MessagesLv.php 3.7 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /** Latvian (latviešu)
  3. *
  4. * To improve a translation please visit
  5. *
  6. * @ingroup Language
  7. * @file
  8. *
  9. * @author Admresdeserv.
  10. * @author Dark Eagle
  11. * @author Edgars2007
  12. * @author FnTmLV
  13. * @author Geimeris
  14. * @author Geitost
  15. * @author Gleb Borisov
  16. * @author GreenZeb
  17. * @author Kaganer
  18. * @author Karlis
  19. * @author Kikos
  20. * @author Knakts
  21. * @author Marozols
  22. * @author Papuass
  23. * @author Reedy
  24. * @author Srolanh
  25. * @author Xil
  26. * @author Yyy
  27. * @author לערי ריינהארט
  28. */
  29. /**
  30. * @copyright Copyright © 2006, Niklas Laxström
  31. * @license GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
  32. */
  33. $linkTrail = '/^([a-zA-ZĀāČčĒēĢģĪīĶķĻļŅņŠšŪūŽž]+)(.*)$/sDu';
  34. $namespaceNames = [
  35. NS_MEDIA => 'Media',
  36. NS_SPECIAL => 'Special',
  37. NS_TALK => 'Diskusija',
  38. NS_USER => 'Dalībnieks',
  39. NS_USER_TALK => 'Dalībnieka_diskusija',
  40. NS_PROJECT_TALK => '{{grammar:ģenitīvs|$1}}_diskusija',
  41. NS_FILE => 'Attēls',
  42. NS_FILE_TALK => 'Attēla_diskusija',
  43. NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki',
  44. NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki_diskusija',
  45. NS_TEMPLATE => 'Veidne',
  46. NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'Veidnes_diskusija',
  47. NS_HELP => 'Palīdzība',
  48. NS_HELP_TALK => 'Palīdzības_diskusija',
  49. NS_CATEGORY => 'Kategorija',
  50. NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'Kategorijas_diskusija',
  51. ];
  52. $namespaceAliases = [
  53. 'Lietotājs' => NS_USER,
  54. 'Lietotāja_diskusija' => NS_USER_TALK,
  55. ];
  56. $namespaceGenderAliases = [
  57. NS_USER => [ 'male' => 'Dalībnieks', 'female' => 'Dalībniece' ],
  58. NS_USER_TALK => [ 'male' => 'Dalībnieka_diskusija', 'female' => 'Dalībnieces_diskusija' ]
  59. ];
  60. $separatorTransformTable = [ ',' => "\xc2\xa0", '.' => ',' ];
  61. /**
  62. * A list of date format preference keys, which can be selected in user
  63. * preferences. New preference keys can be added, provided they are supported
  64. * by the language class's timeanddate(). Only the 5 keys listed below are
  65. * supported by the wikitext converter (parser/DateFormatter.php).
  66. *
  67. * The special key "default" is an alias for either dmy or mdy depending on
  68. * $wgAmericanDates
  69. */
  70. $datePreferences = [
  71. 'default',
  72. 'ydm',
  73. 'mdy',
  74. 'dmy',
  75. 'ymd',
  76. 'ISO 8601',
  77. ];
  78. /**
  79. * The date format to use for generated dates in the user interface.
  80. * This may be one of the above date preferences, or the special value
  81. * "dmy or mdy", which uses mdy if $wgAmericanDates is true, and dmy
  82. * if $wgAmericanDates is false.
  83. */
  84. $defaultDateFormat = 'ydm';
  85. /**
  86. * Associative array mapping old numeric date formats, which may still be
  87. * stored in user preferences, to the new string formats.
  88. */
  89. $datePreferenceMigrationMap = [
  90. 'default',
  91. 'mdy',
  92. 'dmy',
  93. 'ymd'
  94. ];
  95. /**
  96. * These are formats for dates generated by MediaWiki (as opposed to the wikitext
  97. * DateFormatter). Documentation for the format string can be found in
  98. * Language.php, search for sprintfDate.
  99. *
  100. * This array is automatically inherited by all subclasses. Individual keys can be
  101. * overridden.
  102. */
  103. $dateFormats = [
  104. 'ydm time' => 'H.i',
  105. 'ydm date' => 'Y". gada" j. F',
  106. 'ydm monthonly' => 'Y". gada" F',
  107. 'ydm both' => 'Y". gada" j. F", plkst." H.i',
  108. 'ydm pretty' => 'j F',
  109. 'mdy time' => 'H:i',
  110. 'mdy date' => 'F j, Y',
  111. 'mdy monthonly' => 'F Y',
  112. 'mdy both' => 'H:i, F j, Y',
  113. 'mdy pretty' => 'F j',
  114. 'dmy time' => 'H:i',
  115. 'dmy date' => 'j F Y',
  116. 'dmy monthonly' => 'F Y',
  117. 'dmy both' => 'H:i, j F Y',
  118. 'dmy pretty' => 'j F',
  119. 'ymd time' => 'H:i',
  120. 'ymd date' => 'Y F j',
  121. 'ymd monthonly' => 'Y F',
  122. 'ymd both' => 'H:i, Y F j',
  123. 'ymd pretty' => 'F j',
  124. 'ISO 8601 time' => 'xnH:xni:xns',
  125. 'ISO 8601 date' => 'xnY-xnm-xnd',
  126. 'ISO 8601 monthonly' => 'xnY-xnm',
  127. 'ISO 8601 both' => 'xnY-xnm-xnd"T"xnH:xni:xns',
  128. 'ISO 8601 pretty' => 'xnm-xnd'
  129. ];