wercker.yml 610 B

  1. box: chfast/cpp-ethereum-dev
  2. # This is the build pipeline. Pipelines are the core of wercker
  3. # Read more about pipelines on our dev center
  4. # http://devcenter.wercker.com/docs/pipelines/index.html
  5. build:
  6. # Steps make up the actions in your pipeline
  7. # Read more about steps on our dev center:
  8. # http://devcenter.wercker.com/docs/steps/index.html
  9. steps:
  10. - script:
  11. name: configure
  12. code: |
  13. mkdir build && cd build
  14. cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$BUILD_TYPE -DLLVM_DIR=/usr/lib/llvm-3.9/lib/cmake/llvm
  15. - script:
  16. name: build
  17. code: cmake --build build