123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339 |
- ;; This software is Copyright (c) Leslie P. Polzer, 2011.
- ;; Leslie P. Polzer grants you the rights to distribute
- ;; and use this software as governed by the terms
- ;; of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
- ;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html),
- ;; known as the LLGPL
- (in-package :cl-i18n)
- (defparameter *translation-file-root* "."
- "The directory where translation files are stored.
- Defaults to current directory.")
- (defparameter *locale* nil)
- (defparameter *categories* "LC_MESSAGES")
- (defparameter *plural-form-function* #'n/=1-plural-form
- "This is the function used by the library to figure out the right plural form")
- (defparameter *translation-table* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
- "The actual translation table used, it is an hashtable with the original (untranslated) string as key and an instance of the class translation as value")
- (defun translation-table ()
- *translation-table*)
- (defun random-string (strings)
- (nth (random (list-length strings)) strings))
- (defparameter *translation-collect* nil)
- (defclass locale-definition ()
- ((language
- :initform nil
- :initarg :language
- :accessor language)
- (territory
- :initform nil
- :initarg :territory
- :accessor territory)
- (codeset
- :initform nil
- :initarg :codeset
- :accessor codeset)
- (modifier
- :initform nil
- :initarg :modifier
- :accessor modifier)))
- (defmethod print-object ((object locale-definition) stream)
- (with-accessors ((language language) (territory territory)
- (codeset codeset) (modifier modifier)) object
- (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
- (format stream
- "lang: ~s terr: ~s codeset ~s modifier ~s"
- language territory codeset modifier))))
- (defgeneric all-possible-locale-dir (object))
- (defgeneric fittest-actual-locale-dir (object))
- (defgeneric fittest-actual-locale-file (object filename))
- (defmethod all-possible-locale-dir ((object locale-definition))
- (with-accessors ((language language) (territory territory)
- (codeset codeset) (modifier modifier)) object
- (remove-duplicates
- (vector
- (format nil "~a_~a.~a~@[@~a~]" language territory codeset modifier)
- (format nil "~a_~a~@[.~a~]" language territory codeset)
- (format nil "~a~@[_~a~]" language territory)
- (format nil "~a" language))
- :test #'string=)))
- (defmethod fittest-actual-locale-dir ((object locale-definition))
- (loop for p across (all-possible-locale-dir object) do
- (let ((path (format nil "~a~a~a~a~a"
- *translation-file-root*
- *directory-sep*
- p
- *directory-sep*
- *categories*)))
- (when (uiop:directory-exists-p path)
- (return-from fittest-actual-locale-dir path))))
- nil)
- (defmethod fittest-actual-locale-file ((object locale-definition) filename)
- (loop for p across (all-possible-locale-dir object) do
- (let ((path (format nil "~a~a~a~a~a~a~a.mo"
- *translation-file-root*
- *directory-sep*
- p
- *directory-sep*
- *categories*
- *directory-sep*
- filename)))
- (when (uiop:file-exists-p path)
- (return-from fittest-actual-locale-file path))))
- nil)
- (defun find-locale ()
- (let ((raw (or (uiop:getenvp "LC_ALL")
- (uiop:getenvp *categories*)
- (uiop:getenvp "LANG"))))
- (if raw
- (multiple-value-bind (match registers)
- (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings "([^_]+)_?([^\\.]+)?\\.?([^@]+)?@?(.+)?" raw)
- (if match
- (make-instance 'locale-definition
- :language (elt registers 0)
- :territory (elt registers 1)
- :codeset (elt registers 2)
- :modifier (elt registers 3))
- nil))
- nil)))
- (defun save-language (lang &optional (destination nil)
- (translation-table nil) (plural-function nil))
- "Save a translation table to a file, default path is *translation-file-root* \"/\" lang"
- (let ((output-file (or destination
- (concatenate 'string
- *translation-file-root*
- *directory-sep* lang
- ".lisp"))))
- (create-brand-new-file output-file)
- (with-open-file (file output-file
- :if-does-not-exist :create
- :if-exists :supersede
- :direction :output)
- (format file "~(~s~)~%~a"
- (if plural-function
- (symbol-name (get-function-name plural-function))
- *plural-form-function*)
- (translation-hash-table->list
- (if translation-table
- translation-table
- *translation-table*))))))
- (defmacro if-not-utf8-read-whole ((filename) &body body)
- `(if (utf8-encoded-p ,filename)
- (with-po-file (:filename ,filename)
- ,@body)
- (with-po-file (:filename nil :buffer (slurp-file ,filename
- :convert-to-string t))
- ,@body)))
- (defun init-translation-table (filename &key
- (store-hashtable t)
- (store-plural-function t)
- (update-translation-table t))
- "Load translations from a file (*translation-file-root* is used as a
- prefix for the actual path), storing them in a hash table. if
- store-hashtable is t *translation-table* is setf'd to the loaded
- table, if store-plural-function is t *plural-form-function* is
- setf'd too. The *plural-form-function* is setf'd too"
- (let ((t-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
- (local-plural-function nil))
- (restart-case
- (let ((actual-filename (cond
- ((typep *locale* 'locale-definition)
- (or
- (fittest-actual-locale-file *locale* filename)
- ""))
- ((typep *locale* 'string)
- (format nil "~a~a~a~a~a~a~a.mo"
- *translation-file-root*
- *directory-sep*
- *locale*
- *directory-sep*
- *categories*
- *directory-sep*
- filename))
- (t
- (format nil "~a~a~a"
- *translation-file-root*
- *directory-sep*
- filename)))))
- (flet ((to-sexp-table ()
- (handler-case
- (with-open-file (file actual-filename :if-does-not-exist :error)
- (setf local-plural-function (symbol-function
- (alexandria:format-symbol 'cl-i18n
- "~@:(~a~)"
- (read file))))
- (setf t-table (translation-list->hash-table (read file)
- (make-hash-table
- :test 'equal))))
- (end-of-file () (setf local-plural-function #'english-plural-form
- t-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
- (file-error () (progn
- (create-brand-new-file actual-filename)
- (setf local-plural-function #'english-plural-form
- t-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))))))
- (cond
- ((scan +pofile-ext+ actual-filename)
- (if-not-utf8-read-whole (actual-filename)
- (multiple-value-bind (hashtable plural-function errorsp errors)
- (parse-po-file)
- (if errorsp
- (error 'i18n-conditions:parsing-pofile-error
- :text (format nil "~{~a~}" errors))
- (progn
- (setf local-plural-function plural-function)
- (setf t-table hashtable))))))
- ((scan +utx-ext+ actual-filename)
- (utx-file:with-utx-file (:filename actual-filename)
- (multiple-value-bind (hashtable plural-function errorsp errors)
- (utx-file:parse-utx-file)
- (if errorsp
- (error 'i18n-conditions:parsing-utxfile-error
- :text (format nil "~{~a~}" errors))
- (progn
- (setf local-plural-function plural-function)
- (setf t-table hashtable))))))
- ((scan +lisp-table-ext+ actual-filename)
- (to-sexp-table))
- ((is-mo-file-p actual-filename :ext ".*" :test-magic-number t);;maybe a MO file?
- (with-mo-file (stream mofile actual-filename)
- (parse-mofile mofile stream)
- (if (not (null (parsing-errors mofile)))
- (error 'i18n-conditions:parsing-mofile-error
- :text (format nil "~{~a~}" (parsing-errors mofile)))
- (multiple-value-bind (hashtable plural-function)
- (mofile->translation mofile)
- (setf t-table hashtable)
- (setf local-plural-function plural-function)))))
- (t
- (to-sexp-table)))
- (when update-translation-table
- (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (setf (gethash k *translation-table*) v))
- *translation-table*))
- (when store-hashtable
- (setf *translation-table* t-table))
- (when store-plural-function
- (setf *plural-form-function* local-plural-function))
- (values t-table local-plural-function)))
- (return-empty-translation-table ()
- (setf t-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))))))
- (defun load-language (catalog &key (locale *locale*) (categories *categories*)
- (store-plural-function t) (store-hashtable t)
- (update-translation-table t))
- "Load a language that will be used for all subsequent translations.
- Pass the evaluation results of (find-locale) to let the library guess the current locale.
- Use a locale string to explicitly set a locale instead."
- (let ((*locale* locale)
- (*categories* categories))
- (init-translation-table catalog
- :store-hashtable store-hashtable
- :store-plural-function store-plural-function
- :update-translation-table update-translation-table)))
- (defun translate (str)
- "Translate a string. This will raise an error if the translation table has not been
- initialized beforehand. If the string doesn't have a translation a warning
- is emitted as well and the original string returned."
- (restart-case
- (when (and (= (hash-table-count *translation-table*) 0)
- (not *translation-collect*))
- (error 'i18n-conditions:no-translation-table-error
- :text "cl-i18n: translation table not initialized! Call \"load-language\" first."))
- (load-language (value &optional (store-plural t))
- (load-language value :store-plural-function store-plural))
- (use-value (value)
- (setf *translation-table* value))
- (return-untranslated ()
- str))
- (multiple-value-bind (translation found) (gethash str *translation-table*)
- (if (or (not found) (string= (translated translation) ""))
- (if *translation-collect*
- (setf (gethash str *translation-table*) (make-translation str))
- (progn
- (warn 'i18n-conditions:no-translation
- :text (format nil "cl-i18n: no translation for ~S defined!" str))
- str))
- (typecase translation
- (translation (translated translation))
- (string translation)
- (cons (apply (first translation) (rest translation)))
- (t (format nil "~A" translation))))))
- (defun ntranslate (str1 str2 n)
- "Translate a string guessing a plural form.
- str1 is the string to be translated
- str2 is the fallback plural form
- n is the number of the objects
- First str1 is checked to get the translated object, if found
- the nth element (as computed by the function *plural-form-function*)
- of its plural-translated slot is used as plural form.
- If this index is less than 0 or more than the length of plural-translated
- ntranslate return str2.
- If the translation object does not exists str2 is returned"
- (let ((translation (gethash str1 *translation-table*)))
- (if (not (null translation))
- (let ((index (funcall *plural-form-function* n)))
- (if (> index 0)
- (let ((plural-translation (nth (1- index)
- (plural-translated translation))))
- (if (not (null plural-translation))
- plural-translation
- str2))
- (translated translation)))
- (if (= n 1)
- str1
- str2))))
- (defun read-lisp-string (input)
- "Parse a Lisp string. Expects \"input\" to point to the
- first character after the leading double quote.
- Slick version by Xach."
- (with-output-to-string (output)
- (loop
- (let ((char (read-char input)))
- (case char
- (#\\
- (setf char (read-char input)))
- (#\"
- (return)))
- (write-char char output)))))
- (defmacro with-translation ((translations plural-function) &body body)
- "Macro to switch between language at runtime"
- `(let ((*translation-table* ,translations)
- (*plural-form-function* ,plural-function))
- ,@body))
- (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\!
- #'(lambda (stream char1 char2)
- (declare (ignore char1 char2))
- (if (char= (read-char stream) #\")
- `(translate ,(read-lisp-string stream))
- (error "cl-i18n: the read macro '#!' must precede a double-quoted string!"))))
- (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #-lispworks #\§
- #+lispworks #\SECTION-SIGN
- #'(lambda (stream char1 num)
- (declare (ignore char1))
- `(cl-i18n:ntranslate ,(read stream) ,(read stream) ,num)))