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  1. ---
  2. title: Using Redis to queue?
  3. author: notabug.org/murgero
  4. time: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 04:13:23 UTC
  5. status: closed
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  7. author: notabug.org
  8. time: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 04:13:23 UTC
  9. content: -----
  10. How does one enable using redis to queue? In the past I've always used STOMP, but if redis is supported natively now, how is that configured?
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  12. author: notabug.org
  13. time: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 14:25:53 UTC
  14. content: -----
  15. You need to install redis and php-redis (debian). After that, just use the example in the README: addPlugin('RedisQueue', [ 'server' => 'tcp://localhost:6379', 'defaultExpiry' => 86400 // 24h ]); I can't remember now, but i guess you have to restart the queuedaemons afterwards (it doesn't hurt if not needed anyway).
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  17. author: notabug.org
  18. time: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 14:35:27 UTC
  19. content: -----
  20. Yeah I figured it was that in the config - redis plugin is pretty new, I don't believe that was in the original code was it? anyway I believe I got it working now, not exactly sure how to test but the site is responsive (unlike before) and it seems to federate so I wont question it, for now anyway.
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