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- library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
- use work.mem_pkg.all;
- package cache_pkg is
- constant WAYS_LD : natural := 1;
- constant SETS_LD : natural := 3;
- constant INDEX_SIZE : natural := SETS_LD;
- constant TAG_SIZE : natural := ADDR_WIDTH - INDEX_SIZE;
- constant WAYS : natural := 2**WAYS_LD;
- constant SETS : natural := 2**SETS_LD;
- subtype ways_range is natural range 0 to WAYS - 1;
- subtype sets_range is natural range 0 to SETS - 1;
- subtype c_tag_type is std_logic_vector(TAG_SIZE - 1 downto 0);
- subtype c_index_type is std_logic_vector(INDEX_SIZE - 1 downto 0);
- subtype c_way_type is std_logic_vector(WAYS_LD - 1 downto 0);
- type c_mgmt_info is record
- valid : std_logic;
- dirty : std_logic;
- replace : std_logic;
- tag : c_tag_type;
- end record;
- end package;