123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298 |
- This file provides an overview of the MediaWiki upgrade process. For help with
- specific problems, check
- * the documentation at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Contents
- * the mediawiki-l mailing list archive at
- http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mediawiki-l/
- * the bug tracker at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/
- for information and workarounds to common issues.
- == Overview ==
- Comprehensive documentation on upgrading to the latest version of the software
- is available at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Upgrading
- === Consult the release notes ===
- Before doing anything, stop and consult the release notes supplied with the new
- version of the software. These detail bug fixes, new features and functionality,
- and any particular points that may need to be noted during the upgrade
- procedure.
- === Backup first ===
- It is imperative that, prior to attempting an upgrade of the database schema,
- you take a complete backup of your wiki database and files and verify it. While
- the upgrade scripts are somewhat robust, there is no guarantee that things will
- not fail, leaving the database in an inconsistent state.
- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Backing_up_a_wiki provides an overview of
- the backup process. You should also refer to the documentation for your
- database management system for information on backing up a database, and to
- your operating system documentation for information on making copies of files.
- === Perform the file upgrade ===
- Download the files for the new version of the software. These are available
- as a compressed "tar" archive from the Wikimedia Download Service
- (http://download.wikimedia.org/mediawiki).
- You can also obtain the new files directly from our Git source code
- repository.
- Replace the existing MediaWiki files with the new. You should preserve the
- LocalSettings.php file and the "extensions" and "images" directories.
- Depending upon your configuration, you may also need to preserve additional
- directories, including a custom upload directory ($wgUploadDirectory),
- deleted file archives, and any custom skins.
- === Perform the database upgrade ===
- As of 1.21, it is possible to separate schema changes (i.e. adding,
- dropping, or changing tables, fields, or indices) from all other
- database changes (e.g. populating fields). If you need this
- capability, see "From the command line" below.
- ==== From the web ====
- If you browse to the web-based installation script (usually at
- /mw-config/index.php) from your wiki installation you can follow the script and
- upgrade your database in place.
- ==== From the command line ====
- From the command line, browse to the "maintenance" directory and run the
- update.php script to check and update the schema. This will insert missing
- tables, update existing tables, and move data around as needed. In most cases,
- this is successful and nothing further needs to be done.
- If you need to separate out the schema changes so they can be run
- by someone with more privileges, then you can use the --schema option
- to produce a text file with the necessary commands. You can use
- --schema, --noschema, $wgAllowSchemaUpdates as well as proper database
- permissions to enforce this separation.
- === Check configuration settings ===
- The names of configuration variables, and their default values and purposes,
- can change between release branches, e.g. $wgDisableUploads in 1.4 is replaced
- with $wgEnableUploads in later versions. When upgrading, consult the release
- notes to check for configuration changes which would alter the expected
- behavior of MediaWiki.
- === Check installed extensions ===
- Extensions usually need to be upgraded at the same time as the MediaWiki core.
- In MediaWiki 1.14 some extensions were migrated into the core. Please see the
- HISTORY section "Migrated extensions" and disable these extensions in your
- LocalSettings.php
- === Test ===
- It makes sense to test your wiki immediately following any kind of maintenance
- procedure, and especially after upgrading; check that page views and edits work
- normally and that special pages continue to function, etc. and correct errors
- and quirks which reveal themselves.
- You should also test any extensions, and upgrade these if necessary.
- == Upgrading from 1.16 or earlier ==
- If you have a Chinese or Japanese wiki ($wgLanguageCode is set to one
- of "zh", "ja", or "yue") and you are using MySQL fulltext search, you
- will probably want to update the search index.
- In the "maintenance" directory, run the updateDoubleWidthSearch.php
- script. This will update the searchindex table for those pages that
- contain double-byte latin characters.
- == Upgrading from 1.8 or earlier ==
- MediaWiki 1.9 and later no longer keep default localized message text
- in the database; 'MediaWiki:'-namespace pages that do not exist in the
- database are simply transparently filled-in on demand.
- The upgrade process will delete any 'MediaWiki:' pages which are left
- in the default state (last edited by 'MediaWiki default'). This may
- take a few moments, similar to the old initial setup.
- Note that the large number of deletions may cause older edits to expire
- from the list on Special:Recentchanges, although the deletions themselves
- will be hidden by default. (Click "show bot edits" to list them.)
- See RELEASE-NOTES for more details about new and changed options.
- == Upgrading from 1.7 or earlier ==
- $wgDefaultUserOptions now contains all the defaults, not only overrides.
- If you're setting this as a complete array(), you may need to change it
- to set only specific items as recommended in DefaultSettings.php.
- == Upgrading from 1.6 or earlier ==
- $wgLocalTZoffset was in hours, it is now using minutes.
- == Upgrading from 1.5 or earlier ==
- Major changes have been made to the schema from 1.4.x. The updater
- has not been fully tested for all conditions, and might well break.
- On a large site, the schema update might take a long time. It might
- explode, or leave your database half-done or otherwise badly hurting.
- Among other changes, note that Latin-1 encoding (ISO-8859-1) is
- no longer supported. Latin-1 wikis will need to be upgraded to
- UTF-8; an experimental command-line upgrade helper script,
- 'upgrade1_5.php', can do this -- run it prior to 'update.php' or
- the web upgrader.
- NOTE that upgrade1_5.php does not work properly with recent version
- of MediaWiki. If upgrading a 1.4.x wiki, you should upgrade to 1.5
- first. upgrade1_5.php has been removed from MediaWiki 1.21.
- If you absolutely cannot make the UTF-8 upgrade work, you can try
- doing it by hand: dump your old database, convert the dump file
- using iconv as described here:
- http://portal.suse.com/sdb/en/2004/05/jbartsh_utf-8.html
- and then reimport it. You can also convert filenames using convmv,
- but note that the old directory hashes will no longer be valid,
- so you will also have to move them to new destinations.
- Message changes:
- * A number of additional UI messages have been changed from HTML to
- wikitext, and will need to be manually fixed if customized.
- === Configuration changes from 1.4.x: ===
- $wgDisableUploads has been replaced with $wgEnableUploads.
- $wgWhitelistAccount has been replaced by the 'createaccount' permission
- key in $wgGroupPermissions. To emulate the old effect of setting:
- $wgWhitelistAccount['user'] = 0;
- set:
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
- $wgWhitelistEdit has been replaced by the 'edit' permission key.
- To emulate the old effect of setting:
- $wgWhitelistEdit = true;
- set:
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;
- If $wgWhitelistRead is set, you must also disable the 'read' permission
- for it to take affect on anonymous users:
- $wgWhitelistRead = array( "Main Page", "Special:Userlogin" );
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
- Note that you can disable/enable several other permissions by modifying
- this configuration array in your LocalSettings.php; see DefaultSettings.php
- for the complete default permission set.
- If using Memcached, you must enabled it differently now:
- $wgUseMemCached = true;
- should be replaced with:
- $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_MEMCACHED;
- == Upgrading from 1.4.2 or earlier ==
- 1.4.3 has added new fields to the sitestats table. These fields are
- optional and help to speed Special:Statistics on large sites. If you
- choose not to run the database upgrades, everything will continue to
- work in 1.4.3.
- You can apply the update by running maintenance/update.php, or
- manually run the SQL commands from this file:
- maintenance/archives/patch-ss_total_articles.sql
- == Upgrading from 1.4rc1 or earlier betas ==
- The logging table has been altered from 1.4beta4 to 1.4beta5
- and again in 1.4.0 final. Copy in the new files and use the web
- installer to upgrade, or the command-line maintenance/update.php.
- If you cannot use the automated installers/updaters, you may
- update the table by manually running the SQL commands in these
- files:
- maintenance/archives/patch-log_params.sql
- maintenance/archives/patch-logging-title.sql
- == Upgrading from 1.3 or earlier ==
- This should generally go smoothly.
- If you keep your LocalSettings.php, you may need to change the style paths
- to match the newly rearranged skin modules. Change these lines:
- $wgStylePath = "$wgScriptPath/stylesheets";
- $wgStyleDirectory = "$IP/stylesheets";
- $wgLogo = "$wgStylePath/images/wiki.png";
- to this:
- $wgStylePath = "$wgScriptPath/skins";
- $wgStyleDirectory = "$IP/skins";
- $wgLogo = "$wgStylePath/common/images/wiki.png";
- As well as new messages, the processing of some messages has changed.
- If you have customized them, please compare the new format using
- Special:Allmessages or the relevant LanguageXX.php files:
- * copyrightwarning
- * dberrortext
- * editingcomment (was named commentedit)
- * editingsection (was named sectionedit)
- * numauthors
- * numedits
- * numtalkauthors
- * numtalkedits
- * numwatchers
- * protectedarticle
- * searchresulttext
- * showhideminor
- * unprotectedarticle
- Note that the 1.3 beta releases included a potential vulnerability if PHP
- is configured with register_globals on and the includes directory is
- served to the web. For general safety, turn register_globals *off* if you
- don't _really_ need it for another package.
- If your hosting provider turns it on and you can't turn it off yourself,
- send them a kind note explaining that it can expose their servers and their
- customers to attacks.
- == Upgrading from 1.2 or earlier ==
- If you've been using the MediaWiki: namespace for custom page templates,
- note that things are a little different. The Template: namespace has been
- added which is more powerful -- templates can include parameters for
- instance.
- If you were using custom MediaWiki: entries for text inclusions, they
- will *not* automatically be moved to Template: entries at upgrade time.
- Be sure to go through and check that everything is working properly;
- you can move them manually or you can try using moveCustomMessages.php
- in maintenance/archives to do it automatically, but this might break things.
- Also, be sure to pick the correct character encoding -- some languages were
- only available in Latin-1 on 1.2.x and are now available for Unicode as well.
- If you want to upgrade an existing wiki from Latin-1 to Unicode you'll have
- to dump the database to SQL, run it through iconv or another conversion tool,
- and restore it. Sorry.
- == Upgrading from 1.1 or earlier ==
- This is less thoroughly tested, but should work.
- You need to specify the *admin* database username and password to the
- installer in order for it to successfully upgrade the database structure.
- You may wish to manually change the GRANTs later.
- If you have a very old database (earlier than organized MediaWiki releases
- in late August 2003) you may need to manually run some of the update SQL
- scripts in maintenance/archives before the installer is able to pick up
- with remaining updates.