caught by test <- most likely. 2) build time dependency.

there are 3 possibilities here. 1) runtime dependency, caught by test 2) runtime dependency, not caught by test <- most likely. 2) build time dependency.
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