Builtin-options.md 5.9 KB

short-description: Built-in options to configure project properties ...

Built-in options

Meson provides two kinds of options: build options provided by the build files and built-in options that are either universal options, base options, compiler options.

Universal options

A list of these options can be found by running meson --help. All these can be set by passing to meson (aka meson setup) in any of these ways:

| --option=value | | --option value | | -Doption=value |

They can also be edited after setup using meson configure.

Installation options are all relative to the prefix, except:

  • When the prefix is /usr: sysconfdir defaults to /etc, localstatedir defaults to /var, and sharedstatedir defaults to /var/lib
  • When the prefix is /usr/local: localstatedir defaults to /var/local, and sharedstatedir defaults to /var/local/lib
Option Default value Description
prefix see below Installation prefix
libdir see below Library directory
libexecdir libexec Library executable directory
bindir bin Executable directory
sbindir sbin System executable directory
includedir include Header file directory
datadir share Data file directory
mandir share/man Manual page directory
infodir share/info Info page directory
localedir share/locale Locale data directory
sysconfdir etc Sysconf data directory
localstatedir var Localstate data directory
sharedstatedir com Architecture-independent data directory

prefix defaults to C:/ on Windows, and /usr/local/ otherwise. You should always override this value.

libdir is automatically detected based on your platform, but the implementation is currently buggy on Linux platforms.

There are various other options to set, for instance the backend to use and the path to the cross-file while cross compiling, which won't be repeated here. Please see the output of meson --help.

Base options

These are set in the same way as universal options, but cannot be shown in the output of meson --help because they depend on both the current platform and the compiler that will be selected. The only way to see them is to setup a builddir and then run meson configure on it with no options.

The following options are available. Note that they may not be available on all platforms or with all compilers:

Option Default value Possible values Description
b_asneeded true true, false Use -Wl,--as-needed when linking
b_bitcode false true, false Embed Apple bitcode, see below
b_colorout always auto, always, never Use colored output
b_coverage false true, false Enable coverage tracking
b_lundef true true, false Don't allow undefined symbols when linking
b_lto false true, false Use link time optimization
b_ndebug false true, false, if-release Disable asserts
b_pch true true, false Use precompiled headers
b_pgo off off, generate, use Use profile guided optimization
b_sanitize none see below Code sanitizer to use
b_staticpic true true, false Build static libraries as position independent

The value of b_sanitize can be one of: none, address, thread, undefined, memory, address,undefined.

Notes about Apple Bitcode support

b_bitcode will pass -fembed-bitcode while compiling and will pass -Wl,-bitcode_bundle while linking. These options are incompatible with b_asneeded, so that option will be silently disabled.

Shared modules will not have bitcode embedded because -Wl,-bitcode_bundle is incompatible with both -bundle and -Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup which are necessary for shared modules to work.

Compiler options

Same caveats as base options above.

The following options are available. Note that both the options themselves and the possible values they can take will depend on the target platform or compiler being used:

Option Default value Possible values Description
c_args free-form comma-separated list C compile arguments to use
c_link_args free-form comma-separated list C link arguments to use
c_std none none, c89, c99, c11, gnu89, gnu99, gnu11 C language standard to use
c_winlibs see below free-form comma-separated list Standard Windows libs to link against
cpp_args free-form comma-separated list C++ compile arguments to use
cpp_link_args free-form comma-separated list C++ link arguments to use
cpp_std none none, c++98, c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17,
c++1z, gnu++03, gnu++11, gnu++14, gnu++17, gnu++1z
C++ language standard to use
cpp_debugstl false true, false C++ STL debug mode
cpp_eh sc none, a, s, sc C++ exception handling type
cpp_winlibs see below free-form comma-separated list Standard Windows libs to link against

The default values of c_winlibs and cpp_winlibs are in compiler-specific argument forms, but the libraries are: kernel32, user32, gdi32, winspool, shell32, ole32, oleaut32, uuid, comdlg32, advapi32