.travis.yml 902 B

  1. sudo: false
  2. branches:
  3. only:
  4. - master
  5. # Release branches
  6. - /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/
  7. os:
  8. - linux
  9. - osx
  10. compiler:
  11. - gcc
  12. - clang
  13. env:
  14. - MESON_ARGS=""
  15. - RUN_TESTS_ARGS="--no-unittests" MESON_ARGS="--unity=on"
  16. language:
  17. - cpp
  18. services:
  19. - docker
  20. matrix:
  21. exclude:
  22. # On OS X gcc is just a wrapper around clang, so don't waste time testing that
  23. - os: osx
  24. compiler: gcc
  25. include:
  26. # Test cross builds separately, they do not use the global compiler
  27. - os: linux
  28. compiler: gcc
  29. env: RUN_TESTS_ARGS="--cross ubuntu-armhf.txt --cross linux-mingw-w64-64bit.txt"
  30. - os: linux
  31. compiler: gcc
  32. env: RUN_TESTS_ARGS="--cross ubuntu-armhf.txt --cross linux-mingw-w64-64bit.txt" MESON_ARGS="--unity=on"
  33. before_install:
  34. - python ./skip_ci.py --base-branch-env=TRAVIS_BRANCH --is-pull-env=TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST
  35. - ./ci/travis_install.sh
  36. script:
  37. - ./ci/travis_script.sh