os2-buildbot.sh 986 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # This is the script buildbot.libsdl.org uses to cross-compile SDL2 from
  3. # x86 Linux to OS/2, using OpenWatcom.
  4. # The final zipfile can be unpacked on any machine that supports OpenWatcom
  5. # (Windows, Linux, OS/2, etc). Point the compiler at the include directory
  6. # and link against the SDL2.lib file. Ship the SDL2.dll with your app.
  7. if [ -z "$WATCOM" ]; then
  8. echo "This script expects \$WATCOM to be set to the OpenWatcom install dir." 1>&2
  9. echo "This is often something like '/usr/local/share/watcom'" 1>&2
  10. exit 1
  11. fi
  12. export PATH="$WATCOM/binl:$PATH"
  13. ZIPFILE="$1"
  14. if [ -z $1 ]; then
  15. ZIPFILE=sdl-os2.zip
  16. fi
  17. ZIPDIR=buildbot/SDL
  18. set -e
  19. set -x
  20. cd `dirname "$0"`
  21. cd ..
  22. rm -f $ZIPFILE
  23. wmake -f Makefile.os2
  24. rm -rf $ZIPDIR
  25. mkdir -p $ZIPDIR
  26. chmod a+r SDL2.lib SDL2.dll
  27. mv SDL2.lib SDL2.dll $ZIPDIR/
  28. cp -R include $ZIPDIR/
  29. zip -9r "buildbot/$ZIPFILE" $ZIPDIR
  30. wmake -f Makefile.os2 distclean
  31. set +x
  32. echo "All done. Final installable is in $ZIPFILE ...";