MessagesWa.php 2.5 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /** Walloon (walon)
  3. *
  4. * To improve a translation please visit
  5. *
  6. * @ingroup Language
  7. * @file
  8. *
  9. * @author Lucyin
  10. * @author Srtxg
  11. * @author Urhixidur
  12. * @author לערי ריינהארט
  13. */
  14. $fallback = 'fr';
  15. # lists "no preferences", normall (long) walloon date,
  16. # short walloon date, and ISO format
  17. # MW_DATE_DMY is alias for long format, as it is dd mmmmm yyyy.
  18. $datePreferences = [
  19. 'default',
  20. 'dmy',
  21. 'walloon short',
  22. 'ISO 8601'
  23. ];
  24. $datePreferenceMigrationMap = [
  25. 0 => 'default',
  26. 2 => 'dmy',
  27. 4 => 'walloon short',
  28. ];
  29. $defaultDateFormat = 'dmy';
  30. $dateFormats = [
  31. 'walloon short time' => 'H:i'
  32. ];
  33. $namespaceNames = [
  34. NS_MEDIA => 'Media',
  35. NS_SPECIAL => 'Sipeciås',
  36. NS_TALK => 'Copene',
  37. NS_USER => 'Uzeu',
  38. NS_USER_TALK => 'Uzeu_copene',
  39. NS_PROJECT_TALK => '$1_copene',
  40. NS_FILE => 'Imådje',
  41. NS_FILE_TALK => 'Imådje_copene',
  42. NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki',
  43. NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki_copene',
  44. NS_TEMPLATE => 'Modele',
  45. NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'Modele_copene',
  46. NS_HELP => 'Aidance',
  47. NS_HELP_TALK => 'Aidance_copene',
  48. NS_CATEGORY => 'Categoreye',
  49. NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'Categoreye_copene',
  50. ];
  51. // Remove French aliases
  52. $namespaceGenderAliases = [];
  53. $specialPageAliases = [
  54. 'Allpages' => [ 'Totes_les_pådjes' ],
  55. 'Block' => [ 'Bloker', 'Blocaedje' ],
  56. 'Categories' => [ 'Categoreyes' ],
  57. 'Listusers' => [ 'Djivêye_des_uzeus' ],
  58. 'Log' => [ 'Djournå', 'Djournås' ],
  59. 'Preferences' => [ 'Preferinces' ],
  60. 'Prefixindex' => [ 'Indecse_pa_betchete' ],
  61. 'Search' => [ 'Cweri' ],
  62. 'Specialpages' => [ 'Pådjes_sipeciåles' ],
  63. 'Statistics' => [ 'Sitatistikes' ],
  64. 'Undelete' => [ 'Rapexhî' ],
  65. 'Upload' => [ 'Eberweter', 'Eberwetaedje' ],
  66. 'Userlogin' => [ 'Elodjaedje' ],
  67. 'Userlogout' => [ 'Dislodjaedje' ],
  68. 'Version' => [ 'Modêye' ],
  69. 'Watchlist' => [ 'Pådjes_shuvowes' ],
  70. ];
  71. # definixha del cogne po les limeros
  72. # (number format definition)
  73. # en: 12,345.67 -> wa: 12 345,67
  74. $separatorTransformTable = [ ',' => "\xc2\xa0", '.' => ',' ];
  75. # $linkTrail = '/^([a-zåâêîôûçéèA-ZÅÂÊÎÔÛÇÉÈ]+)(.*)$/sDu';
  76. $linkTrail = '/^([a-zåâêîôûçéè]+)(.*)$/sDu';