report.bib 4.1 KB

  1. @periodical{ieee:reference-guide,
  2. title = "IEEE Reference Guide",
  3. organization = "IEEE",
  4. month = "Dez.",
  5. year = "2018",
  6. note = {Accessed: 10.02.2023},
  7. url = {},
  8. }
  9. @manual{ieee:ieeetran-bib-howto,
  10. author = "Michael Shell",
  11. title = "How to Use the IEEEtran BIBTEX Style",
  12. organization = "IEEE",
  13. month = "Aug.",
  14. year = "2015",
  15. note = {Accessed: 12.02.2023},
  16. url = {},
  17. }
  18. @manual{ieee:ieeetran-howto,
  19. author = "Michael Shell",
  20. title = "How to Use the IEEEtran LATEX Class",
  21. organization = "IEEE",
  22. month = "Aug.",
  23. year = "2015",
  24. note = {Accessed: 13.02.2023},
  25. url = {},
  26. }
  27. @manual{ieee:citation-guidelines,
  28. title = "How to Cite References: IEEE Documentation Style",
  29. organization = "IEEEDataPort",
  30. note = {Accessed: 10.02.2023},
  31. url = {},
  32. }
  33. @misc{ris:ug,
  34. title = "Bundesgesetz über die Organisation der Universitäten und ihre Studien (Universitätsgesetz 2002 – UG)",
  35. organization = "Bundesministerium für Finanzen",
  36. year = "2002",
  37. note = {Accessed: 10.02.2023},
  38. url = {},
  39. }
  40. @misc{tuwien:coc,
  41. author = "Mag. Ute Koch",
  42. title = "I. Code of Conduct - Regeln zur Sicherstellung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis, Beschluss des Rektorates vom 23. Oktober 2007 (deutsche Fassung / englische Fassung)",
  43. organization = "Technische Universität Wien",
  44. month = "Apr.",
  45. year = "2017",
  46. note = {Accessed: 10.02.2023},
  47. url = {},
  48. }
  49. @misc{tuwien:satzung,
  50. title = "Satzungsteil Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen",
  51. organization = "Technische Universität Wien",
  52. month = "Mai",
  53. year = "2022",
  54. note = {Accessed: 10.02.2023},
  55. url = {},
  56. }
  57. @misc{tuwien:plagiat,
  58. title = "Leitfaden zum Umgang mit Plagiaten in studentischen Arbeiten an der Technischen Universität Wien",
  59. organization = "Technische Universität Wien",
  60. month = "Apr.",
  61. year = "2014",
  62. note = {Accessed: 24.02.2023},
  63. url = {},
  64. }
  65. @misc{tuwien:code-of-ethics,
  66. title = "TU Wien Informatics Code of Ethics",
  67. organization = "Technische Universität Wien",
  68. note = {Accessed: 26.02.2023},
  69. url = {},
  70. }
  71. @book{math-feuds,
  72. title = {Great Feuds in Mathematics: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever},
  73. author = {Hal Hellman},
  74. publisher = {Wiley},
  75. year = {2006},
  76. }
  77. @misc{web:ieee,
  78. title = ", The professional home for the engineering and technology community worldwide",
  79. organization = "IEEE",
  80. note = {Accessed: 25.02.2023},
  81. url = {},
  82. }
  83. @misc{web:ieeexplore,
  84. title = ", Advancing Technology for Humanity",
  85. organization = "IEEE",
  86. note = {Accessed: 25.02.2023},
  87. url = {},
  88. }
  89. @misc{web:ieeedataport,
  90. title = ", IEEE DataPort: Manage Your Research Data",
  91. organization = "IEEE",
  92. note = {Accessed: 25.02.2023},
  93. url = {},
  94. }
  95. @misc{zitieren-sinn,
  96. title = "Der Sinn des Zitierens in den Sozialwissenschaften",
  97. organization = "Technische Universität Wien",
  98. author = {Stefan Weber},
  99. month = "Okt.",
  100. year = "2020",
  101. language = "German",
  102. note = {Accessed: 26.02.2023},
  103. url = {},
  104. }