This is a list of backwards compatibility (BC) breaks introduced in ProxyManager:
is now required to use ProxyManagerProxyManager\
namespace, you probably need to change
that code to adapt it to the new signature.ProxyManager\
namespace, you probably need to change
that code to adapt it to the new signature.EvaluatingGeneratorStrategy
is used instead.
If you still want ProxyManager to write files to disk, please refer to the tuning for production docsProxyManager\Configuration#setAutoGenerateProxies()
was removed. Please look for calls to this method and
remove them.ProxyManager\Version::VERSION
was removed. Please use ProxyManager\Version::getVersion()
is be fully compatible with 0.5.0
public function __get($name)
defined (by-val) and public properties, it won't be possible to get public
properties by-ref while initializing the object. Either drop __get()
or implement
a by-ref & __get()
and ProxyManager\Configuration#doesAutoGenerateProxies()
are now no-op and deprecated, and will be removed in the next minor
version #87 #90$options
was introduced
in ProxyManager\Inflector\ClassNameInflectorInterface#getProxyClassName($className, array $options = array())
parametrize the generated class name as of #10
and #59Zend\Code
changed from __construct(\ProxyManager\FileLocator\FileLocatorInterface $fileLocator)
__construct(\ProxyManager\FileLocator\FileLocatorInterface $fileLocator, \ProxyManager\Inflector\ClassNameInflectorInterface $classNameInflector)
now implement
, you will
have to rewrite itProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface
changed from: $initializer = function ($proxy, & $wrappedObject, $method, $parameters) {};
$initializer = function (& $wrappedObject, $proxy, $method, $parameters) {};
Only the order of parameters passed to the closures has been changed.