Commit Verlauf

Autor SHA1 Nachricht Datum
  Steinar Bang 7a3cdeebbe Use LiquibaseClassPathChangeLogRunner to run liquibase change lists vor 8 Monaten
  Steinar Bang 52caf44747 Import package containing PassThruAuthenticationFilter and set class loader so that shiro INI parser can instantiate PassThruAuthenticationFilter vor 9 Monaten
  Steinar Bang e691c28270 Remove beans.immutable as compile and runtime dependencies since all beans are now records vor 10 Monaten
  Steinar Bang 4a9e17d435 Remove xml:space="preserve" attribute from maven pom files top element because the attribute gives XSD validation errors in the eclipse POM editor vor 1 Jahr
  Steinar Bang 146a80c559 Ignore unsupported maven plugins and goals in eclipse m2e vor 1 Jahr
  Steinar Bang 2d98ba23eb Use karaf 4.4.1 vor 2 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 7f741bb899 Use karaf 4.4.0 and OSGi 8 vor 2 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 2e193422e0 Replace junit 4 with junit-jupiter 5.7.1 (the pax exam integration test continues to use junit 4) vor 3 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 527cd15470 Get versions for the OSGi 7 framework and the OSGi compendium from the karaf BoM vor 3 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 586415289b Use OSGi 7 web whiteboard annotations for the ukelonn servlets and filters vor 3 Jahren
  Steinar Bang f02f143db3 Make the minimum required version of org.osgi.service.http.context be 1 to avoid loading failure on karaf 4.3.0 and 4.3.2 vor 3 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 835e14b423 Get maven plugin and dependency managment from the bang-pom parent pom vor 3 Jahren
  Steinar Bang c5e587f1d9 Upgrade the OSGi framework from 6.0.0 to 7.0.0 vor 4 Jahren
  Steinar Bang ebc11a0789 Remove JDBC service maven dependencies from maven modules that doesn't use them vor 4 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 206bd61444 Remove the osgi.core dependency from maven modules that doesn't need it vor 4 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 8c740a74df Get maven dependencies from the karaf 4.2.11 BoM vor 4 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 6d76cfa1a7 Remove maven dependencies of slf4j-simple to get rid of warnings about 2 slf4j-api implementations on the classpath vor 4 Jahren
  Steinar Bang b0f67f4018 Create ukelonn shiro roles if not present and add to the admin user vor 4 Jahren
  Steinar Bang af3fbb0750 Replace artifactId "parent" of ukelonn with "ukelonn" which looks more meaningful in sonar reports vor 4 Jahren
  Steinar Bang af7ad94596 Use pax-jdbc-config to set up the JDBC datasources and configure schemas with liquibase vor 5 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 68b2cf7d22 Adapt to authservice using jdbc-config instead of AuthserviceDatabaseService vor 5 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 58791bd950 Simplify karaf-maven-plugin configuration vor 5 Jahren
  Steinar Bang fbdae6568f Use the simpler maven-bundle-plugin configuration used by newer karaf projects vor 5 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 4f32959199 Use version 1.4.1 of apache shiro vor 5 Jahren
  Steinar Bang cb00a37b48 Use authservice bundles in ukelonn vor 6 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 23748d754d Let the UkelonnDatabase OSGi service extend the DatabaseService OSGi service vor 6 Jahren
  Steinar Bang c36bd55e38 Inject SessionDAO into the shiro filter from a separate DS component vor 6 Jahren
  Steinar Bang d5d97fdef1 Move custom JDBC realm to a separate OSGi component providing a shiro Realm service vor 6 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 5db47dd30d Replace XML file copyright headers with headers that will reformat correctly in emacs vor 6 Jahren
  Steinar Bang 1a99521fd4 Add copyright year 2018 to the better formatted XML copyright headers vor 6 Jahren