123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966967968969970971972973974975976977978979980981982983984985986987988989990991 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Monomotapa - A Micro CMS
- Copyright (C) 2014, Paul Munday.
- PO Box 28228, Portland, OR, USA 97228
- paul at paulmunday.net
- Modificado por: Rodrigo Garcia 2017 https://rmgs.com.bo/contacto
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- Monomotapa:
- a city whose inhabitants are bounded by deep feelings of friendship,
- so that they intuit one another's most secret needs and desire.
- For instance, if one dreams that his friend is sad, the friend will
- perceive the distress and rush to the sleepers rescue.
- (Jean de La Fontaine, *Fables choisies, mises en vers*, VIII:11 Paris,
- 2nd ed., 1678-9)
- cited in :
- Alberto Manguel and Gianni Guadalupi, *The Dictionary of Imaginary Places*,
- Bloomsbury, London, 1999.
- A micro cms written using the Flask microframework, orignally to manage my
- personal site. It is designed so that publishing a page requires no more than
- dropping a markdown page in the appropriate directory (though you need to edit
- a json file if you want it to appear in the top navigation).
- It can also display its own source code and run its own unit tests.
- The name 'monomotapa' was chosen more or less at random (it shares an initial
- with me) as I didn't want to name it after the site and be typing import
- paulmunday, or something similar, as that would be strange.
- """
- from flask import render_template, abort, Markup, escape, request #, make_response
- from flask import redirect
- from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
- from pygments import highlight
- from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer, HtmlDjangoLexer, TextLexer
- from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
- import markdown
- from time import gmtime, strptime, strftime, ctime, mktime
- import datetime
- import os.path
- import os
- import subprocess
- import json
- import traceback
- from collections import OrderedDict
- from simplemotds import SimpleMotd
- from monomotapa import app
- from monomotapa.config import ConfigError
- from monomotapa.utils import captcha_comprobar_respuesta, captcha_pregunta_opciones_random
- from monomotapa.utils import categorias_de_post, categoriasDePost, categoriasList, cabezaPost
- from monomotapa.utils import titulo_legible, metaTagsAutomaticos
- from markdown.extensions.toc import TocExtension
- json_pattrs = {}
- with open(os.path.join('monomotapa','pages.json'), 'r') as pagefile:
- json_pattrs = json.load(pagefile)
- simplemotd = SimpleMotd("config_simplemotds.json")
- class MonomotapaError(Exception):
- """create classs for own errors"""
- pass
- def get_page_attributes(jsonfile):
- """Returns dictionary of page_attributes.
- Defines additional static page attributes loaded from json file.
- N.B. static pages do not need to have attributes defined there,
- it is sufficient to have a page.md in src for each /page
- possible values are src (name of markdown file to be rendered)
- heading, title, and trusted (i.e. allow embeded html in markdown)"""
- try:
- with open(src_file(jsonfile), 'r') as pagesfile:
- page_attributes = json.load(pagesfile)
- except IOError:
- page_attributes = []
- return page_attributes
- def get_page_attribute(attr_src, page, attribute):
- """returns attribute of page if it exists, else None.
- attr_src = dictionary(from get_page_attributes)"""
- if page in attr_src and attribute in attr_src[page]:
- return attr_src[page][attribute]
- else:
- return None
- # Navigation
- def top_navigation(page):
- """Generates navigation as an OrderedDict from navigation.json.
- Navigation.json consists of a json array(list) "nav_order"
- containing the names of the top navigation elements and
- a json object(dict) called "nav_elements"
- if a page is to show up in the top navigation
- there must be an entry present in nav_order but there need not
- be one in nav_elements. However if there is the key must be the same.
- Possible values for nav_elements are link_text, url and urlfor
- The name from nav_order will be used to set the link text,
- unless link_text is present in nav_elements.
- url and urlfor are optional, however if ommited the url wil be
- generated in the navigation by url_for('staticpage', page=[key])
- equivalent to @app.route"/page"; def page())
- which may not be correct. If a url is supplied it will be used
- otherwise if urlfor is supplied it the url will be
- generated with url_for(urlfor). url takes precendence so it makes
- no sense to supply both.
- Web Sign-in is supported by adding a "rel": "me" attribute.
- """
- with open(src_file('navigation.json'), 'r') as navfile:
- navigation = json.load(navfile)
- base_nav = OrderedDict({})
- for key in navigation["nav_order"]:
- nav = {}
- nav['base'] = key
- nav['link_text'] = key
- if key in navigation["nav_elements"]:
- elements = navigation["nav_elements"][key]
- nav.update(elements)
- base_nav[key] = nav
- return {'navigation' : base_nav, 'page' : page}
- # For pages
- class Page:
- """Generates pages as objects"""
- def __init__(self, page, **kwargs):
- """Define attributes for pages (if present).
- Sets self.name, self.title, self.heading, self.trusted etc
- This is done through indirection so we can update the defaults
- (defined in the 'attributes' dictionary) with values from config.json
- or pages.json easily without lots of if else statements.
- If css is supplied it will overide any default css. To add additional
- style sheets on a per page basis specifiy them in pages.json.
- The same also applies with hlinks.
- css is used to set locally hosted stylesheets only. To specify
- external stylesheets use hlinks: in config.json for
- default values that will apply on all pages unless overidden, set here
- to override the default. Set in pages.json to add after default.
- """
- # set default attributes
- self.page = page.rstrip('/')
- self.defaults = get_page_attributes('defaults.json')
- self.pages = get_page_attributes('pages.json')
- self.url_base = self.defaults['url_base']
- title = titulo_legible(page.lower())
- heading = titulo_legible(page.capitalize())
- self.categorias = categoriasDePost(self.page)
- self.exclude_toc = True
- try:
- self.default_template = self.defaults['template']
- except KeyError:
- raise ConfigError('template not found in default.json')
- # will become self.name, self.title, self.heading,
- # self.footer, self.internal_css, self.trusted
- attributes = {'name' : self.page, 'title' : title,
- 'navigation' : top_navigation(self.page),
- 'heading' : heading, 'footer' : None,
- 'css' : None , 'hlinks' :None, 'internal_css' : None,
- 'trusted': False,
- 'preview-chars': 250,
- }
- # contexto extra TODO: revisar otra forma de incluir un contexto
- self.contexto = {}
- self.contexto['consejo'] = simplemotd.getMotdContent()
- # set from defaults
- attributes.update(self.defaults)
- # override with kwargs
- attributes.update(kwargs)
- # override attributes if set in pages.json
- if page in self.pages:
- attributes.update(self.pages[page])
- # set attributes (as self.name etc) using indirection
- for attribute, value in attributes.items():
- # print('attribute', attribute, '=-==>', value)
- setattr(self, attribute, value)
- # meta tags
- try:
- self.pages[self.page]['title'] = attributes['title']
- self.pages[self.page]['url_base'] = self.url_base
- metaTags = metaTagsAutomaticos(self.page, self.pages.get(self.page, {}))
- self.meta = metaTags
- # for key, value in self.pages[self.page].items():
- # print(' ', key, ' = ', value)
- except Exception as e:
- tb = traceback.format_exc()
- print('Error assigning meta:', str(e), '\n', str(tb))
- # reset these as we want to append rather than overwrite if supplied
- if 'css' in kwargs:
- self.css = kwargs['css']
- elif 'css' in self.defaults:
- self.css = self.defaults['css']
- if 'hlinks' in kwargs:
- self.hlinks = kwargs['hlinks']
- elif 'hlinks' in self.defaults:
- self.hlinks = self.defaults['hlinks']
- # append hlinks and css from pages.json rather than overwriting
- # if css or hlinks are not supplied they are set to default
- if page in self.pages:
- if 'css' in self.pages[page]:
- self.css = self.css + self.pages[page]['css']
- if 'hlinks' in self.pages[page]:
- self.hlinks = self.hlinks + self.pages[page]['hlinks']
- # append heading to default if set in config
- self.title = self.title + app.config.get('default_title', '')
- def _get_markdown(self):
- """returns rendered markdown or 404 if source does not exist"""
- src = self.get_page_src(self.page, 'src', 'md')
- if src is None:
- abort(404)
- else:
- return render_markdown(src, self.trusted)
- def get_page_src(self, page, directory=None, ext=None):
- """"return path of file (used to generate page) if it exists,
- or return none.
- Also returns the template used to render that page, defaults
- to static.html.
- It will optionally add an extension, to allow
- specifiying pages by route."""
- # is it stored in a config
- pagename = get_page_attribute(self.pages, page, 'src')
- if not pagename:
- pagename = page + get_extension(ext)
- if os.path.exists(src_file(pagename , directory)):
- return src_file(pagename, directory)
- else:
- return None
- def get_template(self, page):
- """returns the template for the page"""
- pagetemplate = get_page_attribute(self.pages, page, 'template')
- if not pagetemplate:
- pagetemplate = self.default_template
- if os.path.exists(src_file(pagetemplate , 'templates')):
- return pagetemplate
- else:
- raise MonomotapaError("Template: %s not found" % pagetemplate)
- def generate_page(self, contents=None):
- """return a page generator function.
- For static pages written in Markdown under src/.
- contents are automatically rendered.
- N.B. See note above in about headers"""
- toc = '' # table of contents
- if not contents:
- contents, toc = self._get_markdown()
- # print('////', toc)
- template = self.get_template(self.page)
- # print('......................')
- # def mos(**kwargs):
- # for k in kwargs:
- # print(k, end=',')
- # mos(**vars(self))
- return render_template(template,
- contents = Markup(contents),
- toc=toc,
- **vars(self))
- # helper functions
- def src_file(name, directory=None):
- """return potential path to file in this app"""
- if not directory:
- return os.path.join( 'monomotapa', name)
- else:
- return os.path.join('monomotapa', directory, name)
- def get_extension(ext):
- '''constructs extension, adding or stripping leading . as needed.
- Return null string for None'''
- if ext is None:
- return ''
- elif ext[0] == '.':
- return ext
- else:
- return '.%s' % ext
- def render_markdown(srcfile, trusted=False):
- """ Returns markdown file rendered as html and the table of contents as html.
- Defaults to untrusted:
- html characters (and character entities) are escaped
- so will not be rendered. This departs from markdown spec
- which allows embedded html."""
- try:
- with open(srcfile, 'r') as f:
- src = f.read()
- md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['toc', 'codehilite'])
- md.convert(src)
- toc = md.toc
- if trusted == True:
- content = markdown.markdown(src,
- extensions=['codehilite',
- TocExtension(permalink=True)])
- else:
- content = markdown.markdown(escape(src),
- extensions=['codehilite',
- TocExtension(permalink=True)])
- return content, toc
- except IOError:
- return None
- def render_pygments(srcfile, lexer_type):
- """returns src(file) marked up with pygments"""
- if lexer_type == 'python':
- with open(srcfile, 'r') as f:
- src = f.read()
- contents = highlight(src, PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter())
- elif lexer_type == 'html':
- with open(srcfile, 'r') as f:
- src = f.read()
- contents = highlight(src, HtmlDjangoLexer(), HtmlFormatter())
- # default to TextLexer for everything else
- else:
- with open(srcfile, 'r') as f:
- src = f.read()
- contents = highlight(src, TextLexer(), HtmlFormatter())
- return contents
- def get_pygments_css(style=None):
- """returns css for pygments, use as internal_css"""
- if style is None:
- style = 'friendly'
- return HtmlFormatter(style=style).get_style_defs('.highlight')
- def heading(text, level):
- """return as html heading at h[level]"""
- heading_level = 'h%s' % str(level)
- return '\n<%s>%s</%s>\n' % (heading_level, text, heading_level)
- def posts_list(ordenar_por_fecha=True, ordenar_por_nombre=False):
- '''Retorna una lista con los nombres de archivos con extension .md
- dentro de la cappeta src/posts, por defecto retorna una lista con
- la tupla (nombre_archivo, fecha_subida)'''
- lista_posts = []
- lp = []
- if ordenar_por_nombre:
- try:
- ow = os.walk("monomotapa/src/posts")
- p , directorios , archs = ow.__next__()
- except OSError:
- print ("[posts] - Error: Cant' os.walk() on monomotapa/src/posts except OSError")
- else:
- for arch in archs:
- if arch.endswith(".md") and not arch.startswith("#") \
- and not arch.startswith("~") and not arch.startswith("."):
- lista_posts.append(arch)
- lista_posts.sort()
- return lista_posts
- if ordenar_por_fecha:
- try:
- ow = os.walk("monomotapa/src/posts")
- p,d,files=ow.__next__()
- except OSError:
- print ("[posts] - Error: Can't os.walk() on monomotapa/src/posts except OSError.")
- else:
- for f in files:
- nombre_con_ruta = os.path.join("monomotapa/src/posts", f)
- if not f.endswith("~") and not f.startswith("#") and not f.startswith("."):
- secs_modificacion = SecsModificacionPostDesdeJson(f, json_pattrs)
- ultima_modificacion = os.path.getmtime(nombre_con_ruta)
- lp.append((secs_modificacion, ultima_modificacion, f))
- lp.sort()
- lp.reverse()
- # colocando fecha en formato
- for tupla in lp:
- #fecha = strftime("a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", ctime(tupla[0]))
- cfecha = ctime(tupla[1])
- #fecha = strptime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", cfecha)
- lista_posts.append((cfecha, tupla[2]))
- return lista_posts
- def categorias_list(categoria=None):
- """ Rotorna una lista con los nombres de posts y el numero de posts que
- pertenecen a la categoria dada o a cada categoria.
- Las categorias se obtienen analizando la primera linea de cada archivo .md
- an la carpeta donde se almacenan los posts.
- Si no se especifica `categoria' cada elemento de la lista devuelta es:
- (nombre_categoria, numero_posts, [nombres_posts])
- si se especifica `categoria' cada elemento de la lista devuelta es:
- (numero_posts, [nombres_posts]
- """
- lista_posts = posts_list(ordenar_por_nombre=True)
- lista_categorias = []
- if categoria is not None:
- c = 0
- posts = []
- for post in lista_posts:
- nombre_arch = "monomotapa/src/posts/"+post
- with open(nombre_arch, 'r') as file:
- linea = file.readline().decode("utf-8")
- lc = linea.split("[#")[1:]
- for cad in lc:
- cat = cad.split("]")[0]
- if cat == categoria:
- c += 1
- posts.append(post)
- lista_categorias = (c, posts)
- return lista_categorias
- dic_categorias = {}
- for post in lista_posts:
- nombre_arch = "monomotapa/src/posts/"+post
- with open(nombre_arch, 'r') as fil:
- linea = fil.readline().decode('utf-8') # primera linea
- # extrayendo las categorias y registrando sus ocurrencias
- # ejemplo: catgorías: [#reflexión](categoria/reflexion) [#navidad](categoria/navidad)
- # extrae: [reflexion,navidad]
- lc = linea.split("[#")[1:]
- for cad in lc:
- cat = cad.split("]")[0]
- if cat not in dic_categorias:
- dic_categorias[cat] = (1,[post]) # nuevo registro por categoria
- else:
- tupla = dic_categorias[cat]
- c = tupla[0] + 1
- lis = tupla[1]
- if post not in lis:
- lis.append(post)
- dic_categorias[cat] = (c, lis)
- # convirtiendo en lista
- for k, v in dic_categorias.iteritems():
- lista_categorias.append((k,v[0],v[1]))
- lista_categorias.sort()
- lista_categorias.reverse()
- return lista_categorias
- def cabeza_post(archivo , max_caracteres=250, categorias=True):
- """ Devuelve las primeras lineas de una archivo de post (en formato markdown)
- con un maximo numero de caracteres excluyendo titulos en la cabeza devuelta.
- Si se especifica `categorias' en True
- Se devuelve una lista de la forma:
- (cabeza_post, categorias)
- donde categorias son cadenas con los nombres de las categorias a la que
- pertenece el post
- """
- cabeza_post = ""
- cats = []
- with open(os.path.join("monomotapa/src/posts",archivo)) as file:
- # analizando si hay titulos al principio
- # Se su pone que la primera linea es de categorias
- for linea in file.readlines():
- linea = linea.decode("utf-8")
- if linea.startswith(u"categorías:") or linea.startswith("categorias"):
- if categorias:
- cats = categoriasDePost(archivo)
- #cats = categorias_de_post(archivo)
- else:
- # evitando h1, h2
- if linea.startswith("##") or linea.startswith("#"):
- cabeza_post += " "
- else:
- cabeza_post += linea
- if len(cabeza_post) >= max_caracteres:
- break
- cabeza_post = cabeza_post[0:max_caracteres-1]
- if categorias:
- return (cabeza_post, cats)
- return cabeza_post
- def ultima_modificacion_archivo(archivo):
- """ Retorna una cadena indicando la fecha de ultima modificacion del
- `archivo' dado, se asume que `archivo' esta dentro la carpeta "monomotapa/src"
- Retorna una cadena vacia en caso de no poder abrir `archivo'
- """
- try:
- ts = strptime(ctime(os.path.getmtime("monomotapa/src/"+archivo+".md")))
- return strftime("%d %B %Y", ts)
- except OSError:
- return ""
- def SecsModificacionPostDesdeJson(archivo, dict_json):
- ''' dado el post con nombre 'archivo' busca en 'dict_json' el
- attribute 'date' y luego obtiene los segundos totales desde
- esa fecha.
- Si no encuentra 'date' para 'archivo' en 'dict.json'
- retorna los segundos totales desde la ultima modificacion
- del archivo de post directamente (usa os.path.getmtime)
- '''
- nombre = archivo.split('.md')[0] # no contar extension .md
- nombre_con_ruta = os.path.join("monomotapa/src/posts", archivo)
- date_str = dict_json.get('posts/'+nombre, {}).\
- get('attributes',{}).\
- get('date','')
- if date_str == '':
- # el post no tiene "date" en pages.json
- return os.path.getmtime(nombre_con_ruta)
- else:
- time_struct = strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d')
- dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(time_struct))
- return (dt - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()
- def noticias_recientes(cantidad=11, max_caracteres=250,
- categoria=None, pagina=0):
- '''Devuelve una lista con hasta `cantidad' de posts mas recientes,
- un maximo de `max_caracteres' de caracteres del principio del post y
- el numero total de posts encontrados
- Si se proporciona `categoria' devuelve la lista de posts solamente
- pertenecientes esa categoria.
- Si `pagina' > 0 se devulve hasta `cantidad' numero de posts en el
- rango de [ cantidad*pagina : cantidad*(pagina+1)]
- Cada elemento de la lista devuelta contiene:
- (nombre_post, ultima_modificacion, cabeza_archivo, categorias)
- Al final se retorna: (lista_posts, numero_de_posts)
- '''
- lista_posts = []
- lp = []
- num_posts = 0
- posts_en_categoria = []
- if categoria is not None:
- #posts_en_categoria = categorias_list(categoria)[1]
- posts_en_categoria = categoriasList(categoria)[1]
- # categoria especial fotos
- if categoria == "fotos":
- l = []
- for p in posts_en_categoria:
- l.append(p + '.md')
- posts_en_categoria = l
- try:
- ow = os.walk("monomotapa/src/posts")
- p,d,files = ow.__next__()
- #p,d,files=ow.next()
- except OSError:
- print ("[posts] - Error: Can't os.walk() on monomotapa/src/posts except OSError.")
- else:
- for f in files:
- nombre_con_ruta = os.path.join("monomotapa/src/posts", f)
- if not f.endswith("~") and not f.startswith("#") and not f.startswith("."):
- secs_modificacion = SecsModificacionPostDesdeJson(f, json_pattrs)
- ultima_modificacion = os.path.getmtime(nombre_con_ruta)
- previewChars = json_pattrs.get('posts/'+f[:-3], {}).\
- get('attributes', {}).\
- get('preview-chars', max_caracteres)
- if categoria is not None:
- if f in posts_en_categoria:
- lp.append((secs_modificacion,
- ultima_modificacion,
- previewChars,
- f))
- num_posts += 1
- else:
- lp.append((secs_modificacion,
- ultima_modificacion,
- previewChars,
- f))
- num_posts += 1
- lp.sort()
- lp.reverse()
- # seleccionado por paginas
- lp = lp[cantidad*pagina : cantidad*(pagina+1)]
- # colocando fecha en formato
- for tupla in lp:
- cfecha = ctime(tupla[1])
- nombre_post = tupla[3].split(os.sep)[-1]
- previewChars = tupla[2]
- #contenido = cabeza_post(tupla[3], max_caracteres=previewChars)[0]
- #categorias = cabeza_post(tupla[3], max_caracteres=previewChars)[1]
- contenido = cabezaPost(tupla[3], max_caracteres=previewChars)[0]
- categorias = cabezaPost(tupla[3], max_caracteres=previewChars)[1]
- cabeza_archivo = markdown.markdown(escape(contenido + ' ...'))
- lista_posts.append((nombre_post[:-3], cfecha, \
- cabeza_archivo, categorias))
- return (lista_posts, num_posts)
- def noticias_relacionadas(cantidad=5, nombre=None):
- """Retorna una lista con posts relacionadas, es decir que tienen son de las
- mismas categorias que el post con nombre `nombre'.
- Cada elemento de la lista de posts contiene el nombre del post
- """
- #categorias = categorias_de_post(nombre) ## TODO: corregir categorias de post
- categorias = categoriasDePost(nombre)
- numero = 0
- if categorias is None:
- return None
- posts = []
- for categoria in categorias:
- #lista = categorias_list(categoria)[1] # nombres de posts
- lista = categoriasList(categoria)[1]
- numero += len(lista)
- for nombre_post in lista:
- if nombre_post + '.md' != nombre:
- posts.append(nombre_post)
- if numero >= cantidad:
- return posts
- return posts
- def rss_ultimos_posts_jinja(cantidad=15):
- """Retorna una lista de los ultimos posts preparados para
- ser renderizados (usando jinja) como un feed rss
- Examina cada post del mas reciente al menos reciente, en
- total `cantidad' posts. Por cada post devuelve:
- id: id which identifies the entry using a
- universally unique and permanent URI
- author: Get or set autor data. An author element is a dict containing a
- name, an email adress and a uri.
- category: A categories has the following fields:
- - *term* identifies the category
- - *scheme* identifies the categorization scheme via a URI.
- - *label* provides a human-readable label for display
- comments: Get or set the the value of comments which is the url of the
- comments page for the item.
- content: Get or set the cntent of the entry which contains or links to the
- complete content of the entry.
- description(no contiene): Get or set the description value which is the item synopsis.
- Description is an RSS only element.
- link: Get or set link data. An link element is a dict with the fields
- href, rel, type, hreflang, title, and length. Href is mandatory for
- pubdate(no contiene): Get or set the pubDate of the entry which indicates when the entry
- was published.
- title: the title value of the entry. It should contain a human
- readable title for the entry.
- updated: the updated value which indicates the last time the entry
- was modified in a significant way.
- """
- lista_posts = []
- lp = []
- num_posts = 0
- try:
- ow = os.walk("monomotapa/src/posts")
- p,d,files=ow.__next__()
- except OSError:
- print ("[posts] - Error: Can't os.walk() on monomotapa/src/posts except OSError.")
- else:
- for f in files:
- nombre_con_ruta = os.path.join("monomotapa/src/posts", f)
- if not f.endswith("~") and not f.startswith("#") and not f.startswith("."):
- lp.append((os.path.getmtime(nombre_con_ruta), f))
- num_posts += 1
- if num_posts > cantidad:
- break
- lp.sort()
- lp.reverse()
- # colocando fecha en formato
- for tupla in lp:
- nombre_post = tupla[1].split(os.sep)[-1]
- #contenido = cabeza_post(tupla[1], max_caracteres=149999)
- contenido = cabezaPost(tupla[1], max_caracteres=149999)
- id_post = "https://rmgss.net/posts/"+nombre_post[:-3]
- #categorias = categorias_de_post(nombre_post)
- categorias = categoriasDePost(nombre_post)
- dict_categorias = {}
- c = ""
- for cat in categorias:
- c += cat + " "
- dict_categorias['label'] = c
- #dict_categorias['term'] = c
- html = markdown.markdown(escape(contenido))
- link = id_post
- pubdate = ctime(tupla[0])
- title = titulo_legible(nombre_post[:-3]) # no incluir '.md'
- updated = pubdate
- dict_feed_post = {
- "id":id_post,
- "author": "Rodrigo Garcia",
- "category" : categorias,
- "content": html,
- "link" : id_post,
- "updated" : updated,
- "title": title
- }
- lista_posts.append(dict_feed_post)
- return lista_posts
- ###### Define routes
- @app.errorhandler(404)
- def page_not_found(e):
- """ provides basic 404 page"""
- defaults = get_page_attributes('defaults.json')
- try:
- css = defaults['css']
- except KeyError:
- css = None
- pages = get_page_attributes('pages.json')
- if '404' in pages:
- if'css' in pages['404']:
- css = pages['404']['css']
- return render_template('static.html',
- title = "404::page not found", heading = "Page Not Found",
- navigation = top_navigation('404'),
- css = css,
- contents = Markup(
- "This page is not there, try somewhere else.")), 404
- @app.route('/users/', defaults={'page': 1})
- @app.route('/users/page/<int:page>')
- @app.route("/", defaults={'pagina':0})
- @app.route('/<int:pagina>')
- def index(pagina):
- """provides index page"""
- index_page = Page('index')
- lista_posts_recientes, total_posts = noticias_recientes(pagina=pagina)
- index_page.contexto['lista_posts_recientes'] = lista_posts_recientes
- index_page.contexto['total_posts'] = total_posts
- index_page.contexto['pagina_actual'] = int(pagina)
- return index_page.generate_page()
- # default route is it doe not exist elsewhere
- @app.route("/<path:page>")
- def staticpage(page):
- """ display a static page rendered from markdown in src
- i.e. displays /page or /page/ as long as src/page.md exists.
- srcfile, title and heading may be set in the pages global
- (ordered) dictionary but are not required"""
- static_page = Page(page)
- return static_page.generate_page()
- @app.route("/posts/<page>")
- def rposts(page):
- """ Mustra las paginas dentro la carpeta posts, no es coincidencia
- que en este ultimo directorio se guarden los posts.
- Ademas incrusta en el diccionario de contexto de la pagina la
- fecha de ultima modificacion del post
- """
- static_page = Page("posts/"+page)
- ultima_modificacion = ultima_modificacion_archivo("posts/"+page)
- static_page.contexto['relacionadas'] = noticias_relacionadas(nombre=page+".md")
- static_page.contexto['ultima_modificacion'] = ultima_modificacion
- static_page.exclude_toc = False # no excluir Índice de contenidos
- return static_page.generate_page()
- @app.route("/posts")
- def indice_posts():
- """ Muestra una lista de todos los posts
- """
- lista_posts_fecha = posts_list()
- #lista_posts_categoria = categorias_list()
- lista_posts_categoria = categoriasList()
- static_page = Page("posts")
- static_page.contexto['lista_posts_fecha'] = lista_posts_fecha
- static_page.contexto['lista_posts_categoria'] = lista_posts_categoria
- return static_page.generate_page()
- @app.route("/posts/categorias")
- def lista_categorias():
- """ Muestra una lista de las categorias , los posts pertenecen
- a cada una y un conteo"""
- #lista_categorias = categorias_list()
- lista_categorias = categoriasList()
- static_page = Page("categorias")
- static_page.contexto['lista_posts_categoria'] = lista_categorias
- #return (str(lista_categorias))
- return static_page.generate_page()
- @app.route("/posts/categoria/<categoria>")
- def posts_de_categoria(categoria):
- """ Muestra los posts que perteneces a la categoria dada
- """
- lista_posts = []
- if categoria == "fotos": # caegoria especial fotos
- lista_posts, total_posts = noticias_recientes(max_caracteres=1250,categoria=categoria)
- static_page = Page("fotos")
- static_page.contexto['categoria_actual'] = categoria
- static_page.contexto['lista_posts_recientes'] = lista_posts
- return static_page.generate_page()
- #lista_posts = categorias_list(categoria=categoria)
- lista_posts = categoriasList(categoria=categoria)
- static_page = Page("categorias")
- static_page.contexto['categoria_actual'] = categoria
- static_page.contexto['lista_posts_categoria'] = lista_posts
- return static_page.generate_page()
- @app.route("/posts/recientes", defaults={'pagina':0})
- @app.route("/posts/recientes/<int:pagina>")
- def posts_recientes(pagina):
- """ muestra una lista de los posts mas recientes
- TODO: terminar
- """
- lista_posts, total_posts = noticias_recientes(max_caracteres=368,
- pagina=pagina)
- static_page = Page("recientes")
- static_page.contexto['lista_posts_recientes'] = lista_posts
- static_page.contexto['total_posts'] = total_posts
- static_page.contexto['pagina_actual'] = pagina
- #return (str(lista_posts))
- return static_page.generate_page()
- @app.route("/contacto", methods=['GET'])
- def contacto():
- tupla_captcha = captcha_pregunta_opciones_random()
- if tupla_captcha is None:
- return ("<br>Parece un error interno!</br>")
- pregunta = tupla_captcha[0]
- opciones = tupla_captcha[1]
- static_page = Page("contacto")
- static_page.contexto['pregunta'] = pregunta
- static_page.contexto['opciones'] = opciones
- return static_page.generate_page()
- @app.route("/contactoe", methods=['POST'])
- def comprobar_mensaje():
- """ Comprueba que el mensaje enviado por la caja de texto sea valido
- y si lo es, guarda un archivo de texto con los detalles"""
- errors = []
- if request.method == "POST":
- # comprobando validez
- nombre = request.form["nombre"]
- dir_respuesta = request.form['dir_respuesta']
- mensaje = request.form['mensaje']
- pregunta = request.form['pregunta']
- respuesta = request.form['respuesta']
- if len(mensaje) < 2 or mensaje.startswith(" "):
- errors.append("Mensaje invalido")
- if not captcha_comprobar_respuesta(pregunta, respuesta):
- errors.append("Captcha invalido")
- if len(errors) > 0:
- return str(errors)
- # guardando texto
- texto = "Remitente: "+nombre
- texto += "\nResponder_a: "+dir_respuesta
- texto += "\n--- mensaje ---\n"
- texto += mensaje
- # TODO: cambiar a direccion especificada en archivo de configuracion
- dt = datetime.datetime.now()
- nombre = "m_"+str(dt.day)+"_"+str(dt.month)+\
- "_"+str(dt.year)+"-"+str(dt.hour)+\
- "-"+str(dt.minute)+"-"+str(dt.second)
- with open(os.path.join("fbs",nombre), "wb") as f:
- f.write(texto.encode("utf-8"))
- return redirect("/mensaje_enviado", code=302)
- @app.route("/mensaje_enviado")
- def mensaje_enviado():
- static_page = Page("mensaje_enviado")
- return static_page.generate_page()
- @app.route("/rss")
- def rss_feed():
- """Genera la cadena rss con las 15 ultimas noticias del sitio
- TODO: Agregar mecenismo para no generar los rss feeds y solo
- devolver el archivo rss.xml generado anteriormente. Esto
- quiere decir solamente generar el rss_feed cuando se haya hecho
- un actualizacion en los posts mas reciente que la ultima vez
- que se genero el rss_feed
- """
- #return str(rss_ultimos_posts_jinja())
- return render_template("rss.html",
- contents = rss_ultimos_posts_jinja())
- #**vars(self)
- #)
- ##### specialized pages
- @app.route("/source")
- def source():
- """Display source files used to render a page"""
- source_page = Page('source', title = "view the source code",
- #heading = "Ver el código fuente",
- heading = "Ver el codigo fuente",
- internal_css = get_pygments_css())
- page = request.args.get('page')
- # get source for markdown if any. 404's for non-existant markdown
- # unless special page eg source
- pagesrc = source_page.get_page_src(page, 'src', 'md')
- special_pages = ['source', 'unit-tests', '404']
- if not page in special_pages and pagesrc is None:
- abort(404)
- # set enable_unit_tests to true in config.json to allow
- # unit tests to be run through the source page
- if app.config['enable_unit_tests']:
- contents = '''<p><a href="/unit-tests" class="button">Run unit tests
- </a></p>'''
- # render tests.py if needed
- if page == 'unit-tests':
- contents += heading('tests.py', 2)
- contents += render_pygments('tests.py', 'python')
- else:
- contents = ''
- # render views.py
- contents += heading('views.py', 2)
- contents += render_pygments(source_page.get_page_src('views.py'),
- 'python')
- # render markdown if present
- if pagesrc:
- contents += heading(os.path.basename(pagesrc), 2)
- contents += render_pygments(pagesrc, 'markdown')
- # render jinja templates
- contents += heading('base.html', 2)
- contents += render_pygments(
- source_page.get_page_src('base.html', 'templates'), 'html')
- template = source_page.get_template(page)
- contents += heading(template, 2)
- contents += render_pygments(
- source_page.get_page_src(template, 'templates'), 'html')
- return source_page.generate_page(contents)
- # @app.route("/unit-tests")
- # def unit_tests():
- # """display results of unit tests"""
- # unittests = Page('unit-tests', heading = "Test Results",
- # internal_css = get_pygments_css())
- # # exec unit tests in subprocess, capturing stderr
- # capture = subprocess.Popen(["python", "tests.py"],
- # stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
- # output = capture.communicate()
- # results = output[1]
- # contents = '''<p>
- # <a href="/unit-tests" class="button">Run unit tests</a>
- # </p><br>\n
- # <div class="output" style="background-color:'''
- # if 'OK' in results:
- # color = "#ddffdd"
- # result = "TESTS PASSED"
- # else:
- # color = "#ffaaaa"
- # result = "TESTS FAILING"
- # contents += ('''%s">\n<strong>%s</strong>\n<pre>%s</pre>\n</div>\n'''
- # % (color, result, results))
- # # render test.py
- # contents += heading('tests.py', 2)
- # contents += render_pygments('tests.py', 'python')
- # return unittests.generate_page(contents)