23 KB

  1. # Copyright 2013-2017 The Meson development team
  2. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  3. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  4. # You may obtain a copy of the License at
  5. #
  6. # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  7. # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  8. # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  9. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  10. # limitations under the License.
  11. # This file contains the detection logic for miscellaneous external dependencies.
  12. import glob
  13. import os
  14. from .. import mlog
  15. from .. import mesonlib
  16. from ..environment import detect_cpu_family
  17. from .base import (DependencyException, ExternalDependency)
  18. # On windows 3 directory layouts are supported:
  19. # * The default layout (versioned) installed:
  20. # - $BOOST_ROOT/include/boost-x_x/boost/*.hpp
  21. # - $BOOST_ROOT/lib/*.lib
  22. # * The non-default layout (system) installed:
  23. # - $BOOST_ROOT/include/boost/*.hpp
  24. # - $BOOST_ROOT/lib/*.lib
  25. # * The pre-built binaries from
  26. # - $BOOST_ROOT/boost/*.hpp
  27. # - $BOOST_ROOT/lib<arch>-<compiler>/*.lib where arch=32/64 and compiler=msvc-14.1
  28. #
  29. # Note that we should also try to support:
  30. # mingw-w64 / Windows : libboost_<module>-mt.a (location = <prefix>/mingw64/lib/)
  31. # libboost_<module>-mt.dll.a
  32. #
  33. # Library names supported:
  34. # - libboost_<module>-<compiler>-mt-gd-x_x.lib (static)
  35. # - boost_<module>-<compiler>-mt-gd-x_x.lib|.dll (shared)
  36. # - libboost_<module>.lib (static)
  37. # - boost_<module>.lib|.dll (shared)
  38. # where compiler is vc141 for example.
  39. #
  40. # NOTE: -gd means runtime and build time debugging is on
  41. # -mt means threading=multi
  42. #
  43. # The `modules` argument accept library names. This is because every module that
  44. # has libraries to link against also has multiple options regarding how to
  45. # link. See for example:
  46. # *
  47. # *
  48. # *
  49. # **On Unix**, official packaged versions of boost libraries follow the following schemes:
  50. #
  51. # Linux / Debian: libboost_<module>.so -> libboost_<module>.so.1.66.0
  52. # Linux / Red Hat: libboost_<module>.so -> libboost_<module>.so.1.66.0
  53. # Linux / OpenSuse: libboost_<module>.so -> libboost_<module>.so.1.66.0
  54. # Win / Cygwin: libboost_<module>.dll.a (location = /usr/lib)
  55. # libboost_<module>.a
  56. # cygboost_<module>_1_64.dll (location = /usr/bin)
  57. # Mac / homebrew: libboost_<module>.dylib + libboost_<module>-mt.dylib (location = /usr/local/lib)
  58. # Mac / macports: libboost_<module>.dylib + libboost_<module>-mt.dylib (location = /opt/local/lib)
  59. #
  60. # Its not clear that any other abi tags (e.g. -gd) are used in official packages.
  61. #
  62. # On Linux systems, boost libs have multithreading support enabled, but without the -mt tag.
  63. #
  64. # Boost documentation recommends using complex abi tags like "-lboost_regex-gcc34-mt-d-1_36".
  65. # (See
  66. # However, its not clear that any Unix distribution follows this scheme.
  67. # Furthermore, the boost documentation for unix above uses examples from windows like
  68. # "libboost_regex-vc71-mt-d-x86-1_34.lib", so apparently the abi tags may be more aimed at windows.
  69. #
  70. # Probably we should use the linker search path to decide which libraries to use. This will
  71. # make it possible to find the macports boost libraries without setting BOOST_ROOT, and will
  72. # also mean that it would be possible to use user-installed boost libraries when official
  73. # packages are installed.
  74. #
  75. # We thus follow the following strategy:
  76. # 1. Look for libraries using compiler.find_library( )
  77. # 1.1 On Linux, just look for boost_<module>
  78. # 1.2 On other systems (e.g. Mac) look for boost_<module>-mt if multithreading.
  79. # 1.3 Otherwise look for boost_<module>
  80. # 2. Fall back to previous approach
  81. # 2.1. Search particular directories.
  82. # 2.2. Find boost libraries with unknown suffixes using file-name globbing.
  83. # TODO: Unix: Don't assume we know where the boost dir is, rely on -Idir and -Ldir being set.
  84. # TODO: Allow user to specify suffix in BOOST_SUFFIX, or add specific options like BOOST_DEBUG for 'd' for debug.
  85. class BoostDependency(ExternalDependency):
  86. def __init__(self, environment, kwargs):
  87. super().__init__('boost', environment, 'cpp', kwargs)
  88. self.need_static_link = ['boost_exception', 'boost_test_exec_monitor']
  89. self.is_debug = environment.coredata.get_builtin_option('buildtype').startswith('debug')
  90. threading = kwargs.get("threading", "multi")
  91. self.is_multithreading = threading == "multi"
  92. self.requested_modules = self.get_requested(kwargs)
  93. self.boost_root = None
  94. self.boost_roots = []
  95. self.incdir = None
  96. self.libdir = None
  97. if 'BOOST_ROOT' in os.environ:
  98. self.boost_root = os.environ['BOOST_ROOT']
  99. self.boost_roots = [self.boost_root]
  100. if not os.path.isabs(self.boost_root):
  101. raise DependencyException('BOOST_ROOT must be an absolute path.')
  102. if 'BOOST_INCLUDEDIR' in os.environ:
  103. self.incdir = os.environ['BOOST_INCLUDEDIR']
  104. if 'BOOST_LIBRARYDIR' in os.environ:
  105. self.libdir = os.environ['BOOST_LIBRARYDIR']
  106. if self.boost_root is None:
  107. if mesonlib.for_windows(self.want_cross, self.env):
  108. self.boost_roots = self.detect_win_roots()
  109. else:
  110. self.boost_roots = self.detect_nix_roots()
  111. if self.incdir is None:
  112. if mesonlib.for_windows(self.want_cross, self.env):
  113. self.incdir = self.detect_win_incdir()
  114. else:
  115. self.incdir = self.detect_nix_incdir()
  116. if self.check_invalid_modules():
  117. self.log_fail()
  118. return
  119. mlog.debug('Boost library root dir is', mlog.bold(self.boost_root))
  120. mlog.debug('Boost include directory is', mlog.bold(self.incdir))
  121. # 1. check if we can find BOOST headers.
  122. self.detect_headers_and_version()
  123. # 2. check if we can find BOOST libraries.
  124. if self.is_found:
  125. self.detect_lib_modules()
  126. mlog.debug('Boost library directory is', mlog.bold(self.libdir))
  127. # 3. Report success or failure
  128. if self.is_found:
  129. self.log_success()
  130. else:
  131. self.log_fail()
  132. def check_invalid_modules(self):
  133. invalid_modules = [c for c in self.requested_modules if 'boost_' + c not in BOOST_LIBS]
  134. # previous versions of meson allowed include dirs as modules
  135. remove = []
  136. for m in invalid_modules:
  137. if m in BOOST_DIRS:
  138. mlog.warning('Requested boost library', mlog.bold(m), 'that doesn\'t exist. '
  139. 'This will be an error in the future')
  140. remove.append(m)
  141. self.requested_modules = [x for x in self.requested_modules if x not in remove]
  142. invalid_modules = [x for x in invalid_modules if x not in remove]
  143. if invalid_modules:
  144. mlog.error('Invalid Boost modules: ' + ', '.join(invalid_modules))
  145. return True
  146. else:
  147. return False
  148. def log_fail(self):
  149. module_str = ', '.join(self.requested_modules)
  150. mlog.log("Dependency Boost (%s) found:" % module_str,'NO'))
  151. def log_success(self):
  152. module_str = ', '.join(self.requested_modules)
  153. if self.boost_root:
  154. info = self.version + ', ' + self.boost_root
  155. else:
  156. info = self.version
  157. mlog.log('Dependency Boost (%s) found:' % module_str,'YES'), info)
  158. def detect_nix_roots(self):
  159. return [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(x, '..'))
  160. for x in self.clib_compiler.get_default_include_dirs()]
  161. def detect_win_roots(self):
  162. res = []
  163. # Where boost documentation says it should be
  164. globtext = 'C:\\Program Files\\boost\\boost_*'
  165. files = glob.glob(globtext)
  166. res.extend(files)
  167. # Where boost built from source actually installs it
  168. if os.path.isdir('C:\\Boost'):
  169. res.append('C:\\Boost')
  170. # Where boost prebuilt binaries are
  171. globtext = 'C:\\local\\boost_*'
  172. files = glob.glob(globtext)
  173. res.extend(files)
  174. return res
  175. def detect_nix_incdir(self):
  176. if self.boost_root:
  177. return os.path.join(self.boost_root, 'include')
  178. return None
  179. # FIXME: Should pick a version that matches the requested version
  180. # Returns the folder that contains the boost folder.
  181. def detect_win_incdir(self):
  182. for root in self.boost_roots:
  183. globtext = os.path.join(root, 'include', 'boost-*')
  184. incdirs = glob.glob(globtext)
  185. if len(incdirs) > 0:
  186. return incdirs[0]
  187. incboostdir = os.path.join(root, 'include', 'boost')
  188. if os.path.isdir(incboostdir):
  189. return os.path.join(root, 'include')
  190. incboostdir = os.path.join(root, 'boost')
  191. if os.path.isdir(incboostdir):
  192. return root
  193. return None
  194. def get_compile_args(self):
  195. args = []
  196. include_dir = self.incdir
  197. # Use "-isystem" when including boost headers instead of "-I"
  198. # to avoid compiler warnings/failures when "-Werror" is used
  199. # Careful not to use "-isystem" on default include dirs as it
  200. # breaks some of the headers for certain gcc versions
  201. # For example, doing g++ -isystem /usr/include on a simple
  202. # "int main()" source results in the error:
  203. # "/usr/include/c++/6.3.1/cstdlib:75:25: fatal error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory"
  204. # See
  205. # and
  206. # for more details
  207. if include_dir and include_dir not in self.clib_compiler.get_default_include_dirs():
  208. args.append("".join(self.clib_compiler.get_include_args(include_dir, True)))
  209. return args
  210. def get_requested(self, kwargs):
  211. candidates = mesonlib.extract_as_list(kwargs, 'modules')
  212. for c in candidates:
  213. if not isinstance(c, str):
  214. raise DependencyException('Boost module argument is not a string.')
  215. return candidates
  216. def detect_headers_and_version(self):
  217. try:
  218. version = self.clib_compiler.get_define('BOOST_LIB_VERSION', '#include <boost/version.hpp>', self.env, self.get_compile_args(), [])
  219. except mesonlib.EnvironmentException:
  220. return
  221. except TypeError:
  222. return
  223. # Remove quotes
  224. version = version[1:-1]
  225. # Fix version string
  226. self.version = version.replace('_', '.')
  227. self.is_found = True
  228. def detect_lib_modules(self):
  229. self.lib_modules = {}
  230. # 1. Try to find modules using compiler.find_library( )
  231. if self.find_libraries_with_abi_tags(self.abi_tags()):
  232. pass
  233. # 2. Fall back to the old method
  234. else:
  235. if mesonlib.for_windows(self.want_cross, self.env):
  236. self.detect_lib_modules_win()
  237. else:
  238. self.detect_lib_modules_nix()
  239. # 3. Check if we can find the modules
  240. for m in self.requested_modules:
  241. if 'boost_' + m not in self.lib_modules:
  242. mlog.debug('Requested Boost library {!r} not found'.format(m))
  243. self.is_found = False
  244. def modname_from_filename(self, filename):
  245. modname = os.path.basename(filename)
  246. modname = modname.split('.', 1)[0]
  247. modname = modname.split('-', 1)[0]
  248. if modname.startswith('libboost'):
  249. modname = modname[3:]
  250. return modname
  251. def compiler_tag(self):
  252. tag = None
  253. compiler = self.env.detect_cpp_compiler(self.want_cross)
  254. if mesonlib.for_windows(self.want_cross, self.env):
  255. if compiler.get_id() == 'msvc':
  256. comp_ts_version = compiler.get_toolset_version()
  257. compiler_ts = comp_ts_version.split('.')
  258. # FIXME - what about other compilers?
  259. tag = '-vc{}{}'.format(compiler_ts[0], compiler_ts[1])
  260. else:
  261. tag = ''
  262. return tag
  263. def threading_tag(self):
  264. if not self.is_multithreading:
  265. return ''
  266. if mesonlib.for_darwin(self.want_cross, self.env):
  267. # - Mac: requires -mt for multithreading, so should not fall back to non-mt libraries.
  268. return '-mt'
  269. elif mesonlib.for_windows(self.want_cross, self.env):
  270. # - Windows: requires -mt for multithreading, so should not fall back to non-mt libraries.
  271. return '-mt'
  272. else:
  273. # - Linux: leaves off -mt but libraries are multithreading-aware.
  274. # - Cygwin: leaves off -mt but libraries are multithreading-aware.
  275. return ''
  276. def version_tag(self):
  277. return '-' + self.version.replace('.', '_')
  278. def debug_tag(self):
  279. return '-gd' if self.is_debug else ''
  280. def versioned_abi_tag(self):
  281. return self.compiler_tag() + self.threading_tag() + self.debug_tag() + self.version_tag()
  282. # FIXME - how to handle different distributions, e.g. for Mac? Currently we handle homebrew and macports, but not fink.
  283. def abi_tags(self):
  284. if mesonlib.for_windows(self.want_cross, self.env):
  285. return [self.versioned_abi_tag(), self.threading_tag()]
  286. else:
  287. return [self.threading_tag()]
  288. def sourceforge_dir(self):
  289. if self.env.detect_cpp_compiler(self.want_cross).get_id() != 'msvc':
  290. return None
  291. comp_ts_version = self.env.detect_cpp_compiler(self.want_cross).get_toolset_version()
  292. arch = detect_cpu_family(self.env.coredata.compilers)
  293. if arch == 'x86':
  294. return 'lib32-msvc-{}'.format(comp_ts_version)
  295. elif arch == 'x86_64':
  296. return 'lib64-msvc-{}'.format(comp_ts_version)
  297. else:
  298. # Does anyone do Boost cross-compiling to other archs on Windows?
  299. return None
  300. def find_libraries_with_abi_tag(self, tag):
  301. # All modules should have the same tag
  302. self.lib_modules = {}
  303. all_found = True
  304. for module in self.requested_modules:
  305. libname = 'boost_' + module + tag
  306. args = self.clib_compiler.find_library(libname, self.env, self.extra_lib_dirs())
  307. if args is None:
  308. mlog.debug("Couldn\'t find library '{}' for boost module '{}' (ABI tag = '{}')".format(libname, module, tag))
  309. all_found = False
  310. else:
  311. mlog.debug('Link args for boost module "{}" are {}'.format(module, args))
  312. self.lib_modules['boost_' + module] = args
  313. return all_found
  314. def find_libraries_with_abi_tags(self, tags):
  315. for tag in tags:
  316. if self.find_libraries_with_abi_tag(tag):
  317. return True
  318. return False
  319. def detect_lib_modules_win(self):
  320. if not self.libdir:
  321. # The libdirs in the distributed binaries (from sf)
  322. lib_sf = self.sourceforge_dir()
  323. if self.boost_root:
  324. roots = [self.boost_root]
  325. else:
  326. roots = self.boost_roots
  327. for root in roots:
  328. # The default libdir when building
  329. libdir = os.path.join(root, 'lib')
  330. if os.path.isdir(libdir):
  331. self.libdir = libdir
  332. break
  333. if lib_sf:
  334. full_path = os.path.join(root, lib_sf)
  335. if os.path.isdir(full_path):
  336. self.libdir = full_path
  337. break
  338. if not self.libdir:
  339. return
  340. for name in self.need_static_link:
  341. # FIXME - why are we only looking for *.lib? Mingw provides *.dll.a and *.a
  342. libname = 'lib' + name + self.versioned_abi_tag() + '.lib'
  343. if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.libdir, libname)):
  344. self.lib_modules[self.modname_from_filename(libname)] = [libname]
  345. else:
  346. libname = "lib{}.lib".format(name)
  347. if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.libdir, libname)):
  348. self.lib_modules[name[3:]] = [libname]
  349. # globber1 applies to a layout=system installation
  350. # globber2 applies to a layout=versioned installation
  351. globber1 = 'libboost_*' if self.static else 'boost_*'
  352. globber2 = globber1 + self.versioned_abi_tag()
  353. # FIXME - why are we only looking for *.lib? Mingw provides *.dll.a and *.a
  354. globber2_matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.libdir, globber2 + '.lib'))
  355. for entry in globber2_matches:
  356. fname = os.path.basename(entry)
  357. self.lib_modules[self.modname_from_filename(fname)] = [fname]
  358. if len(globber2_matches) == 0:
  359. # FIXME - why are we only looking for *.lib? Mingw provides *.dll.a and *.a
  360. for entry in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.libdir, globber1 + '.lib')):
  361. if self.static:
  362. fname = os.path.basename(entry)
  363. self.lib_modules[self.modname_from_filename(fname)] = [fname]
  364. def detect_lib_modules_nix(self):
  365. if self.static:
  366. libsuffix = 'a'
  367. elif mesonlib.for_darwin(self.want_cross, self.env):
  368. libsuffix = 'dylib'
  369. else:
  370. libsuffix = 'so'
  371. globber = 'libboost_*.{}'.format(libsuffix)
  372. if self.libdir:
  373. libdirs = [self.libdir]
  374. elif self.boost_root is None:
  375. libdirs = mesonlib.get_library_dirs()
  376. else:
  377. libdirs = [os.path.join(self.boost_root, 'lib')]
  378. for libdir in libdirs:
  379. for name in self.need_static_link:
  380. libname = 'lib{}.a'.format(name)
  381. if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(libdir, libname)):
  382. self.lib_modules[name] = [libname]
  383. for entry in glob.glob(os.path.join(libdir, globber)):
  384. # I'm not 100% sure what to do here. Some distros
  385. # have modules such as thread only as -mt versions.
  386. # On debian all packages are built threading=multi
  387. # but not suffixed with -mt.
  388. # FIXME: implement detect_lib_modules_{debian, redhat, ...}
  389. # FIXME: this wouldn't work with -mt-gd either. -BDR
  390. if self.is_multithreading and mesonlib.is_debianlike():
  391. pass
  392. elif self.is_multithreading and entry.endswith('-mt.{}'.format(libsuffix)):
  393. pass
  394. elif not entry.endswith('-mt.{}'.format(libsuffix)):
  395. pass
  396. else:
  397. continue
  398. modname = self.modname_from_filename(entry)
  399. if modname not in self.lib_modules:
  400. self.lib_modules[modname] = [entry]
  401. def extra_lib_dirs(self):
  402. if self.libdir:
  403. return [self.libdir]
  404. elif self.boost_root:
  405. return [os.path.join(self.boost_root, 'lib')]
  406. return []
  407. def get_link_args(self):
  408. args = []
  409. for dir in self.extra_lib_dirs():
  410. args += self.clib_compiler.get_linker_search_args(dir)
  411. for lib in self.requested_modules:
  412. args += self.lib_modules['boost_' + lib]
  413. return args
  414. def get_sources(self):
  415. return []
  416. def need_threads(self):
  417. return 'thread' in self.requested_modules
  418. # Generated with
  419. BOOST_LIBS = [
  420. 'boost_atomic',
  421. 'boost_chrono',
  422. 'boost_chrono',
  423. 'boost_container',
  424. 'boost_context',
  425. 'boost_coroutine',
  426. 'boost_date_time',
  427. 'boost_exception',
  428. 'boost_fiber',
  429. 'boost_filesystem',
  430. 'boost_graph',
  431. 'boost_iostreams',
  432. 'boost_locale',
  433. 'boost_log',
  434. 'boost_log_setup',
  435. 'boost_math_tr1',
  436. 'boost_math_tr1f',
  437. 'boost_math_tr1l',
  438. 'boost_math_c99',
  439. 'boost_math_c99f',
  440. 'boost_math_c99l',
  441. 'boost_math_tr1',
  442. 'boost_math_tr1f',
  443. 'boost_math_tr1l',
  444. 'boost_math_c99',
  445. 'boost_math_c99f',
  446. 'boost_math_c99l',
  447. 'boost_math_tr1',
  448. 'boost_math_tr1f',
  449. 'boost_math_tr1l',
  450. 'boost_math_c99',
  451. 'boost_math_c99f',
  452. 'boost_math_c99l',
  453. 'boost_math_tr1',
  454. 'boost_math_tr1f',
  455. 'boost_math_tr1l',
  456. 'boost_math_c99',
  457. 'boost_math_c99f',
  458. 'boost_math_c99l',
  459. 'boost_math_tr1',
  460. 'boost_math_tr1f',
  461. 'boost_math_tr1l',
  462. 'boost_math_c99',
  463. 'boost_math_c99f',
  464. 'boost_math_c99l',
  465. 'boost_math_tr1',
  466. 'boost_math_tr1f',
  467. 'boost_math_tr1l',
  468. 'boost_math_c99',
  469. 'boost_math_c99f',
  470. 'boost_math_c99l',
  471. 'boost_mpi',
  472. 'boost_program_options',
  473. 'boost_python',
  474. 'boost_python3',
  475. 'boost_numpy',
  476. 'boost_numpy3',
  477. 'boost_random',
  478. 'boost_regex',
  479. 'boost_serialization',
  480. 'boost_wserialization',
  481. 'boost_signals',
  482. 'boost_stacktrace_noop',
  483. 'boost_stacktrace_backtrace',
  484. 'boost_stacktrace_addr2line',
  485. 'boost_stacktrace_basic',
  486. 'boost_stacktrace_windbg',
  487. 'boost_stacktrace_windbg_cached',
  488. 'boost_system',
  489. 'boost_prg_exec_monitor',
  490. 'boost_test_exec_monitor',
  491. 'boost_unit_test_framework',
  492. 'boost_thread',
  493. 'boost_timer',
  494. 'boost_type_erasure',
  495. 'boost_wave'
  496. ]
  497. BOOST_DIRS = [
  498. 'lambda',
  499. 'optional',
  500. 'convert',
  501. 'system',
  502. 'uuid',
  503. 'archive',
  504. 'align',
  505. 'timer',
  506. 'chrono',
  507. 'gil',
  508. 'logic',
  509. 'signals',
  510. 'predef',
  511. 'tr1',
  512. 'multi_index',
  513. 'property_map',
  514. 'multi_array',
  515. 'context',
  516. 'random',
  517. 'endian',
  518. 'circular_buffer',
  519. 'proto',
  520. 'assign',
  521. 'format',
  522. 'math',
  523. 'phoenix',
  524. 'graph',
  525. 'locale',
  526. 'mpl',
  527. 'pool',
  528. 'unordered',
  529. 'core',
  530. 'exception',
  531. 'ptr_container',
  532. 'flyweight',
  533. 'range',
  534. 'typeof',
  535. 'thread',
  536. 'move',
  537. 'spirit',
  538. 'dll',
  539. 'compute',
  540. 'serialization',
  541. 'ratio',
  542. 'msm',
  543. 'config',
  544. 'metaparse',
  545. 'coroutine2',
  546. 'qvm',
  547. 'program_options',
  548. 'concept',
  549. 'detail',
  550. 'hana',
  551. 'concept_check',
  552. 'compatibility',
  553. 'variant',
  554. 'type_erasure',
  555. 'mpi',
  556. 'test',
  557. 'fusion',
  558. 'log',
  559. 'sort',
  560. 'local_function',
  561. 'units',
  562. 'functional',
  563. 'preprocessor',
  564. 'integer',
  565. 'container',
  566. 'polygon',
  567. 'interprocess',
  568. 'numeric',
  569. 'iterator',
  570. 'wave',
  571. 'lexical_cast',
  572. 'multiprecision',
  573. 'utility',
  574. 'tti',
  575. 'asio',
  576. 'dynamic_bitset',
  577. 'algorithm',
  578. 'xpressive',
  579. 'bimap',
  580. 'signals2',
  581. 'type_traits',
  582. 'regex',
  583. 'statechart',
  584. 'parameter',
  585. 'icl',
  586. 'python',
  587. 'lockfree',
  588. 'intrusive',
  589. 'io',
  590. 'pending',
  591. 'geometry',
  592. 'tuple',
  593. 'iostreams',
  594. 'heap',
  595. 'atomic',
  596. 'filesystem',
  597. 'smart_ptr',
  598. 'function',
  599. 'fiber',
  600. 'type_index',
  601. 'accumulators',
  602. 'function_types',
  603. 'coroutine',
  604. 'vmd',
  605. 'date_time',
  606. 'property_tree',
  607. 'bind'
  608. ]