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  1. ---
  2. title: Account deletion doesn't work from UI
  3. author: notabug.org/aab
  4. time: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 16:27:53 UTC
  5. status: open
  6. ---
  7. author: notabug.org
  8. time: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 16:27:53 UTC
  9. content: -----
  10. When the delete button is pressed, the message "User deletion in progress..." appears, but it stays like that. This appears in mysql log: 2020-08-14 17:18:59 gnusocial[gnusocial] @ localhost [] ERROR 1062: Duplicate entry '125634-deleted' for key 'PRIMARY' : INSERT INTO `profile_role` (`profile_id` , `role` , `created` ) VALUES ( 125634 , 'deleted' , '2020-08-14 15:18:59' ) Using deleteprofile.php works fine
  11. -----