485 B

  1. # the default project name is derived from the name of the current directory
  2. PROJECT_NAME ?= $(notdir $(abspath .))
  3. # can be disabled by overriding with an empty string
  4. COVERAGE_BROWSER_BIN ?= $(shell which xdg-open)
  5. TAGS_FILE ?= tags
  6. TAGS_SOURCE_DIRS ?= $(wildcard src)
  7. .PHONY: help-generic
  8. help-generic:
  9. @echo "Generic targets:"
  10. @echo " tags"
  11. @echo
  12. help: help-generic
  13. .PHONY: tags
  14. tags:
  15. ctags -f "$(TAGS_FILE)" -R $(TAGS_SOURCE_DIRS)
  16. clean-tags:
  17. $(RM) $(TAGS_FILE)