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CMake module

This module provides helper tools for generating cmake package files.


To use this module, just do: cmake = import('cmake'). The following functions will then be available as methods on the object with the name cmake. You can, of course, replace the name cmake with anything else.


This function is the equivalent of the corresponding CMake function, it generates a name package version file.

  • name: the name of the package.
  • version: the version of the generated package file.
  • compatibility: a string indicating the kind of compatibility, the accepted values are AnyNewerVersion, SameMajorVersion, SameMinorVersion or ExactVersion. It defaults to AnyNewerVersion. Depending on your cmake installation some kind of compatibility may not be available.
  • install_dir: optional installation directory, it defaults to $(libdir)/cmake/$(name)


cmake = import('cmake')

cmake.write_basic_package_version_file(name: 'myProject', version: '1.0.0')


This function is the equivalent of the corresponding CMake function, it generates a name package configuration file from the input template file. Just like the cmake function in this file the @PACKAGE_INIT@ statement will be replaced by the appropriate piece of cmake code. The equivalent PATH_VARS argument is given through the configuration parameter.

  • name: the name of the package.
  • input: the template file where that will be treated for variable substitutions contained in configuration.
  • install_dir: optional installation directory, it defaults to $(libdir)/cmake/$(name).
  • configuration: a configuration_data object that will be used for variable substitution in the template file.


cmake = import('cmake')

conf = configuration_data()
conf.set_quoted('VAR', 'variable value')

    name: 'myProject',
    input: '',
    configuration: conf