Makefile 795 B

  1. MEDIAWIKI_LOAD_URL ?= http://localhost/w/load.php
  2. kss: kssnodecheck
  3. # Generates CSS of mediawiki.ui and mediawiki.ui.button using ResourceLoader, then applies it to the
  4. # KSS style guide
  5. $(eval KSS_RL_TMP := $(shell mktemp /tmp/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX))
  6. $(eval MODULE_STR := $(shell paste -sd "|" styleGuideModules.txt))
  7. # See OutputPage::makeResourceLoaderLink.
  8. @curl -sG "${MEDIAWIKI_LOAD_URL}?modules=${MODULE_STR}&only=styles" > $(KSS_RL_TMP)
  9. @node_modules/.bin/kss-node ../../resources/src/mediawiki.ui static/ --css $(KSS_RL_TMP) -t styleguide-template
  10. @rm $(KSS_RL_TMP)
  11. kssopen: kss
  12. @echo Opening the generated style guide...
  13. @command -v xdg-open >/dev/null 2>&1 || { open ${PWD}/static/index.html; exit 0; }
  14. @xdg-open ${PWD}/static/index.html
  15. kssnodecheck:
  16. @scripts/