.travis.yml 1.5 KB

  1. git:
  2. depth: 10
  3. sudo: false
  4. language: node_js
  5. cache:
  6. yarn: true
  7. directories:
  8. - node_modules
  9. node_js:
  10. # We test the latest version on circleci
  11. - '9'
  12. - '8'
  13. - '6'
  14. env:
  15. global:
  16. - PATH=$HOME/.yarn/bin:$PATH
  17. - JOB=test
  18. before_install:
  19. - curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash
  20. install: yarn --ignore-engines
  21. before_script:
  22. - 'if [ "$JOB" = "babel-parser-flow-tests" ]; then make bootstrap-flow; fi'
  23. - 'if [ "$JOB" = "babel-parser-test262-tests" ]; then make bootstrap-test262; fi'
  24. script:
  25. - 'if [ "$JOB" = "test" ]; then make test-ci; fi'
  26. - 'if [ "$JOB" = "lint" ]; then make lint && make flow; fi'
  27. - 'if [ "$JOB" = "babel-parser-flow-tests" ]; then make test-flow-ci; fi'
  28. - 'if [ "$JOB" = "babel-parser-test262-tests" ]; then make test-test262-ci; fi'
  29. matrix:
  30. fast_finish: true
  31. include:
  32. - node_js: "node"
  33. env: JOB=lint
  34. - node_js: "node"
  35. env: JOB=babel-parser-flow-tests
  36. - node_js: "node"
  37. env: JOB=babel-parser-test262-tests
  38. notifications:
  39. slack:
  40. on_success: change
  41. on_failure: always
  42. rooms:
  43. # Generate with
  44. # travis encrypt "babeljs:<token>#activity" --add notifications.slack.rooms
  45. # where <token> is from the Slack integration settings.
  46. secure: SrwPKRe2AiNAKRo/+2yW/x4zxbWf2FBXuBuuPkdTJVTpWe++Jin1lXYJWTKP1a1i/IbmhffBO9YZcUFbeuXJpRM083vO8VYpyuBMQRqWD+Z3o+ttPlHGOJgnj0nkIcGRk6k7PpyHNnIkixfEJDvbbg9lN1Jswb3xkL8iYIHpuFE=
  47. branches:
  48. except:
  49. - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/