Commit History

Author SHA1 Message Date
  Steinar Bang 500565fdbd Stop deploying integration test artifacts to maven central 2 weeks ago
  Steinar Bang 3e75c2f790 Remove weekday from release history dates to get more space in table 2 weeks ago
  Steinar Bang 1518d457fc Shorten release history comments to unbreak org-mode table 2 weeks ago
  Steinar Bang 893932a8ab Add version 1.15.20 to the release history of the README and update the version to 1.15.20 in the examples in the README 2 weeks ago
  Steinar Bang 6e8b8ef794 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration 2 weeks ago
  Steinar Bang 2d5483a25d [maven-release-plugin] prepare release authservice-1.15.20 2 weeks ago
  Steinar Bang 9dbf445050 Upgrade parent to get liquibase 4.27.0 and to build with node.js 20.12.0 and karaf 4.4.5 2 weeks ago
  Steinar Bang c94a80779f Change first name of test user jad 2 weeks ago
  Steinar Bang cbf823e7ef Update npm dependencies to their currently newest versions 2 weeks ago
  Steinar Bang ad31643c69 Update npm devDependencies to their currently newest versions 2 weeks ago
  Steinar Bang 06498930b2 Add version 1.15.19 to the release history of the README and update the version to 1.15.19 in the examples in the README 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang 4512cf63bb [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang 3b30c6deef [maven-release-plugin] prepare release authservice-1.15.19 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang 85528b6324 Upgrade parent to get jersey 2.42 and jackson 2.16.2 and postgresql 42.7.3 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang 56d6ad624a Add version 1.15.18 to the release history of the README and update the version to 1.15.18 in the examples in the README 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang 21d2dea7e2 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang a6e2f994fa [maven-release-plugin] prepare release authservice-1.15.18 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang 477c469f86 Upgrade parent to use postgresql jdbc 42.7.2 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang f318e534cd Add version 1.15.17 to the release history of the README and update the version to 1.15.17 in the examples in the README 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang 73b5b94d18 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang 223620fbbe [maven-release-plugin] prepare release authservice-1.15.17 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang 8ec0983fa2 Replace use of ShiroFeature in UserAdminWebApiServlet with version of JersyServlet that includes ShiroFeature 1 month ago
  Steinar Bang 9fae33dcda Use var for local variables in tests 2 months ago
  Steinar Bang 370110d323 Add version 1.15.16 to the release history of the README and update the version to 1.15.16 in the examples in the README 2 months ago
  Steinar Bang d987ae198b [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration 2 months ago
  Steinar Bang be7bbdc6fa [maven-release-plugin] prepare release authservice-1.15.16 2 months ago
  Steinar Bang a3f444899c Revert "Use versionAsInProject instead of LATEST for karaf feature loaded in integration test" since that breaks "mvn release:prepare" 2 months ago
  Steinar Bang 8d6cf51fd5 Use versionAsInProject instead of LATEST for karaf feature loaded in integration test 2 months ago
  Steinar Bang 77d2dfef32 Report errors saving user, role and permission changes when user isn't logged in or user lacks useradmin role 2 months ago
  Steinar Bang c4e4986cb3 Change button text from Norwegian to English 2 months ago