4 bulan lalu | |
templates | 4 bulan lalu | |
.gitignore | 4 bulan lalu | |
COMPRESS DIC PICS.sh | 6 bulan lalu | |
README.md | 4 bulan lalu | |
ariel.otf | 4 bulan lalu | |
cock.avif | 6 bulan lalu | |
iphonescreenshot.png | 6 bulan lalu | |
main.py | 4 bulan lalu | |
namegen.py | 4 bulan lalu | |
sessionid_example.txt | 4 bulan lalu | |
working.png | 6 bulan lalu |
I have a different project at http://camspider.tech find new rooms with ease !
#ADDED new http://localhost/b capture live photos using WebRTC stream, no need to use annoying photos using webcam, just use a single webrtc session , and it sends into your computer clipboad the catpic s
I manage to send photos under 2 seconds, and ofc the MACROS automitcally writes the :emoticons allowing seemless image uploading into Chaturbate
Having issues? Feel free to contact me on (Telegram @tg_sneed) or @tbell2222 on discord
pip install tornado Pillow requests httpx
yay -Sy dotool
git clone https://sr.ht/~geb/dotool/
cd dotool
sudo ./build.sh install
sudo udevadm control --reload
sudo udevadm trigger
Recommended Setup: Use KDE+Wayland on Arch Linux for optimal performance. Install Arch Linux
Emoticons on Chaturbate correspond to a unique code that represents a specific image. For example, :joy
In a message, you can use emoticons like this: