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  1. ---
  2. title: Notices: Ask Me A Question
  3. author: notabug.org/thndrbvr
  4. time: Sat, 11 Jul 2020 07:11:04 UTC
  5. status: closed
  6. ---
  7. author: notabug.org
  8. time: Sat, 11 Jul 2020 07:11:04 UTC
  9. content: -----
  10. This would pretty much just be a separate section on someone's profile. It'd just be on someone's profile and in their left side nav. "Ask Me A Question" button, set up just like any other direct message notice but, with a specific #tag (i.e. #question, #AMA), and separate on profiles like the Organizational Lists. No option here for sending Questions privately, that should be done via a PM if someone's too chicken to post their question publicly by default :P Side note: I just realized "ask me anything" was a <i>thing</i> on the Internet. I recalled seeing people post statuses a long time ago suggesting their friends ask 'em something <small>(which prompted me to do a web search)</small> and occasionally they'd post the Q&A's; the funny ones xD
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  12. author: notabug.org
  13. time: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 00:29:49 UTC
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  15. Just ask the person with a note that mentions the person?
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  17. author: notabug.org
  18. time: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 06:19:06 UTC
  19. content: -----
  20. Let me put it this way. You remember back in high school when your English teacher tells the class to just write an essay about anything? 80% of the class is befuddled for weeks and has no idea what they're going to write about. Contrast this with when they're told to write something about X, Y, or Z and now they have structure. There's a starting point to jump from and some vague path to follow while, hopefully, giving them enough freedom to choose exactly what topic and perspective they're going to write. Take into account some social engineering. This is the same reason why text boxes aren't empty but luring one in with "write something". It's a prompt and it's something a little more focused and fun to do. Plus, this adds a dedicated section & filter to an actor's profile and the timeline. This could always be something an actor turns off. Actually! I just realized that this could be great for any sort of organization/et. al. because it potentially turns into their F.A.Q. section. It's something that can take and spell a whole lot of facts about a person. --- I think you severely overestimate people. lol. P.S. This is my same argument for the organizational lists ("socializing Listography"). Which, yes, would just use markdown. See: #147
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  22. author: notabug.org
  23. time: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 15:03:18 UTC
  24. content: -----
  25. Solved with #182
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