123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 |
- [project]
- requires-python = '>=3.9'
- [tool.ruff]
- # Target non-EOL releases at minimum, or later if needed
- # https://devguide.python.org/versions/
- target-version = 'py39'
- # Ideally do soft 80, and hard break at 127 as that's the GitHub editor length
- line-length = 127
- [tool.ruff.lint.flake8-quotes]
- # Note that CI runs some flake8 tests itself
- inline-quotes = 'single'
- multiline-quotes = 'single'
- [tool.ruff.format]
- quote-style = 'single'
- indent-style = 'tab'
- [tool.ruff.lint]
- select = ['ALL']
- ignore = [
- 'W191', # We use tabs for indents, disabling this atrocious PEP 8 recommendation
- 'D206', # ^
- 'D401', # non-imperative-mood - Wants docstrings in imperative language but it's really not foolproof, disable
- 'ERA001', # Test for commented out code, but it has way too many false positives, so disable
- 'FBT001', # boolean-type-hint-positional-argument - Allow positional booleans in functions, it's not really that much of an issue
- 'FBT002', # boolean-default-value-positional-argument - ^
- 'FBT003', # boolean-positional-value-in-call - ^
- ]