Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Steinar Bang 5f61b77d57 Add version to the release history in the README and use version in the examples in the README il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang db289a1c27 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang e9c83e3ef2 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release liquibase-karaf-feature- il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 6ef28db593 Remove unintended "Stop deploying integration test artifacts to maven central" from liquibase-libraries il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 82e936b651 Add version 4.28.0 to the release history in the README and use version 4.28.0 in the examples in the README il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang efab2a48a0 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 6cda9cb09a [maven-release-plugin] prepare release liquibase-karaf-feature-4.28.0 il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 46db7cf8bb Revert "Stop deploying integration test artifacts to maven central" il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang e050eca708 Modernize CommandScope example in README il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 3ff109b52f Ensure StandardValidatingVisitorGenerator present before running liquibase change list on liquibase 4.28.0 il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 84cd45b4db Use liquibase 4.28.0 il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang ea9744242c Start spifly.dynamic.bundle at start-level=35 to ensure it is already running when liquibase-core starts at start-level=40 il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang bf914f5955 Revert "Use spifly.dynamic.bundle version 1.3.7" il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 2ee0ac889a Remove unwanted h2 dependency from karaf.liquibase.runner il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang fba30598f0 Remove explicit import of org.osgi.service.log version >= 1.4 and <2 in OSGi bundle manifests il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang d7527599ca Remove <Require-Capability> from OSGi bundle manifests Liquibase SPI services are provided by liquibase-core itself il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 12aca44428 Change bean with builder Account to be record with builder il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 5421a5bdb6 Remove java8 source level setting in maven-javadoc-plugin to use native source level (currently java 17) il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 2eb107b80d Use var for local variables il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang be25c1902f Use var for local variables in tests il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang d262b634df Replace java 11 with java 17 in github actions CI build il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang f70edc030f Use version 3.12.1 of maven-compiler-plugin and Java 17 il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang d6fb4301f1 Use spifly.dynamic.bundle version 1.3.7 il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang e2169be82a Use assertj 3.26.0 il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang f5ef45e7a1 Use mockito 5.12.0 il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang d361ea430c Use karaf 4.4.6 il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang c3a497f0dc Run change lists in SampleDbLiquibaseRunner with code from LiquibaseClassPathChangeLogRunner il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 5821f637f9 Add class LiquibaseClassPathChangeLogRunner intended as a base class for classes running liquibase change lists il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 658ab0d25d Add library containing a liquibase changelist runner il y a 8 mois
  Steinar Bang 2a2aa04f9c Update copyright years il y a 11 mois