123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133 |
- ;; This software is Copyright (c) Leslie P. Polzer, 2011.
- ;; Leslie P. Polzer grants you the rights to distribute
- ;; and use this software as governed by the terms
- ;; of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
- ;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html),
- ;; known as the LLGPL
- (in-package :cl-i18n-utils)
- (defun similar-phrase (phrase dict &key (threshold 3))
- "Scan the translation table looking for the best matching string of \"phrase\""
- (let ((min (list nil 1000)))
- (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
- (let ((dist (levenshtein-distance phrase k))
- (trsl (cl-i18n:translated v)))
- (if (and
- (string/= trsl "")
- (< dist threshold)
- (< dist (second min)))
- (setf min (list trsl dist)))))
- dict)
- (first min)))
- (defun generate-i18n-file (source-filename localization-filename
- &key
- (fuzziness 3)
- (plural-function #'cl-i18n:english-plural-form)
- (prefix-re "#!\""))
- "Reads a Lisp source file, get all strings and generate the translation
- resource, or merge with it if the translation resource already exists.
- Untranslated strings that show levenshtein distance less than :fuzziness
- with a translated one get the translation of the latter; such translation
- are marked as \"fuzzy\" in the output file"
- (let* ((path-splitted (cl-ppcre:split cl-i18n:*directory-sep-regexp* localization-filename))
- (root (if (> (length path-splitted) 1)
- (reduce #'(lambda (a b) (concatenate 'string a cl-i18n:*directory-sep* b))
- (subseq path-splitted 0 (1- (length path-splitted))))
- "."))
- (output-filename (car (last path-splitted)))
- (cl-i18n:*translation-file-root* root))
- (multiple-value-bind (i18n-table readed-plural-function)
- (cl-i18n:init-translation-table output-filename
- :store-hashtable nil
- :store-plural-function nil)
- (when (null readed-plural-function)
- (setf readed-plural-function plural-function))
- (let ((new-strings (get-strings source-filename prefix-re)))
- (mapc #'(lambda (s)
- (when (not (gethash s i18n-table))
- (let ((similar (similar-phrase s i18n-table :threshold fuzziness)))
- (setf (gethash s i18n-table)
- (cl-i18n:make-translation (if (not (null similar))
- similar
- "")
- (if (not (null similar))
- cl-i18n:+fuzzy-flag+
- cl-i18n:+untranslated-flag+))))))
- new-strings)
- (cl-i18n:save-language nil
- localization-filename
- i18n-table
- readed-plural-function)))))
- (defun get-strings (filename &optional (prefix-re "#!\""))
- "Get all strings on the form 'prefix-re'\"foo\", and collect them uniquely in a list."
- (let ((cl-i18n:*extr-function-re* prefix-re))
- (cl-i18n:with-extract-parsed-file (:filename filename)
- (remove-duplicates (cl-i18n:parse-extract-parsed-file) :test #'string=))))
- (defun read-i18n-file (filename)
- "Reads the i18n file, if it exists, and put the strings into a hash table"
- (if (probe-file filename)
- (with-open-file (stream filename)
- (cl-i18n:translation-list->hash-table (read stream) (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
- (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
- (defun levenshtein-distance (string1 string2)
- "Compute the levenshtein distance (i. e. how much are similars) between two strings"
- (macrolet ((matrix-elt (mat i j)
- `(nth ,j (nth ,i ,mat))))
- (labels ((gen-matrix (l1 l2)
- (let ((mat (copy-tree (make-list (1+ l2) :initial-element (make-list (1+ l1) :initial-element -1)))))
- (loop for i from 0 below (1+ l1) do (setf (matrix-elt mat 0 i) i))
- (loop for i from 0 below (1+ l2) do (setf (matrix-elt mat i 0) i))
- mat)))
- (let* ((l1 (length string1))
- (l2 (length string2))
- (mat (gen-matrix l1 l2)))
- (loop for i from 0 below l2 do
- (loop for j from 0 below l1 do
- (if (char= (char string2 i) (char string1 j))
- (setf (matrix-elt mat (1+ i) (1+ j)) (matrix-elt mat i j))
- (setf (matrix-elt mat (1+ i) (1+ j))
- (min
- (1+ (matrix-elt mat i (1+ j))) ; a deletion
- (1+ (matrix-elt mat (1+ i) j)) ; an insertion
- (1+ (matrix-elt mat i j))))))) ; a substitution
- (values (matrix-elt mat l2 l1) mat)))))
- (defun gen-translation-file (path output &key
- (ext "lisp$")
- (prefix-re "#!\""))
- "Scan a directory for sources files and collect all translatable strings.
- The strings are merged with a translation file (if exists)"
- (mapc #'(lambda (f) (generate-i18n-file (namestring f) output :prefix-re prefix-re))
- (remove-if-not #'(lambda (p) (cl-ppcre:scan ext (file-namestring p)))
- (uiop/filesystem:directory-files path))))
- (defun convert-dictionary-format (old &key (plural-function 'cl-i18n:n/=1-plural-form))
- "Convert an 0.4 translation table file format to the new one"
- (with-open-file (istream old :direction :input :if-does-not-exist :error)
- (let ((old-format (read istream)))
- (format nil "~s~%(~%~a)~%"
- (symbol-name plural-function)
- (with-output-to-string (ostream)
- (loop
- for ct = 0 then (+ ct 3) while (< ct (length old-format)) do
- (progn
- (format ostream "~a ~s~%~a ~s~%~a ~s~%~a ~s~%~a ~s~%"
- cl-i18n:+id+ (nth ct old-format)
- cl-i18n:+translation+ (nth (+ 2 ct) old-format)
- cl-i18n:+plurals-form+ (nth ct old-format)
- cl-i18n:+status+ cl-i18n:+translated-flag+
- cl-i18n:+plurals+ '()))))))))
- (defun convert-save-dictionary (old new)
- "Convert an 0.4 translation table file format to the new one and save in a new file"
- (with-open-file (stream new :direction :output :if-exists :error)
- (princ (convert-dictionary-format old) stream)))