96 913 B

  1. ---
  2. title: Request / Brainstorm: Those "Events" need some help... lol
  3. author: notabug.org/thndrbvr
  4. time: Fri, 22 Nov 2019 03:22:32 UTC
  5. status: closed
  6. ---
  7. author: notabug.org
  8. time: Fri, 22 Nov 2019 03:22:32 UTC
  9. content: -----
  10. Maybe a tag cloud or list for locations. Maybe some way to sort by continent -> country -> state/province -> city/town. Separate past from future events. Currently on going events listed on top or otherwise prominent. Be competitive with whatever https://joinmobilizon.org/en/ is going to be. lol. Maybe allow Group Admins to create events as the group (instead of as an individual) and have a separate list and/or sticky status for an event.
  11. -----
  12. author: notabug.org
  13. time: Thu, 07 May 2020 06:35:36 UTC
  14. content: -----
  15. I changed my mind about events for now in favour of just using GetTogether. Although, this would be great to get back to after everything else is completed. ;)
  16. -----