Webapplikasjon for å registrere arbeid gjort for ukelønn, og registrere utbetalinger av ukelønn.
Aktualisiert vor 1 Monat
This is a pax web whiteboard extender webapp that serves as authenticator and login page for the nginx_auth_request_module
Aktualisiert vor 1 Monat
Serving a react.js frontend from a servlet registered with the Pax Web Whiteboard Extender and run in apache karaf
Aktualisiert vor 1 Monat
Java program to prune old snapshots from a maven repository.
Aktualisiert vor 1 Monat
A utility to collect a history of key numbers for each SonarQube analysis triggered by maven builds.
Aktualisiert vor 2 Monaten
An apache karaf feature for the liquibase RDMBS schema management, including slf4j logging.
Aktualisiert vor 2 Monaten
Classes holding and wrapping OSGi services, avoiding NullPointerExceptions and null checks.
Aktualisiert vor 2 Monaten
An apache karaf feature repository containing a feature that will load the Jersey JAX-RS implementation
Aktualisiert vor 3 Monaten
This is a karaf application that demonstrates using Jersey to provide a REST API in karaf, and demonstrates how OSGi services can be injected into Jersey resources created by the Jersey framework.
Aktualisiert vor 5 Monaten
An OSGi Declarative Services (DS) component that starts and registers a servlet as a service. The servlet returns a simple "Hello world" style HTML page.
Aktualisiert vor 5 Monaten