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  1. ---
  2. title: [RFC] What plugins to keep
  3. author: notabug.org/diogo
  4. time: Fri, 02 Aug 2019 22:39:29 UTC
  5. status: closed
  6. ---
  7. author: notabug.org
  8. time: Fri, 02 Aug 2019 22:39:29 UTC
  9. content: -----
  10. Right now GNU social has the following built-in plugins: https://notabug.org/diogo/gnu-social/src/new_modules_system/plugins We need to build a list of `buggy plugins`, `useless plugins`, [plugins that should be enabled by default](https://notabug.org/diogo/gnu-social/src/new_modules_system/lib/default.php#L340-L361) and `good plugins`. Feedback from sysadmins is appreciated.
  11. -----
  12. author: notabug.org
  13. time: Fri, 02 Aug 2019 22:41:09 UTC
  14. content: -----
  15. In postActiv they seem to have done the following selection: bitrot/buggy: AccountManager AutoSandbox Autocomplete Awesomeness BitlyUrl BlankAd BlogspamNet CacheLog CasAuthentication ChooseTheme Comet DirectionDetector ForceGroup GeoURL Geonames GroupFavorited GroupPrivateMessage InProcessCache LdapAuthentication LdapAuthorization LdapCommon LilUrl Mapstraction Memcache Memcached MentionURL Mobile MobileProfile ModHelper ModLog ModPlus Mollom OfflineBackup OpenExternalLinkTarget Sitemap SphinxSearch TightUrl TwitterBridge WikiHashtags WikiHowProfile old/useless: OpenX PiwikiAnalytics PtitUrl SimpleUrl good plugins: AnonymousFave ApiLogger Blacklist ConversationTree Diaspora DiskCache DomainStatusNetwork DomainWhitelist ExtendedProfile FeedPoller FetchRemote FollowEveryone ImageMagick Imap InfiniteScroll LinkPreview Linkback LogFilter Meteor NoticeTitle OpenNIC Orbited PostDebug RSSCloud Realtime RegisterThrottle RequireValidatedEmail ReverseUsernameAuthentication SQLProfile SQLStats Sample SensitiveContent SiteNoticeInSidebar SlicedFavorites StrictTransportSecurity SubMirror SubscriptionThrottle TabFocus TagCloud Translate UserFlag UserLimit VideoThumbnails Xmpp ActivitySpam AntiBrute Bookmark ClientSideShorten Cronish DefaultLayout Directory EmailAuthentication EmailRegistration EmailReminder EmailSummary Event FederateDiaspora LRDD LogFilter OStatus Oembed OpenID OpportunisticQM Poll QnA SearchSub ShareNotice SimpleCaptcha StoreRemoteMedia TagSub WebFinger
  16. -----
  17. author: notabug.org
  18. time: Fri, 02 Aug 2019 22:52:08 UTC
  19. content: -----
  20. Currently known: buggy: * ConversationTree useless: * SimpleCaptcha -> should be replaced by XRevan86's Facile Captcha good: * AntiBrute * Blacklist * Bookmark * Cronish * DefaultLayout * Diaspora * DirectMessage - needs review @tenma * Directory * EmailAuthentication * EmailRegistration * EmailSummary * Embed * Event * ExtendedProfile * Favorite * ImageMagick * InfiniteScroll * InProcessCache * LilUrl * LogFilter * LRDD * MailBlacklist * MobileProfile * ModPlus * Nodeinfo * OpenExternalLinkTarget * OpenID * OpportunisticQM * OStatus * Poll * Postverb * RegisterThrottle * ReverseFavs * RSSCloud * SensitiveContent * Shareverb * Shorten * SiteNoticeInSidebar * StoreRemoteMedia * TagSub * Timeago * TwitterBridge * WebFinger * Xmpp * Autocomplete * WikiHashtags no feedback yet: * AccountManager * ActivitySpam * AnonymousFave * ApiLogger * AutoSandbox * Awesomeness * BitlyUrl * BlankAd * BlogspamNet * CacheLog * CasAuthentication * ChooseTheme * ClientSideShorten * Comet * DirectionDetector * DiskCache * DomainStatusNetwork * DomainWhitelist * EmailReminder * FeedPoller * FetchRemote * FollowEveryone * ForceGroup * Geonames * GeoURL * GNUsocialPhoto * GNUsocialPhotos * GNUsocialProfileExtensions * GNUsocialVideo * GroupFavorited * GroupPrivateMessage * Imap * LdapAuthentication * LdapAuthorization * LdapCommon * Linkback * LinkPreview * Mapstraction * Memcache * Memcached * MentionURL * Meteor * Mobile * ModHelper * ModLog * Mollom * NoticeTitle * OfflineBackup * OpenX * Orbited * PiwikAnalytics * PostDebug * PtitUrl * QnA * Realtime * RequireValidatedEmail * ReverseUsernameAuthentication * Sample * SearchSub * ShareNotice * SimpleUrl * Sitemap * SlicedFavorites * SphinxSearch * SQLProfile * SQLStats * StrictTransportSecurity * SubMirror * SubscriptionThrottle * TabFocus * TagCloud * TightUrl * UserFlag * UserLimit * VideoThumbnails * WikiHowProfile
  21. -----
  22. author: notabug.org
  23. time: Sat, 03 Aug 2019 02:09:34 UTC
  24. content: -----
  25. First chunk to review - [x] AccountManager - turned into a default plugin - [x] AutoSandbox - jump - [x] Awesomeness - [x] BitlyUrl - jump - [x] BlankAd - [x] BlogspamNet - jump - [x] CacheLog - needs review @biodantas - [x] CasAuthentication - jump - [x] ChooseTheme - [x] Comet - buggy - [x] DirectionDetector - turned into a default plugin - [x] ForceGroup - [x] Geonames - [x] GeoURL - deleted - [x] GNUsocialPhoto - deleted - [x] GNUsocialPhotos - deleted - [x] GNUsocialProfileExtensions - moved to ExtendedProfile and improved - [x] GNUsocialVideo - deleted - [x] GroupFavorited - [x] GroupPrivateMessage - must be deleted @tenma - [x] LdapAuthentication - jump - [x] LdapAuthorization - jump - [x] LdapCommon - jump - [x] Mapstraction - jump - [x] Memcache - @biodantas - [x] Memcached - @biodantas - [x] MentionURL - [x] Mobile - [x] ModHelper - [x] ModLog - [x] Mollom - [x] OfflineBackup - [x] OpenX - deleted - [x] PiwikAnalytics - jump - [x] PtitUrl - jump - [x] SimpleUrl - jump - [x] Sitemap - jump - [x] SphinxSearch - jump - [x] TightUrl - jump - [x] WikiHowProfile - jump
  26. -----
  27. author: notabug.org
  28. time: Sun, 04 Aug 2019 12:39:32 UTC
  29. content: -----
  30. - WikiHowProfile - Unknown to me. No instructions in README to activate it, and doesn't seem activated by default. There is also a "WikiHashtags", which does nothing, as far as i can see. - TightUrl - Unknown to me. I've always used the internal url shorthener, which works fine. - SphinxSearch - Unknown to me. It claims to be "a significant boost in performance to search...". I'm happy with the default search speed, but i understand if someone wants it. - Sitemap - Unknown to me. Can't see the usefulness... - SimpleUrl - Unknown to me. Seems to do the same as TightUrl. - PtitUrl - Unknown to me, and seems to do the same as TightUrl and SimpleUrl - PiwikAnalytics - Unknown to me. I'm not interested in analytics, but i understand if someone wants it. - OpenX - Unkown to me, and the site http://www.openx.org/ can't be reached... - OfflineBackup - I enabled it some weeks ago, but can't find anything in control panel. Maybe it is still retrieving data, or maybe it doesn't work. - Mollon - Unkown to me; i really don't like to rely on external servers to look for spam. - ModLog - Unkown to me; can't see anything after enabling it. - ModHelper - Unkown to me; it seems useful, but not on my instance (only two users). - Mobile - Unknown to me; i guess it is for smartphones, so i can't try it. - MentionURL - Unkown to me; i guess it is not in the default setup, but this funcionality works fine. So, i don't know if this plugin is useful. - Memcached - I've tried it several times, but it created an issue - https://git.gnu.io/gnu/gnu-social/issues/342 - Memcache - Same as Memcached. - Mapstraction - Unkown to me; doesn't seem useful. - LdapAuthentication, LdapAuthorization and LdapCommon - Unkown to me; i don't use Ldap, so i can't test them, but i think they can be useful on a server with more things appart from GS (xmpp, nextcloud, etc). - GroupPrivateMessage - Unknown to me; i don't know if it is useful, as you can share status with groups, and don't know about the "private" part. I guess it could be useful just for the users on the same server. - GroupFavorited - Unknown to me; can't find anything after activation. I'll add more tomorrow.
  31. -----
  32. author: notabug.org
  33. time: Sat, 10 Aug 2019 17:50:22 UTC
  34. content: -----
  35. @tenma, DirectMessage either can be removed or requires a considerable upgrade... GroupPrivateMessage can be deleted
  36. -----
  37. author: notabug.org
  38. time: Sat, 10 Aug 2019 21:55:47 UTC
  39. content: -----
  40. Just finished reviewing the first chunk of plugins
  41. -----
  42. author: notabug.org
  43. time: Sat, 10 Aug 2019 22:16:37 UTC
  44. content: -----
  45. Second (and last) chunk to review: - [x] ActivitySpam - jump - [x] AnonymousFave - do we really want to keep this plugin? - [x] ApiLogger - jump - [x] ClientSideShorten - [x] ConversationTree - [x] DiskCache - Review @biodantas - [x] DomainStatusNetwork - jump - [x] DomainWhitelist - jump - [x] EmailReminder - jump - [x] FeedPoller - review @tenma - [x] FetchRemote - review @tenma - [x] FollowEveryone - jump - [x] Imap - jump - [x] Linkback - jump - [x] LinkPreview - reviewed already by @biodantas - [x] Meteor - jump - [x] NoticeTitle - Review @tenma - [x] Orbited - Review @biodantas - [x] PostDebug - jump - [x] QnA - Review @tenma - [x] Realtime - Review @tenma - [x] RequireValidatedEmail - jump - [x] ReverseUsernameAuthentication - jump - [x] Sample - jump - [x] SearchSub - [x] ShareNotice - jump - [x] SlicedFavorites - jump - [x] SQLProfile - jump - [x] SQLStats - jump - [x] StrictTransportSecurity - [x] SubMirror - review @tenma - [x] SubscriptionThrottle - jump - [x] TabFocus - jump - [x] TagCloud - already reviewed by me - [x] UserFlag - jump - [x] UserLimit - jump - [x] VideoThumbnails - Review @biodantas
  46. -----
  47. author: notabug.org
  48. time: Wed, 14 Aug 2019 13:24:37 UTC
  49. content: -----
  50. @aab reported that ModePlus and InfiniteScroll are now broken
  51. -----
  52. author: notabug.org
  53. time: Wed, 14 Aug 2019 15:09:42 UTC
  54. content: -----
  55. And now they are working again.
  56. -----