2.3 KB

There are multiple ways of integrating makefilet into your project.

After picking one of the approaches below, you may want to take a look at the usage instructions.

Automatic discovery and download on-demand

This approach is probably the most simple way for many users and projects.

  1. add a copy of to your project:

  2. include it at the top of your project's Makefile:

    sed -i 1i'include' Makefile

This makefilet snippet will discover a system-wide or project-wide available installation of makefilet. If it fails, it will download the latest release and extract it in the build directory.

There is no manual intervention involved. You just need to ensure that you have internet connectivity after every clean of your project.

From time to time you may want to update the above makefilet snippet within your project.

Embed as a git submodule

Simply add makefilet as a git submodule to your project:

git submodule add makefilet
touch Makefile
sed -i 1i'include makefilet/' Makefile

From time to time you may want to update the HEAD of this submodule to the latest release.

You will need to add git submodule update --init to the download / clone instructions of your project.

System-wide installation

Create a deb package of makefilet (simply run make dist-deb) and install it on the systems that you will use for working on your project.

Now add the include makfilet/ statement to the top of your Makefile:

touch Makefile
sed -i 1i'include makefilet/' Makefile

This approach is suitable if you are working on your own or if your peers are willing and able to install build requisites on their machines.

Embed a code copy of makefilet

The path to hell is paved with dirt: run make install in the makefilet repository and copy the resulting root directory into your project.

Then you should add the include makfilet/ statement to the top of your Makefile:

touch Makefile
sed -i 1i'include makefilet/' Makefile

Of course this copy will go stale and thus cause headaches later on. Enjoy the ride!