modified-enders-pasta 815 B

  1. Modified Ender's Pasta
  2. Ingredients:
  3. Virgin Olive Oil
  4. Basil
  5. Sundried Tomato & Oregano Sphagetti
  6. Equipment:
  7. Pan
  8. Pot
  9. Strainer
  10. Stirspoon
  11. Water
  12. plate
  13. 1. Boil water
  14. 2. Place pasta in water
  15. 3. While pasta isn't soft, continue cooking
  16. 4. Remove and Strain
  17. 5. (May optionally warm a pan, if safe), place enough olive oil in a pan to cover the whole bottom of the pan, and then some, and crush some basil into the pan, stirring the olive oil & basil together.
  18. 6. Put sphagetti into pan. You might have to do this in portions, depending on the size of your pan.
  19. 7. Fry sphagetti in olive oil-basil mixture a little, just enough to get the olive oil to soak in and dry a little(?)
  20. 8. Remove from heat,
  21. 9. place on plate
  22. 10. Add salt and pepper
  23. 11. serve and enjoy!
  24. Creative Commons LicenseCreative Commons .
  25. Very tasty.