not-quite-dead-yet-salad 559 B

  1. "I'm not quite dead yet" Sauteed Salad
  2. Requires:
  3. * One carrot
  4. * A "whole bunch" of lettuce (500ml?)
  5. * "four" celery
  6. * olive oil(probably not as much as I used). I used somewhere around a quarter cup.
  7. * 10 dandelions, picked straight from your yard
  8. * salt/sel
  9. * frypan
  10. 1) Wash the dandelions.
  11. 2) cut carrot, lettuce, celery and place
  12. 3) add salt to olive oil, put in frypan, heat
  13. 4) add non dandelion vegetables to frypan
  14. 5) cut the leaves off of the dandilions. Only take the leaves(the rest may be poisonous), and add them to the frypan
  15. 6) eat
  16. (CC-by-3.0)