123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293 |
- ;; This software is Copyright (c) cage, 2012.
- ;; cage grants you the rights to distribute
- ;; and use this software as governed by the terms
- ;; of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
- ;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html),
- ;; known as the LLGPL
- (in-package :cl-i18n)
- (alexandria:define-constant +stream-element-type+ '(unsigned-byte 8) :test 'equalp)
- (alexandria:define-constant +string-num-byte-version-number+ 4 :test '=)
- (alexandria:define-constant +string-num-byte-size+ 4 :test '=)
- (alexandria:define-constant +offset-original-byte-size+ 4 :test '=)
- (alexandria:define-constant +offset-translation-byte-size+ 4 :test '=)
- (alexandria:define-constant +hashing-table-size-byte-size+ 4 :test '=)
- (alexandria:define-constant +hashing-table-offset-byte-size+ 4 :test '=)
- (alexandria:define-constant +original-strings-offset-size-chunk-size+ 8 :test '=)
- (alexandria:define-constant +original-strings-offset-chunk-size+ 4 :test '=)
- (alexandria:define-constant +original-strings-length-chunk-size+ 4 :test '=)
- (alexandria:define-constant +translated-strings-offset-size-chunk-size+ 8 :test '=)
- (alexandria:define-constant +translated-strings-offset-chunk-size+ 4 :test '=)
- (alexandria:define-constant +translated-strings-length-chunk-size+ 4 :test '=)
- (defun mo-magic-number-p (seq)
- (or (equalp seq +mo-file-magic-number+)
- (equalp seq (reverse +mo-file-magic-number+))))
- (defun 2byte->word (byte1 byte2)
- (let ((res #x00000000))
- (boole boole-ior
- (ash (boole boole-ior byte1 res) 8)
- byte2)))
- (defun 2word->int (word1 word2)
- (let ((res #x00000000))
- (boole boole-ior
- (ash (boole boole-ior word1 res) 16)
- word2)))
- (defun byte->int (bytes)
- (let ((res #x0000000000000000))
- (loop
- for i in bytes and
- ct = 0 then (+ ct 8) do
- (setf res
- (boole boole-ior
- (ash i ct)
- res)))
- res))
- (defclass mofile ()
- ((mofile
- :initform nil
- :accessor mofile)
- (magic-number
- :initform -1
- :accessor magic-number)
- (version-number
- :initform -1
- :accessor version-number)
- (string-number
- :initform -1
- :accessor string-number)
- (offset-original
- :initform -1
- :accessor offset-original)
- (offset-translations
- :initform -1
- :accessor offset-translations)
- (hashing-table-size
- :initform -1
- :accessor hashing-table-size)
- (hashing-table-offset
- :initform -1
- :accessor hashing-table-offset)
- (parsing-errors
- :initform nil
- :accessor parsing-errors)
- (original-strings
- :initform nil
- :accessor original-strings)
- (translated-strings
- :initform nil
- :accessor translated-strings)
- (pofile
- :initform nil
- :accessor pofile)))
- (defmacro with-mo-file ((stream moclass mofile) &rest body)
- `(let ((,moclass (make-instance 'mofile)))
- (with-open-file (,stream ,mofile :direction :input :element-type +stream-element-type+ :if-does-not-exist :error)
- ,@body)))
- (defgeneric parse-magic-number (object stream))
- (defgeneric parse-original-strings (object stream))
- (defgeneric parse-translated-strings (object stream))
- (defgeneric parse-mofile (object stream))
- (defgeneric mofile->pofile (object))
- (defgeneric mofile->translation (object &optional originals translated
- plural-function translations))
- (defmethod print-object :after ((object mofile) stream)
- (with-slots (magic-number version-number string-number offset-original offset-translations hashing-table-size hashing-table-offset original-strings translated-strings parsing-errors) object
- (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type nil :identity nil)
- (format stream "Magic number #x~x~%Version ~d~%string number ~d~%offset original #x~x~%offset translation #x~x~%hashing-table-size ~d~%hashing-table-offset #x~x~%original strings: ~s~%translated strings ~s~%errors ~s" magic-number version-number string-number offset-original offset-translations hashing-table-size hashing-table-offset original-strings translated-strings parsing-errors))))
- (defmethod parse-magic-number ((object mofile) stream)
- (let* ((bytes (loop for i from 0 below (length +mo-file-magic-number+)
- collect (read-byte stream)))
- (magic-number (2word->int (2byte->word (fourth bytes) (third bytes))
- (2byte->word (second bytes) (first bytes)))))
- (if (mo-magic-number-p bytes)
- (progn
- (setf (magic-number object) magic-number)
- (values magic-number object))
- (progn
- (push (format nil "Invalid magic-number ~x instead of ~a"
- magic-number
- +mo-file-magic-number+)
- (parsing-errors object))
- nil))))
- (defmacro define-parse-header-chunk ((name size &optional (slot name)))
- (alexandria:with-gensyms (bytes res)
- `(progn
- (defgeneric ,(alexandria:format-symbol t "PARSE-~:@(~a~)" name) (mofile stream))
- (defmethod ,(alexandria:format-symbol t "PARSE-~:@(~a~)" name) ((object mofile) stream)
- (let* ((,bytes (loop for i from 0 below ,size collect (read-byte stream)))
- (,res (byte->int ,bytes)))
- ,(when (not (null slot))
- `(setf (,slot object) ,res))
- (values ,res object))))))
- (define-parse-header-chunk (version-number +string-num-byte-version-number+))
- (define-parse-header-chunk (string-number +string-num-byte-size+))
- (define-parse-header-chunk (offset-original +offset-original-byte-size+))
- (define-parse-header-chunk (offset-translations +offset-translation-byte-size+))
- (define-parse-header-chunk (hashing-table-size +hashing-table-size-byte-size+))
- (define-parse-header-chunk (hashing-table-offset +hashing-table-offset-byte-size+))
- (define-parse-header-chunk (original-string-length +original-strings-length-chunk-size+ nil))
- (define-parse-header-chunk (original-string-offset +original-strings-offset-chunk-size+ nil))
- (define-parse-header-chunk (translated-string-length +translated-strings-length-chunk-size+ nil))
- (define-parse-header-chunk (translated-string-offset +translated-strings-offset-chunk-size+ nil))
- (defmacro with-parse-strings-chunks ((stream start-offset chunk-size whole-chunk-size parse-length-fun parse-offset-func) mofile)
- (alexandria:with-gensyms (pos strings str-len str-offset str-bytes orig-strings)
- `(let ((,strings '()))
- (if (file-position ,stream ,start-offset)
- (progn
- (do ((,pos ,start-offset (+ ,pos ,chunk-size)))
- ((not (< ,pos ,whole-chunk-size))
- (reverse ,strings))
- (file-position ,stream ,pos)
- (let* ((,str-len (,parse-length-fun ,mofile ,stream))
- (,str-offset (,parse-offset-func ,mofile ,stream))
- (,str-bytes (make-array ,str-len :element-type +stream-element-type+)))
- (when-debug
- (format t "string @ ~d length ~x offset ~x " ,pos ,str-len ,str-offset))
- (file-position ,stream ,str-offset)
- (read-sequence ,str-bytes ,stream)
- (let ((,orig-strings (cl-ppcre:split "\\x0" (babel:octets-to-string ,str-bytes))))
- (when-debug
- (format t "val: ~s~%" ,orig-strings))
- (push ,orig-strings ,strings)))))
- (push (format nil "Invalid offset (~a) for original strings offset" ,start-offset)
- (parsing-errors ,mofile))))))
- (defmethod parse-original-strings ((object mofile) stream)
- (with-accessors ((offset-original offset-original)
- (original-strings original-strings)) object
- (setf original-strings
- (with-parse-strings-chunks (stream offset-original
- +original-strings-offset-size-chunk-size+
- (+ offset-original (* (string-number object) +original-strings-offset-size-chunk-size+))
- parse-original-string-length
- parse-original-string-offset) object))
- (values original-strings object)))
- (defmethod parse-translated-strings ((object mofile) stream)
- (with-accessors ((offset-original offset-original)
- (offset-translations offset-translations)
- (translated-strings translated-strings)) object
- (let ((end-chunk (+ offset-translations
- (* (string-number object)
- +original-strings-offset-size-chunk-size+))))
- (setf translated-strings
- (with-parse-strings-chunks (stream offset-translations
- +translated-strings-offset-size-chunk-size+
- end-chunk
- parse-translated-string-length
- parse-translated-string-offset) object))
- (values translated-strings object))))
- (defmethod parse-mofile ((object mofile) stream)
- (parse-magic-number object stream)
- (parse-version-number object stream)
- (parse-string-number object stream)
- (parse-offset-original object stream)
- (parse-offset-translations object stream)
- (parse-hashing-table-size object stream)
- (parse-hashing-table-offset object stream)
- (parse-original-strings object stream)
- (parse-translated-strings object stream))
- (defun split-escape (msg)
- (if (null msg)
- (format nil "\"\"~%")
- (let ((splitted (cl-ppcre:split "\\n" msg)))
- (if (> (length splitted) 1)
- (format nil "~{\"~a\\n\"~%~}" splitted)
- (format nil "~{\"~a\"~%~}" splitted)))))
- (defmethod mofile->pofile ((object mofile))
- (with-accessors ((pofile pofile)
- (original-strings original-strings)
- (translated-strings translated-strings)) object
- (labels ((concat (str)
- (setf pofile
- (concatenate 'string pofile str))))
- (let ((ct 0))
- (mapcar #'(lambda (orig)
- (concat (format nil "~a ~a" +msgid+ (split-escape (first orig))))
- (when (> (length orig) 1)
- (mapcar #'(lambda (plur)
- (concat (format nil "~a ~a" +msgid-plural+ (split-escape plur))))
- (rest orig)))
- (let ((ct-pl 0))
- (if (> (length (nth ct translated-strings)) 1)
- (mapcar #'(lambda(plur)
- (concat (format nil "~a[~a] ~a" +msgstr+ ct-pl (split-escape plur)))
- (incf ct-pl))
- (nth ct translated-strings))
- (concat (format nil "~a ~a~%" +msgstr+ (split-escape (first (nth ct translated-strings)))))))
- (concat (format nil "~%"))
- (incf ct))
- original-strings)
- (values pofile object)))))
- (defmethod mofile->translation ((object mofile) &optional
- (original (original-strings object))
- (translated (translated-strings object))
- (plural-function (extract-plural-function (first (first translated))))
- (translations (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
- (if (null original)
- (values translations plural-function)
- (let ((translation (make-instance 'translation))
- (orig (first original))
- (transl (first translated)))
- (setf (translated translation) (first transl))
- (if (> (length orig) 1)
- (setf (plural-form translation) (split-escape (second orig))))
- (do ((plural-form (rest transl) (rest plural-form)))
- ((null plural-form) (setf (plural-translated translation)
- (reverse (plural-translated translation))))
- (push (first plural-form) (plural-translated translation)))
- (setf (gethash (first orig) translations) translation)
- (mofile->translation object (rest original) (rest translated) plural-function translations))))