faq.html 26 KB

  1. <p id="top">Ica guidotexto pri {instance-name} esas por nova uzeri partikulare. Olu koncentresas pri quale procedar, sen expozar troa detali. Por preciza teknikala questioni (exemple, quale instalar exemplero di GNU Social) pliz questionez ye la grupi <a href="https://status.vinilox.eu/group/gnusocial">!gnusocial</a> e <a href="http://sn.postblue.info/group/sn">!sn</a>, o ye la publika tempolineo di {instance-name}. Vu povas anke trovar teknikala informi ye <a href="http://federation.skilledtests.com/">http://federation.skilledtests.com/</a></p>
  2. <p>La serio de punti sequas cirkume la frequeso di la questioni quin nova uzeri questionabas.</p>
  3. <p>Altra ofta questioni e wiki-i pri GNU Social:<br>
  4. <a href="https://wiki.loadaverage.org/gnusocial/begin_to_be_social">https://wiki.loadaverage.org/gnusocial/begin_to_be_social</a><br>
  5. <a href="http://wiki.gnusocial.de">http://wiki.gnusocial.de</a> (Germane)</p>
  6. <h2 id="faq-table-of-contents">Tabelo di la kontenajo</h2>
  7. <ul>
  8. <li><a href="#faq-1">Quo esas {instance-name}?</a></li>
  9. <li><a href="#faq-2">Quo esas GNU Social e la Federo?</a></li>
  10. <li><a href="#faq-3">Quale krear profil-imajo</a></li>
  11. <li><a href="#faq-4">Pro quo me povas trovar nula "{instance-name}-aplikaciono" ye la Google Play Store o ye la App Store di Apple?</a></li>
  12. <li><a href="#faq-5">Qua klientin esas por GNU Social o {instance-name}?</a></li>
  13. <li><a href="#faq-6">Ube esas la URL-plukurtigilo?</a></li>
  14. <li><a href="#faq-7">Quale ajustar preferaji pri la e-posto</a></li>
  15. <li><a href="#faq-8">Nova {instance-name} e Klasika {instance-name}</a></li>
  16. <li><a href="#faq-9">Quo esas ta tri tempolinei ye Nova {instance-name}?</a></li>
  17. <li><a href="#faq-10">Quale jerar sequo-demandi</a></li>
  18. <li><a href="#faq-11">Ka me povas efacar mea konto ye {instance-name}?</a></li>
  19. <li><a href="#faq-12">Quale konektar vua konto ye {instance-name} kun vua konto ye Twitter</a></li>
  20. <li><a href="#faq-13">Quale skribar direta mesaji</a></li>
  21. <li><a href="#faq-14">Favorati e repeti</a></li>
  22. <li><a href="#faq-15">Quon la opciono "Mea kolegi ye {instance-name}" facas?</a></li>
  23. <li><a href="#faq-16">Grupi</a></li>
  24. <li><a href="#faq-17">Listi</a></li>
  25. <li><a href="#faq-18">Quale blokusar</a></li>
  26. <li><a href="#faq-19">Quale sequar ulu ye altra exemplero</a></li>
  27. <li><a href="#faq-20">Quale jerar la videbleso di vua mesaji</a></li>
  28. <li><a href="#faq-21">Quale citar konversi o parti di li</a></li>
  29. <li><a href="#faq-22">Quale sequar klefovorti e hashtagi</a></li>
  30. <li><a href="#faq-23">Pro quo mea repeto ne aparas ye altra exempleri?</a></li>
  31. </ul>
  32. <!-- 1 -->
  33. <h2 id="faq-1">Quo esas {instance-name}? <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  34. <p>{instance-name} esas un ek multa exempleri di GNU Social. </p>
  35. <p>{instance-name} esas projeto uzanta la sistemo GNU Social, kombinita kun familiara uzer-interfacio (UI).</p>
  36. <p>L'originala UI di GNU Social esas disponebla kom "Klasika {instance-name}", selektebla de la profil-imajo di vua titulo-bendo (supra dextro).</p>
  37. <!-- 2 -->
  38. <h2 id="faq-2">Quo esas GNU Social e la Federo? <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  39. <p>GNU Social esas descentraligita mikroblogo-platformo.</p>
  40. <p>Uzeri di ula exemplero (o: servado) povas sequar, esar sequata da, e komunikar kun uzeri di irga altra exemplero.</p>
  41. <p>Altra exempleri esas, exemple, <a href="https://loadaverage.org/">loadaverage.org</a>, <a href="http://status.vinilox.eu/">status.vinilox.eu</a>, <a href="http://micro.fragdev.com/">micro.fragdev.com</a>, <a href="https://gnusocial.de/">gnusocial.de</a>, <a href="https://indy.im/">indy.im</a>, <a href="https://quitter.se/">quitter.se, <a href="http://rainbowdash.net/">rainbowdash.net</a>, e. c. La nuna nombro de mikroblog-exempleri uzanta la softwaro GNU Social esas probable cirkume 50, {instance-name} esanta un ek oli. Nam omni uzas la sama softwaro (GNU Social) e protokolo de transmiso (OStatus), oli povas interkomunikar tote quale servili de e-posto, mem se oli esas nedependanta e funcionigata da diferanta firmi.</p>
  42. <p>Konekti inter exempleri esas fondita da uzeri sequanta l'una e l'altra. Tra tala sequi omna ta exempleri povas (adminime principe) esar unionita aden un kompozita strukturo o reto de su-kontenata exempleri. Ico nomesas la Federo. GNU Social esas strukturigita ulamaniere ke bezonas nur un sequo di uzero <strong>a</strong> de exemplero <strong>A</strong> vers uzero <strong>b</strong> de exemplero <strong>B</strong> por videbligar <strong>b</strong> ad omnu ye exemplero <strong>A</strong> tra <em>Tota retaro</em>. (Videz sube pri la <a href="#faq-9">tri tempolinei</a>.) La tota retaro esas la plu vasta reto de exempleri quale vidata da {instance-name}. Olu aspektas diferanta ye, exemple, loadaverage, nam ye loadaverage esas diferanta sequi vers altra exempleri kam ye {instance-name}. </p>
  43. <p>Esas nula centrala "unajo" di qua la paneo povus renversar la tota retaro. Se exemplero paneas o se l'administranti komencas facar kozi quin vu ne prizas, vu povas krear vua konto ye altra exemplero. Vu esos ankore ye la reto GNU Social ed ankore povos komunikar kun vua amiki ye GNU Social. Vu nur bezonos informar vua relati pri vua nova adreso.</p>
  44. <p>Adresi ye GNU Social aspektas tale:</p>
  45. <p class="indent">@uzero@exemplero.org</p>
  46. <p>Vua adreso esas:</p>
  47. <p class="indent">@{nickname}@{instance-url}</p>
  48. <p>Se vu sequas altra uzero, o se la uzero esas ye la sama exemplero, vu darfas omisar la parto …@instance.org e nur uzar la kurta adreso</p>
  49. <p class="indent">@uzero</p>
  50. <!-- 3 -->
  51. <h2 id="faq-3">Quale krear profil-imajo <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  52. <p>Ye Nova {instance-name}, irez ye</p>
  53. <p class="indent">La profil-imajo di vua titulo-bendo (supra dextro) → Modifikar la profilo → Kamero-ikono super vua profil-imajo</p>
  54. <p>Uzez la butoni + e - por plugrandigar e plumikrigar. Rekortez la imajo per dragar olu per la mauso.</p>
  55. <!-- 4 -->
  56. <h2 id="faq-4">Pro quo me povas trovar nula "{instance-name}-aplikaciono" ye la Google Play Store o ye la App Store di Apple? <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  57. <p>La reto nomesas "GNU Social" ed antee "StatusNet", do quon vu volas esas GNU-Social-aplikaciono o StatusNet-aplikaciono.</p>
  58. <p>(Memorez, ke {instance-name} esas nur un exemplero di la federo GNU Social.)</p>
  59. <!-- 5 -->
  60. <h2 id="faq-5">Qua klientin esas por GNU Social o {instance-name}? <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  61. <p>Vu povas trovar informajo pri klienti e ligili por deskargar hike:<br>
  62. <a href="http://federation.skilledtests.com/Statusnet_clients.html">http://federation.skilledtests.com/Statusnet_clients.html</a><br>
  63. <a href="http://wiki.gnusocial.de/gnusocial:clients">http://wiki.gnusocial.de/gnusocial:clients</a> (Germane)</p>
  64. <h3>Klienti por Android</h3>
  65. <p>— <em>Andstatus</em> (nun ageme developata da <a href="https://loadaverage.org/andstatus">@andstatus@loadaverage.org</a>)<br>
  66. <em>havas bonega konverso-vido kom hierarkiala arboro<br>
  67. Imajo-kargo ed expozo di imaj-atachuri<br>
  68. tro granda mesaji povas esar apertita tra reto-navigilo</em></p>
  69. <p>— <em>Mustard 0.3.5c</em> (Android 2.x - nuna) (multi preferas olu, probinda: GreyBubble-temo)<br>
  70. — <em>Mustard 0.4.1</em> (Android 3.x - nuna) (kelke experimentala nova aprocho kun nova aspekto)<br>
  71. — <em>Mustard{MOD}</em> (Android 3.x - nuna)<br>
  72. <em>Omna Mustard-i suportas geosituo, kargo ed expozo di imaj-atachuri, expozo di tro granda mesaji de exempleri kun plu granda signo-limito (apertez kom atachuro)</em></p>
  73. <p>— <em>Twidere</em><br>
  74. — <em>Seesmic 1.7.6</em> (uzez nur ica versiono!) (klozita fonto)<br>
  75. — <em>Zwitscher</em><br>
  76. — <em>Twydroid</em> (klozita fonto)<br>
  77. Kelka apta Twitter-klienti por Android (funcioni tala kam sendar direta mesaji od imajo-kargo forsan ne funcionos).</p>
  78. <h3>Klienti por iPhone</h3>
  79. <p>— <em>Neustatus</em><br>
  80. — <em>Mayo</em> anke konocata kom Mayonnaise <br>
  81. — <em>Meteoric</em> (pagenda, defektoza)</p>
  82. <h3>Klienti por Windows</h3>
  83. <p>— <em>Tweetdeck 0.38.2</em> (klozita fonto) (lasta versiono ante ke Twitter aquiris TweetDeck) esas apta por bazala funcioni.<br>
  84. Deskargar: <a href="http://www.oldversion.com/windows/download/tweetdeck-0-38-2">http://www.oldversion.com/windows/download/tweetdeck-0-38-2</a><br>
  85. Instrucioni: <a href="http://qttr.at/dmm">http://qttr.at/dmm</a> <a href="http://qttr.at/dmn">http://qttr.at/dmn</a><br>
  86. — <em>Qwit</em> (Deskargar: <a href="https://code.google.com/p/qwit/">https://code.google.com/p/qwit/</a>)<br>
  87. Twitter-klienti (funcioni tala kam sendar direta mesaji ed imajo-kargo ne funcionas)</p>
  88. <h3>Klienti por OS X</h3>
  89. <p>— <em>Tweetdeck 0.38.2</em> (klozita fonto) Deskargar: <a href="http://www.oldversion.com/mac/tweetdeck/">http://www.oldversion.com/mac/tweetdeck/</a> Instructioni: videz supere.<br>
  90. — Adium (Deskargar: <a href="https://adium.im/">https://adium.im/</a>)</p>
  91. <h3>Klienti por GNU/Linux</h3>
  92. <p>— <em>Choqok</em><br>
  93. — <em>Hotot</em> (uzez, ol esas la versiono qua esas provizita kun Debian Wheezy)<br>
  94. — <em>Heybuddy</em> <br>
  95. — pluo: <a href="http://federation.skilledtests.com/Statusnet_clients.html">http://federation.skilledtests.com/Statusnet_clients.html</a></p>
  96. <!-- 6 -->
  97. <h2 id="faq-6">Ube esas la URL-plukurtigilo? <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  98. <p>Ye Nova {instance-name}:
  99. <p class="indent">Ligili mustas esar plukurtigita manuale ante la sendo dil mesajo. La "URL ><"-butono plukurtigos irga URL-i glutinita o skribita aden la mesajo-feldo.
  100. <p>Ye Klasika {instance-name}:
  101. <p class="indent">Ligili esas plukurtigita automatale pos la sendo dil mesajo. L'ajusti dependas de la selekti dil uzero.<br>
  102. <br>
  103. Ajusti → URL<br>
  104. <br>
  105. Maxim bone uzez la sequanta ajusti:<br>
  106. - qttr.at<br>
  107. - URL plu longa kam 30<br>
  108. - Texto plu longa kam 139<br>
  109. Skreno-kapturo: <a href="http://quitter.se/attachment/710078">http://quitter.se/attachment/710078</a></p>
  110. <!-- 7 -->
  111. <h2 id="faq-7">Quale ajustar preferaji pri la e-posto <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  112. <p>Ye Nova {instance-name} irez ye</p>
  113. <p class="indent">La profil-imajo di vua titulo-bendo (supra dextro) → Ajusti → E-posto</p>
  114. <p>markizez konforme:<br>
  115. <em>— Sendar a me avizi pri nova sequi tra e-posto. <br>
  116. — Sendar a me e-letro kande ulu favoras mea mesajo. <br>
  117. — Sendar a me e-letro kande ulu sendas a me direta mesajo. <br>
  118. — Sendar a me e-letro kande ulu sendas a me "@-respondo". <br>
  119. — Darfar a mea amiki kudo-frapetar me e sendar a me e-letro. </em></p>
  120. <!-- 8 -->
  121. <h2 id="faq-8">Nova {instance-name} e Klasika {instance-name} <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  122. <p>Nova {instance-name} uzas la kustuma uzer-interfacio. Ol aspektas tre simila ad altra tre konocata komercala servadi de mikroblogo. Lua teknikala nomo esas "Qvitter". En diskuti "Qvitter" e "Nova {instance-name}" povas signifikar la sama kozo, ma "Qvitter" precipue referas a la softwaro e "Noa {instance-name}" referas al instaluro di la Qvitter-softwaro ye {instance-name}.</p>
  123. <p>Klasika {instance-name} esas la bazala uzer-interfacio di GNU Social. Cainstante kelka ajusti e funcioni (exemple, la kreo di grupo) mustas esar facita per Klasika {instance-name} nam oli ne esas ankore tote realigita ye Nova {instance-name}.</p>
  124. <p>Por swichar vers Klasika {instance-name} irez ye</p>
  125. <p class="indent">La profil-imajo di vua titulo-bendo (supra dextro) → Klasika {instance-name}</p>
  126. <!-- 9 -->
  127. <h2 id="faq-9">Quo esas ta tri tempolinei ye Nova {instance-name}? <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  128. <p>Esas tri tempolinei qui montras diferanta mesaji (dependante de la fonti):</p>
  129. <p><strong>Tempolineo ("Hemo"):</strong><br>
  130. omna mesaji da la personi quin vu sequas (ne nur oli quin li sendas a personi quin vu anke sequas).</p>
  131. <p><strong>Publika tempolineo:</strong><br>
  132. omna mesaji publikigita da konti ye {instance-name}.</p>
  133. <p><strong>Tota retaro:</strong><br>
  134. ne nur omna mesaji di la publika tempolineo ma anke oli da omna personi ye altra ("fora") exempleri di la federo GNU Social e sequata da adminime un uzero ye {instance-name} (exemple, konti konocata da {instance-name}, videz supere <a href="#faq-2">Quo esas la Federo?</a>).</p>
  135. <!-- 10 -->
  136. <h2 id="faq-10">Quale jerar sequo-demandi <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  137. <p>Generale, vu deziros konservar la kustuma ajusti:</p>
  138. <p class="indent">yes por "lasar irgu sequar me" (1)</p>
  139. <p class="indent">no por "Igar aktualigi videbla nur por mea sequanti"</p>
  140. <p>Se vu reale deziras chanjar ica ajusti ye Nova {instance-name} irez ye: </p>
  141. <p class="indent">La profil-imajo di vua titulo-bendo (supra dextro) → Ajusti → Profilo</p>
  142. <p><em>(1): Chanjez por "Demandar a me unesme" e vu recevos e-postala avizo kande ulu deziros sequar vu. Olu lasas la sequo-demando vartanta til ke vu sive konfirmos sive refuzos olu. (Ma olu ne funcionas ye Nova {instance-name} ankore, do esez prudenta kun ica ajusto.)</em></p>
  143. <!-- 11 -->
  144. <h2 id="faq-11">Ka me povas efacar mea konto ye {instance-name}? <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  145. <p>You can delete your account, but all your notices will be deleted on {instance-name} as well – and this will break conversation threads. If you restore your account on another instance, it's better to rename your {instance-name} account to something like MyNickhasmovedtoFragdev instead of deleting it.</p>
  146. <p>To delete your account go to:</p>
  147. <p class="indent">Your header avatar (upper right) → Settings → Profile → Delete account (right column)</p>
  148. <!-- 12 -->
  149. <h2 id="faq-12">Quale konektar vua konto ye {instance-name} kun vua konto ye Twitter <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  150. <p>You can forward your notices to Twitter.</p>
  151. <p>In New {instance-name}:</p>
  152. <p class="indent">Your header avatar (upper right) → Settings → Twitter</p>
  153. <p>You are forwarded to Twitter and have to authorise {instance-name} to use your Twitter account.</p>
  154. <p><em>According to user reports this doesn't always work on the first or second attempt. If it doesn't, try again later. The cause of the problem may be on Twitter's side. Your browser must not block Javascript or Cookies.</em></p>
  155. <!-- 13 -->
  156. <h2 id="faq-13">Quale skribar direta mesaji <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  157. <p>Direct Messages are only supported in Classic {instance-name} at the time of writing (Messages in the left menu).</p>
  158. <p class="indent">Your header avatar (upper right) → Classic {instance-name} → Messages (left column)</p>
  159. <p>You can use apps like Mustard and Mayo to send DMs.</p>
  160. <p><em>Note:</em><br>
  161. - Direct Messaging only works within the same instance ({instance-name} in this case)<br>
  162. - to send DMs you need to mutually follow each other</p>
  163. <!-- 14 -->
  164. <h2 id="faq-14">Favorati e repeti <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  165. <p>In all the three timelines you can click on a notice to expand it and see who has favored or repeated it.</p>
  166. <p>(You can setup <a href="#faq-7"><em>Email Notifications</em></a> to notify you when your notices have been fav'ed.)</p>
  167. <p>Favs and Repeats/Requeets look like this in New {instance-name}: <a href="http://qttr.at/du6">http://qttr.at/du6</a> and like this in Classic {instance-name}: <a href="http://qttr.at/du5">http://qttr.at/du5</a></p>
  168. <!-- 15 -->
  169. <h2 id="faq-15">Quon la opciono "Mea kolegi ye {instance-name}" facas? <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  170. <p>In Classic {instance-name}, there is an option to post to "My colleagues at {instance-name}". This will stop the notice from "federating". It will only be visible to your followers on {instance-name}.</p>
  171. <!-- 16 -->
  172. <h2 id="faq-16">Grupi <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  173. <h3>Public Groups</h3>
  174. <p>On {instance-name} you can create a group for nearly any topic, like Feminism, Football, FreeBSD. ("Nearly" because the laws in the country hosting the website may prohibit such things as slander and hate speech.)</p>
  175. <p>You can be a member of as many groups as you like. As group-member you can post to the whole group by attaching ! to the group name, e.g., <em>!feminism</em>, in the notice. All group members, whether or not they follow you, will get the notice in their Home Timelines. You follow and unfollow a group like you follow and unfollow a person. </p>
  176. <p>A list of groups <em>hosted on {instance-name}</em> can be found here:<br>
  177. <a href="{instance-url-with-protocol}groups">{instance-url-with-protocol}groups</a></p>
  178. <p>A list of groups <em>hosted also on remote instances</em> can be found here:<br>
  179. <a href="http://www.skilledtests.com/wiki/List_of_federated_Statusnet_groups">http://www.skilledtests.com/wiki/List_of_federated_Statusnet_groups</a></p>
  180. <p>To create a group go to:</p>
  181. <p class="indent"><a href="{instance-url-with-protocol}groups">{instance-url-with-protocol}groups</a> → Create new group</p>
  182. <h3>Private Groups</h3>
  183. <p>An admin of a group has the option to declare it private. This means:</p>
  184. <p>1) new members must be approved by the admin(s), and</p>
  185. <p>2) all notices are forced to be private.<br>
  186. That is, notices in the group are only visible to group members (they don't appear in the Public Timeline), and it is not possible for users of other instances to be members of a private group on {instance-name}.</p>
  187. <!-- 17 -->
  188. <h2 id="faq-17">Listi <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  189. <p>Lists are available only in Classic {instance-name}. Due to feature merges in GNU social they do work but are a bit messy to manage and delete.</p>
  190. <h3>Creating lists</h3>
  191. <p>The main hurdle with lists on {instance-name} is to create a new one. After its creation, you can manage it and add people from {instance-name} as well as from remote instances on its newly created page (see below).</p>
  192. <p>To start a list in Classic {instance-name} you best proceed by browsing through the subscription lists of someone who has an account on {instance-name}, not on a remote instance. In the latter case you will not be able to add people from their subscription lists to your list, i.e, create a list at all.</p>
  193. <p>In both subscription lists you'll find beneath each person listed a tiny box with an edit-symbol. As they show up in these lists, it's no longer problematic whether they have their account on {instance-name} or on a remote instance. Click on that symbol and type in the name of your list. You'll receive an error message, but don't mind, just click "ok" and refresh the page. The list has been successfully created and is now shown in the left hand side column.</p>
  194. <h3>Managing lists</h3>
  195. <p>To manage your list, go to your page in Classic {instance-name} and open the list by clicking on its name in the left column. On its page, click "Edit" and a menu opens.</p>
  196. <p>In the section "Add or remove people" below you can now search every person known to {instance-name} from the whole known network (see above <a href="#faq-2">What is the Federation?</a>) by name and add her to your list. (Which isn't possible prior to the creation of the list when the person appears only in subscription lists of people on remote instances. See above.) Likewise you can remove the person from the list here.</p>
  197. <p>In the upper section you can reword the list's name and give it a description that is displayed on the list's page. With the option "private" you can make the list invisible to other people on {instance-name}.</p>
  198. <h3>Deleting lists</h3>
  199. <p>To delete your lists, go to their directory, choose one, click "Edit", tick the box "Private", then click "Save". You'll get the option:</p>
  200. <p class="indent">"Setting a public tag as private will permanently remove all the existing subscriptions to it. Do you still want to continue?" Yes / No</p>
  201. <p>Click "Yes". You return to the Edit-page of the list. Now click "Delete". You'll get the option:</p>
  202. <p class="indent">"Deleting this tag will permanantly remove all its subscription and membership records. Do you still want to continue?" Yes / No</p>
  203. <p>Click "Yes" and you're forwarded to your Home timeline. Click your Profile, and the list is gone and neither to be found in your directory of lists.</p>
  204. <!-- 18 -->
  205. <h2 id="faq-18">Quale blokusar <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  206. <p>To block a {instance-name} user, go to their profile in Classic {instance-name}</p>
  207. <p class="indent">{instance-url-with-protocol}&lt;username&gt;</p>
  208. <p>and click "block" below their profile desription</p>
  209. <p>We don't recommend blocking people from remote instances as there are still issues with this feature.</p>
  210. <!-- 19 -->
  211. <h2 id="faq-19">Quale sequar ulu ye altra exemplero <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  212. <p>In New {instance-name}:</p>
  213. <p>When you click a remote nickname in New {instance-name} you are brought to a small profile window showing the full remote address, e.g., @blabla@status.vinilox.eu. Click the button "Follow". That should be all. </p>
  214. <p>In Classic {instance-name}:</p>
  215. <p>In Classic {instance-name} you're forwarded to the remote instance's user profile (which may differ in layout and theme from Classic {instance-name}). Look for the Subscribe-button (usually in the upper right). A subscription box opens and you are prompted to enter your own "webfinger address", i.e., {nickname}@{instance-url} Subscribe and you are redirected to your Classic {instance-name} page where you have to confirm the subscription.</p>
  216. <!-- 20 -->
  217. <h2 id="faq-20">Quale jerar la videbleso di vua mesaji <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  218. <p>There are several ways to make notices visible only to selected people, not to the public. <strong>None of them work in New {instance-name} yet.</strong></p>
  219. <p>All four methods only work within the same instance. Users outside {instance-name} won't be able to see the notice.</p>
  220. <p>a. Direct Messages → The notice will be visible only to its recipient in his DM inbox (there are no Direct Messages to more than one person).</p>
  221. <p>b. Set your account to "Make updates visible only to my followers" and "Ask me first if someone wants to follow me" in</p>
  222. <p class="indent">Settings → Profile → Subscription policy (below)</p>
  223. <p>c. Post to a private group of which you are a member → The post will only be visible to the group members (see above under <a href="#faq-16">Groups</a>). </p>
  224. <p>(Note to c: You can use any client to post to a private group by using the !group-tag.)</p>
  225. <p>d. Post to a public group and close the lock on the right of the drop-down menu beneath the message field. The post will then only be visible to the group members. (Although at the time of writing, this does not work. The post will be visible to everyone.)</p>
  226. <p><em>(Note to d: Make sure you don't leave "Everyone" or "My Colleagues at {instance-name}" selected, otherwise your post will go to the timelines of every {instance-name} user, which is not what you want if you close the lock)</em></p>
  227. <p><em>(Note to d: The lock method is only available in Classic {instance-name}. There is no lock feature in New {instance-name} or any other known client at the time of writing.)</em></p>
  228. <!-- 21 -->
  229. <h2 id="faq-21">Quale citar konversi o parti di li <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  230. <p>Sometimes in a blog-post or email, you don't want to cite just one notice but a whole conversation. Each notice, each reply, and each conversation has its own URL, and the ways to find them differ slightly in Classic {instance-name} and in New {instance-name}.</p>
  231. <p>New {instance-name}:</p>
  232. <p>In New {instance-name} click on the time stamp of a notice (or "details" if you have expanded it). This will show the notice page with the conversation expanded.</p>
  233. <p>Classic {instance-name}:</p>
  234. <p>Click on the the time stamp of any notice. The notice will reappear on a separate page. Click "in context". The whole conversation that this notice is involved in will be displayed on a new page, with the selected notice either on the top or further down.</p>
  235. <!-- 22 -->
  236. <h2 id="faq-22">Quale sequar klefovorti e hashtagi <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  237. <p>Similar to following persons or groups you can subscribe to (or follow) hashtags and search words. Notices containing them will then appear in your Home timeline. </p>
  238. <p>Following search words and hashtags is not limited to notices from accounts on {instance-name} but covers notices from remote instances as well.</p>
  239. <p>To follow hashtags (# + ...) put the word with the hashtag-symbol # prefixed into the search box of <em>Classic {instance-name}</em> and press Enter. You'll arrive at the search result page. Similiar, to subscribe to search words, put them without hashtag-symbol into the search box. You'll get a much larger list because the search not only covers individual words but also looks for occurrences of the phrase inside larger phrases. To follow (or: subscribe to) both hashtags and search words, click on the tiny "Subscribe"-button in the upper right corner of the lists. You'll then receive the notices containing them in your Home Timeline.</p>
  240. <p>Following one word often yields too many results, so it is expedient to combine words and follow them as complete phrases.</p>
  241. <p>You can unfollow those notices by unfollowing the hashtags and search phrases.</p>
  242. <p>For an overview which phrases you follow, enter the URLs for<br>
  243. hashtags: <a href="{instance-url-with-protocol}{nickname}/tag-subscriptions">{instance-url-with-protocol}{nickname}/tag-subscriptions</a><br>
  244. search words and phrases: <a href="{instance-url-with-protocol}{nickname}/search-subscriptions">{instance-url-with-protocol}{nickname}/search-subscriptions</a></p>
  245. <p>On those pages you can manage your subscriptions, that is, add more phrases and hashtags or unfollow them.</p>
  246. <!-- 23 -->
  247. <h2 id="faq-23">Pro quo mea repeto ne aparas ye altra exempleri? <a href="#faq-table-of-contents">Somito</a></h2>
  248. <p>In the latest versions of GNU social, repeats/requeets do not get sent to your followers on other instances. This was possible some time ago in StatusNet, but this feature has been removed due to a security issue. GNU social developers are working on a solution. In the meantime, if you really want your Repeat/Requeet to federate, you can always do a "manual repeat", i.e., write RQ @username, and then copy-paste the notice.</p>